public function fillModel(Model $model) { $r = parent::fillModel($model); if (substr($this->controller->action, 0, 4) == 'edit' && !$this->submitted()) { $this->password->value(''); } return $r; }
public function actionAdmin() { $model = new AdminForm(); $frequency = KeyValue::model()->findByPk('newsletter_frequency'); $model->frequency = abs($frequency->value); if (isset($_POST['AdminForm'])) { $model->attributes = $_POST['AdminForm']; if ($model->validate()) { if (isset($_POST['yt1']) || $frequency->value < 0) { $frequency->value = -$model->frequency; } else { $frequency->value = $model->frequency; } $frequency->save(); $this->redirect('admin'); } } $newsletter = new Newsletter(); $this->render('admin', array('newsletter' => $newsletter->make(), 'model' => $model)); }
public function toModel(Model $model, $fields = null, $ignore = null) { $model->Permissions = array(); if (!empty($this->controller->request->data['permission_id'])) { $permissionIds = $this->controller->request->data['permission_id']; foreach ($permissionIds as $permissionId) { $model->Permissions[] = new Permission($permissionId); } } return parent::toModel($model, $fields, $ignore); }
public function fillModel(Model $model) { parent::fillModel($model); if (!$this->submitted() && $model instanceof Node) { if ($this->hasField('allowComments')) { $this->allowComments->checked($model->hasFlag(NodeFlag::ALLOW_COMMENTS)); } if ($this->hasField('allowRSS')) { $this->allowRSS->checked($model->hasFlag(NodeFlag::ALLOW_RSS)); } if ($this->hasField('user_id')) { $this->user_id->value($model->get('user_id')); } } }
public function fillModel(Model $model) { parent::fillModel($model); if (!$this->submitted() && $model) { $this->allowComments->checked($model->hasFlag(BlogPostFlag::ALLOW_COMMENTS)); $this->sticky->checked($model->hasFlag(BlogPostFlag::STICKY)); // tags if (!empty($model->Tags)) { $tags = new IndexedArray(); foreach ($model->Tags as $Tag) { $tags[] = $Tag->get('name'); } $this->tags->value($tags->implode(' ')); } } }
public function init() { $methodVar = $this->getMethodVar(); $filterId = $this->getFilterId(); $filterVar = 'filter_' . $filterId; if (isset($methodVar['resetFilter_' . $filterId . ''])) { Yii::app()->session->remove($filterVar); unset($_GET['resetFilter_' . $filterId . '']); foreach ($this->getModel() as $key => $value) { if (isset($_GET[get_class($value)])) { unset($_GET[get_class($value)]); } } $str = Yii::app()->request->getBaseUrl() . '/' . Yii::app()->request->getPathInfo() . '?' . http_build_query($_GET); Yii::app()->request->redirect($str); Yii::app()->end(); } $filterData = array(); if (isset($methodVar[$filterVar])) { if ($this->storeInSession) { Yii::app()->session->add($filterVar, serialize($methodVar)); } $filterData = $methodVar; } else { /** @var $session CHttpSession */ $session = Yii::app()->session; if ($this->storeInSession && !isset($methodVar['resetFilter_' . $filterId]) && $session[$filterVar]) { $filterData = unserialize($session[$filterVar]); } } if (isset($filterData) && $filterData) { $this->loadFilterDataToModel($filterData); } parent::init(); echo CHtml::hiddenField($filterVar, true); $this->registerScripts(); }
public function addAction() { $form = new AdminForm(); $form->get('submit')->setValue('Add'); $request = $this->getRequest(); if ($request->isPost()) { $Admin = new Admin(); $form->setInputFilter($Admin->getInputFilter()); $form->setData($request->getPost()); if ($form->isValid()) { $Admin->exchangeArray($form->getData()); $this->getAdminTable()->saveAdmin($Admin); // Redirect to list of Admins return $this->redirect()->toRoute('Hwi'); } } return array('form' => $form); }
public function startUp() { $this->config = array('Language' => array('fields' => array('id', 'status' => array('type' => 'DropDown', 'options' => Status::$list), 'name', 'locale')), array('type' => 'submit', 'value' => __('Speichern'))); return parent::startUp(); }
