/** * 获取微语列表 * * @param int $page * @param int $spot 0:前台 1:后台 * @return array */ function getTwitters($page = 1, $spot = 0) { $perpage_num = $spot == 1 ? Option::get('admin_perpage_num') : Option::get('index_twnum'); $start_limit = !empty($page) ? ($page - 1) * $perpage_num : 0; $author = ROLE == ROLE_ADMIN || ROLE == ROLE_VISITOR || $spot == 0 ? '' : 'and author=' . UID; $limit = "LIMIT {$start_limit}, " . $perpage_num; $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "twitter WHERE 1=1 {$author} ORDER BY id DESC {$limit}"; $res = $this->db->query($sql); $tws = array(); while ($row = $this->db->fetch_array($res)) { $row['id'] = $row['id']; $row['t'] = emoFormat($row['content']); $row['date'] = smartDate($row['date']); $row['replynum'] = $row['replynum']; $tws[] = $row; } return $tws; }
/** * 获取回复 * * @param int $tid * @param string $hide * @param int $page * @return array */ function getReplys($tid, $hide = null) { $andQuery = '1=1'; $andQuery .= $tid ? " and tid={$tid}" : ''; $andQuery .= $hide ? " and hide='{$hide}'" : ''; $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "reply where {$andQuery} ORDER BY id"; $ret = $this->db->query($sql); $replys = array(); while ($row = $this->db->fetch_array($ret)) { $row['name'] = htmlspecialchars($row['name']); $row['content'] = htmlClean($row['content']); $row['date'] = smartDate($row['date']); //$row['id']; //$row['hide']; //$row['tid']; //$row['ip']; $replys[] = $row; } return $replys; }
<div class=line></div> <form method="post" action="data.php?action=dell_all_bak" name="form_bak" id="form_bak"> <table width="100%" id="adm_bakdata_list" class="item_list"> <thead> <tr> <th width="683" colspan="2"><b>备份文件</b></th> <th width="226"><b>备份时间</b></th> <th width="149"><b>文件大小</b></th> <th width="87"></th> </tr> </head> <tbody> <?php if ($bakfiles) { foreach ($bakfiles as $value) { $modtime = smartDate(filemtime($value), 'Y-m-d H:i:s'); $size = changeFileSize(filesize($value)); $bakname = substr(strrchr($value, '/'), 1); ?> <tr> <td width="22"><input type="checkbox" value="<?php echo $value; ?> " name="bak[]" class="ids" /></td> <td width="661"><a href="../content/backup/<?php echo $bakname; ?> "><?php echo $bakname; ?> </a></td>
function plugin_setting_view() { $DB = MySql::getInstance(); ?> <div class="containertitle2"> <a class="navi<?php echo isset($_GET['advance']) ? 1 : 3; ?> " href="./plugin.php?plugin=anti_spam_comment">基本设置</a> <a class="navi<?php echo isset($_GET['advance']) ? 2 : 4; ?> " href="./plugin.php?plugin=anti_spam_comment&advance=true">高级选项</a> <?php if (isset($_GET['setting'])) { ?> <span class="actived">插件设置完成</span><?php } if (isset($_GET['error'])) { ?> <span class="actived">插件设置失败</span><?php } ?> </div> <?php if (isset($_GET['advance'])) { $act = isset($_GET['act']) ? trim($_GET['act']) : ''; if ($act) { global $CACHE; switch ($act) { case 'shieldname': $id = isset($_GET['id']) ? intval($_GET['id']) : ''; //$DB->query("UPDATE ".DB_PREFIX."comment SET poster='该昵称已屏蔽' WHERE cid={$id}"); $DB->query("UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "comment SET comment='该评论已屏蔽',poster='该昵称已屏蔽' WHERE cid={$id}"); $CACHE->updateCache(array('sta', 'comment')); header("Location: ./plugin.php?plugin=anti_spam_comment&advance=true&setting=true"); break; case 'delurl': $id = isset($_GET['id']) ? intval($_GET['id']) : ''; $DB->query("UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "comment SET url='' WHERE cid={$id}"); $CACHE->updateCache(array('sta', 'comment')); header("Location: ./plugin.php?plugin=anti_spam_comment&advance=true&setting=true"); break; case 'admin_all_coms': $operate = isset($_POST['operate']) ? $_POST['operate'] : ''; $comments = isset($_POST['com']) ? array_map('intval', $_POST['com']) : array(); $commentsId = '(' . implode(',', $comments) . ')'; switch ($operate) { case 'shieldname': $DB->query("UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "comment SET comment='该评论已屏蔽',poster='该昵称已屏蔽' WHERE cid IN{$commentsId}"); $CACHE->updateCache(array('sta', 'comment')); header("Location: ./plugin.php?plugin=anti_spam_comment&advance=true&setting=true"); break; case 'delurl': $DB->query("UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "comment