コード例 #1
function check_ossim_error()
    if (ossim_error()) {
        $error = ossim_get_error();
        Av_exception::throw_error(Av_exception::USER_ERROR, $error);
コード例 #2
function get_pulse_detail_from_id($conn)
    $type = POST('type');
    $pulse = POST('pulse');
    $id = POST('id');
    ossim_valid($type, 'alarm|event|alarm_event', 'illegal:' . _('Type'));
    ossim_valid($pulse, OSS_HEX, 'illegal:' . _('Pulse'));
    ossim_valid($id, OSS_HEX, 'illegal:' . _('ID'));
    if (ossim_error()) {
        Av_exception::throw_error(Av_exception::USER_ERROR, ossim_get_error_clean());
    if ($type == 'alarm') {
        $pulse = Alarm::get_pulse_data_from_alarm($conn, $id, $pulse, TRUE);
    } elseif ($type == 'event') {
        $pulse = Siem::get_pulse_data_from_event($conn, $id, $pulse, FALSE, TRUE);
    } elseif ($type == 'alarm_event') {
        $pulse = Siem::get_pulse_data_from_event($conn, $id, $pulse, TRUE, TRUE);
    return array('name' => $pulse['name'], 'descr' => $pulse['descr'], 'iocs' => array_values($pulse['iocs']));
コード例 #3
function make_sid_filter($conn, $ip)
    $sids = array();
    if (preg_match("/\\d+\\/\\d+/", $ip)) {
        $aux = Cidr::expand_cidr($ip, 'SHORT', 'IP');
        if ($aux[0] == 'I' && $aux[1] == 'P') {
            $aux[0] = '0x0';
            $aux[1] = '0x0';
        } else {
            $aux[0] = bin2hex(inet_pton($aux[0]));
            $aux[1] = bin2hex(inet_pton($aux[1]));
        $query = "SELECT d.id FROM alienvault_siem.device d, alienvault.sensor s \n\t\t          WHERE d.sensor_id=s.id \n\t\t          AND ( (s.ip >= UNHEX('" . $aux[0] . "') AND s.ip <= UNHEX('" . $aux[1] . "')) \n\t\t          OR (d.device_ip>=UNHEX('" . $aux[0] . "') AND d.device_ip <= UNHEX('" . $aux[1] . "')) )";
    } else {
        $ip = bin2hex(@inet_pton($ip));
        $query = "SELECT d.id FROM alienvault_siem.device d, alienvault.sensor s \n\t\t          WHERE d.sensor_id = s.id AND ( s.ip = UNHEX('{$ip}') OR d.device_ip = UNHEX('{$ip}') )";
    //echo $query;
    if (!($rs =& $conn->Execute($query))) {
        Av_exception::throw_error(Av_exception::DB_ERROR, $conn->ErrorMsg());
    while (!$rs->EOF) {
        $sids[] = $rs->fields['id'];
    return implode(',', $sids);
コード例 #4
ファイル: scan_ajax.php プロジェクト: jackpf/ossim-arc
function do_scan($wizard)
    try {
        $next_step = 1;
        $data = array('finish' => FALSE);
        //File to cache scan object
        $user = Session::get_session_user();
        $scan_file = 'w_last_asset_object-' . md5($user);
        $step = intval($wizard->get_step_data('scan_step'));
        if ($step == 0) {
        $obj = Av_scan::get_object_from_file($scan_file);
        if (!is_object($obj) || empty($obj)) {
            $nets = $wizard->get_step_data('scan_nets');
            if (count($nets) < 1) {
                $e_msg = _('Invalid networks selected to scan');
                Av_exception::throw_error(Av_exception::USER_ERROR, $e_msg);
            $nets = implode(' ', $nets);
            $scan_options = array('scan_type' => 'fast', 'scan_timing' => 'T3', 'autodetect_os' => 'true', 'reverse_dns' => 'true', 'scan_ports' => '', 'idm' => 'false');
            $obj = new Av_scan($nets, 'local', $scan_options);
            Av_scan::set_object_in_file($obj, $scan_file);
        $aux_status = $obj->get_status();
        $status = $aux_status['status']['code'];
        $total = $aux_status['number_of_targets'];
        switch ($status) {
            case Av_scan::ST_SEARCH_FINISHED:
            case Av_scan::ST_SCANNING_HOSTS:
            case Av_scan::ST_SCAN_FINISHED:
                $next_step = $total > 0 ? 2 : 3;
                $wizard->set_step_data('scan_hosts', $total);
                $data = array('finish' => TRUE);
        $wizard->set_step_data('scan_step', $next_step);
        //error_log("Step: $step\n", 3, '/tmp/test_wizard');
        //error_log("Next Step: $next_step\n", 3, '/tmp/test_wizard');
        //error_log(var_export($aux_status, TRUE)."\n", 3, '/tmp/test_wizard');
        $response['error'] = FALSE;
        $response['data'] = $data;
