public function __construct(array $request = array(), array $opt = array()) { parent::__construct($request, $opt); $init = array_key_exists('init', $this->request); $reset = array_key_exists('reset', $this->request); $this->id = initVar('id'); $this->ge_id = (int) initVar('ge_id'); $this->gs_id = (int) initVar('gs_id'); $this->gc_id = initVar('gc_id'); $this->act = initVar('act', initVar('parent_act', 'mod')); $this->parent_act = initVar('parent_act', 'mod'); $this->kind = strToUpper(initVar('kind')); $this->new_udm_divider = initVar('udm_divider'); $this->merge_municipality_data = PageVar('merge_municipality_data', 'T') == 'T' ? true : false; $this->toggle_subcategory = initVar('toggle_subcategory'); $this->do_id = PageVar('do_id', $_SESSION['do_id'], $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName); $this->pr_id = PageVar('pr_id', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName); $this->mu_id = PageVar('mu_id', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName); $this->bpu_id = PageVar('bpu_id', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName); $this->order = PageVar('order', '1A', $init, false, $this->baseName); $this->pg = PageVar('pg', 0, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName); setLang(R3Locale::getLanguageCode()); setLangInfo(array('thousands_sep' => ".")); $this->registerAjaxFunction('getHelp'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('toggleSubcategory'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('updateLastOpenCloseStatus'); }
public function __construct(array $request = array(), array $opt = array()) { parent::__construct($request, $opt); $this->fields = $this->defFields(); $storeVar = isset($_GET['act']) && $_GET['act'] == 'list'; // if true store the filter variables $init = array_key_exists('init', $this->request); $reset = array_key_exists('reset', $this->request); if ($init || $reset) { $storeVar = true; } $this->id = initVar('id'); $this->last_id = initVar('last_id'); $this->parent_act = initVar('parent_act'); $this->tab_mode = initVar('tab_mode'); $this->act = initVar('act', 'list'); $this->do_id = $_SESSION['do_id']; $this->gpr_id = initVar('gpr_id'); $this->order = PageVar('order', '1A', $init, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->pg = PageVar('pg', 0, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); setLang(R3Locale::getLanguageCode()); setLangInfo(array('thousands_sep' => ".")); $this->registerAjaxFunction('submitFormData'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('askDelGlobalPlainGauge'); }
public function __construct(array $request = array(), array $opt = array()) { parent::__construct($request, $opt); $this->fields = $this->defFields(); $this->act = initVar('act', 'mod'); $this->do_id = $_SESSION['do_id']; setLang(R3Locale::getLanguageCode()); setLangInfo(array('thousands_sep' => ".")); $this->registerAjaxFunction('getHelp'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('submitFormData'); }
public function __construct(array $request = array(), array $opt = array()) { parent::__construct($request, $opt); $init = array_key_exists('init', $this->request); $this->act = initVar('act', 'list'); $this->sl_id = PageVar('sl_id'); $this->last_id = initVar('consumption_last_id'); $this->parent_act = PageVar('parent_act'); $this->tab_mode = initVar('tab_mode'); $this->order = PageVar('order', '6A', $init, false, $this->baseName); setLang(R3Locale::getLanguageCode()); setLangInfo(array('thousands_sep' => ".")); }
public function __construct(array $request = array(), array $opt = array()) { parent::__construct($request, $opt); $this->fields = $this->defFields(); $init = array_key_exists('init', $this->request); $reset = array_key_exists('reset', $this->request); $this->id = initVar('id'); $this->act = initVar('act', 'list'); $this->kind = PageVar('kind'); $this->em_id = PageVar('em_id', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName); $this->tabMode = PageVar('tab_mode', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName); setLang(R3Locale::getLanguageCode()); setLangInfo(array('thousands_sep' => ".")); $this->registerAjaxFunction('confirm_delete_device'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('submitFormData'); }
public function __construct(array $request = array(), array $opt = array()) { parent::__construct($request, $opt); $storeVar = isset($_GET['act']) && $_GET['act'] == 'list'; // if true store the filter variables $init = array_key_exists('init', $this->request); $reset = array_key_exists('reset', $this->request); if ($init || $reset) { $storeVar = true; } $this->gc_id_filter = PageVar('gc_id_filter', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->gp_name = PageVar('gp_name', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); setLang(R3Locale::getLanguageCode()); setLangInfo(array('thousands_sep' => ".")); $this->registerAjaxFunction('getHelp'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('countGaugeAndMonitor'); }