SET url='' WHERE cid IN{$commentsId}"); $CACHE->updateCache(array('sta', 'comment')); header("Location: ./plugin.php?plugin=anti_spam_comment&advance=true&setting=true"); break; } break; case 'save': $comname = isset($_POST['comname']) ? addslashes(trim($_POST['comname'])) : ''; $comment = isset($_POST['comment']) ? addslashes(trim($_POST['comment'])) : ''; $commail = isset($_POST['commail']) ? addslashes(trim($_POST['commail'])) : ''; $comurl = isset($_POST['comurl']) ? addslashes(trim($_POST['comurl'])) : ''; if ($comurl && strncasecmp($comurl, 'http://', 7)) { $comurl = 'http://' . $comurl; } $cid = isset($_POST['cid']) ? intval($_POST['cid']) : ''; $DB->query("UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "comment SET poster='{$comname}',comment='{$comment}',mail='{$commail}',url='{$comurl}' WHERE cid={$cid}"); $CACHE->updateCache(array('sta', 'comment')); header("Location: ./plugin.php?plugin=anti_spam_comment&advance=true&setting=true"); break; case 'edit': $Comment_Model = new Comment_Model(); $cid = isset($_GET['cid']) ? intval($_GET['cid']) : ''; extract($Comment_Model->getOneComment($cid)); ?> <form action="./plugin.php?plugin=anti_spam_comment&advance=true&act=save" method="post"> <div> <li>昵称</li> <li><input size="40" value="<?php echo $poster; ?> " name="comname" /></li> <li>邮箱</li> <li><input size="40" value="<?php echo $mail; ?> " name="commail" /></li> <li>地址</li> <li><input size="40" value="<?php echo $url; ?> " name="comurl" /></li> <li>内容</li> <li><textarea name="comment" rows="3" cols="45"><?php echo $comment; ?> </textarea></li> <li> <input type="hidden" value="<?php echo $cid; ?> " name="cid" /> <input type="submit" value="保 存" class="submit" /> <input type="button" value="取 消" class="submit" onclick="javascript: window.history.back();" /></li> </div> </form> <?php break; } } else { $blogid = isset($_GET['gid']) ? intval($_GET['gid']) : null; $hide = isset($_GET['hide']) ? addslashes($_GET['hide']) : ''; $page = isset($_GET['page']) ? intval($_GET['page']) : 1; $ip = isset($_GET['ip']) ? addslashes($_GET['ip']) : ''; $poster = isset($_GET['poster']) ? addslashes($_GET['poster']) : ''; $addUrl_1 = $addUrl_2 = $addUrl_3 = $addUrl_4 = ''; if ($blogid) { $addUrl_1 = "gid={$blogid}&"; $blogid = "AND a.gid={$blogid}"; } if ($hide) { $addUrl_2 = "hide={$hide}&"; $hide = "AND a.hide='{$hide}'"; } if ($ip) { $addUrl_3 = "ip={$ip}&"; $ip = "AND a.ip='{$ip}'"; } if ($poster) { $addUrl_4 = "poster={$poster}&"; $poster = "AND a.poster='{$poster}'"; } $addUrl = $addUrl_1 . $addUrl_2 . $addUrl_3 . $addUrl_4; $perpage_num = Option::get('admin_perpage_num'); if ($page) { $startId = ($page - 1) * $perpage_num; $limit = " LIMIT {$startId}, " . $perpage_num; } $sql = "SELECT a.cid,a.hide,a.date,a.comment,a.gid,a.poster,a.ip,a.mail,a.url,b.title FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "comment as a, " . DB_PREFIX . "blog as b where 1=1 {$blogid} {$hide} {$ip} {$poster} AND a.gid=b.gid ORDER BY a.cid DESC"; $query = $DB->query($sql); $cmnum = $DB->num_rows($query); $query = $DB->query($sql . $limit); $pageurl = pagination($cmnum, $perpage_num, $page, "./plugin.php?plugin=anti_spam_comment&advance=true&{$addUrl}page="); $sql = "SELECT a.cid,a.hide,a.date,a.comment,a.gid,a.poster,a.ip,a.mail,a.url,b.title FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "comment as a, " . DB_PREFIX . "blog as b where 1=1 {$blogid} AND a.hide='y' {$ip} AND a.gid=b.gid ORDER BY a.cid DESC"; $hideCommNum = $DB->num_rows($DB->query($sql)); if ($hideCommNum > 0) { $hide_ = $hide_y = $hide_n = ''; $a = "hide_{$hide}"; ${$a} = "class=\"filter\""; ?> <div class="filters"> <span <?php echo $hide_; ?> ><a href="./plugin.php?plugin=anti_spam_comment&advance=true&<?php echo $addUrl_1 . $addUrl_3; ?> ">全部</a></span> <span <?php echo $hide_y; ?> ><a href="./plugin.php?plugin=anti_spam_comment&advance=true&hide=y&<?php echo $addUrl_1 . $addUrl_3; ?> ">待审 <?php $hidecmnum = ROLE == 'admin' ? $sta_cache['hidecomnum'] : $sta_cache[UID]['hidecommentnum']; if ($hidecmnum > 0) { echo '(' . $hidecmnum . ')'; } ?> </a></span> <span <?php echo $hide_n; ?> ><a href="./plugin.php?plugin=anti_spam_comment&advance=true&hide=n&<?php echo $addUrl_1 . $addUrl_3; ?