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        //error_log("Error: ".$e->getMessage()."\n", 3, '/tmp/test_wizard');
        $msg = _('Error! Asset scan cannot be completed.  Please try again');
        set_scan_error_message($wizard, $msg);
        $response['error'] = TRUE;
    return $response;
コード例 #5
$sm_perms = array('EventsHids', 'EventsHidsConfig');
$sensor_id = POST('sensor_id');
$agent_id = POST('agent_id');
$agent_ip = POST('agent_ip');
if (Session::menu_perms($m_perms, $sm_perms)) {
    try {
        ossim_valid($agent_id, OSS_DIGIT, 'illegal:' . _('Agent ID'));
        ossim_valid($sensor_id, OSS_HEX, 'illegal:' . _('Sensor ID'));
        if ($agent_ip != 'any') {
            ossim_valid($agent_ip, OSS_IP_CIDR_0, 'illegal:' . _('Agent IP'));
        if (!ossim_error()) {
            $db = new ossim_db();
            $conn = $db->connect();
            if (!Ossec_utilities::is_sensor_allowed($conn, $sensor_id)) {
                Av_exception::throw_error(Av_exception::USER_ERROR, _('Error! Sensor not allowed'));
        $more_info = Ossec_agent::get_info($sensor_id, $agent_id);
        $last_scan_dates = '';
        if (Asset_host_ips::valid_ip($agent_ip)) {
            $last_scan_dates = Ossec_agent::get_last_scans($sensor_id, $agent_ip);
        if (is_array($more_info) && !empty($more_info)) {
            $syscheck_date = empty($last_scan_dates['syscheck']) ? $more_info[7] : $last_scan_dates['syscheck'];
            $rootcheck_date = empty($last_scan_dates['rootcheck']) ? $more_info[8] : $last_scan_dates['rootcheck'];
            <table class='t_agent_mi'>
                <tr><td colspan='2' style='text-align: center;'><?php 
            echo _('Agent information');
コード例 #6
* On Debian GNU/Linux systems, the complete text of the GNU General
* Public License can be found in `/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2'.
* Otherwise you can read it here: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt
require_once 'av_init.php';
if (!Session::am_i_admin()) {
    Av_exception::throw_error(Av_exception::USER_ERROR, _('You do not have permissions to see this section'));
$wizard = Welcome_wizard::get_instance();
if (!$wizard instanceof Welcome_wizard) {
    Av_exception::throw_error(Av_exception::USER_ERROR, 'There was an unexpected error');
//Getting the scan step to know if we have a scan running
$step = intval($wizard->get_step_data('scan_step'));
//Selected nets
$nets_selected = $wizard->get_step_data('scan_nets');
$nets_selected = is_array($nets_selected) ? $nets_selected : array();
$n_ids = array_fill_keys(array_keys($nets_selected), 1);
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
        <title> <?php 
echo _("AlienVault " . (Session::is_pro() ? "USM" : "OSSIM"));
コード例 #7
ファイル: dt_agents.php プロジェクト: jackpf/ossim-arc
Session::logcheck('environment-menu', 'EventsHidsConfig');
$events_hids_config = Session::menu_perms('environment-menu', 'EventsHidsConfig');
try {
    $db = new ossim_db();
    $conn = $db->connect();
    $sensor_id = POST('sensor_id');
    ossim_valid($sensor_id, OSS_HEX, 'illegal:' . _('Sensor ID'));
    if (!ossim_error()) {
        if (!Ossec_utilities::is_sensor_allowed($conn, $sensor_id)) {
            $e_msg = _('Error! Sensor not allowed');
            Av_exception::throw_error(Av_exception::USER_ERROR, $e_msg);
    } else {
        $e_msg = ossim_get_error_clean();
        Av_exception::throw_error(Av_exception::USER_ERROR, $e_msg);
    $agents = Ossec_agent::get_list($sensor_id);
    $data = array();
    if (is_array($agents) && !empty($agents)) {
        foreach ($agents as $agent_id => $a_data) {
            if (empty($a_data)) {
            $a_unique_id = md5($agent_id);
            $agent_actions = Ossec_agent::get_actions($agent_id, $a_data);
            if (!empty($a_data['host_id'])) {
                $asset_name = Asset_host::get_name_by_id($conn, $a_data['host_id']);
            } else {
                $asset_name = '-';
コード例 #8
ファイル: select_nets.php プロジェクト: jackpf/ossim-arc
* On Debian GNU/Linux systems, the complete text of the GNU General
* Public License can be found in `/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2'.
