コード例 #1
  * Get details about one or more user
  * @requestParam string $ids A string with a comma-separated list of user ID's, limit for query equals 100
  * @requestParam integer $size [OPTIONAL] The desired width and height for the thumbnail, defaults to 100, 0 for no thumbnail
  * @responseParam array $items A list of results with the user ID as the index, each item has a title, name, url, avatar, numberofedits
  * @responseParam string $basepath domain of a wiki to create a url for an user
  * @example &ids=123&size=150
 public function getDetails()
     $ids = $this->request->getVal('ids');
     if (empty($ids)) {
         throw new InvalidParameterApiException('ids');
     $ids = explode(',', trim($ids));
     $size = $this->request->getInt('size', static::AVATAR_DEFAULT_SIZE);
     //limit number of users
     $ids = array_slice($ids, 0, static::USER_LIMIT);
     //users are cached inside the service
     $users = (new UserService())->getUsers($ids);
     $items = array();
     foreach ($users as $user) {
         $userName = $user->getName();
         $item = array('user_id' => $user->getId(), 'title' => $user->getTitleKey(), 'name' => $userName, 'url' => AvatarService::getUrl($userName), 'numberofedits' => (int) $user->getEditCountLocal());
         //add avatar url if size !== 0
         if ($size > 0) {
             $item['avatar'] = AvatarService::getAvatarUrl($user, $size);
         $items[] = $item;
     if (!empty($items)) {
         $this->setResponseData(['basepath' => $this->wg->Server, 'items' => $items], ['imgFields' => 'avatar', 'urlFields' => ['avatar', 'url']], WikiaResponse::CACHE_STANDARD);
     } else {
         throw new NotFoundApiException();
コード例 #2
	 * Modify results from Blogs
	 * Add likes count and render avatar
	static function getResults(&$results) {

		/* @var $wgLang Language */
		global $wgLang;

		// get message for "read more" link
		$cutSign = wfMsg('blug-cut-sign');

		foreach($results as &$result) {
			$result['likes'] = false;
			$result['avatar'] = AvatarService::renderAvatar($result['username'], 48);
			$result['userpage'] = AvatarService::getUrl($result['username']);
			$result['date'] = $wgLang->date(wfTimestamp(TS_MW, $result['timestamp']));

			// "read more" handling
			if (strpos($result['text'], $cutSign) !== false) {
				$result['readmore'] = true;


		return true;
コード例 #3
  * Modify results from Blogs
  * Add likes count and render avatar
 static function getResults(&$results)
     /* @var $wgLang Language */
     global $wgLang;
     foreach ($results as &$result) {
         $result['likes'] = false;
         $result['avatar'] = AvatarService::renderAvatar($result['username'], 48);
         $result['userpage'] = AvatarService::getUrl($result['username']);
         $result['date'] = $wgLang->date(wfTimestamp(TS_MW, $result['timestamp']));
     return true;
コード例 #4
ファイル: ServiceTest.php プロジェクト: schwarer2006/wikia
	function testAvatarService() {
		$anonName = '';
		$userName = '******';

		// users
		$this->assertRegExp('/width="32"/', AvatarService::render($userName, 32));
		$this->assertRegExp('/\/20px-/', AvatarService::render($userName, 16));
		$this->assertRegExp('/User:WikiaBot/', AvatarService::renderLink($userName));
		$this->assertRegExp('/^<img src="http:\/\/images/', AvatarService::renderAvatar($userName));
		$this->assertRegExp('/^http:\/\/images/', AvatarService::getAvatarUrl($userName));