> ">已审</a></span> </div> <?php } elseif ($addUrl) { ?> <div class="filters"> <span><a href="./plugin.php?plugin=anti_spam_comment&advance=true">全部</a></span> </div> <?php } ?> <form action="./plugin.php?plugin=anti_spam_comment&advance=true&act=admin_all_coms" method="post" name="form_com" id="form_com"> <table width="100%" id="adm_comment_list" class="item_list"> <thead> <tr> <th width="19"><input onclick="CheckAll(this.form)" type="checkbox" value="on" name="chkall" /></th> <th width="350"><b>内容</b></th> <th width="300"><b>评论者</b></th> <th width="250"><b>所属日志</b></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php while ($res = $DB->fetch_array($query)) { $ishide = $res['hide'] == 'y' ? '<font color="red">[待审]</font>' : ''; $mail = !empty($res['mail']) ? "({$res['mail']})" : ''; $ip = !empty($res['ip']) ? "<br />IP:<a href=\"./plugin.php?plugin=anti_spam_comment&advance=true&ip={$res['ip']}\">{$res['ip']}</a>" : ''; $url = !empty($res['url']) ? "({$res['url']})" : ''; $res['content'] = str_replace('<br>', ' ', $res['comment']); $sub_content = subString($res['content'], 0, 50); $res['title'] = subString($res['title'], 0, 42); ?> <tr> <td><input type="checkbox" value="<?php echo $res['cid']; ?> " name="com[]" class="ids" /></td> <td><a href="./plugin.php?plugin=anti_spam_comment&advance=true&act=edit&cid=<?php echo $res['cid']; ?> "><?php echo htmlspecialchars($sub_content); ?> </a> <?php echo $ishide; ?> <br /><?php echo smartDate($res['date']); ?> <span style="display:none; margin-left:8px;"> <a href="javascript: asc_confirm(<?php echo $res['cid']; ?> , 'name');">屏蔽内容</a> <a href="javascript: asc_confirm(<?php echo $res['cid']; ?> , 'url');">删除地址</a> </span> </td> <td><a href="./plugin.php?plugin=anti_spam_comment&advance=true&poster=<?php echo urlencode($res['poster']); ?> "><?php echo htmlspecialchars($res['poster']); ?> </a> <?php echo $url; ?> <?php echo $ip; ?> <?php echo $mail; ?> </td> <td><a href="./plugin.php?plugin=anti_spam_comment&advance=true&gid=<?php echo $res['gid']; ?> "><?php echo $res['title']; ?> </a></td> </tr> <?php } ?> </tbody> </table> <div class="list_footer"> 选中项: <a href="javascript:asc_commentact('shieldname');">屏蔽内容</a> <a href="javascript:asc_commentact('delurl');">删除地址</a> <input name="operate" id="operate" res="" type="hidden" /> </div> <div class="page"><?php echo $pageurl; ?> (有<?php echo $cmnum; ?> 条评论)</div> </form> <script> $(document).ready(function(){ $("#adm_comment_list tbody tr:odd").addClass("tralt_b"); $("#adm_comment_list tbody tr") .mouseover(function(){$(this).addClass("trover");$(this).find("span").show();}) .mouseout(function(){$(this).removeClass("trover");$(this).find("span").hide();}) }); setTimeout(hideActived,2600); function asc_commentact(act){ if (getChecked('ids') == false) { alert('请选择要操作的评论'); return; } if(act == 'shieldname' && !confirm('你确定要屏蔽所选评论的内容吗?')){return;} if(act == 'delurl' && !confirm('你确定要删除所选评论的评论人地址吗?')){return;} $("#operate").val(act); $("#form_com").submit(); } function asc_confirm (id, property) { switch (property){ case 'name': var urlreturn="./plugin.php?plugin=anti_spam_comment&advance=true&act=shieldname&id="+id; var msg = "你确定要屏蔽该评论内容?";break; case 'url': var urlreturn="./plugin.php?plugin=anti_spam_comment&advance=true&act=delurl&id="+id; var msg = "你确定要删除该评论人地址吗?";break; } if(confirm(msg)){window.location = urlreturn;}else {return;} } </script> <?php } } else { $data = asc_read(); extract($data); $blacklist = implode("\n", $blacklist); $url_keywords = implode("\n", $url_keywords); $ex1 = $ex2 = ''; $vari = array(array('英文字母abc…ABC…<font color="red">*</font>:', 'asc_letter'), array('数字0-9:', 'asc_digit'), array('英文字符(包括英文字母、数字和其它英文符号)<font color="red">*</font>:', 'asc_char'), array('星号*:', 'asc_star')); if ($auto_blacklist == 1) { $ex1 = 'checked="checked"'; } if ($need_chinese == 1) { $ex2 = 'checked="checked"'; } ?> <form action="plugin.php?plugin=anti_spam_comment&action=setting" method="post"> <table cellspacing="8" cellpadding="4" width="95%" align="center" border="0"> <tbody> <tr nowrap="nowrap"> <td width="33%" align="right">评论时间间隔(秒):</td> <td width="67%"><input size="10" name="time_limit" type="text" value="<?php echo $time_limit; ?