コード例 #1
 public function process_request($request)
     if ($request == 'facebook-login') {
         $app_id = qa_opt('facebook_app_id');
         $app_secret = qa_opt('facebook_app_secret');
         $tourl = qa_get('to');
         if (!strlen($tourl)) {
             $tourl = qa_path_absolute('');
         if (strlen($app_id) && strlen($app_secret)) {
             require_once $this->directory . 'facebook.php';
             $facebook = new Facebook(array('appId' => $app_id, 'secret' => $app_secret, 'cookie' => true));
             $fb_userid = $facebook->getUser();
             if ($fb_userid) {
                 try {
                     $user = $facebook->api('/me?fields=email,name,verified,location,website,about,picture.width(250)');
                     if (is_array($user)) {
                         qa_log_in_external_user('facebook', $fb_userid, array('email' => @$user['email'], 'handle' => @$user['name'], 'confirmed' => @$user['verified'], 'name' => @$user['name'], 'location' => @$user['location']['name'], 'website' => @$user['website'], 'about' => @$user['bio'], 'avatar' => strlen(@$user['picture']['data']['url']) ? qa_retrieve_url($user['picture']['data']['url']) : null));
                 } catch (FacebookApiException $e) {
             } else {
                 qa_redirect_raw($facebook->getLoginUrl(array('redirect_uri' => $tourl)));
コード例 #2
ファイル: qa-bp-layer.php プロジェクト: NoahY/q2a-buddypress
 function main_parts($content)
     if (qa_opt('buddypress_integration_enable') && $this->template == 'user' && !qa_get('tab')) {
         $content = $this->user_buddypress_form($content);
コード例 #3
ファイル: qa-donut-utils.php プロジェクト: architbakliwal/Q2A
 function donut_get_sub_navigation($page_type, $template = '')
     require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-app-q-list.php';
     require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-app-format.php';
     require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-app-admin.php';
     $sub_nav = array();
     switch ($page_type) {
         case 'questions':
             $sort = qa_get('sort');
             $sub_nav = donut_qs_sub_navigation($sort, array());
         case 'unanswered':
             $categoryslugs = qa_request_parts(1);
             $by = qa_get('by');
             $sub_nav = donut_unanswered_sub_navigation($by, $categoryslugs);
         case 'users':
             $sub_nav = donut_users_sub_navigation();
         case 'admin':
             $sub_nav = qa_admin_sub_navigation();
     return $sub_nav;
コード例 #4
 function process_request($request)
     // double check we are admin
     if (qa_get_logged_in_level() < QA_USER_LEVEL_ADMIN) {
     if (qa_clicked('docancel')) {
     $qa_content = qa_content_prepare();
     $qa_content['title'] = 'Widget Anywhere';
     $qa_content['custom'] = '<p><a href="' . qa_path('admin/plugins') . '#' . qa_html($this->anchor) . '">&laquo; back to plugin options</a></p>';
     $saved_msg = null;
     $editid = qa_get('editid');
     if (qa_post_text('dodelete')) {
     } else {
         if (qa_clicked('save_button')) {
             // save widget
             $widget = $this->save_widget();
             $saved_msg = 'Widget saved.';
         } else {
             if (empty($editid)) {
                 // display blank form
                 $widget = array('id' => 0, 'title' => '', 'pages' => '', 'position' => '', 'ordering' => 1, 'content' => '');
             } else {
                 // load specified widget
                 $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ^' . $this->pluginkey . ' WHERE id=#';
                 $result = qa_db_query_sub($sql, $editid);
                 $widget = qa_db_read_one_assoc($result);
     $sel_position = empty($widget['position']) ? null : @$this->positionlangs[$widget['position']];
     // set up page (template) list
     $widget_pages = explode(',', $widget['pages']);
     $sel_pages = array();
     $custom_pages = array();
     foreach ($widget_pages as $page) {
         if (strpos($page, 'custom:') === 0) {
             $custom_pages[] = substr($page, 7);
         } else {
             $sel_pages[] = $page;
     // $chkd = in_array('all', $sel_pages) ? 'checked' : '';
     // $pages_html = '<label><input type="checkbox" name="wpages_all" ' . $chkd . '> ' . qa_lang_html('admin/widget_all_pages') . '</label><br><br>';