* Otherwise you can read it here: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt
require_once 'av_init.php';
if (!Session::am_i_admin()) {
    Av_exception::throw_error(Av_exception::USER_ERROR, _('You do not have permissions to see this section'));
$wizard = Welcome_wizard::get_instance();
if (!$wizard instanceof Welcome_wizard) {
    Av_exception::throw_error(Av_exception::USER_ERROR, "There was an error, the Welcome_wizard object doesn't exist");
//Getting the scan step to know if we have a scan running
$step = intval($wizard->get_step_data('scan_step'));
//Selected nets
$nets_selected = $wizard->get_step_data('scan_nets');
$nets_selected = is_array($nets_selected) ? $nets_selected : array();
$n_ids = array_fill_keys(array_keys($nets_selected), 1);
$paths = Asset::get_path_url(FALSE);
$iframe_url = $paths['network']['views'] . 'import_all_nets.php?import_type=welcome_wizard_nets';
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
        <title> <?php 
echo _("AlienVault " . (Session::is_pro() ? "USM" : "OSSIM"));
コード例 #9
function get_indicators_from_map($conn, $map)
    $indicators = array();
    $query = "SELECT * FROM risk_indicators WHERE map = UNHEX(?)";
    $params = array($map);
    $rs = $conn->Execute($query, $params);
    if (!$rs) {
        Av_exception::throw_error(Av_exception::DB_ERROR, $conn->ErrorMsg());
    while (!$rs->EOF) {
        if (is_indicator_allowed($conn, $rs->fields['type'], $rs->fields['type_name'])) {
            $id = $rs->fields['id'];
            $indicators[$id] = format_indicator($conn, $rs->fields);
    return $indicators;
コード例 #10
$only_unread = POST('only_unread') ? POST('only_unread') : '';
ossim_valid($search, OSS_INPUT, OSS_NULLABLE, 'illegal:' . _('Search String'));
ossim_valid($only_unread, OSS_LETTER, OSS_NULLABLE, 'illegal:' . _('Only Unread Param'));
 ****** RESPONSE VARS ******
// Response array
$response = array();
// Array to store data
$data = array();
try {
    if (ossim_error()) {
        Av_exception::throw_error(Av_exception::USER_ERROR, ossim_get_error_clean());
     ****** FILTERS *******
    $filters = array();
    if (!empty($search)) {
        $filters['search'] = $search;
    if (!empty($only_unread)) {
        $filters['only_unread'] = 'true';
     ****** GET DATA ******
    $status = new System_notifications();
コード例 #11
                    $response['data']['components_added_msg'] = sprintf($msg, $num_components, $component_type);
                    // Delete components
                // Delete components
                case 'delete_components':
                    $msg = _('Your label has been deleted from  %d %s(s). You can view asset labels in the asset details');
                    $response['data']['components_deleted_msg'] = sprintf($msg, $num_components, $component_type);
                    Av_exception::throw_error(Av_exception::USER_ERROR, _('Invalid action - please try again'));
        $response['status'] = 'OK';
        $response['data']['id'] = $tag->get_id();
        $response['data']['name'] = $tag->get_name();
        $response['data']['class'] = $tag->get_class();
    } else {
        Av_exception::throw_error(Av_exception::USER_ERROR, _('Action can not be completed'));
} catch (\Exception $e) {
    $error_msg = $e->getMessage();
    if (empty($error_msg)) {
        $error_msg = _('Sorry, operation was not completed due to an error when processing the request');
    $response['status'] = 'error';
    $response['data'] = $error_msg;
echo json_encode($response);
コード例 #12
function restart_search($conn, $data)
    $return['error'] = FALSE;
    $return['msg'] = '';
    $type = $data['type'];
    ossim_valid($type, 'asset', 'group', 'network', 'illegal:' . _("List Type"));
    if (ossim_error()) {
        $error = ossim_get_error();
        $return['error'] = TRUE;
        $return['msg'] = $error;
        return $return;
    try {
        $object = 'Filter_' . $type . '_list';
        if (!class_exists($object)) {
            Av_exception::throw_error(Av_exception::USER_ERROR, _('Invalid List Type'));
        $filter_list = new $object($conn);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        $return['error'] = TRUE;
