コード例 #1
ファイル: UserFilterWidget.php プロジェクト: elvyrra/hawk
  * Get the user filters
  * @return array The user filters
 public function getFilters()
     if (App::request()->getHeaders('X-List-Filter')) {
         App::session()->getUser()->setOption('admin.user-filter', App::request()->getHeaders('X-List-Filter'));
     return json_decode(App::session()->getUser()->getOptions('admin.user-filter'), true);
コード例 #2
ファイル: RoleController.php プロジェクト: elvyrra/hawk
  * Edit a role
 public function edit()
     $param = array('id' => 'edit-role-form', 'model' => 'Role', 'reference' => array('id' => $this->roleId), 'fieldsets' => array('form' => array('nofieldset' => true, new HiddenInput(array('field' => 'removable', 'default' => 1, 'readonly' => true)), new TextInput(array('field' => 'name', 'maxlength' => 32, 'label' => Lang::get('roles.form-name-label'), 'required' => true)), new ColorInput(array('field' => 'color', 'label' => Lang::get('roles.form-color-label'), 'default' => '#000'))), '_submits' => array(new SubmitInput(array('name' => 'valid', 'value' => Lang::get('main.valid-button'))), new DeleteInput(array('name' => 'delete', 'value' => Lang::get('main.delete-button'), 'notDisplayed' => $this->roleId == -1)), new ButtonInput(array('name' => 'cancel', 'value' => Lang::get('main.cancel-button'), 'onclick' => 'app.dialog("close")')))), 'onsuccess' => 'app.dialog("close"); app.load(app.getUri("list-roles"), {selector : "#admin-roles-tab"});');
     foreach (Language::getAll() as $language) {
         $param['fieldsets']['form'][] = new TextInput(array('name' => "translation[{$language->tag}]", "independant" => true, 'required' => $language->tag == LANGUAGE, "label" => Lang::get("roles.role-label-label", array('lang' => $language->tag)), "default" => Lang::exists("roles.role-" . $this->roleId . "-label") ? Lang::get("roles.role-" . $this->roleId . "-label", array(), 0, $language->tag) : ''));
     $form = new Form($param);
     if (!$form->submitted()) {
         return View::make(Theme::getSelected()->getView("dialogbox.tpl"), array('icon' => 'user', 'title' => Lang::get('roles.form-title'), 'page' => $form));
     } else {
         if ($form->submitted() == "delete") {
             if ($key) {
             return $form->response(Form::STATUS_SUCCESS);
         } else {
             if ($form->check()) {
                 try {
                     $roleId = $form->register(Form::NO_EXIT);
                     // Create the language key for the translations of the role name
                     foreach (App::request()->getBody('translation') as $tag => $translation) {
                         Language::getByTag($tag)->saveTranslations(array('roles' => array("role-{$roleId}-label" => $translation)));
                     return $form->response(Form::STATUS_SUCCESS);
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     return $form->response(Form::STATUS_ERROR, DEBUG_MODE ? $e->getMessage() : "");
コード例 #3
 protected function formAction()
     $form = new UrlForm();
     if (App::request()->isPost()) {
         $form->setValue('url', App::request()->getPostVar('url'));
         if ($form->isValid()) {
             // if URL is valid
             // find or generate short URL
             $existsUrlRecord = UrlModel::findOneByLongurl($form->getValue('url'));
             if (false !== $existsUrlRecord) {
                 // alredy exists - use it
                 $shortURI = App::alphaid()->toAlpha($existsUrlRecord->id);
             } else {
                 // not exists - create new
                 $urlRecord = new UrlModel();
                 $urlRecord->longurl = $form->getValue('url');
                 $shortURI = App::alphaid()->toAlpha($urlRecord->id);
             $shortURL = App::router()->createUrl('Redirector', 'redirect', array('url' => $shortURI));
             $form->setValue('shortUrl', $shortURL);
     if (App::request()->isAjaxRequest()) {
         $this->view->form = $form->getData();
     } else {
         $this->view->form = $form;
コード例 #4
ファイル: Principal.php プロジェクト: suryakencana/tekkadan
  * POST /principal
 public function s003()
     try {
         $req = App::request();
         if ($req->isPost()) {
             $post = $req->post();
             if (!empty($post["nama"])) {
                 $attributes = array("nama" => $post["nama"], "aktif" => isset($post["aktif"]) ? 1 : 0);
                 $table = Principal::table();
                 if (is_null($post["gen_id"]) || $post["gen_id"] == "") {
                 } else {
                     $where = "nama = '" . $post["gen_id"] . "'";