     $pages_html = '';
     foreach ($this->templatelangkeys as $tmpl => $langkey) {
         $chkd = in_array($tmpl, $sel_pages) ? 'checked' : '';
         $pages_html .= '<label><input type="checkbox" name="wpages_' . $tmpl . '" ' . $chkd . '> ' . qa_lang_html($langkey) . '</label><br>';
     $qa_content['form'] = array('tags' => 'METHOD="POST" ACTION="' . qa_self_html() . '"', 'style' => 'tall', 'ok' => $saved_msg, 'fields' => array('title' => array('label' => 'Title', 'tags' => 'NAME="wtitle"', 'value' => qa_html($widget['title'])), 'position' => array('type' => 'select', 'label' => 'Position', 'tags' => 'NAME="wposition"', 'options' => $this->positionlangs, 'value' => $sel_position), 'all_pages' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'id' => 'tb_pages_all', 'label' => qa_lang_html('admin/widget_all_pages'), 'tags' => 'NAME="wpages_all" ID="wpages_all"', 'value' => in_array('all', $sel_pages)), 'pages' => array('type' => 'custom', 'id' => 'tb_pages_list', 'label' => qa_lang_html('admin/widget_pages_explanation'), 'html' => $pages_html), 'show_custom_pages' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'id' => 'tb_show_custom_pages', 'label' => 'Show on custom page(s)', 'tags' => 'NAME="cb_custom_pages" ID="cb_custom_pages"', 'value' => count($custom_pages) > 0), 'custom_pages' => array('id' => 'tb_custom_pages', 'label' => 'Page slugs', 'tags' => 'NAME="wpages_custom"', 'value' => qa_html(implode(',', $custom_pages)), 'note' => 'Separate multiple page slugs (URL fragments) with commas, e.g. <code>custom-page,other-page</code>'), 'ordering' => array('type' => 'number', 'label' => 'Order', 'tags' => 'NAME="wordering"', 'value' => qa_html($widget['ordering'])), 'content' => array('type' => 'textarea', 'label' => 'Content (HTML)', 'tags' => 'NAME="wcontent"', 'value' => qa_html($widget['content']), 'rows' => 12)), 'hidden' => array('wid' => $widget['id']), 'buttons' => array('save' => array('tags' => 'NAME="save_button"', 'label' => 'Save widget', 'value' => '1'), 'cancel' => array('tags' => 'NAME="docancel"', 'label' => qa_lang_html('main/cancel_button'))));
     if ($widget['id'] > 0) {
         $qa_content['form']['fields']['delete'] = array('tags' => 'NAME="dodelete"', 'label' => 'Delete widget', 'value' => 0, 'type' => 'checkbox');
     qa_set_display_rules($qa_content, array('tb_pages_list' => '!wpages_all', 'tb_show_custom_pages' => '!wpages_all', 'tb_custom_pages' => 'cb_custom_pages && !wpages_all'));
     return $qa_content;
コード例 #5
function qa_get_request_content()
    if (qa_opt('news_plugin_active')) {
        $requestlower = strtolower(qa_request());
        if ($requestlower && $requestlower === 'my-profile') {
            $userid = qa_get_logged_in_userid();
            if (!$userid) {
            $handles = qa_userids_to_handles(array($userid));
            $handle = $handles[$userid];
            qa_redirect(qa_path('user/' . $handle));
        } else {
            if ($requestlower && $requestlower === qa_opt('news_plugin_request')) {
                // send on cron
                if (qa_opt('news_plugin_send') && qa_get('cron') == qa_opt('news_plugin_cron_rand') && time() >= qa_opt('news_plugin_send_last') + 23 * 60 * 60) {
                    // minumum cron interval is 23 hours
                    return false;
                } else {
                    if (qa_get('cron') == qa_opt('news_plugin_cron_rand')) {
                        if (!qa_opt('news_plugin_send')) {
                            error_log('Q2A Newsletter Recreate Error: sending newsletter not allowed via admin/plugins');
                        } else {
                            error_log('Q2A Newsletter Recreate Error: cron request before minimum time elapsed');
                        echo "false\n";
                        return false;
                include qa_opt('news_plugin_loc');
                return false;
            } else {
                if (qa_opt('news_plugin_pdf') && $requestlower && $requestlower === qa_opt('news_plugin_request_pdf')) {
                    $pdf = file_get_contents(qa_opt('news_plugin_loc_pdf'));
                    header('Content-Description: File Transfer');
                    header('Cache-Control: public, must-revalidate, max-age=0');
                    // HTTP/1.1
                    header('Pragma: public');