		// anons
		$this->assertRegExp('/Special:Contributions\//', AvatarService::getUrl($anonName));
		$this->assertRegExp('/^<img src="/', AvatarService::renderAvatar($anonName));
		$this->assertRegExp('/\/20px-/', AvatarService::renderAvatar($anonName, 20));
		$this->assertRegExp('/Special:Contributions/', AvatarService::renderLink($anonName));
コード例 #5
ファイル: ServiceTest.php プロジェクト: Tjorriemorrie/app
  * @group Slow
  * @slowExecutionTime 0.04016 ms
  * @group UsingDB
 function testAvatarService()
     $anonName = '';
     $userName = '******';
     $this->mockGlobalVariable('wgVignetteUrl', 'http://images.foo.wikia-dev.com');
     $this->mockGlobalVariable('wgEnableVignette', true);
     // users
     $this->assertContains('width="32"', AvatarService::render($userName, 32));
     $this->assertContains('/scale-to-width-down/20', AvatarService::render($userName, 16));
     $this->assertContains('User:WikiaBot', AvatarService::renderLink($userName));
     $this->assertRegExp('/^<img src="http:\\/\\/images/', AvatarService::renderAvatar($userName));
     // anons
     $this->assertContains('Special:Contributions/', AvatarService::getUrl($anonName));
     $this->assertRegExp('/^<img src="/', AvatarService::renderAvatar($anonName));
     $this->assertContains('/20px-', AvatarService::renderAvatar($anonName, 20));
     $this->assertContains('Special:Contributions', AvatarService::renderLink($anonName));
コード例 #6
 public function getData($master = false, $title = null)
     global $wgUser, $wgTitle, $wgBlankImgUrl, $wgMemc, $wgArticleCommentsEnableVoting;
     $title = empty($title) ? $wgTitle : $title;
     $title = empty($title) ? $this->mTitle : $title;
     $comment = false;
     if ($this->load($master)) {
         $articleDataKey = wfMemcKey('articlecomment', 'comm_data_v2', $this->mLastRevId, $wgUser->getId());
         $data = $wgMemc->get($articleDataKey);
         if (!empty($data)) {
             $data['timestamp'] = "<a href='" . $this->getTitle()->getFullUrl(array('permalink' => $data['articleId'])) . '#comm-' . $data['articleId'] . "' class='permalink'>" . wfTimeFormatAgo($data['rawmwtimestamp']) . "</a>";
             return $data;
         $canDelete = $wgUser->isAllowed('delete');
         $sig = $this->mUser->isAnon() ? AvatarService::renderLink($this->mUser->getName()) : Xml::element('a', array('href' => $this->mUser->getUserPage()->getFullUrl()), $this->mUser->getName());
         $articleId = $this->mTitle->getArticleId();
         $isStaff = (int) in_array('staff', $this->mUser->getEffectiveGroups());
         $parts = self::explode($this->getTitle());
         $buttons = array();
         $replyButton = '';
         $commentingAllowed = true;
         if (defined('NS_BLOG_ARTICLE') && $title->getNamespace() == NS_BLOG_ARTICLE) {
             $props = BlogArticle::getProps($title->getArticleID());
             $commentingAllowed = isset($props['commenting']) ? (bool) $props['commenting'] : true;
         if (count($parts['partsStripped']) == 1 && $commentingAllowed && !ArticleCommentInit::isFbConnectionNeeded()) {
             $replyButton = '<button type="button" class="article-comm-reply wikia-button secondary actionButton">' . wfMsg('article-comments-reply') . '</button>';
         if (defined('NS_QUESTION_TALK') && $this->mTitle->getNamespace() == NS_QUESTION_TALK) {
             $replyButton = '';
         if ($canDelete && !ArticleCommentInit::isFbConnectionNeeded()) {
             $img = '<img class="remove sprite" alt="" src="' . $wgBlankImgUrl . '" width="16" height="16" />';
             $buttons[] = $img . '<a href="' . $this->mTitle->getLocalUrl('redirect=no&action=delete') . '" class="article-comm-delete">' . wfMsg('article-comments-delete') . '</a>';
         //due to slave lag canEdit() can return false negative - we are hiding it by CSS and force showing by JS
         if ($wgUser->isLoggedIn() && $commentingAllowed && !ArticleCommentInit::isFbConnectionNeeded()) {
             $display = $this->canEdit() ? 'test=' : ' style="display:none"';
             $img = '<img class="edit-pencil sprite" alt="" src="' . $wgBlankImgUrl . '" width="16" height="16" />';
             $buttons[] = "<span class='edit-link'{$display}>" . $img . '<a href="#comment' . $articleId . '" class="article-comm-edit actionButton" id="comment' . $articleId . '">' . wfMsg('article-comments-edit') . '</a></span>';
         if (!$this->mTitle->isNewPage(Title::GAID_FOR_UPDATE)) {
             $buttons[] = RequestContext::getMain()->getSkin()->makeKnownLinkObj($this->mTitle, wfMsgHtml('article-comments-history'), 'action=history', '', '', 'class="article-comm-history"');
         $commentId = $this->getTitle()->getArticleId();
         $rawmwtimestamp = $this->mFirstRevision->getTimestamp();
         $rawtimestamp = wfTimeFormatAgo($rawmwtimestamp);
         $timestamp = "<a rel='nofollow' href='" . $this->getTitle()->getFullUrl(array('permalink' => $commentId)) . '#comm-' . $commentId . "' class='permalink'>" . wfTimeFormatAgo($rawmwtimestamp) . "</a>";