public function __construct(array $request = array(), array $opt = array()) { parent::__construct($request, $opt); $init = array_key_exists('init', $this->request); $reset = array_key_exists('reset', $this->request); $this->id = initVar('id'); $this->act = initVar('act', 'list'); $this->kind = PageVar('kind'); $this->em_id = PageVar('em_id', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName); $this->sl_id = PageVar('sl_id', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName); $this->tabMode = PageVar('tab_mode', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName); $data = R3EcoGisHelper::getMeterData($_SESSION['do_id'], $this->em_id); $this->fields = $this->defFields($data['em_is_production'] == 'T'); setLang(R3Locale::getLanguageCode()); setLangInfo(array('thousands_sep' => ".")); $this->registerAjaxFunction('confirm_delete_consumption'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('submitFormData'); }
public function __construct(array $request = array(), array $opt = array()) { parent::__construct($request, $opt); $this->fields = $this->defFields(); $init = array_key_exists('init', $this->request); $reset = array_key_exists('reset', $this->request); $this->do_id = $_SESSION['do_id']; $this->id = initVar('id'); $this->act = initVar('act', 'list'); $this->kind = initVar('kind'); $this->bu_id = initVar('bu_id'); $this->tabMode = initVar('tab_mode'); setLang(R3Locale::getLanguageCode()); setLangInfo(array('thousands_sep' => ".")); $this->registerAjaxFunction('fetchUDM'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('getEnergySourceList'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('getUtilityProductList'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('confirmDeleteMeter'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('submitFormData'); }
public function __construct(array $request = array(), array $opt = array()) { parent::__construct($request, $opt); $this->fields = $this->defFields(); $storeVar = isset($_GET['act']) && $_GET['act'] == 'list'; // if true store the filter variables $init = array_key_exists('init', $this->request); $reset = array_key_exists('reset', $this->request); if ($init || $reset) { $storeVar = true; } $this->id = initVar('id'); if (initVar('sl_id') !== null) { $this->id = initVar('sl_id'); } $this->act = initVar('act', 'list'); $this->last_id = initVar('last_id'); $this->parent_act = initVar('parent_act'); $this->do_id = $_SESSION['do_id']; $this->pr_id = PageVar('pr_id', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->mu_id = PageVar('mu_id', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->mu_name = PageVar('mu_name', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->st_id = PageVar('st_id', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->st_name = PageVar('st_name', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->sl_full_name = PageVar('sl_full_name', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->sl_to_check = PageVar('sl_to_check', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->order = PageVar('order', '1A', $init, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->pg = PageVar('pg', 0, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); setLang(R3Locale::getLanguageCode()); setLangInfo(array('thousands_sep' => ".")); $this->registerAjaxFunction('getHelp'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('getMunicipalityList'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('getStreetList'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('getStreetLength'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('confirmDeleteStreetLighting'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('submitFormData'); }
public function __construct(array $request = array(), array $opt = array()) { parent::__construct($request, $opt); $this->fields = array(); $init = array_key_exists('init', $this->request); $reset = array_key_exists('reset', $this->request); $this->id = initVar('id'); $this->act = 'list'; $this->order = PageVar('order', '1A', $init, false, $this->baseName); $this->pg = PageVar('pg', 0, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName); $this->do_id = $_SESSION['do_id']; $storeVar = isset($_GET['act']) && $_GET['act'] == 'list' || $reset || $init; if ($init || $reset) { $storeVar = true; } $this->us_name_email = PageVar('us_name_email', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->us_status = PageVar('us_status', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); setLang(R3Locale::getLanguageCode()); setLangInfo(array('thousands_sep' => ".")); $this->registerAjaxFunction('askEnablePublicUser'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('askDelPublicUser'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('enablePublicUser'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('delPublicUser'); }