                     $table->update($attributes, $where);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $error = $e->getMessage();
         App::flash('error', $post["nama"] . ' ' . ZiUtil::unique_error($error));
         // App::flash('error', 'Terjadi kesalahan pada inputan anda.');
     App::flash('info', 'Data Tersimpan.');
コード例 #5
ファイル: UnitOM.php プロジェクト: suryakencana/tekkadan
  * POST /uom
 public function s003()
     try {
         $req = App::request();
         if ($req->isPost()) {
             $post = $req->post();
             $attributes = array("uom_nama" => $post["uom_nama"], "aktif" => isset($post["aktif"]) ? 1 : 0);
             $table = UOM::table();
             if (is_null($post["gen_id"]) || $post["gen_id"] == "") {
             } else {
                 $where = "uom_nama = '" . $post["gen_id"] . "'";
                 $table->update($attributes, $where);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $error = $e->getMessage();
         App::flash('error', $post["uom_nama"] . ' ' . ZiUtil::unique_error($error));
     App::flash('info', 'Data Tersimpan : ' . $post["uom_nama"]);
コード例 #6
ファイル: Controller.php プロジェクト: chaoyanjie/MonkeyPHP
  * 构造方法
  * @param App $app
 public function __construct($app)
     $this->app = $app;
     $this->appConfig = $app->config();
     $this->request = $app->request();
     $this->response = $app->response();
     $app->controller = $this;
コード例 #7
ファイル: Router.php プロジェクト: eskrano/mobicms
 public function __construct()
     $parse = parse_url(\App::request()->getPathInfo());
     $this->path = isset($parse['path']) ? array_map('trim', array_filter(explode('/', trim($parse['path'], '/')))) : [];
     $this->config = (new Routes())->routesMap;
     $this->module = $this->getModule();
     $this->dir = $this->config[$this->module];
コード例 #8
  * Constructor
  * @param string $url The not found URL
  * @param array $details The exception details
 public function __construct($url = '', $details = array())
     if (!$url) {
         $url = App::request()->getFullUrl();
     $details['url'] = $url;
     $message = Lang::get('main.http-error-404-message', $details);
     parent::__construct($message, $details);
コード例 #9
ファイル: InstallController.php プロジェクト: elvyrra/hawk
  * Install the application
 public function settings()
     $form = new Form(array('id' => 'install-settings-form', 'labelWidth' => '30em', 'fieldsets' => array('global' => array('legend' => Lang::get('install.settings-global-legend', null, null, $this->language), new TextInput(array('name' => 'title', 'required' => true, 'label' => Lang::get('install.settings-title-label', null, null, $this->language), 'default' => DEFAULT_HTML_TITLE)), new TextInput(array('name' => 'rooturl', 'required' => true, 'label' => Lang::get('install.settings-rooturl-label', null, null, $this->language), 'placeholder' => 'http://', 'default' => getenv('REQUEST_SCHEME') . '://' . getenv('SERVER_NAME'))), new SelectInput(array('name' => 'timezone', 'required' => true, 'options' => array_combine(\DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers(), \DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers()), 'default' => DEFAULT_TIMEZONE, 'label' => Lang::get('install.settings-timezone-label')))), 'database' => array('legend' => Lang::get('install.settings-database-legend', null, null, $this->language), new TextInput(array('name' => 'db[host]', 'required' => true, 'label' => Lang::get('install.settings-db-host-label', null, null, $this->language), 'default' => 'localhost')), new TextInput(array('name' => 'db[username]', 'required' => true, 'label' => Lang::get('install.settings-db-username-label', null, null, $this->language))), new PasswordInput(array('name' => 'db[password]', 'required' => true, 'label' => Lang::get('install.settings-db-password-label', null, null, $this->language), 'pattern' => '/^.*$/')), new TextInput(array('name' => 'db[dbname]', 'required' => true, 'pattern' => '/^\\w+$/', 'label' => Lang::get('install.settings-db-dbname-label', null, null, $this->language))), new TextInput(array('name' => 'db[prefix]', 'default' => 'Hawk', 'pattern' => '/^\\w+$/', 'label' => Lang::get('install.settings-db-prefix-label', null, null, $this->language)))), 'admin' => array('legend' => Lang::get('install.settings-admin-legend', null, null, $this->language), new TextInput(array('name' => 'admin[login]', 'required' => true, 'pattern' => '/^\\w+$/', 'label' => Lang::get('install.settings-admin-login-label', null, null, $this->language))), new EmailInput(array('name' => 'admin[email]', 'required' => true, 'label' => Lang::get('install.settings-admin-email-label', null, null, $this->language))), new PasswordInput(array('name' => 'admin[password]', 'required' => true, 'label' => Lang::get('install.settings-admin-password-label', null, null, $this->language))), new PasswordInput(array('name' => 'admin[passagain]', 'required' => true, 'compare' => 'admin[password]', 'label' => Lang::get('install.settings-admin-passagain-label', null, null, $this->language)))), '_submits' => array(new SubmitInput(array('name' => 'valid', 'value' => Lang::get('install.install-button', null, null, $this->language), 'icon' => 'cog')))), 'onsuccess' => 'location.href = data.rooturl;'));
