/** * @param ISqlQuery $query * @param string $errormsg * @param integer $errorno */ function __construct(ISqlQuery $query, $errormsg, $errorno) { Assert::isScalar($errormsg); Assert::isNumeric($errorno); parent::__construct($errormsg, $errorno); $this->query = $query; }
/** * @see CachePeer::set() * * @return SysVCachePeer */ function set($key, $value, $ttl = CacheTtl::HOUR) { Assert::isNumeric($ttl); if ($this->isAlive()) { shm_put_var($this->getSegmentPtr(), $this->key2int($key), array(self::FIELD_EXPIRES => time() + $ttl, self::FIELD_DATA => $value)); } return $this; }
/** * Choose russion word declension based on numeric. * * Example for $expressions: array("ответ", "ответа", "ответов") * * @param int $number * @param array $expressions * @return string */ static function getDeclension($number, array $expressions) { Assert::isNumeric($number); if (count($expressions) < 3) { $expressions[2] = $expressions[1]; } $count = $number % 100; if ($count >= 5 && $count <= 20) { $result = $expressions[2]; } else { $count = $count % 10; if ($count == 1) { $result = $expressions[0]; } elseif ($count >= 2 && $count <= 4) { $result = $expressions[1]; } else { $result = $expressions[2]; } } return $result; }
function highscore_list($filter, $pages, $page = 1, $rows = 50) { Assert::isId($page); Assert::isId($rows); if ($filter['hours'] || $filter['days']) { if ($filter['hours']) { Assert::isNumeric($filter['hours']); $timeout = date("Y-m-d H:m:s", time() - (int) $filter['hours'] * 60 * 60); } else { Assert::isNumeric($filter['days']); $timeout = date("Y-m-d H:m:s", time() - (int) $filter['days'] * 24 * 60 * 60); } $count = selectsql("\n select count(*) as count\n from user u\n left join activity a on (a.uid = u.uid)\n where a.stamp > '{$timeout}'\n group by u.uid\n "); $count = count($count); #Seitenamzahl berechnen $pages = ceil($count / $rows); #Seite checken if ($pages < $page && $pages != 0) { $page = $pages; } $result = selectsql("\n select u.*,ga.*,a.*,sum(ac.bonus) as activity_points\n from user u\n left join activity ac on (ac.uid = u.uid)\n left join galaxy ga on (ga.gala = u.gala)\n left join alliance a on(a.aid = ga.aid)\n where ac.stamp > '{$timeout}'\n group by u.uid\n order by activity_points desc, u.nick asc\n LIMIT " . $rows * ($page - 1) . ",{$rows}\n "); } else { $count = selectsqlLine("\n select count(*) as count\n from user u\n "); #Seitenamzahl berechnen $pages = ceil($count['count'] / $rows); #Seite checken if ($pages < $page && $pages != 0) { $page = $pages; } $result = selectsql("\n select * from user u\n left join galaxy ga on (ga.gala = u.gala)\n left join alliance a on(a.aid = ga.aid)\n order by u.activity_points desc, u.nick asc\n LIMIT " . $rows * ($page - 1) . ",{$rows}\n "); } for ($i = 0; $i < count($result); $i++) { $result[$i]['place'] = $rows * ($page - 1) + $i + 1; } return $result; }
/** * @param integer $port * @return HttpUrl itself */ function setPort($port) { Assert::isNumeric($port); $this->port = $port; return $this; }
public function test_should_support_numeric_assertion() { $this->assertTrue(Assert::isNumeric(3)); }
/** * Sets the mask to what errors should be translated to exceptions. E.g., if you specify * E_WARNING | E_NOTICE as the cover mask, E_NOTICE and E_WARNING errors would be translated * to exceptions, but E_ERROR is not. * @param integer $coverMask integer mask to specify what errors should be translated to * exceptions. E.g., if you specify E_WARNING | E_NOTICE as the cover mask, E_NOTICE * and E_WARNING errors would be translated to exceptions, but E_ERROR is not. * Default is E_ALL. * @return Exceptionizer itself */ function setCoverMask($coverMask = E_ALL) { Assert::isNumeric($coverMask); Assert::isTrue(!!($coverMask & E_ALL), 'not an error mask'); $this->mask = $coverMask; return $this; }
function miliscan_fleet_get_bykoords($gala, $pos, $num) { Assert::isId($gala); Assert::isId($pos); Assert::isNumeric($num); return selectsqlline("\n select * from scans s\n left join scanmili_fleet mf using(sid)\n left join fleet f on (f.fid = mf.fid)\n where s.gala = {$gala} and s.pos = {$pos} and mf.num = {$num}\n "); }