                    header('Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT');
                    // Date in the past
                    header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s') . ' GMT');
                    // force download dialog
                    header('Content-Type: application/force-download');
                    header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream', false);
                    header('Content-Type: application/download', false);
                    header('Content-Type: application/pdf', false);
                    // use the Content-Disposition header to supply a recommended filename
                    header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . basename(qa_opt('news_plugin_loc_pdf')) . '";');
                    header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');
                    header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($pdf));
                    echo $pdf;
                    return false;
    return qa_get_request_content_base();
コード例 #6
 function doctype()
     $qw_notification_id = qa_get('ra_notification');
     if (isset($qw_notification_id)) {
コード例 #7
 function main_parts($content)
     $userid = qa_get_logged_in_userid();
     if (qa_opt('news_plugin_active') && $this->template == 'user' && qa_opt('news_plugin_send') && !qa_get('tab') && $content['raw']['userid'] == $userid) {
         $content['form-newsletter'] = $this->newsletterForm();
コード例 #8
 function main_parts($content)
     if ($this->template == 'user' && qa_get('tab') == 'history' && qa_opt('event_logger_to_database') && qa_opt('user_act_list_active')) {
         $content = array();
         $content['form-activity-list'] = $this->user_activity_form();
コード例 #9
 function main_parts($content)
     if (qa_opt('priv_active') && $this->template == 'user' && qa_get('tab') == 'privileges') {
         $content = array();
         $content['form-privileges-list'] = $this->user_priv_form();
         // this shouldn't happen
コード例 #10
 function doctype()
     // check if logged in
     $handle = qa_get_logged_in_handle();
     if (isset($handle)) {
         if (qa_request() == '' && count($_GET) > 0) {
             // Check if we need to associate another provider
         // see if the account pages are accessed
         $tmpl = array('account', 'favorites');
         $user_pages = array('user', 'user-wall', 'user-activity', 'user-questions', 'user-answers');
         $logins_page = qa_request() == 'logins' && !qa_get('confirm');
         $urlhandle = qa_request_part(1);
         if (in_array($this->template, $tmpl) || $logins_page || in_array($this->template, $user_pages) && $handle == $urlhandle) {
             // add a navigation item
             $this->content['navigation']['sub']['logins'] = array('label' => qa_lang_html('plugin_open/my_logins_nav'), 'url' => qa_path_html('logins'), 'selected' => $logins_page);
     } else {
         $title = qa_lang_html('plugin_open/login_title');
         $descr = qa_lang_html('plugin_open/login_description');
         // hide login/register links from navigation on any page
         if (qa_opt('open_login_hideform') == '1') {
         // then check if login/register pages are accessed
         $tmpl = array('register', 'login');
         if (!in_array($this->template, $tmpl)) {
         // hide regular login/register form on those pages only
         if (qa_opt('open_login_hideform') == '1') {
             $this->content['title'] = $title;
             $this->content['form'] = null;
         // add some custom text
         if (!empty($this->content['custom'])) {
             $content = str_ireplace('<BR>', '', $this->content['custom']);
             $this->content['custom'] = "<div><p>{$descr}</p>{$content}</div>";
             if ($this->content['form'] != null) {
                 $this->content['custom'] = "<br /><br /><h1>{$title}</h1>{$this->content['custom']}";
コード例 #11
 function process_request($request)
     $message = '';
     $url = '';
     if (is_array($_FILES) && count($_FILES)) {
         if (!qa_opt('wysiwyg_editor_upload_images')) {
             $message = qa_lang('users/no_permission');
         require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-app-upload.php';
