コード例 #1
 function index()
     $group_category = (int) @$_GET['cat_group_category'];
     $input = Input::Instance();
     $category = new Category();
     $db = Database::Instance();
     $return = array();
     $msgerror = null;
     $searchtxt = $input->get($this->inputtext);
     $liked = array("name_product" => $searchtxt, 'description_product' => $searchtxt);
     $likedstr = " (\n      name_product LIKE '%{$searchtxt}%' OR description_product LIKE '%{$searchtxt}%' OR\n      name_product_en LIKE '%{$searchtxt}%' OR description_product_en LIKE '%{$searchtxt}%'\n    ) ";
     /* Count of Rows */
     $result = $db->select("count(*) as total")->from("product")->where($likedstr);
     if ($group_category > 0) {
         $result = $result->from("product_has_category")->where(array('category_id_category' => $group_category))->where("product_id_product = id_product");
     $result = $result->get();
     foreach ($result as $row) {
         $total = $row->total;
     /* Class Pagination */
     $this->pages = new Pagination(array('base_url' => "" . $this->__("search") . "/items/" . $this->__("page") . "/", 'uri_segment' => 'pagina', 'total_items' => $total, 'items_per_page' => $category->max_items_per_category, 'style' => $category->getstyle_pagination()));
     /* List of Products */
     $result = $db->select("*")->from("product")->orderby(array("update_product" => "DESC"))->where("{$likedstr}")->limit($category->max_items_per_category)->offset($this->pages->sql_offset);
     /*Condition Category group*/
     if ($group_category > 0) {
         $result = $result->from("product_has_category")->where(array('category_id_category' => $group_category))->where("product_id_product = id_product");
     /* Build The Result */
     $result = $result->get();
     foreach ($result as $row) {
         if ($row->price_offer_product > 0) {
             $row->price_product = "<strike>" . $row->price_product . "</strike> {$this->separator_price} " . $row->price_offer_product;
         $row->href_add_product = url::base() . $this->__("cart") . "/" . $this->__("add") . "/id/{$row->id_product}";
         $row->href_detail_product = url::base() . $this->__("product") . "/" . $this->__("detail") . "/" . Basic::urlizar($row->name_product) . "/id/{$row->id_product}";
         $return[] = $row;
     /* Error Detecting */
     if (count($return) < 1 or $searchtxt == null) {
         $return = array();
         $msgerror = __("No se encontraron resultados", false);
         $this->pages = null;
     //     $this->content = View::factory("main/search_list_products")
     $this->title = __('Resultados de la búsqueda', false);
     $this->content = View::factory("main/list_products")->set('product', $return)->set('title', __('Resultados de la búsqueda', false))->set('msgerror', $msgerror)->set('pages', $this->pages)->render();
コード例 #2
 public static function getUrlById($id, $view_name = true)
     $cache = Cache::instance();
     $tprefix = Basic::TransVar('t');
     $uid = $tprefix . 'page__getUrlById__' . $id;
     $url = $cache->get($uid);
     if (!$url) {
         $id = (int) $id;
         $orm = new stdClass();
         $table = new fpp_page_Model();
         $orm = $table->db2cls($id);
         $tr_title_page = Basic::TransVar("title_page");
         $tr_content_page = Basic::TransVar("content_page");
         $title = $orm->{$tr_title_page};
         $titleurl = Basic::urlizar($orm->{$tr_title_page});
         $url = html::anchor(url::base() . "page/{$id}/{$titleurl}", $view_name ? $title : "");
         $cache->set($uid, $url, array(), 3600);
     return $url;
コード例 #3
 function listnews()
     //     $this->_NoTemplate();
     $orm = new fpp_news_Model();
     $orm = $orm->db2cls();
     $total = $orm->count_all();
     $baseurl = 'webserv/listnews/pagina';
     /* Class Pagination */
     $pages = new Pagination(array('base_url' => $baseurl, 'uri_segment' => 'pagina', 'total_items' => $total, 'items_per_page' => $this->items['news'], 'style' => "apoyodigital"));
     // echo $pages->sql_offset;
     $q = $orm->limit($this->items['news'], $pages->sql_offset)->fetch_all('id_news', 'DESC');
     $this->title = "NOTICIAS";
     $html = null;
     foreach ($q as $new) {
         $nu = Basic::urlizar($new->title_news);
         $html .= "<li class='newsmodule'> " . html::anchor(url::base() . "noticia/{$new->id_news}/{$nu}", $new->title_news) . "</li>";
     $html .= "<br/>" . $pages;
     $this->content = View::factory("main/page")->set("title", "Noticias")->set("content", $html)->render();
     //     $html View::factory("webservices/news_list")
     //       ->set("news",$q)
     //       ->set("pages",$pages)
     //       ->render();
コード例 #4
<!-- <ul> -->
foreach ($news as $new) {
    $title_news = Basic::TransVar("title_news");
    $nu = Basic::urlizar($new->{$title_news});
  <h6> <?php 
    echo html::anchor(url::base() . "news/{$new->id_news}/{$nu}", $new->{$title_news});
<!-- </ul> -->
コード例 #5
 public static function getUrlById($id)
     $cache = Cache::instance();
     $tprefix = Basic::TransVar('t');
     $uid = $tprefix . 'Category__getUrlById__' . $id;
     $url = $cache->get($uid);
     if (!$url) {
         $id = (int) $id;
         $orm = new stdClass();
         $table = new fpp_category_Model();
         $orm = $table->db2cls($id);
         $name_category = Basic::TransVar("name_category");
         $tr_content_page = Basic::TransVar("content_page");
         $name = $orm->{$name_category};
         $titleurl = Basic::urlizar($name);
         $url = html::anchor("category/items/" . $id . '/' . $titleurl, $name);
         //       $url = html::anchor(url::base()."category/{$id}/{$titleurl}",(($view_name) ? $title : ""));
         $cache->set($uid, $url, array(), 3600);
     return $url;