コード例 #1
 * Print both global or post related places in json. It's executed via Ajax
 * @uses wl_shortcode_geomap_get_places() in order to retrieve places
 * @uses wl_shortcode_geomap_prepare_map() in order to encode retireved places in a Leaflet friendly format
 * @param array $places An array of place posts.
 * @return array An array of place posts.
function wl_shortcode_geomap_ajax()
    // Get the post Id.
    $post_id = isset($_REQUEST['post_id']) ? $_REQUEST['post_id'] : null;
    $places = wl_shortcode_geomap_get_places($post_id);
    $map_data = wl_shortcode_geomap_prepare_map($places);
コード例 #2
  * Create:
  *  * 2 Posts
  *  * 1 Place entity referenced by both posts
  * Check that the geomap popup of the place contains a link to the two posts.
 function testPlacePopupRelatedPosts()
     // Create two posts.
     $post_id_1 = wl_create_post('', 'post-1', 'Post 1', 'publish', 'post');
     $post_id_2 = wl_create_post('', 'post-2', 'Post 2', 'publish', 'post');
     // Create a place-
     $place_id = wl_create_post("Entity 1 Text", 'entity-1', "Entity 1 Title", 'publish', 'entity');
     wl_set_entity_main_type($place_id, 'http://schema.org/Place');
     add_post_meta($place_id, WL_CUSTOM_FIELD_GEO_LATITUDE, 40.12, true);
     add_post_meta($place_id, WL_CUSTOM_FIELD_GEO_LONGITUDE, 72.3, true);
     // Reference place from both posts-
     wl_core_add_relation_instance($post_id_1, WL_WHERE_RELATION, $place_id);
     wl_core_add_relation_instance($post_id_2, WL_WHERE_RELATION, $place_id);
     // Check referencing.
     $places = wl_shortcode_geomap_get_places($post_id_1);
     $this->assertCount(1, $places);
     $this->assertEquals($places[0]->ID, $place_id);
     // Check json formatted data.
     $response = wl_shortcode_geomap_prepare_map($places);
     // Check object attributes
     $poi = $response['features'][0];
     // Check if popup contains links to the two posts
     $popup = $poi['properties']['popupContent'];
     $link1 = esc_attr(get_permalink($post_id_1));
     $this->assertContains($link1, $popup);
     $link2 = esc_attr(get_permalink($post_id_2));
     $this->assertContains($link2, $popup);
     // Check no thumbnail has been echoed
     $this->assertNotContains('<img', $popup);