getLastWorkingHour() static public method

Get last working hour of a day
static public getLastWorkingHour ( $calendars_id, $day ) : time
$calendars_id id of the calendar
$day day number
return time value
コード例 #1
  * Add a delay to a date using the active calendar
  * if delay >= DAY_TIMESTAMP : work in days
  * else work in minutes
  * @param $start              datetime    begin
  * @param $delay              timestamp   delay to add
  * @param $additional_delay   timestamp   delay to add (default 0)
  * @param $work_in_days       boolean     force working in days (false by default)
  * @param $end_of_working_day boolean     end of working day (false by default)
  * @return end date
 function computeEndDate($start, $delay, $additional_delay = 0, $work_in_days = false, $end_of_working_day = false)
     if (!isset($this->fields['id'])) {
         return false;
     $actualtime = strtotime($start);
     $timestart = strtotime($start);
     $datestart = date('Y-m-d', $timestart);
     // End of working day
     if ($end_of_working_day) {
         $numberofdays = $delay / DAY_TIMESTAMP;
         // Add $additional_delay to start time.
         // If start + delay is next day : +1 day
         $actualtime += $additional_delay;
         $cache_duration = $this->getDurationsCache();
         $dayofweek = self::getDayNumberInWeek($actualtime);
         $actualdate = date('Y-m-d', $actualtime);
         // Begin next day working
         if ($this->isHoliday($actualdate) || $cache_duration[$dayofweek] == 0) {
             while ($this->isHoliday($actualdate) || $cache_duration[$dayofweek] == 0) {
                 $actualtime += DAY_TIMESTAMP;
                 $actualdate = date('Y-m-d', $actualtime);
                 $dayofweek = self::getDayNumberInWeek($actualtime);
         while ($numberofdays > 0) {
             if (!$this->isHoliday($actualdate) && $cache_duration[$dayofweek] > 0) {
             $actualtime += DAY_TIMESTAMP;
             $actualdate = date('Y-m-d', $actualtime);
             $dayofweek = self::getDayNumberInWeek($actualtime);
         // Get next working day
         if ($this->isHoliday($actualdate) || $cache_duration[$dayofweek] == 0) {
             while ($this->isHoliday($actualdate) || $cache_duration[$dayofweek] == 0) {
                 $actualtime += DAY_TIMESTAMP;
                 $actualdate = date('Y-m-d', $actualtime);
                 $dayofweek = self::getDayNumberInWeek($actualtime);
         $lastworkinghour = CalendarSegment::getLastWorkingHour($this->fields['id'], $dayofweek);
         $actualtime = strtotime(date('Y-m-d', $actualtime) . ' ' . $lastworkinghour);
         return date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $actualtime);
     // Add additional delay to initial delay
     $delay += $additional_delay;
     if ($work_in_days) {
         // only based on days
         $cache_duration = $this->getDurationsCache();
         // Compute Real starting time
         // If day is an holiday must start on the begin of next working day
         $actualdate = date('Y-m-d', $actualtime);
         $dayofweek = self::getDayNumberInWeek($actualtime);
         if ($this->isHoliday($actualdate) || $cache_duration[$dayofweek] == 0) {
             while ($this->isHoliday($actualdate) || $cache_duration[$dayofweek] == 0) {
                 $actualtime += DAY_TIMESTAMP;
                 $actualdate = date('Y-m-d', $actualtime);
                 $dayofweek = self::getDayNumberInWeek($actualtime);
             $firstworkhour = CalendarSegment::getFirstWorkingHour($this->fields['id'], $dayofweek);
             $actualtime = strtotime($actualdate . ' ' . $firstworkhour);
         while ($delay > 0) {
             // Begin next day : do not take into account first day : must finish to a working day
             $actualtime += DAY_TIMESTAMP;
             $actualdate = date('Y-m-d', $actualtime);
             $dayofweek = self::getDayNumberInWeek($actualtime);
             if (!$this->isHoliday($actualdate) && $cache_duration[$dayofweek] > 0) {
                 $delay -= DAY_TIMESTAMP;
             if ($delay < 0) {
                 // delay done : if < 0 delete hours
                 $actualtime += $delay;
         // If > last working hour set last working hour
         $dayofweek = self::getDayNumberInWeek($actualtime);
         $lastworkinghour = CalendarSegment::getLastWorkingHour($this->fields['id'], $dayofweek);
         if ($lastworkinghour < date('H:i:s', $actualtime)) {
             $actualtime = strtotime(date('Y-m-d', $actualtime) . ' ' . $lastworkinghour);
         return date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $actualtime);
     // else  // based on working hours
     $cache_duration = $this->getDurationsCache();
     // Only if segments exists
     if (countElementsInTable('glpi_calendarsegments', "`calendars_id` = '" . $this->fields['id'] . "'")) {
         while ($delay >= 0) {
             $actualdate = date('Y-m-d', $actualtime);
             if (!$this->isHoliday($actualdate)) {
                 $dayofweek = self::getDayNumberInWeek($actualtime);
                 $beginhour = '00:00:00';
                 /// Before PHP 5.3 need to be 23:59:59 and not 24:00:00
                 $endhour = '23:59:59';
                 if ($actualdate == $datestart) {
                     // First day cannot use cache
