コード例 #1
ファイル: shortcuts.php プロジェクト: hung5s/yap
 * Send email to an address
 * @param string $email receiver's address
 * @param string $view path to view used by mailer (Yii's alias format)
 * @param array $data associative array passed to view
function quickMail($email, $view, $data, $subject = 'Flexicore Member Registration Confirmation')
    $viewName = end(explode('.', $view));
    Yii::app()->mail->viewPath = str_replace('.' . $viewName, '', $view);
    //send mail
    $message = new YiiMailMessage();
    $message->view = $viewName;
    $message->setBody($data, 'text/html');
    if (hasParam('Settings::ADMIN_EMAIL')) {
        $message->setFrom(array(Settings::ADMIN_EMAIL => Settings::SITE_NAME));
    try {
    } catch (Exception $ex) {
コード例 #2
ファイル: Email.php プロジェクト: hung5s/yap
  * Parse an email template and replace variables with values provided in params
  * @param mixed $template relative template path, from resource/emails folder
  * @param mixed $params associative array of values to fill the template
  * @return mixed
 public function parseTemplate()
     $template = $this->template;
     $template = Yii::app()->assetManager->basePath . '/emailtemplates/' . $template . '.html';
     if (!file_exists($template) || ($body = file_get_contents($template)) === false) {
         FErrorHandler::logError('Cannot parse email template. The email template might not exist.');
         return NULL;
     $body = preg_replace_callback('/\\{[\\w|-]*\\}/', array($this, 'replaceParams'), $body);
     return $body;