public function __construct(array $request = array(), array $opt = array()) { parent::__construct($request, $opt); $this->fields = array(); $init = array_key_exists('init', $this->request); $reset = array_key_exists('reset', $this->request); $this->id = initVar('id'); $this->act = initVar('act', 'list'); $this->order = PageVar('order', '1A', $init, false, $this->baseName); $this->pg = PageVar('pg', 0, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName); $storeVar = isset($_GET['act']) && $_GET['act'] == 'list' || $reset || $init; // if true store the filter variables if ($init || $reset) { $storeVar = true; } $this->do_id_filter = (int) PageVar('do_id_filter', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->mu_name_collection = PageVar('mu_name_collection', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->mu_name = PageVar('mu_name', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); setLang(R3Locale::getLanguageCode()); setLangInfo(array('thousands_sep' => ".")); $this->registerAjaxFunction('submitFormData'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('confirmDeleteMunicipalityCollection'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('getAvailableMunicipalityForCollection'); }
public function __construct(array $request = array(), array $opt = array()) { parent::__construct($request, $opt); $this->fields = $this->defFields(); $storeVar = isset($_GET['act']) && $_GET['act'] == 'list'; // if true store the filter variables $init = array_key_exists('init', $this->request); $reset = array_key_exists('reset', $this->request); if ($init || $reset) { $storeVar = true; } $this->id = initVar('id'); $this->last_id = initVar('last_id'); $this->parent_act = initVar('parent_act'); $this->tab_mode = initVar('tab_mode'); $this->act = initVar('act', 'list'); $this->do_id = $_SESSION['do_id']; $this->bu_id = initVar('bu_id'); $this->pr_id = PageVar('pr_id', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->mu_id = PageVar('mu_id', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->mu_name = PageVar('mu_name', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->ac_name = PageVar('ac_name', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->gc_id = PageVar('gc_id', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->gpa_name = PageVar('gpa_name', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->gpa_name = PageVar('ac_alternative_simulation', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->order = PageVar('order', '1A', $init, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->pg = PageVar('pg', 0, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->tableURL = array('bu_id' => $this->bu_id); setLang(R3Locale::getLanguageCode()); setLangInfo(array('thousands_sep' => ".")); $this->registerAjaxFunction('getHelp'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('submitFormData'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('getGlobalCategory'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('getGlobalSubCategory'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('getRelatedActionsList'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('getEnergySource'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('getEnergyUDM'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('performActionCatalogCalc'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('askDelActionCatalog'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('updateActionName'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('checkSubActionMapLink'); }
public function convert2Locale($vlu) { if (!is_array($vlu)) { return $vlu; } setLangInfo(array('thousands_sep' => ".")); foreach ($this->fields as $key => $field) { if (isset($field['name'])) { $key = $field['name']; if (isset($field['dec']) && !isset($field['precision'])) { $field['precision'] = $field['dec']; } if (array_key_exists($key, $vlu)) { if ($vlu[$key] === null) { $vlu[$key] = ''; } else { $type = strToLower($field['type']); switch ($field['type']) { case 'real': case 'double': case 'number': case 'float': $vlu[$key] = R3NumberFormat($vlu[$key], isset($field['precision']) ? $field['precision'] : null, true); break; case 'integer': $vlu[$key] = R3NumberFormat($vlu[$key], isset($field['precision']) ? $field['precision'] : 0, true); break; case 'date': $vlu[$key] = SQLDateToStr($vlu[$key], R3Locale::getPhpDateFormat()); break; case 'datetime': case 'now': $vlu[$key] = SQLDateToStr($vlu[$key], R3Locale::getPhpDateTimeFormat()); break; case 'boolean': if ($vlu[$key] === true) { $vlu[$key] = 'T'; } else { if ($vlu[$key] === false) { $vlu[$key] = 'F'; } } } } } } } return $vlu; }