     if (!$form->submitted()) {
         // Display the form
         $body = View::make(Plugin::current()->getView('settings.tpl'), array('form' => $form));
         return \Hawk\Plugins\Main\MainController::getInstance()->index($body);
     } else {
         // Make the installation
         if ($form->check()) {
              * Generate Crypto constants
             $salt = Crypto::generateKey(24);
             $key = Crypto::generateKey(32);
             $iv = Crypto::generateKey(16);
             $configMode = 'prod';
              * Create the database and it tables
             $tmpfile = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), '');
             DB::add('tmp', array(array('host' => $form->getData('db[host]'), 'username' => $form->getData('db[username]'), 'password' => $form->getData('db[password]'))));
             try {
             } catch (DBException $e) {
                 return $form->response(Form::STATUS_ERROR, Lang::get('install.install-connection-error'));
             try {
                 $param = array('{{ $dbname }}' => $form->getData('db[dbname]'), '{{ $prefix }}' => $form->getData('db[prefix]'), '{{ $language }}' => $this->language, '{{ $timezone }}' => $form->getData('timezone'), '{{ $title }}' => Db::get('tmp')->quote($form->getData('title')), '{{ $email }}' => Db::get('tmp')->quote($form->getData('admin[email]')), '{{ $login }}' => Db::get('tmp')->quote($form->getData('admin[login]')), '{{ $password }}' => Db::get('tmp')->quote(Crypto::saltHash($form->getData('admin[password]'), $salt)), '{{ $ip }}' => Db::get('tmp')->quote(App::request()->clientIp()));
                 $sql = strtr(file_get_contents(Plugin::current()->getRootDir() . 'templates/install.sql.tpl'), $param);
                 // file_put_contents($tmpfile, $sql);
                  * Create the config file
                 $param = array('{{ $salt }}' => addcslashes($salt, "'"), '{{ $key }}' => addcslashes($key, "'"), '{{ $iv }}' => addcslashes($iv, "'"), '{{ $configMode }}' => $configMode, '{{ $rooturl }}' => $form->getData('rooturl'), '{{ $host }}' => $form->getData('db[host]'), '{{ $username }}' => $form->getData('db[username]'), '{{ $password }}' => $form->getData('db[password]'), '{{ $dbname }}' => $form->getData('db[dbname]'), '{{ $prefix }}' => $form->getData('db[prefix]'), '{{ $sessionEngine }}' => $form->getData('session'), '{{ $version }}' => $form->getData('version'));
                 $config = strtr(file_get_contents(Plugin::current()->getRootDir() . 'templates/config.php.tpl'), $param);
                 file_put_contents(INCLUDES_DIR . 'config.php', $config);
                  * Create etc/dev.php
                 App::fs()->copy(Plugin::current()->getRootDir() . 'templates/etc-dev.php', ETC_DIR . 'dev.php');
                  * Create etc/prod.php
                 App::fs()->copy(Plugin::current()->getRootDir() . 'templates/etc-prod.php', ETC_DIR . 'prod.php');
                 $form->addReturn('rooturl', $form->getData('rooturl'));
                 return $form->response(Form::STATUS_SUCCESS, Lang::get('install.install-success'));
             } catch (\Exception $e) {
                 return $form->response(Form::STATUS_ERROR, Lang::get('install.install-error'));
コード例 #10
  * Open a new session
  * @param string $savePath Not used
  * @param string $name     The session name (defaulty 'PHPSESSID')
 public function open($savePath, $name)
     $this->db = App::db();
     $this->table = DB::getFullTablename('Session');
     // Update the session mtime
     if (App::request()->getCookies($name)) {
         SessionModel::getDbInstance()->update(SessionModel::getTable(), new DBExample(array('id' => App::request()->getCookies($name))), array('mtime' => time()));
     // Clean expired sessions
コード例 #11
ファイル: PathTrait.php プロジェクト: professor93/mobicms
 private function links($file)
     $url = \App::request()->getBaseUrl();
     $skin = \App::user()->get()->config()->skin;