> " /></td> </tr> <tr nowrap="nowrap"> <td width="33%" align="right">必须包含汉字:</td> <td width="67%"><input size="10" name="need_chinese" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php echo $ex2; ?> /></td> </tr> <tr nowrap="nowrap"> <td align="right" valign="top">IP黑名单:<br/><br/> 可封IP段,填入IP开头地址,如162.204 </td> <td><textarea name="blacklist" cols="" rows="4" style="width:300px;height:70px;"><?php echo $blacklist; ?> </textarea></td> </tr> <tr nowrap="nowrap"> <td align="right">将频繁尝试发表评论的IP加入黑名单</td> <td><input name="auto_blacklist" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php echo $ex1; ?> /></td> </tr> <tr nowrap="nowrap"> <td align="right">每分钟允许尝试评论次数:</td> <td><input size="10" name="max_attempt" type="text" value="<?php echo $max_attempt; ?> " />(开启自动黑名单有效)</td> </tr> <tr nowrap="nowrap"> <td align="right" valign="top">屏蔽词汇(以 | 分割):<br /> 可以使用通配符*或者系统<a href="#var">内置变量</a> </td> <td><textarea name="keywords" cols="" rows="4" style="width:300px;height:70px;"><?php echo $keywords; ?> </textarea></td> </tr> <tr nowrap="nowrap"> <td align="right" valign="top">屏蔽昵称(以 | 分割):<br /> 可以使用通配符*或者系统<a href="#var">内置变量</a> </td> <td><textarea name="name_keywords" cols="" rows="4" style="width:300px;height:70px;"><?php echo $name_keywords; ?> </textarea></td> </tr> <tr nowrap="nowrap"> <td align="right" valign="top">屏蔽地址(每行一条):<br/> 可以使用通配符*或者系统<a href="#var">内置变量</a> </td> <td><textarea name="url_keywords" cols="" rows="4" style="width:300px;height:70px;"><?php echo $url_keywords; ?> </textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center" colspan="2"><input type="submit" value="保存设置" class="button" /></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </form> <b><a name="var"></a>内置变量</b> <table cellspacing="8" cellpadding="4" width="95%" align="center" border="0"> <tbody> <?php foreach ($vari as $value) { ?> <tr nowrap="nowrap"> <td width="40%" align="right"><?php echo $value[0]; ?> </td> <td width="60%"><b><?php echo $value[1]; ?> </b></td> </tr> <?php } ?> <tr> <td align="center" colspan="2"><font color="red">*注</font>:该项仅当评论全文符合时过滤评论(例如关键字填入asc_letter时,仅过滤纯英文评论)</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <?php } ?> <script> $("#anti_spam_comment").addClass('sidebarsubmenu1'); </script> <?php }
function widget_twitter($title) { global $CACHE; $newtws_cache = $CACHE->readCache('newtw'); $istwitter = Option::get('istwitter'); ?> <li> <h3><span><?php echo $title; ?> </span></h3> <ul id="twitter"> <?php foreach ($newtws_cache as $value) { ?> <?php $img = empty($value['img']) ? "" : '<a title="查看图片" class="t_img" href="' . BLOG_URL . str_replace('thum-', '', $value['img']) . '" target="_blank"> </a>'; ?> <li><?php echo $value['t']; echo $img; ?> <p><?php echo smartDate($value['date']); ?> </p></li> <?php } ?> <?php if ($istwitter == 'y') { ?> <p><a href="<?php echo BLOG_URL . 't/'; ?> ">更多»</a></p> <?php } ?> </ul> </li> <?php }
/** * 获取评论 * * @param int $spot 0:前台 1:后台 2: 手机 * @param int $blogId * @param string $hide * @param int $page * @return array */ function getComments($spot = 0, $blogId = null, $hide = null, $page = null) { $andQuery = '1=1'; $andQuery .= $blogId ? " and a.gid={$blogId}" : ''; $andQuery .= $hide ? " and a.hide='{$hide}'" : ''; $condition = ''; if ($page && $spot == 1) { $perpage_num = Option::get('admin_perpage_num'); if ($page > PHP_INT_MAX) { $page = PHP_INT_MAX; } $startId = ($page - 1) * $perpage_num; $condition = "LIMIT {$startId}, " . $perpage_num; } if ($spot == 0 || $spot == 2) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "comment as a where {$andQuery} ORDER BY a.date ASC {$condition}"; } else { $andQuery .