コード例 #1
ファイル: nova.php プロジェクト: valiror/sharingdais_demo1
  * Should this Custom Post Type be made available?
 function site_supports_nova()
     // If we're on WordPress.com, and it has the menu site vertical.
     if (function_exists('site_vertical') && 'nova_menu' == site_vertical()) {
         return true;
     // Else, if the current theme requests it.
     if (current_theme_supports(self::MENU_ITEM_POST_TYPE)) {
         return true;
     // Otherwise, say no unless something wants to filter us to say yes.
     return (bool) apply_filters('jetpack_enable_cpt', false, self::MENU_ITEM_POST_TYPE);
コード例 #2
ファイル: nova.php プロジェクト: martincarson/jetpack
  * Should this Custom Post Type be made available?
 function site_supports_nova()
     // If we're on WordPress.com, and it has the menu site vertical.
     if (function_exists('site_vertical') && 'nova_menu' == site_vertical()) {
         return true;
     // Else, if the current theme requests it.
     if (current_theme_supports(self::MENU_ITEM_POST_TYPE)) {
         return true;
     // Otherwise, say no unless something wants to filter us to say yes.
      * Allow something else to hook in and enable this CPT.
      * @since 2.6.0
      * @param bool false Whether or not to enable this CPT.
      * @param string $var The slug for this CPT.
     return (bool) apply_filters('jetpack_enable_cpt', false, self::MENU_ITEM_POST_TYPE);
コード例 #3
ファイル: COMICS.PHP プロジェクト: pauEscarcia/AIMM
	private function _site_supports_comics() {
		return ( ( function_exists( 'site_vertical' ) && 'comics' == site_vertical() ) || current_theme_supports( self::POST_TYPE ) );
コード例 #4
ファイル: comics.php プロジェクト: pcuervo/wp-carnival
  * Should this Custom Post Type be made available?
 public function site_supports_comics()
      * @todo: Extract this out into a wpcom only file.
     if ('blog-rss.php' == substr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], -12) && count($_SERVER['argv']) > 1) {
         // blog-rss.php isn't run in the context of the target blog when the init action fires,
         // so check manually whether the target blog supports comics.
         // The add_theme_support( 'jetpack-comic' ) won't fire on switch_to_blog, so check for Panel manually.
         $supports_comics = function_exists('site_vertical') && 'comics' == site_vertical() || current_theme_supports(self::POST_TYPE) || get_stylesheet() == 'pub/panel';
         /** This action is documented in modules/custom-post-types/nova.php */
         return (bool) apply_filters('jetpack_enable_cpt', $supports_comics, self::POST_TYPE);
     $supports_comics = false;
      * If we're on WordPress.com, and it has the menu site vertical.
      * @todo: Extract this out into a wpcom only file.
     if (function_exists('site_vertical') && 'comics' == site_vertical()) {
         $supports_comics = true;
      * Else, if the current theme requests it.
     if (current_theme_supports(self::POST_TYPE)) {
         $supports_comics = true;
      * Filter it in case something else knows better.
     /** This action is documented in modules/custom-post-types/nova.php */
     return (bool) apply_filters('jetpack_enable_cpt', $supports_comics, self::POST_TYPE);
コード例 #5
 private function _site_supports_comics()
     return site_vertical() == 'comics' || current_theme_supports(self::POST_TYPE);
コード例 #6
ファイル: comics.php プロジェクト: KurtMakesWeb/CandG
  * Should this Custom Post Type be made available?
 public function site_supports_comics()
     if ('blog-rss.php' == substr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], -12) && count($_SERVER['argv']) > 1) {
         // blog-rss.php isn't run in the context of the target blog when the init action fires,
         // so check manually whether the target blog supports comics.
         // The add_theme_support( 'jetpack-comic' ) won't fire on switch_to_blog, so check for Panel manually.
         $supports_comics = $this->_site_supports_comics() || get_stylesheet() == 'pub/panel';
         return $supports_comics;
     // If we're on WordPress.com, and it has the menu site vertical.
     if (function_exists('site_vertical') && 'comics' == site_vertical()) {
         return true;
     // Else, if the current theme requests it.
     if (current_theme_supports(self::POST_TYPE)) {
         return true;
     // Otherwise, say no unless something wants to filter us to say yes.
     return (bool) apply_filters('jetpack_enable_cpt', false, self::POST_TYPE);