     $type = strtolower(pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
     $moduleDir = \App::router()->dir;
     $themeLink = $url . '/themes/';
     $skinLink = $themeLink . $skin . '/';
     $skinPath = THEMES_PATH . $skin . DS;
     return [[$skinPath . 'modules' . DS . $moduleDir . DS . $type . DS . $file, $skinLink . 'modules/' . $moduleDir . '/' . $type . '/' . $file], [ASSETS_PATH . 'modules' . DS . $moduleDir . DS . $type . DS . $file, $url . '/assets/modules/' . $moduleDir . '/' . $type . '/' . $file], [$skinPath . $type . DS . $file, $skinLink . $type . '/' . $file], [ASSETS_PATH . 'template' . DS . $type . DS . $file, $url . '/assets/template/' . $type . '/' . $file]];
コード例 #12
ファイル: PermissionController.php プロジェクト: elvyrra/hawk
  * Display the main page of the permission settings
 public function index()
     $permissionGroups = Permission::getAllGroupByPlugin();
     $example = isset($this->roleId) ? array('roleId' => $this->roleId) : array();
     $data = RolePermission::getListByExample(new DBExample($example));
     $values = array();
     foreach ($data as $value) {
         $values[$value->permissionId][$value->roleId] = $value->value;
     $roles = isset($this->roleId) ? array(Role::getById($this->roleId)) : Role::getAll(null, array(), array(), true);
     $param = array('id' => 'permissions-form', 'fieldsets' => array('form' => array(), '_submits' => array(new SubmitInput(array('name' => 'valid', 'value' => Lang::get('main.valid-button'))))));
     foreach ($roles as $role) {
         foreach ($permissionGroups as $group => $permissions) {
             if (Plugin::get($group)) {
                 foreach ($permissions as $permission) {
                     if ($role->id == Role::ADMIN_ROLE_ID) {
                         $default = 1;
                     } elseif (isset($values[$permission->id][$role->id])) {
                         $default = $values[$permission->id][$role->id];
                     } else {
                         $default = 0;
                     $param['fieldsets']['form'][] = new CheckboxInput(array('name' => "permission-{$permission->id}-{$role->id}", 'disabled' => $role->id == Role::ADMIN_ROLE_ID || $role->id == Role::GUEST_ROLE_ID && !$permission->availableForGuests, 'default' => $default, 'class' => $permission->id == Permission::ALL_PRIVILEGES_ID ? 'select-all' : '', 'nl' => false));
     $form = new Form($param);
     if (!$form->submitted()) {
         $page = View::make(Plugin::current()->getView("permissions.tpl"), array('permissions' => $permissionGroups, 'fields' => $form->inputs, 'roles' => $roles));
         return NoSidebarTab::make(array('icon' => 'unlock-alt', 'title' => Lang::get('permissions.page-title'), 'page' => $form->wrap($page)));
     } else {
         try {
             foreach ($form->inputs as $name => $field) {
                 if (preg_match('/^permission\\-(\\d+)\\-(\\d+)$/', $name, $match)) {
                     $permissionId = $match[1];
                     $roleId = $match[2];
                     $value = App::request()->getBody($name) ? 1 : 0;
                     if ($roleId != Role::ADMIN_ROLE_ID && !($roleId == Role::GUEST_ROLE_ID && !$permission->availableForGuests)) {
                         $permission = new RolePermission();
                         $permission->set(array('roleId' => $roleId, 'permissionId' => $permissionId, 'value' => $value));
             App::logger()->info('Permissions were succesfully updated');
             return $form->response(Form::STATUS_SUCCESS, Lang::get("roles.permissions-update-success"));
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             App::logger()->error('An error occured while updating permissions');
             return $form->response(Form::STATUS_ERROR, DEBUG_MODE ? $e->getMessage() : Lang::get("roles.permissions-update-error"));
コード例 #13
ファイル: Login.php プロジェクト: suryakencana/tekkadan
 public function index()
     $req = App::request();
     if ($req->isPost()) {
         if ($this->auth->login($req->post('user'), $req->post('passwd'))) {
             App::flash('info', "Your login was successful")->redirect('home');
         } else {
             App::flash('error', 'Your username or password was wrong');
コード例 #14
ファイル: Logger.php プロジェクト: elvyrra/hawk
  * Write log
  * @param string $level   The log level : 'debug', 'info', 'notice', 'warning', 'error'
  * @param string $message The message to write
 private function write($level, $message)
     if (empty($this->resources[$level])) {
     $trace = debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS, 2);
     $trace = (object) $trace[1];