session_start(); if (!empty($_SESSION['email'])) { //this prevents bypassing $form; // declare a global variable for the object to access the tables //if user is farmer use farmers table, landowners and admins if landowner or administrator if ($_SESSION['type'] == "Farmer") { include "models/farmer_model.php"; $form = new FarmerForm(); } else { if ($_SESSION['type'] == "Landowner") { include "models/landowner_model.php"; $form = new LandownerForm(); } else { include "models/admin_model.php"; $form = new AdminForm(); } } $err = array('old_password' => '', 'new_password' => '', 'password_confirm' => ''); $valid = true; if (!empty($_POST)) { //check of post operation is not empty. if a field is empty display message indicating the field is required foreach ($err as $key => $value) { if (empty($_POST[$key])) { $valid = false; $err[$key] = "This field is required"; } } } if (isset($_POST['new_password']) && isset($_POST['password_confirm'])) { // check if the password and confirmation match, if not display message uponn post operation
<?php require_once $home_dir . 'models/category.m.php'; require_once $home_dir . 'models/alias.m.php'; require_once $home_dir . 'classes/forms.php'; $form = new AdminForm('category'); $page = 'admin/form'; $form->add([['name' => 'category_name', 'label' => 'Name', 'type' => 'text'], ['name' => 'alias_url', 'label' => 'Alias', 'type' => 'text'], ['name' => 'category_parent_id', 'label' => 'Parent Category', 'type' => 'select', 'select_table' => 'categories', 'select_id_field' => 'category_id', 'select_label_field' => 'category_name']]); if (isset($_POST['category_id'])) { $category = new Category($db, $_POST['category_id']); $category->setData($form->processInput($_POST)); $category->data['category_parent_id'] = parseInt($category->val('category_parent_id')); $alias_url = $category->val('alias_url'); unset($category->data['alias_url']); $category->save(); $alias = new Alias($db, $category->ival('category_alias_id')); // save alias if new or changed if ($alias->val('alias_url') != $alias_url || !$alias->is_loaded) { $alias->data['alias_path'] = $category->getAliasPath(); if (isset($alias_url) && strlen(trim($alias_url)) > 0) { $alias->setUrl($alias_url); } else { $alias->setUrl($category->getAliasUrl()); } $alias->save(); } // update category alias if changed if ($alias->ival('alias_id') != $category->ival('category_alias_id')) { $category->data['category_alias_id'] = $alias->ival('alias_id'); $category->save(); }
<?php require_once $home_dir . 'models/currency.m.php'; require_once $home_dir . 'classes/forms.php'; $form = new AdminForm('currency'); $page = 'admin/form'; $form->add([['name' => 'currency_name', 'label' => 'Name', 'type' => 'text', 'validations' => [['type' => 'length', 'param' => 1]]], ['name' => 'currency_format', 'label' => 'Format', 'type' => 'text', 'hint' => 'This specifies how prices will be displayed in this currency. Put token %s where you want amount to be.'], ['name' => 'currency_value', 'label' => 'Value', 'type' => 'text', 'hint' => 'Put value 1 for default currency.', 'validations' => [['type' => 'price'], ['type' => 'min', 'param' => 0]]], ['name' => 'currency_decimals', 'label' => 'Displayed decimals', 'type' => 'text', 'hint' => 'This specifies how many decimal places will be displayed for prices in this currency.', 'validations' => [['type' => 'integer']]]]); Currency::process($db, $form);
<div class="input-line"> <label><?php _e('New password'); ?> </label> <div class="input"> <?php AdminForm::password_text($admin); ?> </div> <?php if ($admin_edit) { ?> <div class="input"> <?php AdminForm::check_password_text($admin); ?> <p class="help-inline"><em><?php _e('Type your new password again'); ?> </em></p> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <div class="actions"> <input type="submit" value="<?php echo osc_esc_html($btn_text); ?> " />
