コード例 #1
 public function __construct()
     //Create the functions we want to use, the anonymous functions can ONLY be created at class initialisation
     $this->asyncFunctions = array("Getting profile data" => function () {
     }, "Getting user posts" => function () {
     }, "Getting liked pages" => function () {
     }, "Getting user photos" => function () {
     }, "Getting user videos" => function () {
     }, "Getting liked movies" => function () {
     }, "Getting liked music" => function () {
     }, "Getting liked books" => function () {
     }, "Analysing post interaction" => function () {
         $interaction = new PostInteraction();
         $this->data[self::OUT]['interaction'] = $interaction->analyse($this->data[self::IN]);
     }, "Analysing activity" => function () {
         //Apply another analysis
         $activity = new ActivityAnalysis();
         $this->data[self::OUT]['activity'] = $activity->analyse($this->data[self::IN]);
     }, "Analysing birthdate" => function () {
         //Apply horoscope analysis
         $horoscope = new HoroscopeAnalysis();
         $this->data[self::OUT]['horoscope'] = $horoscope->analyse($this->data[self::IN]);
     }, "Creating analysis" => function () {
         //Save *other* information for the Facebook share button
         //Save the user's name - we can get this in the database but this is just easier for now.
         $this->data[self::OUT]['name'] = User::instance()->name;
         //Generate a code we can use to show the result to the user
         $this->data[self::OUT]['analysis-id'] = Engine::generateRandomString(8);
         $this->data[self::OUT]['share-url'] = Engine::getRemoteAbsolutePath((new Result())->getURL() . $this->data[self::OUT]['analysis-id']);
         $this->data[self::OUT]['share-title'] = "Click to see my analysis!";
         $this->data[self::OUT]['share-description'] = User::instance()->name . " has shared a Facebook Analysis with you. Click to see their result or create your own... What type of Facebook user are you?";
         $this->data[self::OUT]['share-image-url'] = Engine::getRemoteAbsolutePath((new Result())->getURL() . $this->data[self::OUT]['analysis-id'] . '/image/');
コード例 #2
 public function test_generateRandomString()
     //We can only test length
     //We can't really test against a random, not in this function anyways.
     $this->assertEquals(10, strlen(Engine::generateRandomString(10)));