= ROLE != ROLE_ADMIN ? ' and b.author=' . UID : ''; $sql = "SELECT *,a.hide,a.date FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "comment as a, " . DB_PREFIX . "blog as b where {$andQuery} and a.gid=b.gid ORDER BY a.date DESC {$condition}"; } $ret = $this->db->query($sql); $comments = array(); while ($row = $this->db->fetch_array($ret)) { $row['poster'] = htmlspecialchars($row['poster']); $row['mail'] = htmlspecialchars($row['mail']); $row['url'] = htmlspecialchars($row['url']); $row['content'] = htmlClean($row['comment']); $row['date'] = smartDate($row['date']); $row['children'] = array(); if ($spot == 0) { $row['level'] = isset($comments[$row['pid']]) ? $comments[$row['pid']]['level'] + 1 : 0; } //$row['hide']; //$row['title']; //$row['gid']; $comments[$row['cid']] = $row; } if ($spot == 0) { $commentStacks = array(); $commentPageUrl = ''; foreach ($comments as $cid => $comment) { $pid = $comment['pid']; if ($pid == 0) { $commentStacks[] = $cid; } if ($pid != 0 && isset($comments[$pid])) { if ($comments[$cid]['level'] > 4) { $comments[$cid]['pid'] = $pid = $comments[$pid]['pid']; } $comments[$pid]['children'][] = $cid; } } if (Option::get('comment_order') == 'newer') { $comments = array_reverse($comments, true); $commentStacks = array_reverse($commentStacks); } if (Option::get('comment_paging') == 'y') { $pageurl = Url::log($blogId); if (Option::get('isurlrewrite') == 0 && strpos($pageurl, '=') !== false) { $pageurl .= '&comment-page='; } else { $pageurl .= '/comment-page-'; } $commentPageUrl = pagination(count($commentStacks), Option::get('comment_pnum'), $page, $pageurl, '#comments'); $commentStacks = array_slice($commentStacks, ($page - 1) * Option::get('comment_pnum'), Option::get('comment_pnum')); } $comments = compact('comments', 'commentStacks', 'commentPageUrl'); } elseif ($spot == 2) { $commentStacks = array_keys($comments); $commentPageUrl = ''; if (Option::get('comment_order') == 'newer') { $comments = array_reverse($comments, true); $commentStacks = array_reverse($commentStacks); } if (Option::get('comment_paging') == 'y') { $pageurl = './?post=' . $blogId . '&comment-page='; $commentPageUrl = pagination(count($commentStacks), Option::get('comment_pnum'), $page, $pageurl); $commentStacks = array_slice($commentStacks, ($page - 1) * Option::get('comment_pnum'), Option::get('comment_pnum')); } $comments = compact('comments', 'commentStacks', 'commentPageUrl'); } return $comments; }
function draw_UpgradeAccount($admin) { global $adm_pass; global $adm_login; global $addrlink; global $pro_mysql_admin_table; global $pro_mysql_client_table; global $pro_mysql_product_table; global $pro_mysql_companies_table; global $pro_mysql_pending_renewal_table; global $secpayconf_currency_letters; if (!isset($secpayconf_currency_letters)) { get_secpay_conf(); } $out = ""; $nowrap = 'style="white-space:nowrap"'; $frm_start = "<form action=\"" . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"adm_login\" value=\"{$adm_login}\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"adm_pass\" value=\"{$adm_pass}\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"addrlink\" value=\"{$addrlink}\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"upgrade_myaccount\">\n"; $client = $admin["client"]; $out .= "<b><u>" . _("Upgrade my account:") . "</u></b><br>"; if ($admin["info"]["prod_id"] != 0) { $out .= "<i><u>" . _("Past account refundal") . "</u></i><br>"; $out .= _("Your last command expire on the: ") . $admin["info"]["expire"] . ".<br>"; $out .= _("Today is the: ") . date("Y-m-d") . "<br>"; $today = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d"), date("Y")); $ar = explode("-", $admin["info"]["expire"]); $expire = mktime(0, 0, 0, $ar[1], 0, $ar[0]); $remaining_seconds = $expire - $today; $days_remaining = $remaining_seconds / (60 * 60 * 24); $days_outstanding = 0; // don't give credit if there are negative days remaining if ($days_remaining < 0) { $days_outstanding = $days_remaining; $days_remaining = 0; } $q = "SELECT * FROM {$pro_mysql_product_table} WHERE id='" . $admin["info"]["prod_id"] . "';"; $r = mysql_query($q) or die("Cannot querry: \"{$q}\" !!!" . mysql_error() . " line " . __LINE__ . " in file " . __FILE__); $prod = mysql_fetch_array($r); $ar = explode("-", $prod["period"]); $prod_period = mktime(0, 0, 0, $ar[1] + 1, 1, 1970 + $ar[0]); $prod_days = $prod_period / (60 * 60 * 24); $price_per_days = $prod["price_dollar"] / $prod_days; $refundal = floor($days_remaining * $price_per_days); $owing = floor($days_outstanding * $price_per_days); $out .= _("Your past account was: ") . $prod["price_dollar"] . " " . $secpayconf_currency_letters . " " . _("for") . " " . smartDate($prod["period"]) . "<br>"; $out .