     $request = App::request();
     $data = array('date' => date_create()->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'requestId' => $request->uid, 'method' => $request->getMethod(), 'clientIp' => $request->clientIp(), 'uri' => $request->getUri(), 'file' => $trace->file, 'line' => $trace->line, 'message' => $message);
     $input = json_encode($data, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES);
     fwrite($this->resources[$level], $input . PHP_EOL);
コード例 #15
ファイル: Test.php プロジェクト: suryakencana/tekkadan
 public function apiJson()
     $comments = file_get_contents('assets/comments.json');
     $req = App::request();
     if ($req->isPost()) {
         $post = $req->post();
         $commentsDecoded = json_decode($comments, true);
         $commentsDecoded[] = ['author' => $post['author'], 'text' => $post['text']];
         $comments = json_encode($commentsDecoded, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
         file_put_contents('assets/comments.json', $comments);
コード例 #16
ファイル: CodeMirror.php プロジェクト: professor93/mobicms
 public function __construct()
     $view = \App::view();
     $url = \App::request()->getBaseUrl();
     $view->embedJs('<script src="' . $url . '/assets/js/codemirror/lib/codemirror.min.js"></script>');
     $view->embedJs('<script src="' . $url . '/assets/js/codemirror/addon/hint/show-hint.min.js"></script>');
     $view->embedJs('<script src="' . $url . '/assets/js/codemirror/addon/hint/xml-hint.min.js"></script>');
     $view->embedJs('<script src="' . $url . '/assets/js/codemirror/addon/hint/html-hint.min.js"></script>');
     $view->embedJs('<script src="' . $url . '/assets/js/codemirror/mode/xml/xml.js"></script>');
     $view->embedJs('<script src="' . $url . '/assets/js/codemirror/mode/javascript/javascript.js"></script>');
     $view->embedJs('<script src="' . $url . '/assets/js/codemirror/mode/css/css.js"></script>');
     $view->embedJs('<script src="' . $url . '/assets/js/codemirror/mode/htmlmixed/htmlmixed.js"></script>');
コード例 #17
 protected function redirectAction()
     $shortURI = App::request()->getQueryVar('url');
     $shortURIId = App::alphaid()->toId($shortURI);
     /** @var $urlRecord UrlModel */
     $urlRecord = UrlModel::findOneByPk($shortURIId);
     if (false !== $urlRecord && !empty($urlRecord->longurl)) {
         // TODO cache
         // TODO statictics (hits/lastuse)
         App::response()->redirectAndExit($urlRecord->longurl, 301);
         // SEO friendly redirect
     } else {
         // redirect failed
コード例 #18
ファイル: Warehouse.php プロジェクト: suryakencana/tekkadan
  * POST /warehouse
 public function s003()
     $req = App::request();
     if ($req->isPost()) {
         $post = $req->post();
         $attributes = array("warehouse_nama" => $post["warehouse_nama"], "keterangan" => $post["keterangan"], "company" => "RSMM");
         $table = Warehouse::table();
         if (is_null($post["gen_id"]) || $post["gen_id"] == "") {
             $attributes["id"] = ZiUtil::GetNowID();
         } else {
             $where = "id = '" . $post["gen_id"] . "'";
             $table->update($attributes, $where);
コード例 #19
ファイル: option_theme.php プロジェクト: professor93/mobicms
function getThemesList()
    $tpl_list = [];
    $dirs = glob(THEMES_PATH . '*', GLOB_ONLYDIR);
    foreach ($dirs as $val) {
        if (is_file($val . DS . 'theme.ini')) {
            $options = parse_ini_file($val . DS . 'theme.ini');
            if (isset($options['name'], $options['author'], $options['author_url'], $options['author_email'], $options['description']) && is_file($val . DS . 'theme.png')) {
                $dir = basename($val);
                $options['thumbinal'] = App::request()->getBaseUrl() . '/themes/' . $dir . '/theme.png';
                $tpl_list[$dir] = $options;
    return $tpl_list;
コード例 #20
  * @param $config array
 public static function run($config)
     static::$_config = $config;
     // initialize error handling
     register_shutdown_function(array('App', 'onFatalError'));
     set_exception_handler(array('App', 'onException'));
     set_error_handler(array('App', 'onError'));
     $response = App::response();
     // init response
     // start output buffering
     // initialize class Autoloader
     $autoloader = static::autoloader();
     // initialize Router
     $router = static::router();
     $parsedUrl = $router->parseRequestUrl(App::request()->getUrl());
     $controllerClassName = $parsedUrl['controller'];
     $actionMethodName = $parsedUrl['action'];
     $parameters = $parsedUrl['parameters'];