public function __construct(array $request = array(), array $opt = array()) { parent::__construct($request, $opt); $this->fields = $this->defFields(); $storeVar = isset($_GET['act']) && $_GET['act'] == 'list'; // if true store the filter variables $init = array_key_exists('init', $this->request); $reset = array_key_exists('reset', $this->request); if ($init || $reset) { $storeVar = true; } $this->id = (int) initVar('id'); $this->last_id = initVar('last_id'); $this->act = initVar('act', 'list'); $this->parent_act = initVar('parent_act'); $this->do_id = PageVar('do_id', $_SESSION['do_id'], $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->pr_id = PageVar('pr_id', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->mu_id = PageVar('mu_id', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->mu_name = PageVar('mu_name', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->gst_name = PageVar('gst_name', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->order = PageVar('order', '1A', $init, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); $this->pg = PageVar('pg', 0, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName, $storeVar); setLang(R3Locale::getLanguageCode()); setLangInfo(array('thousands_sep' => ".")); $this->registerAjaxFunction('getHelp'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('loadGE_GS'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('submitFormData'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('exportPAES'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('exportPAESDlg'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('getExportPAESStatus'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('askDelGlobalStrategy'); }
public function __construct(array $request = array(), array $opt = array()) { parent::__construct($request, $opt); $this->fields = $this->defFields(); $init = array_key_exists('init', $this->request); $reset = array_key_exists('reset', $this->request); $this->id = initVar('id'); $this->last_id = initVar('last_id'); $this->act = initVar('act', 'list'); $this->do_id = $_SESSION['do_id']; // PageVar('do_id', $_SESSION['do_id'], $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName); $this->mu_id = PageVar('mu_id', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName); $this->mu_name = PageVar('mu_name', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName); $this->es_id = PageVar('es_id', null, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName); $this->order = PageVar('order', '1A', $init, false, $this->baseName); $this->pg = PageVar('pg', 0, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName); setLang(R3Locale::getLanguageCode()); setLangInfo(array('thousands_sep' => ".")); $this->registerAjaxFunction('getHelp'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('submitFormData'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('askDelUtility'); }
function R3NumberFormat($value, $decimals = null, $useThousandsSep = false, $maxDec = 10) { if (is_array($value)) { foreach ($value as $key => $val) { $value[$key] = R3NumberFormat($val, $decimals, $useThousandsSep, $maxDec); } return $value; } else { if (strlen($value) == '') { return ''; } if (!defined("__R3_LOCALE__")) { require_once 'r3locale.php'; } $oldLocale = setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, 0); setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, getLocaleInfo(R3Locale::getLanguageCode())); setLangInfo(array('thousands_sep' => ".")); $localeInfo = getLocaleInfo(getLangLocaleByCode(R3Locale::getLanguageCode())); if ($decimals === null) { $diff = round($value - (int) $value, $maxDec); if ($diff == 0) { $decimals = 0; } else { $decimals = strlen($diff) - 2; // -2 is 0. of the number } } $thousands_sep = $useThousandsSep === true ? $localeInfo['thousands_sep'] : ''; $result = number_format($value, $decimals, $localeInfo['decimal_point'], $thousands_sep); setlocale(LC_ALL, $oldLocale); return $result; } }
public function convert2Locale(array $vlu) { // Change to locale $oldMessageLocale = setlocale(LC_MESSAGES, 0); $oldNumericLocale = setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, 0); setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, getLocaleInfo(R3Locale::getLanguageCode())); setLangInfo(array('thousands_sep' => ".")); foreach ($this->fields as $key => $field) { if (isset($field['name'])) { $key = $field['name']; if (isset($field['dec']) && !isset($field['precision'])) { $field['precision'] = $field['dec']; } if (isset($field['is_primary_key']) && $field['is_primary_key'] === true) { continue; } if (array_key_exists($key, $vlu)) { if ($vlu[$key] === null) { $vlu[$key] = ''; // IE Fix in json response } else { $type = strToLower($field['type']); switch ($field['type']) { case 'real': case 'double': case 'number': case 'float': $vlu[$key] = R3NumberFormat($vlu[$key], isset($field['precision']) ? $field['precision'] : null, true); break; case 'integer': $vlu[$key] = R3NumberFormat($vlu[$key], isset($field['precision']) ? $field['precision'] : 0, true); break; case 'date': $vlu[$key] = SQLDateToStr($vlu[$key], R3Locale::getPhpDateFormat()); break; case 'datetime': case 'now': $vlu[$key] = SQLDateToStr($vlu[$key], R3Locale::getPhpDateTimeFormat()); break; case 'boolean': if ($vlu[$key] === true) { $vlu[$key] = 'T'; } else { if ($vlu[$key] === false) { $vlu[$key] = 'F'; } } } } } } } setlocale(LC_MESSAGES, $oldMessageLocale); setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, $oldNumericLocale); return $vlu; }