= _("Refund") . " (" . $days_remaining . _(" days) for upgrading will be: ") . "{$refundal} " . $secpayconf_currency_letters . "<br><br>"; $out .= _("You have") . " (" . $days_outstanding . _(" days), with ") . "{$owing}" . " " . $secpayconf_currency_letters . _(" remaining to be paid") . "<br>"; } else { $out .= _("You currently don't have a validated account. Please contact customer support."); return $out; } $out .= "<i><u>" . _("Step 1: choose your upgrade") . "</u></i><br>"; if (!isset($_REQUEST["prod_id"]) || $_REQUEST["prod_id"] == "") { $out .= _("Your current account is ") . smartByte($admin["info"]["quota"] * 1024 * 1024) . _(" disk storage and ") . smartByte($admin["info"]["bandwidth_per_month_mb"] * 1024 * 1024) . _(" of data transfer each month.") . "<br><br>" . _("To what capacity would you like to upgrade to?") . "<br>"; $q = "SELECT * FROM {$pro_mysql_product_table} WHERE (quota_disk > '" . $admin["info"]["quota"] . "' OR bandwidth > '" . $admin["info"]["bandwidth_per_month_mb"] . "' or max_domain>" . $admin["info"]["max_domain"] . ") and heb_type='shared';"; $r = mysql_query($q) or die("Cannot query \"{$q}\" !" . mysql_error()); $n = mysql_num_rows($r); $out .= "{$frm_start}"; $out .= "<table border=\"1\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" width=\"100%\" height=\"1\">"; $out .= "<tr><td></td><td>" . _("Product") . "</td><td>" . _("Storage") . "</td><td>" . _("Bandwidth/month") . "</td>\n\t\t\t<td>" . _("Max. Domains") . "</td><td>" . _("Price") . "</td><td>" . _("Period") . "</td></tr>"; if ($n > 0) { for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) { $ro = mysql_fetch_array($r); if ($i % 2) { $color = " bgcolor=\"#000000\" "; $fnt1 = "<font color=\"#FFFFFF\"> "; $fnt2 = "</font>"; } else { $color = ""; $fnt1 = ""; $fnt2 = ""; } $out .= '<tr><td>' . $fnt1 . '<input type="radio" name="prod_id" value="' . $ro["id"] . '">' . $fnt2 . '</td>'; $out .= "<td {$color} {$nowrap} >{$fnt1}" . $ro["name"] . $fnt2 . '</td>'; $out .= "<td {$color} {$nowrap} >{$fnt1}" . smartByte($ro["quota_disk"] * 1024 * 1024) . $fnt2 . '</td>'; $out .= "<td {$color} {$nowrap} >{$fnt1}" . smartByte($ro["bandwidth"] * 1024 * 1024) . $fnt2 . '</td>'; $out .= "<td {$color} {$nowrap} >{$fnt1}" . $ro["max_domain"] . $fnt2 . '</td>'; $out .= "<td {$color} {$nowrap} >{$fnt1}" . $ro["price_dollar"] . $fnt2 . '</td>'; $out .= "<td {$color} {$nowrap} >{$fnt1}" . smartDate($ro["period"]) . $fnt2 . '</td></tr>'; } $out .= '</table><center><input type="submit" value="' . _("Calculate price") . '"></center></form>'; } else { $out .= '</table><center>' . _("There is no product with greater capacity available, please contact Support service.") . '</center></form>'; } return $out; } $q = "SELECT * FROM {$pro_mysql_product_table} WHERE id='" . $_REQUEST["prod_id"] . "';"; $r = mysql_query($q) or die("Cannot query \"{$q}\" !" . mysql_error()); $n = mysql_num_rows($r); if ($n != 1) { die("Product not found !!!"); } $ro = mysql_fetch_array($r); $q = "SELECT * FROM {$pro_mysql_client_table} WHERE id='" . $admin["info"]["id_client"] . "';"; $r = mysql_query($q) or die("Cannot query \"{$q}\" !" . mysql_error()); $n = mysql_num_rows($r); if ($n != 1) { die("Client not found !!!"); } $rocli = mysql_fetch_array($r); $frm_start .= '<input type="hidden" name="prod_id" value="' . $ro["id"] . '">'; $out .= _("You have selected") . ": " . $ro["name"]; $out .= " (" . _("Storage") . ": " . smartByte($ro["quota_disk"] * 1024 * 1024); $out .= ", " . _("Transfer") . ": " . smartByte($ro["bandwidth"] * 1024 * 1024) . '), '; $out .= ", " . _("Max. Domains") . ": " . $ro["max_domain"] . '), '; $out .= '$' . $ro["price_dollar"] . ' ' . _("each") . ' ' . smartDate($ro["period"]); $out .= "<br><br><i><u>" . _("Step 2: proceed to upgrade") . "</u></i><br>"; $remaining = $admin["client"]["dollar"]; $ze_price = $ro["price_dollar"]; $heber_price = $ze_price - $refundal; if (isset($_REQUEST["inner_action"]) && $_REQUEST["inner_action"] == "return_from_paypal_upgrade_account") { $ze_refund = isPayIDValidated(addslashes($_REQUEST["pay_id"])); if ($ze_refund == 0) { $out .= "<font color=\"red\">" . _("The transaction failed, please try again!") . "</font>"; } else { $out .