     if (!$autoloader->classDefined($controllerClassName)) {
         trigger_error('Controller "' . $controllerClassName . '" not found');
     /** @var $controller AppController */
     $controller = new $controllerClassName();
     // get response from action
     $actionContent = $controller->run();
     // get layout from controller
     $layout = $controller->getLayout();
     if ($layout) {
         // if layout not disabled ( @see AppController::disableLayout() )
         $layoutView = new AppView('layouts/' . $layout);
         $layoutView->title = static::$_config['applicationName'];
         $layoutView->content = $actionContent;
         // insert action response into page layout
         // render page
         echo $layoutView->render();
     // send response to client
コード例 #21
ファイル: AppEngine.php プロジェクト: hiroyalty/ussdAirtel
 public static function getResponse()
     $input = trim($_REQUEST['INPUT']) ? $_REQUEST['INPUT'] : '676';
     $msisdn = isset($_REQUEST['msisdn']) ? trim($_REQUEST['msisdn']) : '2348132614337';
     $code = $_REQUEST['code'] ? $_REQUEST['code'] : '676';
     //always the same
     $sessionid = isset($_REQUEST['sessionid']) ? $_REQUEST['sessionid'] : "52277817";
     // find out what ussd code is running and map it to the right app
      * 776 is mhealth, 676 is mmarket
     try {
         $content = App::putText($input, $sessionid, $msisdn, $code);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $content = "Service Temporarily Unavailable";
     $url = "";
     return App::request($url);
     #return $txt;
コード例 #22
ファイル: Upload.php プロジェクト: elvyrra/hawk
  * Constructor
  * @param string $name the name of the upload
 private function __construct($name)
     $files = App::request()->getFiles();
     if (empty($files[$name])) {
         throw new UploadException();
     if (is_array($files[$name]['name'])) {
         foreach ($files[$name]['name'] as $i => $data) {
             if (!is_file($files[$name]['tmp_name'][$i])) {
                 throw new UploadException();
             $this->files[$i] = (object) array('basename' => $files[$name]['name'][$i], 'tmpFile' => $files[$name]['tmp_name'][$i], 'mime' => $files[$name]['type'][$i], 'size' => $files[$name]['size'][$i], 'extension' => pathinfo($files[$name]['name'][$i], PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
     } else {
         if (!is_file($files[$name]['tmp_name'])) {
             throw new UploadException();
         $this->files[] = (object) array('basename' => $files[$name]['name'], 'tmpFile' => $files[$name]['tmp_name'], 'mime' => $files[$name]['type'], 'size' => $files[$name]['size'], 'extension' => pathinfo($files[$name]['name'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
コード例 #23
ファイル: Pricelist.php プロジェクト: suryakencana/tekkadan
  * POST /pricelist
 public function s003()
     $req = App::request();
     if ($req->isPost()) {
         $post = $req->post();
         if (!empty($post["price_list_nama"])) {
             $attributes = array("price_list_nama" => $post["price_list_nama"], "kode_invoice" => $post["kode_invoice"], "currency" => "IDR", "aktif" => isset($post["aktif"]) ? 1 : 0, "pembelian" => isset($post["pembelian"]) ? 1 : 0, "penjualan" => isset($post["penjualan"]) ? 1 : 0);
             $table = PriceList::table();
             if (is_null($post["gen_id"]) || $post["gen_id"] == "") {
             } else {
                 $where = "price_list_nama = '" . $post["gen_id"] . "'";
                 $table->update($attributes, $where);
             App::flash('info', 'Data Tersimpan.');
     App::flash('error', 'Terjadi kesalahan pada inputan anda.');
コード例 #24
ファイル: Resthttp.php プロジェクト: suryakencana/tekkadan
 public function deletefile()
     $req = App::request();
     $jsonData = array();
     $jsonData["result"] = null;
     if ($req->isPost()) {
         try {
             $post = $req->post();
             $jsonData["fileid"] = $post['fileid'];
             if (ZHelper::contentDir($post['fileid'])) {
                 $jsonData["msg"] = "The file " . $post['fileid'] . " has been delete";
                 $jsonData["result"] = "ok";
             } else {
                 $jsonData["msg"] = "failed remove directory";
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $jsonData["msg"] = $e->getMessage();
         echo json_encode($jsonData);
コード例 #25
ファイル: languages.php プロジェクト: eskrano/mobicms

 * mobiCMS Content Management System (http://mobicms.net)
 * For copyright and license information, please see the LICENSE.md
 * Installing the system or redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.