         $comment = array('id' => $commentId, 'articleId' => $articleId, 'author' => $this->mUser, 'username' => $this->mUser->getName(), 'avatar' => AvatarService::renderAvatar($this->mUser->getName(), self::AVATAR_BIG_SIZE), 'avatarSmall' => AvatarService::renderAvatar($this->mUser->getName(), self::AVATAR_SMALL_SIZE), 'userurl' => AvatarService::getUrl($this->mUser->getName()), 'isLoggedIn' => $this->mUser->isLoggedIn(), 'buttons' => $buttons, 'replyButton' => $replyButton, 'sig' => $sig, 'text' => $this->mText, 'metadata' => $this->mMetadata, 'rawtext' => $this->mRawtext, 'timestamp' => $timestamp, 'rawtimestamp' => $rawtimestamp, 'rawmwtimestamp' => $rawmwtimestamp, 'title' => $this->mTitle->getText(), 'isStaff' => $isStaff);
         if (!empty($wgArticleCommentsEnableVoting)) {
             $comment['votes'] = $this->getVotesCount();
         $wgMemc->set($articleDataKey, $comment, 60 * 60);
         if (!$comment['title'] instanceof Title) {
             $comment['title'] = F::build('Title', array($comment['title'], NS_TALK), 'newFromText');
     return $comment;
コード例 #7
  * getData -- return raw data for displaying commentList
  * @access public
  * @return array data for comments list
 public function getData($page = 1)
     global $wgUser, $wgTitle, $wgStylePath;
     $groups = $wgUser->getEffectiveGroups();
     //$isSysop = in_array('sysop', $groups) || in_array('staff', $groups);
     $canEdit = $wgUser->isAllowed('edit');
     $isBlocked = $wgUser->isBlocked();
     $isReadOnly = wfReadOnly();
     //$showall = $wgRequest->getText( 'showall', false );
     //default to using slave. comments are posted with ajax which hits master db
     //$commentList = $this->getCommentList(false);
     $countComments = $this->getCountAll();
     $countCommentsNested = $this->getCountAllNested();
     $countPages = ceil($countComments / $this->mMaxPerPage);
     $pageRequest = (int) $page;
     $page = 1;
     if ($pageRequest <= $countPages && $pageRequest > 0) {
         $page = $pageRequest;
     $comments = $this->getCommentPages(false, $page);
     $pagination = $this->doPagination($countComments, count($comments), $page);
     $commentListHTML = '';
     if (!empty($wgTitle)) {
         $commentListHTML = F::app()->getView('ArticleComments', 'CommentList', array('commentListRaw' => $comments, 'page' => $page, 'useMaster' => false))->render();
     $commentingAllowed = true;
     if (defined('NS_BLOG_ARTICLE') && $wgTitle && $wgTitle->getNamespace() == NS_BLOG_ARTICLE) {
         $props = BlogArticle::getProps($wgTitle->getArticleID());
         $commentingAllowed = isset($props['commenting']) ? (bool) $props['commenting'] : true;
     $retVal = array('avatar' => AvatarService::renderAvatar($wgUser->getName(), 50), 'userurl' => AvatarService::getUrl($wgUser->getName()), 'canEdit' => $canEdit, 'commentListRaw' => $comments, 'commentListHTML' => $commentListHTML, 'commentingAllowed' => $commentingAllowed, 'commentsPerPage' => $this->mMaxPerPage, 'countComments' => $countComments, 'countCommentsNested' => $countCommentsNested, 'isAnon' => $wgUser->isAnon(), 'isBlocked' => $isBlocked, 'isFBConnectionProblem' => ArticleCommentInit::isFbConnectionNeeded(), 'isReadOnly' => $isReadOnly, 'page' => $page, 'pagination' => $pagination, 'reason' => $isBlocked ? $this->blockedPage() : '', 'stylePath' => $wgStylePath, 'title' => $wgTitle);
     return $retVal;
コード例 #8
 public function getData($master = false)
     global $wgUser, $wgBlankImgUrl, $wgMemc, $wgArticleCommentsEnableVoting;
     $comment = false;
     $canDelete = $wgUser->isAllowed('commentdelete');
     if (self::isBlog()) {
         $canDelete = $canDelete || $wgUser->isAllowed('blog-comments-delete');
     $title = $this->getTitle();
     $commentId = $title->getArticleId();
     // vary cache on permission as well so it changes we can show it to a user
     $articleDataKey = wfMemcKey('articlecomment_data', $commentId, $title->getLatestRevID(), $wgUser->getId(), $canDelete, RequestContext::getMain()->getSkin()->getSkinName(), self::CACHE_VERSION);
     $data = $wgMemc->get($articleDataKey);
     if (!empty($data)) {
         $data['timestamp'] = "<a href='" . $title->getFullUrl(['permalink' => $data['id']]) . '#comm-' . $data['id'] . "' class='permalink'>" . wfTimeFormatAgo($data['rawmwtimestamp']) . "</a>";
         return $data;
     if ($this->load($master)) {
         $sig = $this->mUser->isAnon() ? AvatarService::renderLink($this->mUser->getName()) : Xml::element('a', array('href' => $this->mUser->getUserPage()->getFullUrl()), $this->mUser->getName());
         $isStaff = (int) in_array('staff', $this->mUser->getEffectiveGroups());
         $parts = self::explode($title->getDBkey());
         $buttons = [];
         // action links with full markup (used in Oasis)
         $links = [];
         // action links with only a URL
         $replyButton = '';
         // this is for blogs we want to know if commenting on it is enabled
         // we cannot check it using $title->getBaseText, as this returns main namespace title
