コード例 #1
ファイル: CXenForo.php プロジェクト: ezeql/fups
 public function get_settings_array()
     $settings_arr = parent::get_settings_array();
     $settings_arr['base_url']['default'] = 'http://civilwartalk.com';
     $settings_arr['base_url']['description'] .= ' This is the URL that appears in your browser\'s address bar when you access the forum, only with everything onwards from (and including) the path of whichever script is being accessed (e.g. /threads or /forums) stripped off. The default URL provided is for the particular XenForo board known as "CivilWarTalk".';
     $settings_arr['extract_user_id']['description'] .= ' You can find a user\'s ID by hovering your cursor over a hyperlink to their name and taking note of everything that appears between "/members/" and the next "/" (i.e. this will be something like "my-member-name.12345") in the browser\'s status bar.';
     $settings_arr['thread_url_prefix'] = array('label' => 'Thread URL prefix', 'default' => 'threads/', 'description' => 'Set this to that part of the URL for forum thread (topic) pages between the beginning part of the URL, that which was entered above beside "Base forum URL" but followed by a forward slash, and the end part of the URL, the thread id optionally followed by forward slash and page number. By default, this setting should be "threads/", but the XenForo forum software supports changing this default through <a href="https://xenforo.com/help/route-filters/">route filters</a>, and some XenForo forums have been configured in this way such that this setting ("Thread URL prefix") needs to be empty. An example of how to discern this value (it is emboldened) in a typical thread URL with "Base forum URL" set to "http://civilwartalk.com" is: "http://civilwartalk.com/<b>threads/</b>traveller.84936/page-2". Here, the initial base URL plus forward slash is obvious, the thread id part is "traveller.84936" and the optional-forward-slash-followed-by-page-number part is "/page-2". If route filtering were set up on the CivilWarTalk forum such that this setting should be empty, then that same thread URL would have looked like this: "http://civilwartalk.com/traveller.84936/page-2". If, hypothetically, this "Thread URL prefix" setting were to correctly be "topic/here/", then that same thread URL would have looked like this: "http://civilwartalk.com/topic/here/traveller.84936/page-2".');
     return $settings_arr;
コード例 #2
ファイル: CphpBB.php プロジェクト: ezeql/fups
 public function get_settings_array()
     $settings_arr = parent::get_settings_array();
     $new_settings_arr = array();
     foreach ($settings_arr as $key => $setting) {
         $new_settings_arr[$key] = $setting;
         if ($key == 'extract_user_id') {
             $new_settings_arr['extract_user'] = array('label' => 'Extract User Username', 'default' => '', 'description' => 'Set this to the username corresponding to the above ID. Note that it does not and cannot replace the need for the above ID; that ID is required. In contrast, this setting is not required (i.e. it can be left blank) if the script has permission to view member information on the specified phpBB board, in which case the script will extract it automatically from the member information page associated with the above ID: this will fail if the forum requires users to be logged in to view member information and if you do not provide valid login credentials (which can be specified below), in which case you should specify this setting.');
     $new_settings_arr['base_url']['default'] = 'http://www.theabsolute.net/phpBB';
     $new_settings_arr['base_url']['description'] .= ' This is the URL that appears in your browser\'s address bar when you access the forum, only with everything onwards from (and including) the filename of whichever script is being accessed (e.g. /index.php or /viewtopic.php) stripped off. The default URL provided is for the particular phpBB board known as "Genius Forums".';
     $new_settings_arr['extract_user_id']['description'] .= ' You can find a user\'s ID by hovering your cursor over a hyperlink to their name and taking note of the number that appears after "&amp;u=" in the URL in the browser\'s status bar.';
     $new_settings_arr['login_user']['description'] = 'Set this to the username of the user whom you wish to log in as (it\'s fine to set it to the same value as Extract User Username above), or leave it blank if you do not wish FUPS to log in. Logging in is optional but if you log in then the timestamps associated with each post will be according to the timezone specified in that user\'s preferences, rather than the board default. Also, some boards require you to be logged in so that you can view posts. If you don\'t want to log in, then simply leave blank this setting and the next setting.';
     return $new_settings_arr;