                     $beginhour = date('H:i:s', $timestart);
                     $timeoftheday = CalendarSegment::getActiveTimeBetween($this->fields['id'], $dayofweek, $beginhour, $endhour);
                 } else {
                     $timeoftheday = $cache_duration[$dayofweek];
                 // Day do not complete the delay : pass to next day
                 if ($timeoftheday < $delay) {
                     $actualtime += DAY_TIMESTAMP;
                     $delay -= $timeoftheday;
                 } else {
                     // End of the delay in the day : get hours with this delay
                     $beginhour = '00:00:00';
                     /// Before PHP 5.3 need to be 23:59:59 and not 24:00:00
                     $endhour = '23:59:59';
                     if ($actualdate == $datestart) {
                         $beginhour = date('H:i:s', $timestart);
                     $endhour = CalendarSegment::addDelayInDay($this->fields['id'], $dayofweek, $beginhour, $delay);
                     return $actualdate . ' ' . $endhour;
             } else {
                 // Holiday : pass to next day
                 $actualtime += DAY_TIMESTAMP;
     return false;
コード例 #2
  * Add a delay to a date using the active calendar
  * if delay >= DAY_TIMESTAMP : work in days
  * else work in minutes
  * @param $start datetime begin
  * @param $delay timestamp delay to add
  * @param $force_work_in_days boolean force working in days
  * @return end date
 function computeEndDate($start, $delay, $force_work_in_days = false)
     if (!isset($this->fields['id'])) {
         return false;
     $actualtime = strtotime($start);
     $timestart = strtotime($start);
     $datestart = date('Y-m-d', $timestart);
     if ($delay >= DAY_TIMESTAMP || $force_work_in_days) {
         // only based on days
         $cache_duration = importArrayFromDB($this->fields['cache_duration']);
         // Compute Real starting time
         // If day is an holiday must start on the begin of next working day
         $actualdate = date('Y-m-d', $actualtime);
         $dayofweek = self::getDayNumberInWeek($actualtime);
         if ($this->isHoliday($actualdate) || $cache_duration[$dayofweek] == 0) {
             while ($this->isHoliday($actualdate) || $cache_duration[$dayofweek] == 0) {
                 $actualtime += DAY_TIMESTAMP;
                 $actualdate = date('Y-m-d', $actualtime);
                 $dayofweek = self::getDayNumberInWeek($actualtime);
             $firstworkhour = CalendarSegment::getFirstWorkingHour($this->fields['id'], $dayofweek);
             $actualtime = strtotime($actualdate . ' ' . $firstworkhour);
         while ($delay > 0) {
             // Begin next day : do not take into account first day : must finish to a working day
             $actualtime += DAY_TIMESTAMP;
             $actualdate = date('Y-m-d', $actualtime);
             $dayofweek = self::getDayNumberInWeek($actualtime);
             if (!$this->isHoliday($actualdate) && $cache_duration[$dayofweek] > 0) {
                 $delay -= DAY_TIMESTAMP;
             if ($delay < 0) {
                 // delay done : if < 0 delete hours
                 $actualtime += $delay;
         // If > last working hour set last working hour
         $dayofweek = self::getDayNumberInWeek($actualtime);
         $lastworkinghour = CalendarSegment::getLastWorkingHour($this->fields['id'], $dayofweek);
         if ($lastworkinghour < date('H:i:s', $actualtime)) {
             $actualtime = strtotime(date('Y-m-d', $actualtime) . ' ' . $lastworkinghour);
         return date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $actualtime);
     // else  // based on working hours
     $cache_duration = importArrayFromDB($this->fields['cache_duration']);
     // Only if segments exists
     if (countElementsInTable('glpi_calendarsegments', "`calendars_id` = '" . $this->fields['id'] . "'")) {
         while ($delay >= 0) {
             $actualdate = date('Y-m-d', $actualtime);
             if (!$this->isHoliday($actualdate)) {
                 $dayofweek = self::getDayNumberInWeek($actualtime);
                 $beginhour = '00:00:00';
                 $endhour = '24:00:00';
                 if ($actualdate == $datestart) {
                     // First day cannot use cache
                     $beginhour = date('H:i:s', $timestart);
                     $timeoftheday = CalendarSegment::getActiveTimeBetween($this->fields['id'], $dayofweek, $beginhour, $endhour);
                 } else {
                     $timeoftheday = $cache_duration[$dayofweek];
                 // Day do not complete the delay : pass to next day
                 if ($timeoftheday < $delay) {
                     $actualtime += DAY_TIMESTAMP;
                     $delay -= $timeoftheday;
                 } else {
                     // End of the delay in the day : get hours with this delay
                     $beginhour = '00:00:00';
                     $endhour = '24:00:00';
                     if ($actualdate == $datestart) {
                         $beginhour = date('H:i:s', $timestart);
                     $endhour = CalendarSegment::addDelayInDay($this->fields['id'], $dayofweek, $beginhour, $delay);
                     return $actualdate . ' ' . $endhour;
             } else {
                 // Holiday : pass to next day
                 $actualtime += DAY_TIMESTAMP;
     return false;