         // the subjectpage for $parts title is something like 'User blog comment:SomeUser/BlogTitle' which is fine
         $articleTitle = Title::makeTitle(MWNamespace::getSubject($this->mNamespace), $parts['title']);
         $commentingAllowed = ArticleComment::canComment($articleTitle);
         if (count($parts['partsStripped']) == 1 && $commentingAllowed) {
             $replyButton = '<button type="button" class="article-comm-reply wikia-button secondary actionButton">' . wfMsg('article-comments-reply') . '</button>';
         if (defined('NS_QUESTION_TALK') && $title->getNamespace() == NS_QUESTION_TALK) {
             $replyButton = '';
         if ($canDelete) {
             $img = '<img class="remove sprite" alt="" src="' . $wgBlankImgUrl . '" width="16" height="16" />';
             $buttons[] = $img . '<a href="' . $title->getLocalUrl('redirect=no&action=delete') . '" class="article-comm-delete">' . wfMsg('article-comments-delete') . '</a>';
             $links['delete'] = $title->getLocalUrl('redirect=no&action=delete');
         // due to slave lag canEdit() can return false negative - we are hiding it by CSS and force showing by JS
         if ($wgUser->isLoggedIn() && $commentingAllowed) {
             $display = $this->canEdit() ? 'test=' : ' style="display:none"';
             $img = '<img class="edit-pencil sprite" alt="" src="' . $wgBlankImgUrl . '" width="16" height="16" />';
             $buttons[] = "<span class='edit-link'{$display}>" . $img . '<a href="#comment' . $commentId . '" class="article-comm-edit actionButton" id="comment' . $commentId . '">' . wfMsg('article-comments-edit') . '</a></span>';
             $links['edit'] = '#comment' . $commentId;
         if (!$this->mTitle->isNewPage(Title::GAID_FOR_UPDATE)) {
             $buttons[] = RequestContext::getMain()->getSkin()->makeKnownLinkObj($title, wfMsgHtml('article-comments-history'), 'action=history', '', '', 'class="article-comm-history"');
             $links['history'] = $title->getLocalUrl('action=history');
         $rawmwtimestamp = $this->mFirstRevision->getTimestamp();
         $rawtimestamp = wfTimeFormatAgo($rawmwtimestamp);
         $timestamp = "<a rel='nofollow' href='" . $title->getFullUrl(['permalink' => $commentId]) . '#comm-' . $commentId . "' class='permalink'>" . wfTimeFormatAgo($rawmwtimestamp) . "</a>";
         $comment = ['id' => $commentId, 'author' => $this->mUser, 'username' => $this->mUser->getName(), 'avatar' => AvatarService::renderAvatar($this->mUser->getName(), self::AVATAR_BIG_SIZE), 'avatarSmall' => AvatarService::renderAvatar($this->mUser->getName(), self::AVATAR_SMALL_SIZE), 'userurl' => AvatarService::getUrl($this->mUser->getName()), 'isLoggedIn' => $this->mUser->isLoggedIn(), 'buttons' => $buttons, 'links' => $links, 'replyButton' => $replyButton, 'sig' => $sig, 'text' => $this->mText, 'metadata' => $this->mMetadata, 'rawtext' => $this->mRawtext, 'timestamp' => $timestamp, 'rawtimestamp' => $rawtimestamp, 'rawmwtimestamp' => $rawmwtimestamp, 'title' => $title->getText(), 'isStaff' => $isStaff];
         if (!empty($wgArticleCommentsEnableVoting)) {
             $comment['votes'] = $this->getVotesCount();
         $wgMemc->set($articleDataKey, $comment, self::AN_HOUR);
         if (!$comment['title'] instanceof Title) {
             $comment['title'] = Title::newFromText($comment['title'], NS_TALK);
     return $comment;
コード例 #9
    if ($loggedIn) {
        echo $userName;
    } else {
        echo $wf->Msg('userlogin-login-heading');
    if ($loggedIn) {
		<ul class=wkLst>
			<li><a class=chg href="<?php 
        echo AvatarService::getUrl($userName);
        echo $wf->Msg('wikiamobile-profile');
			<li><a class=logout href="<?php 
        echo str_replace("\$1", SpecialPage::getSafeTitleFor('UserLogout')->getPrefixedText() . '?returnto=' . $wg->Title->getPrefixedURL(), $wg->ArticlePath);
        echo $wf->Msg('logout');
  * Modify personal URLs list.
 private function setupPersonalUrls()
     $this->personalUrls = F::app()->getSkinTemplateObj()->data['personal_urls'];
     if ($this->isAnon) {
         $query = F::app()->wg->Request->getValues();
         if (isset($query['title']) && !self::isBlacklisted($query['title'])) {
             $returnto = wfUrlencode($query['title']);
         } else {
             $returnto = Title::newMainPage()->getPartialURL();
         $returnto = wfGetReturntoParam($returnto);
         $this->personalUrls['login'] = ['title' => wfMessage('login')->text(), 'href' => Skin::makeSpecialUrl('UserLogin', $returnto), 'class' => 'ajaxLogin table-cell'];
         $this->personalUrls['register'] = ['text' => wfMessage('oasis-signup')->text(), 'href' => Skin::makeSpecialUrl('UserSignup'), 'class' => 'ajaxRegister'];
     } else {
         $this->personalUrls['userpage'] = ['title' => $this->username . ' - ' . wfMessage('mypage')->text(), 'href' => AvatarService::getUrl($this->username), 'class' => 'ajaxLogin table-cell'];
コード例 #11
	 * Render header for blog post
	public function executeBlogPost() {
		global $wgTitle, $wgLang, $wgOut;