= "<font color=\"green\">" . _("Funds added to your account!") . "</font><br>"; $q = "UPDATE {$pro_mysql_client_table} SET dollar = dollar+" . $ze_refund . " WHERE id='" . $admin["info"]["id_client"] . "';"; $r = mysql_query($q) or die("Cannot querry {$q} line " . __LINE__ . " file " . __FILE__ . " sql said " . mysql_error()); $admin["client"]["dollar"] += $ze_refund; $remaining += $ze_refund; } } $out .= _("Remaining on your account") . ": " . $remaining . "{$secpayconf_currency_letters}<br>\n" . _("New account price") . ": " . $ze_price . "{$secpayconf_currency_letters}<br>\n" . _("Past account refundal") . ": " . $refundal . "{$secpayconf_currency_letters}<br>\n" . _("Total price") . ": " . $heber_price . "{$secpayconf_currency_letters}<br>"; if ($heber_price > $remaining) { $to_pay = $heber_price - $remaining; $payid = createCreditCardPaiementID($to_pay, $admin["info"]["id_client"], "Account upgrade: " . $ro["name"], "no"); $return_url = $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "?adm_login={$adm_login}&adm_pass={$adm_pass}" . "&addrlink={$addrlink}&action=upgrade_myaccount&prod_id=9&inner_action=return_from_paypal_upgrade_account&payid={$payid}"; $service_location = $conf_this_server_country_code; $company_invoicing_id = findInvoicingCompany($conf_this_server_country_code, $rocli["country"]); $q = "SELECT * FROM {$pro_mysql_companies_table} WHERE id='{$company_invoicing_id}';"; $r = mysql_query($q) or die("Cannot query \"{$q}\" ! line: " . __LINE__ . " file: " . __FILE__ . " sql said: " . mysql_error()); if ($n != 1) { $form = "Cannot find company invoicing line " . __LINE__ . " file " . __FILE__; break; } $company_invoicing = mysql_fetch_array($r); // If VAT is set, use it. if ($company_invoicing["vat_rate"] == 0 || $company_invoicing["vat_number"] == "") { $vat_rate = 0; $use_vat = "no"; } else { // Both companies are in europe, in different countries, and customer as a VAT number, // then there is no VAT and the customer shall pay the VAT in it's own country // These are the VAT rules in the European Union... if ($client["is_company"] == "yes" && $client["vat_num"] != "" && isset($cc_europe[$client["country"]]) && isset($cc_europe[$company_invoicing["country"]]) && $client["country"] != $company_invoicing["country"]) { $vat_rate = 0; $use_vat = "no"; } else { $use_vat = "yes"; $vat_rate = $company_invoicing["vat_rate"]; } } // Save the values in SQL and process the paynow buttons $q = "INSERT INTO {$pro_mysql_pending_renewal_table} (id,adm_login,renew_date,renew_time,product_id,renew_id,heb_type,country_code)\n\t\tVALUES ('','" . $_REQUEST["adm_login"] . "',now(),now(),'" . $ro["id"] . "','" . $rocli["id"] . "','shared-upgrade','{$country}');"; $r = mysql_query($q) or die("Cannot querry {$q} line " . __LINE__ . " file " . __FILE__ . " sql said " . mysql_error()); $renew_id = mysql_insert_id(); $payid = createCreditCardPaiementID($heber_price, $renew_id, "Account upgrade: " . $ro["name"] . " (login: "******"adm_login"] . ")", "no", $prod_id, $vat_rate); $q = "UPDATE {$pro_mysql_pending_renewal_table} SET pay_id='{$payid}' WHERE id='{$renew_id}';"; $r = mysql_query($q) or die("Cannot querry {$q} line " . __LINE__ . " file " . __FILE__ . " sql said " . mysql_error()); $payButton = paynowButton($payid, $heber_price, "Account upgrade: " . $ro["name"], $return_url, $vat_rate); $out .= "<br>" . _("You currently don't have enough funds on your account. You will be redirected to our payment system. Please click on the button below to pay.") . "<br><br>" . $payButton; return $out; } $after_upgrade_remaining = $remaining - $heber_price; $out .= _("After upgrade, you will have") . ": " . $after_upgrade_remaining . " " . $secpayconf_currency_letters . "<br><br>"; // Check for confirmation if (isset($_REQUEST["toreg_confirm_register"]) && $_REQUEST["toreg_confirm_register"] != "yes") { $out .= _("You have enough funds on your account to proceed account upgrade. Press the confirm button and your order will be proceeded.") . "<br><br>\n{$frm_start}\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"toreg_confirm_register\" value=\"yes\">\n<input type=\"submit\" value=\"" . _("Proceed to account upgrade") . "\">\n</form>"; return $out; } return $out; }