 * @link        http://mobicms.net mobiCMS Project
 * @copyright   Copyright (C) mobiCMS Community
 * @license     LICENSE.md (see attached file)
defined('MOBICMS') or die('Error: restricted access');
use Config\System as Config;
$uri = App::request()->getUri();
$form = new Mobicms\Form\Form(['action' => $uri]);
$form->title(_dg('Clear Cache'))->html('<span class="description">' . _dg('The Cache clearing is required after installing a new language or upgrade existing ones.') . '</span>')->element('submit', 'update', ['value' => _dg('Clear Cache'), 'class' => 'btn btn-primary btn-xs'])->title(_dg('Default Language'))->element('radio', 'lng', ['checked' => Config::$lng, 'description' => _dg('If the choice is prohibited, the language will be forced to set for all visitors. If the choice is allowed, it will be applied only in the case, if requested by the client language is not in the system.'), 'items' => App::lng()->getLocalesList()])->element('checkbox', 'lngSwitch', ['checked' => Config::$lngSwitch, 'label_inline' => _dg('Allow to choose'), 'description' => _dg('Allow visitors specify the desired language from the list of available in the system. Including activated auto select languages by signatures of the browser.')])->divider()->element('submit', 'submit', ['value' => _g('Save'), 'class' => 'btn btn-primary'])->html('<a class="btn btn-link" href="../">' . _g('Back') . '</a>');
if ($form->process() === true) {
    if (isset($form->input['update'])) {
        // Обновляем кэш
        App::redirect($uri . '?cache');
    } else {
        // Записываем настройки
        (new Mobicms\Config\WriteHandler())->write('System', $form->output);
        App::redirect($uri . '?saved');
App::view()->form = $form->display();
コード例 #26
ファイル: scanner.php プロジェクト: professor93/mobicms

 * mobiCMS Content Management System (http://mobicms.net)
 * For copyright and license information, please see the LICENSE.md
 * Installing the system or redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.
 * @link        http://mobicms.net mobiCMS Project
 * @copyright   Copyright (C) mobiCMS Community
 * @license     LICENSE.md (see attached file)
defined('MOBICMS') or die('Error: restricted access');
define('ROOT_DIR', '.');
$form = new Mobicms\Form\Form(['action' => App::request()->getUri()]);
$form->infoMessages = false;
$form->title(_m('Anti-Spyware'))->element('radio', 'mode', ['checked' => 1, 'items' => ['1' => _m('Scan to the appropriate distribution'), '2' => _m('Snapshot scan'), '3' => _m('Make snapshot')]])->divider()->element('submit', 'submit', ['value' => _s('Run'), 'class' => 'btn btn-primary'])->html('<a class="btn btn-link" href="../">' . _s('Back') . '</a>');
if ($form->process() === true) {
    require_once dirname(__DIR__) . '/classes/Scanner.php';
    $scanner = new Scanner();
    switch ($form->output['mode']) {
        case 1:
            // Сканируем на соответствие дистрибутиву
            if (count($scanner->modifiedFiles) || count($scanner->missingFiles) || count($scanner->newFiles)) {
                App::view()->modifiedFiles = $scanner->modifiedFiles;
                App::view()->missingFiles = $scanner->missingFiles;
                App::view()->extraFiles = $scanner->newFiles;
                App::view()->errormsg = _m('Distributive inconsistency!');
            } else {
                App::view()->ok = _m('List of files corresponds to the distributive');
コード例 #27
     if ($_FILES['animation']['size'] > 20480) {
         $error[] = _m('Weight of the file exceeds 20kb');
     $param = getimagesize($_FILES['animation']['tmp_name']);
     // Проверка на допустимый тип файла
     if ($param == false || $param['mime'] != 'image/gif') {
         $error[] = _m('Invalid file type, are only allowed to upload images in GIF format');
     // Проверка на допустимый размер изображения
     if ($param != false && ($param[0] != 48 || $param[1] != 48)) {
         $error[] = _m('The size of the images must be 48x48');
     if (empty($error)) {
         $profile = App::profile();
         if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['animation']['tmp_name'], FILES_PATH . 'users' . DS . 'avatar' . DS . $profile->id . '.gif') == true) {
             $profile->avatar = App::request()->getBaseUrl() . '/uploads/users/avatar/' . $profile->id . '.gif';
             if (is_file(FILES_PATH . 'users' . DS . 'avatar' . DS . $profile->id . '.jpg')) {
                 unlink(FILES_PATH . 'users' . DS . 'avatar' . DS . $profile->id . '.jpg');
             $form->continueLink = '../';
             $form->successMessage = _m(_m('Avatar is uploaded'));
             $form->confirmation = true;
             App::view()->hideuser = true;
         } else {
             $error[] = _m('Error uploading avatar');
     } else {
         echo $error . ' <a href="../">' . _s('Back') . '</a>';
 } else {
コード例 #28
ファイル: Form.php プロジェクト: elvyrra/hawk
  * Defines if the form has been submitted, and if so, return the action to perform (submitted or delete)
  * @return mixed If the form is not submitted, this function will return FALSE.