        $return['msg'] = $e->getMessage();
    return $return;
コード例 #13
             ****** Set suppressed *****
            case 'set_suppressed':
                $status->set_status_message($status_message_id, array('suppressed' => 'true'));
                $data['data'] = _('Notification marked as suppressed');
                 ****** Not allowed action *****
             ****** Not allowed action *****
                Av_exception::throw_error(Av_exception::USER_ERROR, _('This action could not be completed. Please try again.'));
        $data['status'] = 'OK';
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
         ****** Catch error *****
        $error_msg = $e->getMessage();
        if (empty($error_msg)) {
            $error_msg = _('Sorry, operation was not completed due to an error when processing the request. Please try again.');
echo json_encode($data);
コード例 #14
ファイル: save_selection.php プロジェクト: jackpf/ossim-arc
function save_member_selection($conn, $data)
    $asset_id = $data['asset_id'];
    $asset_type = $data['asset_type'];
    $member_type = $data['member_type'];
    $all = $data['all'];
    $assets = $data['assets'];
    $search = $data['search'];
    ossim_valid($asset_id, OSS_HEX, 'illegal:' . _('Asset UUID'));
    ossim_valid($asset_type, 'asset', 'network', 'group', 'illegal:' . _('Asset Type'));
    ossim_valid($member_type, 'asset', 'network', 'group', 'illegal:' . _('Asset Type'));
    ossim_valid($search, OSS_INPUT, OSS_NULLABLE, 'illegal:' . _('Search Filter'));
    ossim_valid($assets, OSS_HEX, OSS_NULLABLE, 'illegal:' . _('Assets'));
    ossim_valid($all, OSS_BINARY, 'illegal:' . _('Asset Selection'));
    if ($all) {
        $total = Filter_list::save_members_from_asset($conn, $asset_id, $asset_type, $search);
    } else {
        $total = Filter_list::save_items($conn, $member_type, $assets);
    if ($total < 1) {
        Av_exception::throw_error(Av_exception::USER_ERROR, _('You need at least one asset to perform any action.'));
    return $total;
コード例 #15
ossim_valid($search_str, OSS_INPUT, OSS_NULLABLE, 'illegal: ' . _('Search String'));
ossim_valid($from, OSS_DIGIT, 'illegal: ' . _('Configuration Parameter 2'));
ossim_valid($sec, OSS_DIGIT, 'illegal: ' . _('Configuration Parameter 3'));
if (ossim_error()) {
    $response['sEcho'] = intval($sec);
    $response['iTotalRecords'] = 0;
    $response['iTotalDisplayRecords'] = 0;
    $response['aaData'] = array();
    echo json_encode($response);
// Get object from session
$asset_object = unserialize($_SESSION['asset_detail'][$asset_id]);
$class_name = get_class($asset_object);
if (!is_object($asset_object)) {
    Av_exception::throw_error(Av_exception::DB_ERROR, _('Error retrieving the asset data from Memory'));
$db = new ossim_db();
$conn = $db->connect();
$filters = array('where' => 'host_properties.property_ref <> 8', 'limit' => "{$from}, {$maxrows}");
if ($search_str != '') {
    $search_str = escape_sql($search_str, $conn);
    $filters['where'] .= ' AND host_properties.value LIKE "%' . $search_str . '%"';
list($properties, $total) = $asset_object->get_properties($conn, $filters);
$data = array();
foreach ($properties as $_host_id => $prop_list) {
    $_host_aux = Asset_host::get_object($conn, $_host_id);
    $host = $_host_aux->get_name() . ' (' . $_host_aux->get_ips()->get_ips('string') . ')';
    foreach ($prop_list as $prop_id => $prop_data) {
コード例 #16
ファイル: note_actions.php プロジェクト: jackpf/ossim-arc
function delete_note($conn)
    $validate = array('note_id' => array('validation' => 'OSS_DIGIT', 'e_message' => 'illegal:' . _('Note ID')));
    $validation_errors = validate_form_fields('POST', $validate);
    if (is_array($validation_errors) && !empty($validation_errors)) {
        Av_exception::throw_error(Av_exception::USER_ERROR, _('Error! Note could not be deleted'));
    $note_id = POST('note_id');
    $result = Notes::delete($conn, $note_id);
    if ($result == TRUE) {
        $data['msg'] = _('Note deleted successfully');
    } else {
        Av_exception::throw_error(Av_exception::USER_ERROR, _('Error! Note could not be deleted'));
    return $data;
コード例 #17
ossim_valid($level, OSS_LETTER, ',', OSS_NULLABLE, 'illegal:' . _('Level Param'));
