コード例 #1
ファイル: Solution.php プロジェクト: RasterCode/Torque3D
 public function generate($tpl, $platform, $root_dir)
     // Project container for templates
     $projects = array();
     $refs = array();
     // make sure that startup project is the first in the solution
     if (getGameProjectName()) {
         array_push($refs, getGameProjectName());
     foreach ($this->project_refs as $pname) {
         if (getGameProjectName() && $pname == getGameProjectName()) {
         array_push($refs, $pname);
     // Look up each project ref and add its info to the list
     foreach ($refs as $pname) {
         $project = Generator::lookupProjectByName($pname);
         if (isset($project)) {
             echo "      - project ref: " . $pname . " = " . $project->guid . "\n";
             array_push($projects, $project);
             // Let the project update any dependencies
         } else {
             trigger_error("Solution::generate() - project ref not found: " . $pname . "\n", E_USER_ERROR);
     // No use going forward if there were no projects for this solution is there?
     // (Would we ever want to generate an empty solution at all?)
     if (count($projects) == 0) {
         echo "Solution::generate() - no project refs found for solution: " . $this->name . "\n";
     //sort( $projects );
     // Set smarty params that dont change during loop once here
     $tpl->assign_by_ref("solution_guid", $this->guid);
     $tpl->assign_by_ref("projects", $projects);
     $tpl->assign_by_ref("projectExtRefs", $this->project_extRefs);
     // Generate a solution file for all outputs for this solution
     foreach ($this->outputs as $output) {
         // Supported platform?
         if (!$output->supportsPlatform($platform)) {
             //echo( "      # Skipping output: '$outputName'.\n" );
         // Reset to base dir
         // Then offset
         if (!FileUtil::prepareOutputDir($output->output_dir) || !$output->template_sln) {
         $outfile = $this->name . $output->solution_ext;
         echo "   - Writing solution file: " . $output->output_dir . "/" . $outfile;
         // Project filenames are <projectname>.<outputext> where ext is set per output.
         // The template builds each project output using the project name and this ext.
         $tpl->assign_by_ref("project_ext", $output->output_ext);
         if ($f = fopen($outfile, 'w')) {
             fputs($f, $tpl->fetch($output->template_sln));
             echo " - success " . "\n";
         } else {
             trigger_error("\nCould not write output file: " . $outfile, E_USER_ERROR);
コード例 #2
ファイル: Project.php プロジェクト: RasterCode/Torque3D
 private function setTemplateParams($tpl, $output, &$projectFiles)
     // Set the template delimiters
     $tpl->left_delimiter = $output->ldelim ? $output->ldelim : '{';
     $tpl->right_delimiter = $output->rdelim ? $output->rdelim : '}';
     // Evaluate template into a file.
     $tpl->assign_by_ref('projSettings', $this);
     $tpl->assign_by_ref('projOutput', $output);
     $tpl->assign_by_ref('fileArray', $projectFiles);
     $tpl->assign_by_ref('projName', $this->name);
     $tpl->assign_by_ref('projOutName', $this->outputName);
     $tpl->assign_by_ref('gameFolder', $this->game_dir);
     $tpl->assign_by_ref('GUID', $this->guid);
     $tpl->assign_by_ref('projDefines', $this->defines);
     $tpl->assign_by_ref('projDisabledWarnings', $this->disabledWarnings);
     $tpl->assign_by_ref('projIncludes', $this->includes);
     $tpl->assign_by_ref('projLibs', $this->libs);
     $tpl->assign_by_ref('projLibDirs', $this->lib_dirs);
     $tpl->assign_by_ref('projDepend', $this->dependencies);
     $tpl->assign_by_ref('gameProjectName', getGameProjectName());
     $tpl->assign_by_ref('projModuleDefinitionFile', $this->moduleDefinitionFile);
     $tpl->assign_by_ref('projSubSystem', $this->projSubSystem);
     if (Generator::$useDLLRuntime) {
         // /MD and /MDd
         $tpl->assign('projRuntimeRelease', 2);
         $tpl->assign('projRuntimeDebug', 3);
     } else {
         // /MT and /MTd
         $tpl->assign('projRuntimeRelease', 0);
         $tpl->assign('projRuntimeDebug', 1);
     if (!$this->commandDebug && ($this->isSharedLib() || $this->isSharedApp())) {
         $command = "\$(TargetDir)\\" . $this->outputName;
         $tpl->assign('commandDebug', $command . "_DEBUG.exe");
         $tpl->assign('commandRelease', $command . ".exe");
         $tpl->assign('commandOptimized', $command . "_OPTIMIZEDDEBUG.exe");
     } else {
         $tpl->assign_by_ref('commandDebug', $this->commandDebug);
         $tpl->assign_by_ref('commandRelease', $this->commandRelease);
         $tpl->assign_by_ref('commandOptimized', $this->commandOptimized);
     $tpl->assign_by_ref('argsDebug', $this->argsDebug);
     $tpl->assign_by_ref('argsRelease', $this->argsRelease);
     $tpl->assign_by_ref('argsOptimized', $this->argsOptimized);
     $ptypes = array();
     $projectDepends = array();
     foreach ($this->dependencies as $pname) {
         $p = Generator::lookupProjectByName($pname);
         $projectDepends[$pname] = $p;
         if ($p) {
             $ptypes[$pname] = $p->isSharedLib() || $p->isSafari();
     $tpl->assign_by_ref('projTypes', $ptypes);
     $tpl->assign_by_ref('projectDepends', $projectDepends);
     // Assign some handy paths for the template to reference
     $tpl->assign('projectOffset', $output->project_rel_path);
     if (Generator::$absPath) {
         $tpl->assign('srcDir', Generator::$absPath . "/" . str_replace("../", "", getAppEngineSrcDir()));
     } else {
         $tpl->assign('srcDir', $output->project_rel_path . getAppEngineSrcDir());
     if (Generator::$absPath) {
         $tpl->assign('libDir', Generator::$absPath . "/" . str_replace("../", "", getAppLibSrcDir()));
     } else {
         $tpl->assign('libDir', $output->project_rel_path . getAppLibSrcDir());
     if (Generator::$absPath) {
         $tpl->assign('binDir', Generator::$absPath . "/" . str_replace("../", "", getAppEngineBinDir()));
     } else {
         $tpl->assign('binDir', $output->project_rel_path . getAppEngineBinDir());
     $tpl->assign('uniformOutputFile', $this->uniformOutputFile);