  *               Else, the function will return 'register' or 'delete', depending on the user action
 public function submitted()
     if (App::request()->getMethod() == "delete") {
         return self::ACTION_DELETE;
     $action = $this->method == 'get' ? App::request()->getParams('_submittedForm') : App::request()->getBody('_submittedForm');
     return $action ? $action : false;
コード例 #29
ファイル: layout.default.php プロジェクト: eskrano/mobicms

use Config\System as Config;
$homeUrl = App::request()->getBaseUrl();
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="<?php 
echo Config::$lng;
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=2.0, user-scalable=yes">
    <meta name="keywords" content="<?php 
echo htmlspecialchars(Config::$metaKey);
    <meta name="description" content="<?php 
echo htmlspecialchars(Config::$metaDesc);
    <meta name="HandheldFriendly" content="true"/>
    <meta name="MobileOptimized" content="width"/>
    <meta content="yes" name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable"/>
echo isset($this->pagetitle) ? $this->pagetitle : Config::$homeTitle;
    <link rel="shortcut icon" href="<?php 
echo App::image('favicon.ico', [], false, false);
コード例 #30
ファイル: UserController.php プロジェクト: elvyrra/hawk
  * Display the list of the users
 public function listUsers()
     $example = array('id' => array('$ne' => User::GUEST_USER_ID));
     $filters = UserFilterWidget::getInstance()->getFilters();
     if (isset($filters['status']) && $filters['status'] != -1) {
         $example['active'] = $filters['status'];
     $param = array('id' => 'admin-users-list', 'model' => 'User', 'action' => App::router()->getUri('list-users'), 'reference' => 'id', 'filter' => new DBExample($example), 'controls' => array(array('icon' => 'plus', 'label' => Lang::get($this->_plugin . '.new-user-btn'), 'class' => 'btn-success', 'href' => App::router()->getUri("edit-user", array('username' => '_new')), 'target' => 'dialog')), 'fields' => array('actions' => array('independant' => true, 'display' => function ($value, $field, $user) {
         $return = Icon::make(array('icon' => 'pencil', 'class' => 'text-primary', 'href' => App::router()->getUri('edit-user', array('username' => $user->username)), 'target' => 'dialog'));
         if ($user->isRemovable()) {
             $return .= Icon::make(array('icon' => 'close', 'class' => 'text-danger delete-user', 'data-user' => $user->username));
             $return .= $user->active ? Icon::make(array('icon' => 'lock', 'class' => 'text-warning lock-user', 'data-user' => $user->username)) : Icon::make(array('icon' => 'unlock', 'class' => 'text-success unlock-user', 'data-user' => $user->username));
         return $return;
     }, 'search' => false, 'sort' => false), 'username' => array('label' => Lang::get($this->_plugin . '.users-list-username-label')), 'email' => array('label' => Lang::get($this->_plugin . '.users-list-email-label')), 'roleId' => array('label' => Lang::get($this->_plugin . '.users-list-roleId-label'), 'sort' => false, 'search' => array('type' => 'select', 'options' => call_user_func(function () {
         $options = array();
         foreach (Role::getAll('id', array('id')) as $id => $role) {
             $options[$id] = Lang::get('roles.role-' . $id . '-label');
         return $options;
     }), 'invitation' => Lang::get($this->_plugin . '.user-filter-status-all')), 'display' => function ($value) {
         return Lang::get('roles.role-' . $value . '-label');
     }), 'active' => array('label' => Lang::get($this->_plugin . '.users-list-active-label'), 'search' => false, 'sort' => false, 'class' => function ($value) {
         return 'bold ' . ($value ? 'text-success' : 'text-danger');
     }, 'display' => function ($value) {
         return $value ? Lang::get($this->_plugin . '.users-list-active') : Lang::get($this->_plugin . '.users-list-inactive');
     }), 'createTime' => array('label' => Lang::get($this->_plugin . '.users-list-createTime-label'), 'search' => false, 'display' => function ($value) {
         return date(Lang::get('main.date-format'), $value);
     $list = new ItemList($param);
     if (App::request()->getParams('refresh')) {
         return $list->display();
     } else {
         return View::make(Plugin::current()->getView("users-list.tpl"), array('list' => $list));