         $upload = qa_upload_file_one(qa_opt('wysiwyg_editor_upload_max_size'), qa_get('qa_only_image') || !qa_opt('wysiwyg_editor_upload_all'), qa_get('qa_only_image') ? 600 : null, null);
         $message = @$upload['error'];
         $url = @$upload['bloburl'];
     echo "<script type='text/javascript'>window.parent.CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction(" . qa_js(qa_get('CKEditorFuncNum')) . ", " . qa_js($url) . ", " . qa_js($message) . ");</script>";
     return null;
コード例 #12
 function doctype()
     if (@$this->content['error'] == qa_lang_html('main/page_not_found') && preg_match('/^[0-9]+\\//', $this->request) !== false) {
         $pid = preg_replace('/\\/.*/', '', $this->request);
         $merged = qa_db_read_one_assoc(qa_db_query_sub("SELECT ^posts.postid as postid,^posts.title as title FROM ^postmeta, ^posts WHERE ^postmeta.meta_key='merged_with' AND ^postmeta.post_id=# AND ^posts.postid=^postmeta.meta_value", $pid), true);
         if ($merged) {
             qa_redirect(qa_q_request($merged['postid'], $merged['title']), array('merged' => $pid));
     } else {
         if (qa_get('merged')) {
             $this->content['error'] = str_replace('^post', qa_get('merged'), qa_opt('merge_question_merged'));
     if (qa_post_text('ajax_merge_get_from')) {
コード例 #13
ファイル: qa-sig-layer.php プロジェクト: NoahY/q2a-signatures
 function doctype()
     if ($this->request == 'admin/permissions' && qa_get_logged_in_level() >= QA_USER_LEVEL_ADMIN) {
         $permits[] = 'signature_allow';
         $permits[] = 'signature_edit_allow';
         foreach ($permits as $optionname) {
             $value = qa_opt($optionname);
             $optionfield = array('id' => $optionname, 'label' => qa_lang_html('signature_plugin/' . $optionname) . ':', 'tags' => 'NAME="option_' . $optionname . '" ID="option_' . $optionname . '"', 'value' => $value, 'error' => qa_html(@$errors[$optionname]));
             $widest = QA_PERMIT_USERS;
             $narrowest = QA_PERMIT_ADMINS;
             $permitoptions = qa_admin_permit_options($widest, $narrowest, !QA_FINAL_EXTERNAL_USERS && qa_opt('confirm_user_emails'));
             if (count($permitoptions) > 1) {
                 qa_optionfield_make_select($optionfield, $permitoptions, $value, $value == QA_PERMIT_CONFIRMED ? QA_PERMIT_USERS : min(array_keys($permitoptions)));
             $this->content['form']['fields'][$optionname] = $optionfield;
             $this->content['form']['fields'][$optionname . '_points'] = array('id' => $optionname . '_points', 'tags' => 'NAME="option_' . $optionname . '_points" ID="option_' . $optionname . '_points"', 'type' => 'number', 'value' => qa_opt($optionname . '_points'), 'prefix' => qa_lang_html('admin/users_must_have') . '&nbsp;', 'note' => qa_lang_html('admin/points'));
             $checkboxtodisplay[$optionname . '_points'] = '(option_' . $optionname . '==' . qa_js(QA_PERMIT_POINTS) . ') ||(option_' . $optionname . '==' . qa_js(QA_PERMIT_POINTS_CONFIRMED) . ')';
         qa_set_display_rules($this->content, $checkboxtodisplay);
     if (qa_opt('signatures_enable')) {
         // add user signature
         if ($this->template == 'user' && isset($this->content['form_activity']) && !qa_get('tab')) {
             $sig_form = $this->content['user_signature_form'];
             // from overrides
             // insert our form
             if (isset($this->content['q_list'])) {
                 // array splicing kungfu thanks to Stack Exchange
                 // This adds form-signature before q_list
                 $keys = array_keys($this->content);
                 $vals = array_values($this->content);
                 $insertBefore = array_search('q_list', $keys);
                 $keys2 = array_splice($keys, $insertBefore);
                 $vals2 = array_splice($vals, $insertBefore);
                 $keys[] = 'form-signature';
                 $vals[] = $sig_form;
                 $this->content = array_merge(array_combine($keys, $vals), array_combine($keys2, $vals2));
             } else {
                 $this->content['form-signature'] = $sig_form;
コード例 #14
 function process_request($request)
     if ($request == 'facebook-login') {
         $app_id = qa_opt('facebook_app_id');
         $app_secret = qa_opt('facebook_app_secret');
         $tourl = qa_get('to');
         if (!strlen($tourl)) {
             $tourl = qa_path_absolute('');