<?php require_once $home_dir . 'models/payment_type.m.php'; require_once $home_dir . 'classes/forms.php'; $form = new AdminForm('payment_type'); $page = 'admin/form'; $form->add([['name' => 'payment_type_name', 'label' => 'Name', 'type' => 'text', 'validations' => [['type' => 'length', 'param' => 1]]], ['name' => 'payment_type_price', 'label' => 'Price', 'type' => 'text', 'validations' => [['type' => 'price']]], ['name' => 'payment_type_min_order_cost', 'label' => 'Min. order cost', 'type' => 'text', 'validations' => [['type' => 'price']]], ['name' => 'payment_type_is_default', 'label' => 'Is Default', 'type' => 'bool']]); PaymentType::process($db, $form);
<?php \Admin::model('App\\Product')->title('Products')->alias('products')->display(function () { $display = AdminDisplay::datatablesAsync(); $display->columns([Column::checkbox(), Column::string('id')->label('#'), Column::string('title')->label('Загаловок'), Column::string('active_status')->label('Статус'), Column::string('publish')->label('Опубликован')]); return $display; })->createAndEdit(function () { $form = AdminForm::tabbed(); $form->items(['Main' => [FormItem::columns()->columns([[FormItem::text('title', 'Загаловок')->required()->unique(), FormItem::textarea('description', 'Описание')->required(), FormItem::timestamp('publish', 'Дата и время публикации')->defaultValue(Carbon\Carbon::now()), FormItem::icheckbox('active', 'Статус')->defaultValue(true), FormItem::text('rest', 'Остаток'), FormItem::text('price', 'Цена')], [FormItem::text('sort', 'сортировка'), FormItem::bsselect('user_id', 'Пользователь')->model('App\\User')->defaultValue(Sentinel::check()->id)->display('email'), FormItem::bsselect('catalog_id', 'Категоря')->model('App\\Catalog')->display('level_label')->disableSort()->required()]])], 'content' => [FormItem::markdown('content', 'Контент')], 'images' => [FormItem::images('gallery', 'Картинки')], 'files' => [FormItem::view('suroviy.soa_addon::admin.elfinder')]]); return $form; });
<?php require_once $home_dir . 'models/alias.m.php'; require_once $home_dir . 'classes/forms.php'; $form = new AdminForm('alias'); $page = 'admin/form'; $form->add([['name' => 'alias_url', 'label' => 'URL', 'type' => 'text', 'validations' => [['type' => 'length', 'param' => 1]]], ['name' => 'alias_path', 'label' => 'Path', 'type' => 'text', 'validations' => [['type' => 'length', 'param' => 1]]]]); Alias::process($db, $form);
<?php require_once $home_dir . 'models/product.m.php'; require_once $home_dir . 'models/category.m.php'; require_once $home_dir . 'classes/forms.php'; $form = new AdminForm('product'); $page = 'admin/form'; $form->add([['name' => 'product_ext_id', 'label' => 'ABX ID', 'type' => 'static'], ['name' => 'product_category_id', 'label' => 'Category', 'type' => 'select', 'select_table' => 'categories', 'select_data' => Category::getTreeForSelect($db), 'select_id_field' => 'category_id', 'select_label_field' => 'category_name'], ['name' => 'product_name', 'label' => 'Name', 'type' => 'text'], ['name' => 'product_price', 'label' => 'Price', 'type' => 'text', 'validations' => [['type' => 'price']]], ['name' => 'product_description', 'label' => 'Description', 'type' => 'static'], ['name' => 'product_image', 'label' => 'Image', 'type' => 'image']]); Product::process($db, $form);