		// remove User_blog:xxx from title
		$titleParts = explode('/', $wgTitle->getText());
		$this->title = implode('/', $titleParts);

		// get user name to display in header
		$this->userName = self::getUserName($wgTitle, BodyController::getUserPagesNamespaces());

		// render avatar (48x48)
		$this->avatar = AvatarService::renderAvatar($this->userName, 48);

		// link to user page
		$this->userPage = AvatarService::getUrl($this->userName);

		// user stats (edit points, account creation date)
		$this->stats = $this->getStats($this->userName);

		// commments / likes / date of first edit
		if (!empty($wgTitle) && $wgTitle->exists()) {
			$service = new PageStatsService($wgTitle->getArticleId());

			$this->editTimestamp = $wgLang->date($service->getFirstRevisionTimestamp());
			$this->comments = $service->getCommentsCount();
			$this->likes = true;

		$actionMenu = array();
		// edit button / dropdown
		if (isset($this->content_actions['edit'])) {
			$actionMenu['action'] = $this->content_actions['edit'];

		// dropdown actions
		$actions = array('move', 'protect', 'unprotect', 'delete', 'undelete', 'history');
		foreach($actions as $action) {
			if (isset($this->content_actions[$action])) {
				$actionMenu['dropdown'][$action] = $this->content_actions[$action];
		$this->actionMenu = $actionMenu;