public function submitFormData($request) { $errors = array(); $db = ezcDbInstance::get(); setLocale(LC_ALL, 'C'); setLangInfo(array('thousands_sep' => ".")); $request['gs_id'] = forceInteger($request['id'], 0, false, '.'); if ($this->act == 'mod') { $sql = "SELECT ge_id, gc_id FROM global_subcategory WHERE gs_id={$request['gs_id']}"; list($request['ge_id'], $request['gc_id']) = $db->query($sql)->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM); } if ($this->act != 'del') { $errors = $this->checkFormData($request, $request['kind']); } if (count($errors) > 0) { return $this->getAjaxErrorResult($errors); } else { $db->beginTransaction(); // Remove consumption $em_list = $this->getEnergyMeterList($request['gs_id']); if (count($em_list) > 0) { $sql = "DELETE FROM consumption WHERE em_id IN (" . implode(', ', $em_list) . ")"; // Remove consumption $db->exec($sql); $sql = "DELETE FROM energy_meter WHERE em_id IN (" . implode(', ', $em_list) . ")"; // Remove energy_meter $db->exec($sql); } $sql = "DELETE FROM global_data WHERE gs_id=" . $request['gs_id']; $db->exec($sql); if ($this->act == 'del') { $sql = "DELETE FROM global_subcategory WHERE gs_id=" . $request['gs_id']; $db->exec($sql); } else { if (isset($request['gs_tot_value'])) { $request['gs_tot_value'] = $request['gs_tot_value'] * 1000; } if (isset($request['gs_tot_production_value'])) { $request['gs_tot_production_value'] = $request['gs_tot_production_value'] * 1000; } if (isset($request['gs_tot_emission_value'])) { $request['gs_tot_emission_value'] = $request['gs_tot_emission_value'] * 1000; } if (isset($request['gs_tot_emission_factor'])) { $request['gs_tot_emission_factor'] = $request['gs_tot_emission_factor'] * 1000; } $id = $this->applyData($request); $geData = $db->query("SELECT mu_id, ge_year FROM global_entry WHERE ge_id={$request['ge_id']}")->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $year = $geData['ge_year']; $mu_id = $geData['mu_id']; $totalOnly = $db->query("SELECT gc_total_only FROM global_category WHERE gc_id=" . (int) $request['gc_id'])->fetchColumn() == true; if (!$totalOnly) { foreach ($request['ges_id_consumption'] as $key => $value) { if (empty($request['ac_expected_energy_saving'][$key])) { continue; } $ges_id = $this->getGlobalEnergySource($request['es_id_consumption'][$key], $request['udm_id_consumption'][$key]); if (empty($ges_id)) { throw new Exception("getGlobalEnergySource(" . $request['es_id_consumption'][$key] . ', ' . $request['udm_id_consumption'][$key] . ") key={$key} faild"); } $sql = "INSERT INTO global_data (ges_id, gs_id) VALUES ({$ges_id}, {$id})"; $db->exec($sql); $gd_id = $db->lastInsertId('global_data_gd_id_seq'); $esu_id = R3EcoGisHelper::getEnergySourceUdmID($this->do_id, $request['es_id_consumption'][$key], $request['udm_id_consumption'][$key], $mu_id, false); if (!empty($esu_id)) { $em_id = R3EcoGisHelper::addDummyEnergyMeter(array('esu_id' => $esu_id, 'em_object_id' => $gd_id), 'GLOBAL_ENERGY'); $data = array(); $data['co_start_date'] = "'{$year}-01-01'"; $data['co_end_date'] = "'{$year}-12-31'"; $data['co_value'] = forceFloat($request['ac_expected_energy_saving'][$key], null, '.'); $data['co_bill'] = 0; $data['em_id'] = $em_id; if (in_array($this->kind, array('ENERGY_PRODUCTION', 'HEATH_PRODUCTION'))) { $data['co_production_co2_factor'] = (double) forceFloat($request['co_production_co2_factor'][$key], null, '.'); } $sql = "INSERT INTO consumption (" . implode(', ', array_keys($data)) . ") VALUES (" . implode(', ', $data) . ")"; $db->exec($sql); } else { throw new Exception("Unknown esu [es_id={$request['es_id_consumption'][$key]}; udm_id={$request['udm_id_consumption'][$key]}; do_id={$this->do_id}; mu_id={$mu_id}]"); } } } if (isset($request['geometryStatus']) && strtoupper($request['geometryStatus']) == 'CHANGED') { $session_id = session_id(); $sql = "UPDATE global_subcategory\r\n SET the_geom=foo.the_geom\r\n FROM (SELECT MULTI(ST_Force_2d(ST_union(ST_Buffer(the_geom, 0.0)))) AS the_geom FROM edit_tmp_polygon WHERE session_id='{$session_id}') AS foo\r\n WHERE gs_id={$id}"; $db->exec($sql); } } $db->commit(); R3EcoGisEventNotifier::notifyDataChanged($this, array('data_changed' => true)); return array('status' => R3_AJAX_NO_ERROR, 'js' => "submitFormDataDoneEnergySourceRow({$id}, '{$this->kind}')"); } }
public function __construct(array $request = array(), array $opt = array()) { parent::__construct($request, $opt); $init = array_key_exists('init', $this->request); $reset = array_key_exists('reset', $this->request); $this->id = initVar('id'); $this->act = initVar('act', 'list'); $this->order = PageVar('order', '1A', $init, false, $this->baseName); $this->pg = PageVar('pg', 0, $init | $reset, false, $this->baseName); $this->fields = $this->defFields(); setLang(R3Locale::getLanguageCode()); setLangInfo(array('thousands_sep' => ".")); $this->registerAjaxFunction('getHelp'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('validateDomain'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('getSRIDDesc'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('getMunicipality'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('submitFormData'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('confirmDeleteCustomer'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('vacuum'); $this->registerAjaxFunction('create_grid'); }