 ****** RESPONSE VARS ******
// Response array
$response = array();
// Array to store data
$data = array();
$total_messages = 0;
try {
    // If validation errors throw new exception with error details
    if (ossim_error()) {
        Av_exception::throw_error(Av_exception::USER_ERROR, ossim_get_error_clean());
    if (strlen($search_str) > 30) {
        Av_exception::throw_error(Av_exception::USER_ERROR, 'Search string very long. Max length 30 characters');
     ****** Filters ******
     * Returns order_by string by column
     * @param  integer  $order
     * @return string
    $order_by = function ($order) {
        switch ($order) {
            case 0:
                return 'creation_time';
コード例 #18
* along with this package; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston,
* MA  02110-1301  USA
* On Debian GNU/Linux systems, the complete text of the GNU General
* Public License can be found in `/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2'.
* Otherwise you can read it here: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt
require_once 'av_init.php';
Session::logcheck("analysis-menu", "ControlPanelAlarms");
$q = strtolower(GET("q"));
ossim_valid($q, OSS_TEXT, 'illegal:' . _("Query"));
// Empty results when error in validation
if (ossim_error()) {
$db = new ossim_db();
$conn = $db->connect();
$q = escape_sql($q, $conn);
$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT sid, plugin_id, name FROM plugin_sid WHERE lower(name) LIKE '%{$q}%';";
if (!($rs = $conn->Execute($sql))) {
    Av_exception::throw_error(Av_exception::DB_ERROR, $conn->ErrorMsg());
} else {
    while (!$rs->EOF) {
        echo $rs->fields["plugin_id"] . "-" . $rs->fields["sid"] . "###" . $rs->fields["name"] . "\n";
コード例 #19
ファイル: otx_config.php プロジェクト: jackpf/ossim-arc
require_once 'av_init.php';
* This function retrieves the OTX config information.
* @return array
function get_otx_info()
    $otx = new Otx();
    return array('token' => $otx->get_token(), 'username' => $otx->get_username(), 'user_id' => $otx->get_user_id(), 'contributing' => $otx->is_contributing(), 'key_version' => $otx->get_key_version(), 'latest_update' => $otx->get_latest_update());
//Checking the action to perform.
$action = POST('action');
$result = array();
try {
    switch ($action) {
        case 'info':
            $result = get_otx_info();
            Av_exception::throw_error(Av_exception::USER_ERROR, _('Invalid Action.'));
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo json_encode($result);
コード例 #20
        $asset_object = $class_name::get_object($conn, $asset_id);
        if (array_key_exists($order, $orders_by_columns)) {
            $order = $orders_by_columns[$order];
        } else {
            $order = "lr.risk";
        // Property filter
        $filters = array('limit' => "{$from}, {$maxrows}", 'order_by' => "{$order} {$torder}");
        if ($search_str != '') {
            $search_str = escape_sql($search_str, $conn);
            $filters['where'] = 'p.name LIKE "%' . $search_str . '%"';
        list($vulns, $total) = $asset_object->get_vulnerabilities($conn, '', $filters);
    } else {
        Av_exception::throw_error(Av_exception::USER_ERROR, _('Error retrieving information'));
} catch (Exception $e) {
$data = array();
foreach ($vulns as $_asset_id => $asset_vulns) {
    $_host_aux = Asset_host::get_object($conn, $_asset_id);
    foreach ($asset_vulns as $vuln) {
        $_host = $class_name == 'asset_host' ? $vuln['ip'] : $_host_aux->get_name() . " (" . $_host_aux->get_ips()->get_ips('string') . ")";
        $data[] = array(date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($vuln['date'])), $_host, $vuln['plugin'], $vuln['plugin_id'], $vuln['service'], Vulnerabilities::get_severity_by_risk($vuln['risk']));
$response['sEcho'] = $sec;
コード例 #21
ファイル: pop_up_actions.php プロジェクト: jackpf/ossim-arc
$conn = $db->connect();
switch ($action) {
    case 'track_usage_information':
        try {
            //Validate Token
            $token = POST('token');
            if (Token::verify('tk_tui', $token) == FALSE) {
                $t_error = Token::create_error_message();