foreach ($user_cache as $val) { if (isset($val['name']) && $val['name'] == $rname) { exit('err4'); } } $date = time(); $name = subString(ROLE == ROLE_VISITOR ? $rname : addslashes($user_cache[UID]['name']), 0, 16); $rdata = array('tid' => $tid, 'content' => $r, 'name' => $name, 'date' => $date, 'hide' => ROLE == ROLE_VISITOR ? Option::get('ischkreply') : 'n'); $Twitter_Model = new Twitter_Model(); $Reply_Model = new Reply_Model(); $rid = $Reply_Model->addReply($rdata); if ($rid === false) { exit('err5'); } doAction('reply_twitter', $r, $name, $date, $tid); if (Option::get('ischkreply') == 'n' || ROLE != ROLE_VISITOR) { $Twitter_Model->updateReplyNum($tid, '+1'); } else { exit('succ1'); } $CACHE->updateCache('sta'); $_SESSION['code'] = null; $date = smartDate($date); $r = htmlClean(stripslashes($r)); $response = "\n <li>\n <span class=\"name\">" . stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($name)) . "</span> {$r}<span class=\"time\">{$date}</span>\n <em><a href=\"javascript:re({$tid}, '@{$name}:');\">回复</a></em>\n </li>"; echo $response; } // 回复验证码 if ($action == 'ckcode') { require_once EMLOG_ROOT . '/include/lib/checkcode.php'; }
function widget_twitter($title) { global $CACHE; $newtws_cache = $CACHE->readCache('newtw'); $istwitter = Option::get('istwitter'); ?> <div class="widget"> <h3 class="widget-title"><?php echo $title; ?> </h3> <ul class="sidebar-comments"> <?php foreach ($newtws_cache as $value) { ?> <?php $img = empty($value['img']) ? "" : '<a title="查看图片" class="t_img" href="' . BLOG_URL . str_replace('thum-', '', $value['img']) . '" target="_blank"> </a>'; ?> <li><?php echo $value['t']; echo $img; ?> <p><?php echo smartDate($value['date']); ?> </p></li> <?php } ?> </ul> </div> <?php }
function DownloadMe_LogAction($Log) { session_start(); $_SESSION['DownloadMe'] = 1; $DownData = DownloadMe_Ret(); global $DownloadMe_Cache_Inc; $Gid = "Log_" . (empty($DownloadMe_Cache_Inc['mov']) ? $Log['logid'] : $Log); $Data = $DownData[$Gid]; $Show = false; if (!empty($Data)) { $ExpWrap = explode('[list]', $DownloadMe_Cache_Inc['wrap']); echo $ExpWrap[0]; foreach ($Data as $V) { $File = $DownData['File'][$V]; $Down = unserialize($File['download']); if ($Down['hide'] === true) { continue; } $Search = array("Url" => "[url]", "Path" => "[path]", "Name" => "[name]", "NameSub" => "[nameSub]", "Size" => "[size]", "Stat" => "[tong]", "Time" => "[time]"); $Replace = array("Url" => BLOG_URL . '?downloadMe=' . $V, "Path" => BLOG_URL . str_replace('../', '', $File['filepath']), "Name" => $File['filename'], "NameSub" => subString($File['filename'], 0, 25), "Size" => $File['filesize'] <= 0 ? "未知大小" : changeFileSize($File['filesize']), "Stat" => $Down['statis'] ? $Down['statis'] : 0, "Time" => smartDate($File['addtime'])); echo str_replace($Search, $Replace, $DownloadMe_Cache_Inc['file']); $Show = true; } if ($Show === false) { echo '没有附件..'; } echo $ExpWrap[1]; } }
function widget_twitter($title) { global $CACHE; $newtws_cache = $CACHE->readCache('newtw'); $istwitter = Option::get('istwitter'); ?> <li> <h3><span><?php echo $title; ?> </span></h3> <ul id="twitter"> <?php foreach ($newtws_cache as $value) { ?> <?php $img = empty($value['img']) ? "" : '<img src="' . BLOG_URL . str_replace('thum-', '', $value['img']) . '" width="100%" height="auto" alt="微语图片" />'; ?> <li> <p><?php echo $value['t']; ?> </p> <?php echo $img; ?> <time><?php echo smartDate($value['date']); ?> </time> </li> <?php } ?> <?php if ($istwitter == 'y') { ?> <p><a href="<?php echo BLOG_URL . 't/'; ?> " title="更多内容">更多»</a></p> <?php } ?> </ul> </li> <?php }
echo BLOG_URL . 't/'; ?> ">更多»</a> </span> <?php } ?> </h5> <ul class="collection" id="twitter"> <?php foreach ($newtws_cache as $value) { ?> <?php $img = empty($value['img']) ? "" : '<a title="查看图片" class="t_img" href="' . BLOG_URL . str_replace('thum-', '', $value['img']) . '" target="_blank"> </a>'; ?> <li class="collection-item"> <span class="light twitter-title"><?php echo $value['t']; echo $img; ?> </span> <time class="light teal-text text-lighted-1"><?php echo smartDate($value['date']); ?> </time class="light"> </li> <?php } ?> </ul>