		// load CSS for .WikiaUserPagesHeader (BugId:9212, 10246)

コード例 #12
 public function executeIndex()
     global $wgUser;
     $this->itemsBefore = array();
     $this->isAnon = $wgUser->isAnon();
     $this->username = $wgUser->getName();
     if ($this->isAnon) {
         // facebook connect
         if (!empty($this->personal_urls['fbconnect']['html'])) {
             $this->itemsBefore = array($this->personal_urls['fbconnect']['html']);
         // render Login and Register links
         $this->loginLink = $this->renderPersonalUrl('login');
         $this->registerLink = $this->renderPersonalUrl('register');
         $this->loginDropdown = '';
         $this->loginDropdown = (string) F::app()->sendRequest('UserLoginSpecial', 'dropdown', array('param' => 'paramvalue'));
     } else {
         // render user avatar and link to his user page
         $this->profileLink = AvatarService::getUrl($this->username);
         $this->profileAvatar = AvatarService::renderAvatar($this->username, 20);
         // dropdown items
         $possibleItems = array('mytalk', 'following', 'preferences');
         $dropdownItems = array();
         // Allow hooks to modify the dropdown items.
         wfRunHooks('AccountNavigationModuleAfterDropdownItems', array(&$possibleItems, &$this->personal_urls));
         foreach ($possibleItems as $item) {
             if (isset($this->personal_urls[$item])) {
                 $dropdownItems[] = $this->renderPersonalUrl($item);
         // link to Help:Content (never render as redlink)
         $helpLang = array_key_exists($this->wg->LanguageCode, $this->wg->AvailableHelpLang) ? $this->wg->LanguageCode : 'en';
         $dropdownItems[] = Wikia::link(Title::newFromText(wfMsgExt('helppage', array('parsemag', 'language' => $helpLang))), wfMsg('help'), array('title' => '', 'data-id' => 'help'), '', array('known'));
         // logout link
         $dropdownItems[] = $this->renderPersonalUrl('logout');
         $this->dropdown = $dropdownItems;
コード例 #13
  * @dataProvider getUrlDataProvider
  * @group UsingDB
 public function testGetUrl($url, $userName)
     $this->assertStringEndsWith($url, AvatarService::getUrl($userName));
コード例 #14
  * Render header for blog post
 public function executeBlogPost()
     global $wgTitle, $wgLang, $wgOut;
     // remove User_blog:xxx from title
     $titleParts = explode('/', $wgTitle->getText());
     $this->title = implode('/', $titleParts);
     // get user name to display in header
     $this->userName = self::getUserName($wgTitle, BodyController::getUserPagesNamespaces());
     // render avatar (48x48)
     $this->avatar = AvatarService::renderAvatar($this->userName, 48);
     // link to user page
     $this->userPage = AvatarService::getUrl($this->userName);
     if ($this->wg->EnableBlogArticles) {
         // link to user blog page
         $this->userBlogPage = AvatarService::getUrl($this->userName, NS_BLOG_ARTICLE);
         // user blog page message
         $this->userBlogPageMessage = wfMessage('user-blog-url-link', $this->userName)->inContentLanguage()->parse();
     if (!empty($this->wg->EnableGoogleAuthorInfo) && !empty($this->wg->GoogleAuthorLinks) && array_key_exists($this->userName, $this->wg->GoogleAuthorLinks)) {
         $this->googleAuthorLink = $this->wg->GoogleAuthorLinks[$this->userName] . '?rel=author';
     if ($this->app->wg->Request->getVal('action') == 'history' || $this->app->wg->Request->getCheck('diff')) {
         $this->navLinks = Wikia::link($this->app->wg->title, wfMsg('oasis-page-header-back-to-article'), array(), array(), 'known');
     // user stats (edit points, account creation date)
     $this->stats = $this->getStats($this->userName);
     // commments / likes / date of first edit
     if (!empty($wgTitle) && $wgTitle->exists()) {
         $service = new PageStatsService($wgTitle->getArticleId());
         $this->editTimestamp = $wgLang->date($service->getFirstRevisionTimestamp());
         $this->comments = $service->getCommentsCount();
     $actionMenu = array();
     $dropdownActions = array('move', 'protect', 'unprotect', 'delete', 'undelete', 'history');
     // edit button / dropdown
     if (isset($this->content_actions['ve-edit'])) {
         // new visual editor is enabled
         $actionMenu['action'] = $this->content_actions['ve-edit'];
         // add classic editor link to the possible dropdown options
         array_unshift($dropdownActions, 'edit');
     } else {
         if (isset($this->content_actions['edit'])) {
             $actionMenu['action'] = $this->content_actions['edit'];
     foreach ($dropdownActions as $action) {
         if (isset($this->content_actions[$action])) {
             $actionMenu['dropdown'][$action] = $this->content_actions[$action];
     $this->actionMenu = $actionMenu;
     // load CSS for .WikiaUserPagesHeader (BugId:9212, 10246)
コード例 #15
	 * Handle confirmations from Facebook Connect
	public static function addFacebookConnectConfirmation(&$html) {
		global $wgRequest, $wgUser;

