} if (empty($_GET['rT'])) { $retType = 'HTML_UL'; } else { $retType = $_GET['rT']; } if (empty($_GET['d'])) { $depth = 9999; } else { $depth = $_GET['d']; } ?> <HTML> <BODY> <?php $resInfo = queryResultsCategories($catIDs, $kwds, $onlyWithImgs, $retType); if (!$resInfo || count($resInfo) == 0) { echo "<h2>Query Failed</h2>"; } else { echo "<h3>Categories for query on Categories:" . $cats . " and Keywords:" . $kwds . "</h3>\r\n\t"; foreach ($resInfo as $facet) { echo "<h3>" . $facet['facet'] . " (" . $facet['id'] . ")</h3>"; if ($retType == 'HTML_UL') { echo $facet['items']; } else { // Get as PHP and output completely echo "<ul>\r\n\t\t\t"; outputPHPToDepth($facet['items'], 0, $depth); echo "\r\n\t\t\t</ul>\r\n\t\t\t"; } }
$t->assign('results_start', 0); $t->assign('results_end', 0); //if( $images ) $t->assign('toggleImages', $images); } else { foreach ($objResults['objects'] as $obj) { $obj['img_path'] ? $img_path = $obj['img_path'] : ($obj['img_path'] = "noObjectImage"); $imageOptions = array('img_path' => $obj['img_path'], 'size' => 90, 'img_ar' => $obj['aspectRatio'], 'linkURL' => $CFG->shortbase . "/object/" . $obj['id'], 'vAlign' => "center", 'hAlign' => "center"); $obj['thumb'] = outputSimpleImage($imageOptions); $objects[] = $obj; } $t->assign('pager', themePager($page, $objResults['nPages'], "cats=10004")); $t->assign('results_total', $objResults['nObjs']); $t->assign('results_start', $page * $objResults['pageSize'] - $objResults['pageSize'] + 1); $t->assign('results_end', $page * $objResults['pageSize'] <= $objResults['nObjs'] ? $page * $objResults['pageSize'] : $objResults['nObjs']); $t->assign('facets', queryResultsCategories($catIDs, $kwds, $tag, $user, $images, "HTML_UL_ATAG", "id_")); $t->assign('toggleImages', $images); } // print_r($objects); $t->assign('objects', $objects); $rawfilters = getFilters($kwds, $catIDs); $tagname = $tag ? getTagNameByID($tag) : false; $t->assign('filters', themeFilters($rawfilters, $tagname, $user)); $t->assign('page_title', filtersToNameList($rawfilters, $tagname) . ' - PAHMA Delphi Search Results'); // Display template $t->display('results.tpl'); function getFilters($kwds, $catIDs) { $filters = array(); if (count($catIDs)) { foreach ($catIDs as $catID) {