$titre = $msg["authors_found"]; //Enregistrement des stats if ($pmb_logs_activate) { global $nb_results_tab; $nb_results_tab['physiques'] = $count; } break; } //le contenu du catalogue est calculé dans 2 cas : // 1- la recherche affiliée n'est pas activée, c'est donc le seul résultat affichable // 2- la recherche affiliée est active et on demande l'onglet catalog... if (!$opac_allow_affiliate_search || $opac_allow_affiliate_search && $tab == "catalog") { print pmb_bidi("\t<h3><span><b>{$count}</b> {$titre} <b>'" . htmlentities(stripslashes($user_query), ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "'"); if ($opac_search_other_function) { require_once $include_path . "/" . $opac_search_other_function; print pmb_bidi(" " . search_other_function_human_query($_SESSION["last_query"])); } print "</b></span>"; print activation_surlignage() . "</h3>"; if (!$opac_allow_affiliate_search) { print "\n\t\t\t</div>"; } print "\n\t\t\t<div id=\"resultatrech_liste\">\n\t\t\t<ul>"; if ($type) { $restrict_type = " and author_type='{$type}' "; } $found = mysql_query("select author_id, " . $pert . ",author_type, author_name, author_rejete,author_see from authors {$clause} {$restrict_type} group by author_id {$tri} {$limiter}", $dbh); while ($mesAuteurs = mysql_fetch_object($found)) { $psNom = ""; if ($mesAuteurs->author_see) { $pseud = mysql_query("select author_name, author_rejete from authors where author_id='" . $mesAuteurs->author_see . "'", $dbh);
function get_human_query_level_two($n) { global $msg; global $opac_search_other_function, $opac_indexation_docnum_allfields; global $include_path; if ($opac_search_other_function) { require_once $include_path . "/" . $opac_search_other_function; } if ($_SESSION["search_type" . $n] == "simple_search") { $valeur_champ = ""; switch ($_SESSION["notice_view" . $n]["search_mod"]) { case 'abstract': $r1 = $msg["abstract"] . " "; break; case 'title': $r1 = $msg["title_search"] . " "; break; case 'all': $r1 = $msg["global_search"] . " " . ($opac_indexation_docnum_allfields ? "[" . $msg[docnum_search_with] . "] " : ''); break; case 'keyword': $r1 = $msg["keyword_search"] . " "; break; case 'categ_see': $categ_id = $_SESSION["notice_view" . $n]["search_id"]; $requete = "select libelle_categorie from categories where num_noeud=" . $categ_id; $r_cat = pmb_mysql_query($requete); if (@pmb_mysql_num_rows($r_cat)) { $valeur_champ = pmb_mysql_result($r_cat, 0, 0); } $r1 = $msg["category"] . " "; break; case 'author_see': $author_id = $_SESSION["notice_view" . $n]["search_id"]; $requete = "select concat(author_name,', ',author_rejete) from authors where author_id=" . $author_id; $r_author = pmb_mysql_query($requete); if (@pmb_mysql_num_rows($r_author)) { $valeur_champ = pmb_mysql_result($r_author, 0, 0); } $r1 = $msg["author_search"] . " "; break; case 'indexint_see': $indexint_id = $_SESSION["notice_view" . $n]["search_id"]; $requete = "select indexint_name from indexint where indexint_id=" . $indexint_id; $r_indexint = pmb_mysql_query($requete); if (@pmb_mysql_num_rows($r_indexint)) { $valeur_champ = pmb_mysql_result($r_indexint, 0, 0); } $r1 = $msg["indexint_search"] . " "; break; case 'publisher_see': $publisher_id = $_SESSION["notice_view" . $n]["search_id"]; $requete = "select ed_name from publishers where ed_id=" . $publisher_id; $r_pub = pmb_mysql_query($requete); if (@pmb_mysql_num_rows($r_pub)) { $valeur_champ = pmb_mysql_result($r_pub, 0, 0); } $r1 = $msg["publisher_search"] . " "; break; case 'titre_uniforme_see': $titre_uniforme_id = $_SESSION["notice_view" . $n]["search_id"]; $requete = "select tu_name from publishers where tu_id=" . $titre_uniforme_id; $r_tu = pmb_mysql_query($requete); if (@pmb_mysql_num_rows($r_tu)) { $valeur_champ = pmb_mysql_result($r_tu, 0, 0); } $r1 = $msg["titre_uniforme_search"] . " "; break; case 'coll_see': $coll_id = $_SESSION["notice_view" . $n]["search_id"]; $requete = "select collection_name from collections where collection_id=" . $coll_id; $r_coll = pmb_mysql_query($requete); if (@pmb_mysql_num_rows($r_coll)) { $valeur_champ = pmb_mysql_result($r_coll, 0, 0); } $r1 = $msg["coll_search"] . " "; break; case 'subcoll_see': $subcoll_id = $_SESSION["notice_view" . $n]["search_id"]; $requete = "select sub_coll_name from sub_collections where sub_coll_id=" . $subcoll_id; $r_subcoll = pmb_mysql_query($requete); if (@pmb_mysql_num_rows($r_subcoll)) { $valeur_champ = pmb_mysql_result($r_subcoll, 0, 0); } $r1 = $msg["subcoll_search"] . " "; break; case 'docnum': $r1 = $msg["docnum"]; break; case 'concept_see': $concept_id = $_SESSION["notice_view" . $n]["search_id"]; $requete = "select value from skos_field_global_index where code_champ = 1 and code_ss_champ = 1 and id_item = " . $concept_id; $r_concept = pmb_mysql_query($requete); if (@pmb_mysql_num_rows($r_concept)) { $valeur_champ = pmb_mysql_result($r_concept, 0, 0); } $r1 = $msg["skos_concept"] . " "; break; case 'authperso_see': $auth_id = $_SESSION["notice_view" . $n]["search_id"]; $ourAuth = new authperso_authority($auth_id); $r1 = $ourAuth->info['authperso']['name'] . " "; $valeur_champ = $ourAuth->info['isbd']; break; } if ($_SESSION["typdoc" . $n]) { $doctype = new marc_list('doctype'); $r2 .= sprintf($msg["simple_search_history_doc_type"], $doctype->table[$_SESSION["typdoc" . $n]]); } else { $r2 .= $msg["simple_search_history_all_doc_types"]; } if ($opac_search_other_function) { $r3 = search_other_function_human_query($n); if ($r3) { $r2 .= ", " . $r3; } } $r = sprintf($msg["simple_search_history"], !$valeur_champ ? stripslashes($_SESSION["user_query" . $n]) : $valeur_champ, $r1, $r2); if ($_SESSION["map_emprises_query" . $n]) { $r .= $msg["map_history_emprises"] . implode(" ", $_SESSION["map_emprises_query" . $n]); } } else { $r = get_human_query($n); } return $r; }