コード例 #1
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_heading('social', 'sharing-2', 'heading1', __('Social Networks', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_func('social', 'sharing-2', 'essb3_network_selection', __('Social Networks', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('Select networks that you wish to appear in your list. With drag and drop you can rearrange them.', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
$more_options = array("1" => "Display all active networks after more button", "2" => "Display all social networks as pop up", "3" => "Display only active social networks as pop up");
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_select('social', 'sharing-2', 'more_button_func', __('More button', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('Select networks that you wish to appear in your list. With drag and drop you can rearrange them.', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), $more_options);
$more_options = array("plus" => "Plus icon", "dots" => "Dots icon");
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_select('social', 'sharing-2', 'more_button_icon', __('More button icon', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('Select more button icon style. You can choose from default + symbol or dots symbol', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), $more_options);
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_heading('social', 'sharing-3', 'heading1', __('Additional Network Options', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_heading('social', 'sharing-3', 'heading2', __('Twitter', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_section_start('social', 'sharing-3', __('Twitter share short url', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('Activate this option to share short url with Twitter.', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), 'yes');
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_switch('social', 'sharing-3', 'twitter_shareshort', __('Activate', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('Activate short url usage.', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), '', __('Yes', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('No', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
$listOfOptions = array("wp" => "Build in WordPress function wp_get_shortlink()", "goo.gl" => "goo.gl", "bit.ly" => "bit.ly");
if (defined('ESSB3_SSU_VERSION')) {
    $listOfOptions['ssu'] = "Self-Short URL Add-on for Easy Social Share Buttons";
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_select('social', 'sharing-3', 'twitter_shareshort_service', __('Short URL service', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('Choose the url service for Twitter', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), $listOfOptions);
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_checkbox('social', 'sharing-3', 'twitter_always_count_full', __('Make Twitter always count full post/page address when using short url', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), '');
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_section_end('social', 'sharing-3');
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_section_start('social', 'sharing-3', __('Username and Hashtags', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('Provide default Twitter username and hashtags to be included into messages.', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), 'yes');
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_textbox('social', 'sharing-3', 'twitteruser', __('Username to be mentioned:', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('If you wish a twitter username to be mentioned in tweet write it here. Enter your username without @ - example twittername. This text will be appended to tweet message at the end. Please note that if you activate custom share address option this will be added to custom share message.', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_textbox('social', 'sharing-3', 'twitterhashtags', __('Hashtags to be added:', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('If you wish hashtags to be added to message write them here. You can set one or more (if more then one separate them with comma (,)) Example: demotag1,demotag2.', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_switch('social', 'sharing-3', 'twitter_message_tags_to_hashtags', __('Use post tags as hashtags', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('Activate this option to use your current post tags as hashtags. When this option is active the default hashtags will be replaced with post tags when there are such post tags.', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), '', __('Yes', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('No', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_section_end('social', 'sharing-3');
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_section_start('social', 'sharing-3', __('Twitter message optimization', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('Twitter message optimization allows you to truncate your message if it exceeds the 140 characters length of message.', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), 'yes');
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_switch('social', 'sharing-3', 'twitter_message_optimize', __('Activate', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('Activate message optimization.', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), '', __('Yes', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('No', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
$listOfOptions = array("1" => "Remove hashtags, remove via username, truncate message", "2" => "Remove via username, remove hashtags, truncate message", "3" => "Remove via username, truncate message", "4" => "Remove hashtags, truncate message", "5" => "Truncate only message");
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_select('social', 'sharing-3', 'twitter_message_optimize_method', __('Method of optimization', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('Choose the order of components to be removed till reaching the limit of characters', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), $listOfOptions);
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_switch('social', 'sharing-3', 'twitter_message_optimize_dots', __('Add read more dots when truncate message', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('Add ... (read more dots) to truncated tweets.', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), '', __('Yes', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('No', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_section_end('social', 'sharing-3');
ESSBOptionsStructureHelper::field_section_start('social', 'sharing-3', __('Twitter share counter', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN), __('Twitter announced new design of their buttons and shuting down counter endpoints. More information is provided in this article <a href="https://twittercommunity.com/t/a-new-design-for-tweet-and-follow-buttons/52791" target="_blank">https://twittercommunity.com/t/a-new-design-for-tweet-and-follow-buttons/52791</a>', ESSB3_TEXT_DOMAIN));
$listOfOptions = array("api" => "Twitter share counter end point (real time counters from Twitter API)", "self" => "Self-hosted counter (internally counted by click on buttons)", "no" => "No counter for Twitter button");
$counter_redirect = "";