                Av_exception::throw_error(Av_exception::USER_ERROR, $t_error);
            if (Session::am_i_admin()) {
                $tui = intval(POST('tui'));
                $tui_status = $tui > 0 ? 1 : 0;
                $config = new Config();
                $config->update('track_usage_information', $tui_status);
                $client = new Alienvault_client();
                $tui_status = $tui > 0 ? TRUE : FALSE;
                $data['status'] = 'success';
                $data['data'] = _('Your changes have been saved');
            } else {
                Av_exception::throw_error(Av_exception::USER_ERROR, _('You do not have the correct permissions to configure this option. Please contact system administrator with any questions'));
        } catch (Exception $e) {
echo json_encode($data);
コード例 #22
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: AntBean/alienvault-ossim
    if ($can_i_modify_ips == FALSE) {
        $img_disabled = 'img_disabled';
} elseif (Asset_group::is_in_db($conn, $id)) {
    $asset_object = Asset_group::get_object($conn, $id);
    $asset_type = 'group';
    $breadcrumb = array('section' => _('Groups'), 'current' => _('Group Details'));
    try {
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        $img_disabled = 'img_disabled';
        $button_disabled = 'disabled';
        $flag_restricted_group = TRUE;
} else {
    Av_exception::throw_error(Av_exception::USER_ERROR, _('Asset not found in the system'));
// Save session object
$_SESSION['asset_detail'][$id] = serialize($asset_object);
// Get default system ip
$system_list = Av_center::get_avc_list($conn);
$system_ip = @$system_list['data'][strtolower(Util::get_system_uuid())]['admin_ip'];
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
echo _('Asset Details');
	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"/>
コード例 #23
ファイル: new_scan.php プロジェクト: jackpf/ossim-arc
function submit_scan($SVRid, $job_name, $ssh_credential, $smb_credential, $schedule_type, $not_resolve, $user, $entity, $targets, $scheduled_status, $hosts_alive, $sid, $send_email, $timeout, $scan_locally, $dayofweek, $dayofmonth, $ROYEAR, $ROMONTH, $ROday, $time_hour, $time_min, $time_interval, $sched_id, $biyear, $bimonth, $biday, $nthweekday, $tz, $daysMap)
    $db = new ossim_db();
    $dbconn = $db->connect();
    $credentials = $ssh_credential . '|' . $smb_credential;
    $username = valid_hex32($entity) ? $entity : $user;
    if (empty($username)) {
        $username = Session::get_session_user();
    $btime_hour = $time_hour;
    // save local time
    $btime_min = $time_min;
    $bbiyear = $biyear;
    $bbimonth = $bimonth;
    $bbiday = $biday;
    if ($schedule_type == 'O') {
        // date and time for run once
        if (empty($ROYEAR)) {
            $ROYEAR = gmdate('Y');
        if (empty($ROMONTH)) {
            $ROMONTH = gmdate('m');
        if (empty($ROday)) {
            $ROday = gmdate('d');
        list($_y, $_m, $_d, $_h, $_u, $_s, $_time) = Util::get_utc_from_date($dbconn, "{$ROYEAR}-{$ROMONTH}-{$ROday} {$time_hour}:{$time_min}:00", $tz);
        $ROYEAR = $_y;
        $ROMONTH = $_m;
        $ROday = $_d;
        $time_hour = $_h;
        $time_min = $_u;
    } else {
        if (in_array($schedule_type, array('D', 'W', 'M', 'NW'))) {
            // date and time for Daily, Day of Week, Day of month, Nth weekday of month
            list($b_y, $b_m, $b_d, $b_h, $b_u, $b_s, $b_time) = Util::get_utc_from_date($dbconn, "{$biyear}-{$bimonth}-{$biday} {$time_hour}:{$time_min}:00", $tz);
            $biyear = $b_y;
            $bimonth = $b_m;
            $biday = $b_d;
            $time_hour = $b_h;
            $time_min = $b_u;
    $resolve_names = $not_resolve == '1' ? 0 : 1;
    if ($schedule_type != 'N') {
        // current datetime in UTC
        $arrTime = explode(":", gmdate('Y:m:d:w:H:i:s'));
        $year = $arrTime[0];
        $mon = $arrTime[1];
        $mday = $arrTime[2];
        $wday = $arrTime[3];
        $hour = $arrTime[4];
        $min = $arrTime[5];
        $sec = $arrTime[6];
        $timenow = $hour . $min . $sec;
        $run_wday = $daysMap[$dayofweek]['number'];
        $run_time = sprintf('%02d%02d%02d', $time_hour, $time_min, '00');