<?php require_once $home_dir . 'models/language.m.php'; require_once $home_dir . 'classes/forms.php'; $form = new AdminForm('language'); $page = 'admin/form'; $form->add([['name' => 'language_name', 'label' => 'Name', 'type' => 'text', 'validations' => [['type' => 'length', 'param' => 1], ['type' => 'maxlen', 'param' => 100]]], ['name' => 'language_code', 'label' => 'Code', 'type' => 'text', 'validations' => [['type' => 'length', 'param' => 1], ['type' => 'maxlen', 'param' => 10]]], ['name' => 'language_decimal_separator', 'label' => 'Decimal Separator', 'type' => 'text', 'validations' => [['type' => 'length', 'param' => 1], ['type' => 'maxlen', 'param' => 10]]], ['name' => 'language_thousands_separator', 'label' => 'Thousand Separator', 'type' => 'text', 'validations' => [['type' => 'length', 'param' => 1], ['type' => 'maxlen', 'param' => 10]]], ['name' => 'language_default_currency_id', 'label' => 'Default Currency', 'type' => 'select', 'select_table' => 'currencies', 'select_id_field' => 'currency_id', 'select_label_field' => 'currency_name']]); Language::process($db, $form);
public function startUp() { $this->config = array('NodeText' => array('fields' => array('headline' => array('label' => __('Überschrift'), 'mandatory' => false), 'subline' => array('label' => __('Unter-Überschrift'), 'mandatory' => false), 'text' => array('mandatory' => false, 'label' => __('Text/Beschreibung')), 'excerpt' => array('label' => __('Auszug/Zusammenfassung'), 'mandatory' => false), 'url' => array('label' => __('URL'), 'mandatory' => false), 'tags' => array('mandatory' => false, 'label' => __('Tags (SEO)'), 'type' => 'text'), 'language_id' => array('type' => 'hidden'))), array('type' => 'submit', 'value' => __('Speichern'))); return parent::startUp(); }
<?php require_once $home_dir . 'models/customer.m.php'; require_once $home_dir . 'classes/forms.php'; $form = new AdminForm('customer'); $page = 'admin/form'; $form->add([['name' => 'customer_created', 'label' => 'Date', 'type' => 'static'], ['name' => 'customer_last_access', 'label' => 'Last visited', 'type' => 'static'], ['name' => 'customer_deleted', 'label' => 'Deleted', 'type' => 'bool'], ['name' => 'customer_anonymous', 'label' => 'Anonymous', 'type' => 'bool'], ['label' => 'Login', 'type' => 'begin_group'], ['name' => 'customer_email', 'label' => 'E-mail', 'type' => 'text', 'validations' => [['type' => 'email']]], ['name' => 'customer_password', 'label' => 'Password', 'type' => 'password', 'validations' => [['type' => 'password']]], ['name' => 'customer_password_confirm', 'label' => 'Confirm Password', 'type' => 'password', 'validations' => [['type' => 'confirm', 'param' => 'customer_password']]], ['type' => 'end_group'], ['label' => 'Address', 'type' => 'begin_group'], ['name' => 'customer_name', 'label' => 'Name', 'type' => 'text', 'validations' => [['type' => 'maxlen', 'param' => 50]]], ['name' => 'customer_address_city', 'label' => 'City', 'type' => 'text', 'validations' => [['type' => 'maxlen', 'param' => 50]]], ['name' => 'customer_address_street', 'label' => 'Street with house n.', 'type' => 'text', 'validations' => [['type' => 'maxlen', 'param' => 50]]], ['name' => 'customer_address_zip', 'label' => 'ZIP', 'type' => 'text', 'validations' => [['type' => 'integer', 'param' => true]]], ['type' => 'end_group'], ['label' => 'Shipping Address', 'type' => 'begin_group'], ['name' => 'customer_ship_name', 'label' => 'Name (shipping)', 'type' => 'text', 'validations' => [['type' => 'maxlen', 'param' => 50]]], ['name' => 'customer_ship_city', 'label' => 'City (shipping)', 'type' => 'text', 'validations' => [['type' => 'maxlen', 'param' => 50]]], ['name' => 'customer_ship_street', 'label' => 'Street (shipping)', 'type' => 'text', 'validations' => [['type' => 'maxlen', 'param' => 50]]], ['name' => 'customer_ship_zip', 'label' => 'ZIP (shipping)', 'type' => 'text', 'validations' => [['type' => 'integer', 'param' => true]]], ['type' => 'end_group'], ['name' => 'customer_failed_attempts', 'label' => 'Failed attempts', 'type' => 'text', 'validations' => [['type' => 'integer']]], ['name' => 'customer_delivery_type_id', 'label' => 'Delivery Type', 'type' => 'select', 'select_table' => 'delivery_types', 'select_id_field' => 'delivery_type_id', 'select_label_field' => 'delivery_type_name'], ['name' => 'customer_payment_type_id', 'label' => 'Payment Type', 