		// FBConnect messages
		if ( F::app()->checkSkin( 'oasis' ) && class_exists('FBConnectHooks')) {

			$preferencesUrl = SpecialPage::getTitleFor('Preferences')->getFullUrl();
			$fbStatus = $wgRequest->getVal('fbconnected');

			switch($fbStatus) {
				// success
				case 1:
					$id = FBConnectDB::getFacebookIDs($wgUser, DB_MASTER);
					if (count($id) > 0) {

						global $wgEnableFacebookSync;
						if ($wgEnableFacebookSync == true) {
							$userURL = AvatarService::getUrl($wgUser->mName);
							self::addConfirmation(wfMsg('fbconnect-connect-msg-sync-profile', $preferencesUrl, $userURL));
						else {
							self::addConfirmation(wfMsg('fbconnect-connect-msg', $preferencesUrl));

				// error
				case 2:
					$fb = new FBConnectAPI();
					if (strlen($fb->user()) < 1) {
						self::addConfirmation(wfMsgExt('fbconnect-connect-error-msg', array('parseinline'), $preferencesUrl), self::CONFIRMATION_ERROR);

		return true;
コード例 #16
if ($loggedIn) {
    echo $userName;
} else {
    echo wfMessage('userlogin-login-heading')->text();
if ($loggedIn) {
		<ul class=wkLst>
			<li><a class=chg href="<?php 
    echo Sanitizer::encodeAttribute(AvatarService::getUrl($userName));
    echo wfMessage('wikiamobile-profile')->escaped();
			<li><a class=logout href="<?php 
    echo Sanitizer::encodeAttribute(str_replace("\$1", SpecialPage::getSafeTitleFor('UserLogout')->getPrefixedText() . '?returnto=' . $wg->Title->getPrefixedURL(), $wg->ArticlePath));
    echo wfMessage('logout')->escaped();
コード例 #17
  * getData -- return raw data for displaying commentList
  * @access public
  * @return array data for comments list
 public function getData($page = 1)
     global $wgUser, $wgStylePath;
     //$isSysop = in_array('sysop', $groups) || in_array('staff', $groups);
     $canEdit = $wgUser->isAllowed('edit');
     $isBlocked = $wgUser->isBlocked();
     $isReadOnly = wfReadOnly();
     //$showall = $wgRequest->getText( 'showall', false );
     //default to using slave. comments are posted with ajax which hits master db
     //$commentList = $this->getCommentList(false);
     $countComments = $this->getCountAll();
     $countCommentsNested = $this->getCountAllNested();
     $countPages = ceil($countComments / $this->mMaxPerPage);
     $pageRequest = (int) $page;
     $page = 1;
     if ($pageRequest <= $countPages && $pageRequest > 0) {
         $page = $pageRequest;
     $comments = $this->getCommentPages(false, $page);
     $pagination = $this->doPagination($countComments, count($comments), $page);
     return array('avatar' => AvatarService::renderAvatar($wgUser->getName(), 50), 'userurl' => AvatarService::getUrl($wgUser->getName()), 'canEdit' => $canEdit, 'commentListRaw' => $comments, 'commentingAllowed' => ArticleComment::canComment($this->mTitle), 'commentsPerPage' => $this->mMaxPerPage, 'countComments' => $countComments, 'countCommentsNested' => $countCommentsNested, 'isAnon' => $wgUser->isAnon(), 'isBlocked' => $isBlocked, 'isReadOnly' => $isReadOnly, 'page' => $page, 'pagination' => $pagination, 'reason' => $isBlocked ? $this->blockedPage() : '', 'stylePath' => $wgStylePath, 'title' => $this->mTitle);