        $run_mday = $dayofmonth;
        $time_value = "{$time_hour}:{$time_min}:00";
        $ndays = array('Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday');
        $begin_in_seconds = Util::get_utc_unixtime("{$biyear}-{$bimonth}-{$biday} {$time_hour}:{$time_min}:00") - 3600 * $tz;
        $current_in_seconds = gmdate('U');
        // current datetime in UTC
        if (strlen($bimonth) == 1) {
            $bimonth = '0' . $bimonth;
        if (strlen($biday) == 1) {
            $biday = '0' . $biday;
    switch ($schedule_type) {
        case 'N':
            $requested_run = gmdate('YmdHis');
        case 'O':
            $requested_run = sprintf('%04d%02d%02d%06d', $ROYEAR, $ROMONTH, $ROday, $run_time);
        case 'D':
            if ($begin_in_seconds > $current_in_seconds) {
                $next_day = $biyear . $bimonth . $biday;
                // selected date by user
            } else {
                if ($run_time > $timenow) {
                    $next_day = $year . $mon . $mday;
                    // today
                } else {
                    $next_day = gmdate("Ymd", strtotime("+1 day GMT", gmdate("U")));
                    // next day
            $requested_run = sprintf("%08d%06d", $next_day, $run_time);
        case 'W':
            if ($begin_in_seconds > $current_in_seconds) {
                // if it is a future date
                $wday = date("w", mktime(0, 0, 0, $bimonth, $biday, $biyear));
                // make week day for begin day
                if ($run_wday == $wday) {
                    $next_day = $biyear . $bimonth . $biday;
                    // selected date by user
                } else {
                    $next_day = gmdate("Ymd", strtotime("next " . $ndays[$run_wday] . " GMT", mktime(0, 0, 0, $bimonth, $biday, $biyear)));
            } else {
                if ($run_wday == $wday && $run_time > $timenow) {
                    $next_day = $year . $mon . $mday;
                    // today
                } else {
                    $next_day = gmdate("Ymd", strtotime("next " . $ndays[$run_wday] . " GMT", gmdate("U")));
                    // next week
            preg_match("/(\\d{4})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})/", $next_day, $found);
            list($b_y, $b_m, $b_d, $b_h, $b_u, $b_s, $b_time) = Util::get_utc_from_date($dbconn, $found[1] . "-" . $found[2] . "-" . $found[3] . " {$btime_hour}:{$btime_min}:00", $tz);
            $requested_run = sprintf("%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d", $b_y, $b_m, $b_d, $b_h, $b_u, "00");
        case 'M':
            if ($begin_in_seconds > $current_in_seconds) {
                // if it is a future date
                if ($run_mday >= $biday) {
                    $next_day = $biyear . $bimonth . ($run_mday < 10 ? "0" : "") . $run_mday;
                    // this month
                } else {
                    $next_day = sprintf("%06d%02d", gmdate("Ym", strtotime("next month GMT", mktime(0, 0, 0, $bimonth, $biday, $biyear))), $run_mday);
            } else {
                if ($run_mday > $mday || $run_mday == $mday && $run_time > $timenow) {
                    $next_day = $year . $mon . ($run_mday < 10 ? "0" : "") . $run_mday;
                    // this month
                } else {
                    $next_day = sprintf("%06d%02d", gmdate("Ym", strtotime("next month GMT", gmdate("U"))), $run_mday);
            preg_match("/(\\d{4})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})/", $next_day, $found);
            list($b_y, $b_m, $b_d, $b_h, $b_u, $b_s, $b_time) = Util::get_utc_from_date($dbconn, $found[1] . "-" . $found[2] . "-" . $found[3] . " {$btime_hour}:{$btime_min}:00", $tz);
            $requested_run = sprintf("%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d", $b_y, $b_m, $b_d, $b_h, $b_u, "00");
        case 'NW':
            if ($begin_in_seconds > $current_in_seconds) {
                // if it is a future date
                $array_time = array('month' => $bbimonth, 'day' => $bbiday, 'year' => $bbiyear);
                $requested_run = weekday_month(strtolower($daysMap[$dayofweek]['text']), $nthweekday, $btime_hour, $btime_min, $array_time);
