コード例 #1
 function fetchSidePanel($p = 'home', $numberItems = 3)
     if ($p == 'home' and defined('ADS_HOME_SIDEBAR')) {
         $code .= str_replace("{ad}", '<fb:iframe src="' . URL_CALLBACK . '?p=cache&m=ad&locale=homeSidebar" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" style="width:244px;height:70px;padding:0px;"/>', $this->common['adWrapSidebar']);
     } else {
         if (defined('ADS_ANY_SIDEBAR')) {
             $code .= str_replace("{ad}", '<fb:iframe src="' . URL_CALLBACK . '?p=cache&m=ad&locale=anySidebar" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" style="width:244px;height:70px;padding:0px;"/>', $this->common['adWrapSidebar']);
     // display widgets
     if ($p == 'home') {
         require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/widgets.class.php';
         $wt = new FeaturedWidgetsTable($this->db);
         $code .= $wt->lookupWidget('homeSidebar');
     // using session and page, it builds a side panel
     switch ($p) {
         case 'otherProfile':
             if (!defined('ENABLE_SIDE_WIRE')) {
                 if ($this->session->isMember) {
                     $code .= $this->fetchProfileSummaryPanelForHomePage($this->session->fbId, true, true);
                 } else {
                     $code .= $this->fetchTeamIntro();
         case 'myProfile':
             // do nothing at top
         case 'team':
             if ($this->session->isMember) {
                 $code .= $this->fetchProfileSummaryPanelForHomePage($this->session->fbId, true, true);
         case 'appTab':
             $code .= $this->fetchProfileSummaryPanelForHomePage($this->session->fbId, false, false);
             $code .= $this->fetchTeamIntro();
     // to do: rotate through various cached panels
     // e.g. Team Leaders, Featured Challenges, Eligible Rewards, Team in Action
     if ($p == 'otherProfile' or $p == 'myProfile') {
         $cacheName = 'sideLeaders';
         if ($this->templateObj->checkCache($cacheName, 30)) {
             // still current, get from cache
             $temp = $this->templateObj->fetchCache($cacheName);
         } else {
             $temp = $this->fetchLeaders('alltime', 'inside', 5);
             $temp .= $this->fetchLeaders('weekly', 'inside', 5);
             $this->templateObj->cacheContent($cacheName, $temp);
         $code .= $temp;
     } else {
         		 if ( is_callable(array($this, $panelOption[$x])) ) {
         			call_user_func_array( array($this, 'page_' . $this->default_page), NULL );				
         // display local blogs
         if (defined('ENABLE_LOCAL')) {
             if ($this->session->isLoaded) {
                 $cacheName = 'sideLocal_' . $this->session->userid;
             } else {
                 $cacheName = 'sideLocal';
             if ($this->templateObj->checkCache($cacheName, 15)) {
                 // still current, get from cache
                 $temp = $this->templateObj->fetchCache($cacheName);
             } else {
                 $temp = $this->fetchSideWire('local');
                 $this->templateObj->cacheContent($cacheName, $temp);
             $code .= $temp;
         // display newswire
         if (defined('ENABLE_SIDE_WIRE')) {
             $cacheName = 'sideWire';
             if ($this->templateObj->checkCache($cacheName, 15)) {
                 // still current, get from cache
                 $temp = $this->templateObj->fetchCache($cacheName);
             } else {
                 $temp = $this->fetchSideWire('wire');
                 $this->templateObj->cacheContent($cacheName, $temp);
             $code .= $temp;
         // to do: loop thru, pick a random number
         // pick a panel that hasn't been added to panelspicked before
         // add it based on the random number
         // continue until you have $numberItems of panels
         $panelOption = array(3 => 'fetchChallenges', 4 => 'fetchRewardsRandom', 1 => 'fetchPopularStories', 2 => 'fetchLeaders');
         $panelCacheName = array(1 => 'sidePopular', 3 => 'sideChallenges', 4 => 'sideRewards', 2 => 'sideLeaders');
         $panelsPicked = array();
         $x = 1;
         while ($x < 5) {
             $cacheName = $panelCacheName[$x];
             if ($x == 4 and $this->session->isMember) {
                 $cacheName .= '_member';
             // for rewards panel with join button
             if ($this->templateObj->checkCache($cacheName, 30)) {
                 // still current, get from cache
                 $temp = $this->templateObj->fetchCache($cacheName);
             } else {
                 $temp = call_user_func_array(array($this, $panelOption[$x]), NULL);
                 $this->templateObj->cacheContent($cacheName, $temp);
             // only display rewards for anonymous viewer or team viewer, x=4 is a hack for array placement in panelCacheName
             if (!($x == 4 and (!$this->session->isLoaded or $this->session->u->eligibility != 'team'))) {
                 $code .= $temp;
             $x += 1;
     return $code;