'type' => 'select', 'select_table' => 'payment_types', 'select_id_field' => 'payment_type_id', 'select_label_field' => 'payment_type_name']]); if (isset($_POST['customer_id'])) { if ($_POST['customer_id'] > 0) { $customer = new Customer($db, $_POST['customer_id']); } else { $customer = new Customer($db); } $customer->setData($form->processInput($_POST)); unset($customer->data['customer_password']); unset($customer->data['customer_password_confirm']); if (isset($_POST['customer_password']) && strlen($_POST['customer_password']) > 0) { $customer->data['customer_password_hash'] = CustomerAuthentication::hashPassword($_POST['customer_password']); } if ($customer->save()) { redirect(_g('r', '/admin/customers')); } } elseif (isset($path[2]) && $path[2] == 'edit') { $customer = new Customer($db, $path[3]); $page_title = t('Editing Customer'); } elseif (isset($path[2]) && $path[2] == 'delete') { if (Customer::del($db, $path[3])) { redirect(_g('r', '/admin/customers')); } } else { $customer = new Customer($db);
public function startUp() { $this->config = array(array('type' => 'email', 'placeholder' => __('E-Mail'), 'label' => false), array('type' => 'password', 'label' => false, 'placeholder' => __('Passwort')), array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'permanent', 'checked' => true, 'label' => __('Eingeloggt bleiben')), array('type' => 'submit', 'value' => __('Einloggen'))); return parent::startUp(); }
public function startUp() { $this->config = array('Comment' => array('fields' => array('name', 'email' => array('mandatory' => false, 'label' => __('E-Mail')), 'url' => array('mandatory' => false), 'text')), array('type' => 'submit', 'name' => 'submit', 'value' => __('Speichern'))); return parent::startUp(); }
<?php require_once $home_dir . 'models/order.m.php'; require_once $home_dir . 'classes/forms.php'; $form = new AdminForm('order'); $page = 'admin/form'; $form->add([['name' => 'order_id', 'label' => 'Order ID', 'type' => 'hidden'], ['name' => 'order_created', 'label' => 'Date', 'type' => 'static', 'disabled' => 'disabled'], ['name' => 'order_order_state_id', 'label' => 'Status', 'type' => 'select', 'select_table' => 'order_states', 'select_id_field' => 'order_state_id', 'select_label_field' => 'order_state_name'], ['name' => 'order_customer_id', 'label' => 'Customer', 'type' => 'foreign_key_link', 'link_table' => 'customers', 'link_template' => 'admin/customer/edit/%d', 'link_id_field' => 'customer_id', 'link_label_field' => 'customer_name'], ['name' => 'order_payment_code', 'label' => 'Payment Code', 'type' => 'text', 'disabled' => 'disabled'], ['name' => 'order_ship_name', 'label' => 'Name', 'type' => 'text', 'validations' => [['type' => 'length', 'param' => 1]]], ['name' => 'order_ship_city', 'label' => 'City', 'type' => 'text'], ['name' => 'order_ship_street', 'label' => 'Street', 'type' => 'text'], ['name' => 'order_ship_zip', 'label' => 'ZIP', 'type' => 'text']]); Order::process($db, $form);
public function startUp() { $this->config = array(array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'q', 'label' => false, 'placeholder' => __('Suchbegriff'), 'value' => coalesce(@$this->controller->params['q'], false))); return parent::startUp(); }
<?php require_once $home_dir . 'models/delivery_type.m.php'; require_once $home_dir . 'classes/forms.php'; $form = new AdminForm('delivery_type'); $page = 'admin/form'; $form->add([['name' => 'delivery_type_name', 'label' => 'Name', 'type' => 'text', 'validations' => [['type' => 'length', 'param' => 1]]], ['name' => 'delivery_type_price', 'label' => 'Price', 'type' => 'text', 'validations' => [['type' => 'price']]], ['name' => 'delivery_type_min_order_cost', 'label' => 'Min. order cost', 'type' => 'text', 'validations' => [['type' => 'price']]]]); DeliveryType::process($db, $form);