            } else {
                $requested_run = weekday_month(strtolower($daysMap[$dayofweek]['text']), $nthweekday, $btime_hour, $btime_min);
            preg_match("/(\\d{4})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})/", $requested_run, $found);
            list($b_y, $b_m, $b_d, $b_h, $b_u, $b_s, $b_time) = Util::get_utc_from_date($dbconn, $found[1] . "-" . $found[2] . "-" . $found[3] . " " . $found[4] . ":" . $found[5] . ":00", $tz);
            $requested_run = sprintf("%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d", $b_y, $b_m, $b_d, $b_h, $b_u, "00");
            $dayofmonth = $nthweekday;
    $insert_time = gmdate('YmdHis');
    if (!empty($_SESSION['_vuln_targets']) && count($_SESSION['_vuln_targets']) > 0) {
        $sgr = array();
        foreach ($_SESSION['_vuln_targets'] as $target_selected => $server_id) {
            $sgr[$server_id][] = $target_selected;
        // clean scan targets
        $resolve_names = $not_resolve == '1' ? 0 : 1;
        $queries = array();
        $bbimonth = strlen($bbimonth) == 1 ? '0' . $bbimonth : $bbimonth;
        $bbiday = strlen($bbiday) == 1 ? '0' . $bbiday : $bbiday;
        $qc = 0;
        if ($schedule_type == 'N') {
            foreach ($sgr as $notify_sensor => $target_list) {
                $target_list = implode("\n", $target_list);
                $params = array($job_name, $username, Session::get_session_user(), $schedule_type, $target_list, $hosts_alive, $sid, $send_email, $timeout, $SVRid, $insert_time, $requested_run, '3', 'S', $notify_sensor, $scan_locally, '', $resolve_names, $credentials);
                $queries[$qc]['query'] = 'INSERT INTO vuln_jobs ( name, username, fk_name, meth_SCHED, meth_TARGET,  meth_CRED,
                    meth_VSET, meth_Wfile, meth_TIMEOUT, scan_ASSIGNED,
                    scan_SUBMIT, scan_next, scan_PRIORITY, status, notify, authorized, author_uname, resolve_names, credentials )
                    VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)';
                $queries[$qc]['params'] = $params;
        } else {
            $params = array($bbiyear . $bbimonth . $bbiday, $job_name, $username, Session::get_session_user(), $schedule_type, $dayofweek, $dayofmonth, $time_value, implode("\n", $targets), $hosts_alive, $sid, $send_email, $scan_locally, $timeout, $requested_run, $insert_time, strval($scheduled_status), $resolve_names, $time_interval, '', $credentials, $SVRid);
            $queries[$qc]['query'] = 'INSERT INTO vuln_job_schedule ( begin, name, username, fk_name, schedule_type, day_of_week, day_of_month, time, meth_TARGET, meth_CRED, meth_VSET, meth_Wfile,  meth_Ucheck, meth_TIMEOUT, next_CHECK, createdate, enabled, resolve_names, time_interval, IP_ctx, credentials, email)
                                     VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ';
            $queries[$qc]['params'] = $params;
        $execute_errors = array();
        foreach ($queries as $id => $sql_data) {
            $rs = $dbconn->execute($sql_data['query'], $sql_data['params']);
            if ($rs === FALSE) {
                $execute_errors[] = $dbconn->ErrorMsg();
        if (empty($execute_errors) && $schedule_type != 'N') {
            // We have to update the vuln_job_assets
            if (intval($sched_id) == 0) {
                $query = ossim_query('SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() as sched_id');
                $rs = $dbconn->Execute($query);
                if (!$rs) {
                    Av_exception::throw_error(Av_exception::DB_ERROR, $dbconn->ErrorMsg());
                } else {
                    $sched_id = $rs->fields['sched_id'];
            Vulnerabilities::update_vuln_job_assets($dbconn, 'insert', $sched_id, 0);
        $config_nt = array('content' => '', 'options' => array('type' => 'nf_success', 'cancel_button' => FALSE), 'style' => 'width: 40%; margin: 20px auto; text-align: center;');
        $config_nt['content'] = empty($execute_errors) ? _('Successfully Submitted Job') : _('Error creating scan job:') . implode('<br>', $execute_errors);
        $nt = new Notification('nt_1', $config_nt);