コード例 #1
  * Display the admin settings form.
 private function showSettingsForm()
     global $wgOut, $wgWidgetList;
     $opts = $this->dashboardData->loadStaticGlobalOpts();
     $titles = DashboardData::getTitles();
     $priorities = json_decode($opts['cdo_priorities_json'], true);
     if (!is_array($priorities)) {
         $priorities = array();
     $thresholds = json_decode($opts['cdo_thresholds_json'], true);
     $baselines = json_decode($opts['cdo_baselines_json'], true);
     $rwidgets = array_flip($wgWidgetList);
     $order = $priorities;
     foreach ($priorities as $widget) {
     foreach ($rwidgets as $widget => $i) {
         $order[] = $widget;
     $widgets = $this->dashboardData->getWidgets();
     $current = array();
     $dbr = wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE);
     foreach ($widgets as $widget) {
         $current[$widget->getName()] = $widget->getCount($dbr);
     $wgOut->setHTMLTitle('Admin - Change Community Dashboard Settings - wikiHow');
     $wgOut->addScript('<script src="/extensions/wikihow/dashboard/jquery.json-2.2.min.js"></script>');
     $tmpl = new EasyTemplate(dirname(__FILE__));
     $tmpl->set_vars(array('widgets' => $order, 'titles' => $titles, 'priorities' => array_flip($priorities), 'thresholds' => $thresholds, 'baselines' => $baselines, 'current' => $current));
     $html = $tmpl->execute('admin-community-dashboard.tmpl.php');
コード例 #2
  * Display the HTML for this special page with all the widgets in it
 private function displayContainer()
     global $wgWidgetList, $wgUser, $wgWidgetShortCodes;
     $containerJS = array('community-dashboard.js', 'dashboard-widget.js', 'jquery.ui.sortable.min.js', 'jquery.json-2.2.min.js');
     $containerCSS = array('community-dashboard.css');
     $jsTags = $this->makeUrlTags('js', $containerJS);
     $cssTags = $this->makeUrlTags('css', $containerCSS);
     // get all commonly updating stats, to see the initial widget
     // displays with
     $this->refreshData = $this->dashboardData->getStatsData();
     // get all data such as wikihow-defined structure goals, dynamic
     // global data, and user-specific data
     $staticData = $this->dashboardData->loadStaticGlobalOpts();
     $priorities = json_decode($staticData['cdo_priorities_json'], true);
     if (!is_array($priorities)) {
         $priorities = array();
     $thresholds = json_decode($staticData['cdo_thresholds_json'], true);
     $baselines = (array) json_decode($staticData['cdo_baselines_json']);
     // display the user-defined ordering of widgets inside an outside
     // container
     $userData = $this->dashboardData->loadUserData();
     $prefs = !empty($userData['prefs']) ? $userData['prefs'] : array();
     $userOrdering = isset($prefs['ordering']) ? $prefs['ordering'] : array();
     $completion = !empty($userData['completion']) ? $userData['completion'] : array();
     // add any new widgets that have been added since the user last
     // customized
     foreach ($wgWidgetList as $name) {
         $found = false;
         foreach ($userOrdering as $arr) {
             if ($arr['wid'] == $name) {
                 $found = true;
         if (!$found) {
             $userOrdering[] = array('wid' => $name, 'show' => 1);
     // create the user-defined ordering list, removing any community
     // priority widgets from the list so their not displayed twice
     $userWidgets = array();
     foreach ($userOrdering as $arr) {
         $found = false;
         foreach ($priorities as $name) {
             if ($arr['wid'] == $name) {
                 $found = true;
         if (!$found && $arr['show']) {
             $userWidgets[] = $arr['wid'];
     $func = array($this, 'displayWidgets');
     $out = call_user_func($func, array('test'));
     $langKeys = array('howto', 'cd-pause-updates', 'cd-resume-updates', 'cd-current-priority', 'cd-network-error');
     $langScript = Wikihow_i18n::genJSMsgs($langKeys);
     //TODO: Likely should move this somewhere else
     //but not sure where yet
     //load user specific info that only needs to be loaded
     if ($wgUser->getID() > 0) {
         $u = new User();
         $img = Avatar::getPicture($u->getName(), true);
         if ($img == '') {
             $img = Avatar::getDefaultPicture();
         $sk = $wgUser->getSkin();
         $userName = $sk->makeLinkObj($u->getUserPage(), $u->getName());
         $tipsLink = "/Special:TipsPatrol";
     } else {
         $tipsLink = "/Special:Userlogin?returnto=Special:TipsPatrol";
     $tmpl = new EasyTemplate(dirname(__FILE__));
     $tmpl->set_vars(array('jsTags' => $jsTags, 'cssTags' => $cssTags, 'thresholds' => $staticData['cdo_thresholds_json'], 'GLOBAL_DATA_REFRESH_TIME_SECS' => self::GLOBAL_DATA_REFRESH_TIME_SECS, 'USER_DATA_REFRESH_TIME_SECS' => self::USER_DATA_REFRESH_TIME_SECS, 'USERNAME_MAX_LENGTH' => self::USERNAME_MAX_LENGTH, 'widgetTitles' => DashboardData::getTitles(), 'priorityWidgets' => $priorities, 'userWidgets' => $userWidgets, 'prefsOrdering' => $userOrdering, 'userCounts' => $userData['counts'], 'userImage' => $img, 'userName' => $userName, 'displayWidgetsFunc' => array($this, 'displayWidgets'), 'appShortCodes' => $wgWidgetShortCodes, 'tipsLink' => $tipsLink));
     $html = $tmpl->execute('dashboard-container.tmpl.php');
     return $langScript . $html;