public function startUp() { $folderList = array(false => __('kein Kategorie')) + $this->controller->Folder->listAll('name', array('conditions' => array('id > 1'))); $this->config = array('MediaFile' => array('fields' => array('folder_id' => array('mandatory' => false, 'type' => 'DropDown', 'label' => __('Kategorie (optional)'), 'options' => $folderList))), array('type' => 'file', 'name' => 'file', 'label' => false), array('type' => 'submit', 'value' => __('Hochladen'))); return parent::startUp(); }
public function startUp() { $this->config = array('Folder' => array('fields' => array('name')), array('type' => 'submit', 'value' => __('Speichern'))); return parent::startUp(); }
<?php session_start(); if (isset($_SESSION['type'])) { if ($_SESSION['type'] != "Administrator") { header('Location: index.php'); } } else { header('Location: index.php'); } include "models/admin_model.php"; $admins = new AdminForm(); $to_edit = new AdminForm(); if (isset($_POST['add_admin'])) { $to_edit->load_from_post(); $valid = $to_edit->validate(); if ($_POST['password2'] != $to_edit->fields['password']->value) { $valid = false; } else { $to_edit->fields['password']->hash_pass(); } if ($valid) { $to_edit->save(); } } elseif (isset($_POST['admin_id'])) { $to_edit->load_by_pk($_POST['admin_id']); $to_edit->load_from_post(); $valid = $to_edit->validate(); if ($valid) { $to_edit->save(); $to_edit = new AdminForm();
public function startUp() { $this->config = array('MediaText' => array('fields' => array('title' => array('mandatory' => false, 'label' => __('Überschrift')), 'text' => array('mandatory' => false, 'label' => __('Text/Beschreibung')), 'language_id' => array('type' => 'hidden'))), array('type' => 'submit', 'value' => __('Speichern'))); return parent::startUp(); }
<?php Admin::model('App\\Marker')->title('Маркеры')->display(function () { $display = AdminDisplay::datatables(); $display->with('markerGroups'); $display->filters([]); $display->columns([Column::string('name')->label('Имя'), Column::lists('')->label('Входит в группы'), Column::image('ico')->label('Иконка')]); return $display; })->create(function () { $form = AdminForm::form(); $form->items([FormItem::columns()->columns([[FormItem::text('name', 'Имя'), FormItem::image('ico', 'Иконка'), FormItem::checkbox('showadd', 'Показывать в форме добавления рецепта')->defaultValue(0), FormItem::text('sortorder', 'Порядок сортировки')], [FormItem::text('metakey', 'Meta Keywords'), FormItem::text('metadesk', 'Meta Description'), FormItem::text('slug', 'Slug (если пустое, генерируется реалтайм из имени)'), FormItem::text('title', 'Title')]])]); return $form; })->edit(function () { $form = AdminForm::form(); $form->items([FormItem::columns()->columns([[FormItem::text('name', 'Имя'), FormItem::image('ico', 'Иконка'), FormItem::checkbox('showadd', 'Показывать в форме добавления рецепта'), FormItem::text('sortorder', 'Порядок сортировки')], [FormItem::text('metakey', 'Meta Keywords'), FormItem::text('metadesk', 'Meta Description'), FormItem::text('slug', 'Slug (если пустое, генерируется реалтайм из имени)'), FormItem::text('title', 'Title')]])]); return $form; });
<?php require_once $home_dir . 'models/ip_failed.m.php'; require_once $home_dir . 'classes/forms.php'; $form = new AdminForm('ip_failed_attempt'); $page = 'admin/form'; $form->add([['name' => 'ip_failed_attempt_ip', 'label' => 'IP', 'type' => 'text', 'validations' => [['type' => 'ip']]], ['name' => 'ip_failed_attempt_count', 'label' => 'Failed Attempts', 'type' => 'text', 'validations' => [['type' => 'integer']]], ['name' => 'ip_failed_attempt_first', 'label' => 'First', 'type' => 'date', 'hint' => 'Date of the first failed attempt.', 'validations' => [['type' => 'date']]], ['name' => 'ip_failed_attempt_last', 'label' => 'Last', 'type' => 'date', 'hint' => 'Date of the last failed attempt.', 'validations' => [['type' => 'date']]]]); IpFailedAttempt::process($db, $form);