         if (strlen($app_id) && strlen($app_secret)) {
             if (!function_exists('json_decode')) {
                 // work around fact that PHP might not have JSON extension installed
                 require_once $this->directory . 'JSON.php';
                 function json_decode($json)
                     $decoder = new Services_JSON(SERVICES_JSON_LOOSE_TYPE);
                     return $decoder->decode($json);
             require_once $this->directory . 'facebook.php';
             $facebook = new Facebook(array('appId' => $app_id, 'secret' => $app_secret, 'cookie' => true));
             $fb_userid = $facebook->getUser();
             if ($fb_userid) {
                 try {
                     $user = $facebook->api('/me?fields=email,name,verified,location,website,about,picture');
                     if (is_array($user)) {
                         qa_log_in_external_user('facebook', $fb_userid, array('email' => @$user['email'], 'handle' => @$user['name'], 'confirmed' => @$user['verified'], 'name' => @$user['name'], 'location' => @$user['location']['name'], 'website' => @$user['website'], 'about' => @$user['bio'], 'avatar' => strlen(@$user['picture']['data']['url']) ? qa_retrieve_url($user['picture']['data']['url']) : null));
                 } catch (FacebookApiException $e) {
             } else {
                 qa_redirect_raw($facebook->getLoginUrl(array('redirect_uri' => $tourl)));
コード例 #15
 function process_request($request)
     $start = qa_get_start();
     $userid = qa_get_logged_in_userid();
     //	Prepare content for theme
     require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-db-users.php';
     require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-app-format.php';
     require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-app-users.php';
     require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-db-selects.php';
     require_once QW_CONTROL_DIR . '/addons/social-login/cs-social-login-utils.php';
         qa_fatal_error('User accounts are handled by external code');
     if (!isset($userid)) {
     $qa_content = qa_content_prepare();
     $qa_content['title'] = qa_lang_html('notification/my_notification_settings');
     $qa_content['site_title'] = qa_opt('site_title');
     if (qa_clicked('save_notf_user_settings')) {
         $data_to_save = array('qw_mail_when_a_post' => !!qa_post_text('qw_mail_when_a_post'), 'qw_mail_when_related' => !!qa_post_text('qw_mail_when_related'), 'qw_mail_when_c_post' => !!qa_post_text('qw_mail_when_c_post'), 'qw_mail_when_q_reshow' => !!qa_post_text('qw_mail_when_q_reshow'), 'qw_mail_when_c_reshow' => !!qa_post_text('qw_mail_when_c_reshow'), 'qw_mail_when_a_select' => !!qa_post_text('qw_mail_when_a_select'), 'qw_mail_when_q_vote_up' => !!qa_post_text('qw_mail_when_q_vote_up'), 'qw_mail_when_q_vote_down' => !!qa_post_text('qw_mail_when_q_vote_down'), 'qw_mail_when_a_vote_up' => !!qa_post_text('qw_mail_when_a_vote_up'), 'qw_mail_when_a_vote_down' => !!qa_post_text('qw_mail_when_a_vote_down'), 'qw_mail_when_q_favorite' => !!qa_post_text('qw_mail_when_q_favorite'), 'qw_mail_when_u_favorite' => !!qa_post_text('qw_mail_when_u_favorite'), 'qw_mail_when_u_message' => !!qa_post_text('qw_mail_when_u_message'), 'qw_mail_when_u_wall_post' => !!qa_post_text('qw_mail_when_u_wall_post'), 'qw_mail_when_u_level' => !!qa_post_text('qw_mail_when_u_level'), 'qw_mail_when_q_post_user_fl' => !!qa_post_text('qw_mail_when_q_post_user_fl'), 'qw_mail_when_q_post_tag_fl' => !!qa_post_text('qw_mail_when_q_post_tag_fl'), 'qw_mail_when_q_post_cat_fl' => !!qa_post_text('qw_mail_when_q_post_cat_fl'), 'qw_mail_when_q_approve' => !!qa_post_text('qw_mail_when_q_approve'), 'qw_mail_when_q_reject' => !!qa_post_text('qw_mail_when_q_reject'), 'qw_mail_when_a_approve' => !!qa_post_text('qw_mail_when_a_approve'), 'qw_mail_when_a_reject' => !!qa_post_text('qw_mail_when_a_reject'), 'qw_mail_when_c_approve' => !!qa_post_text('qw_mail_when_c_approve'), 'qw_mail_when_c_reject' => !!qa_post_text('qw_mail_when_c_reject'));
         qw_save_notification_settings(json_encode($data_to_save), $userid);
         qa_redirect('notification-settings', array('state' => 'settings-saved'));
     $disp_conf = qa_get('confirm');
     $preferences = qw_get_notification_settings($userid);
     // qw_log(print_r(qw_check_pref_for_event($userid , 'a_post') , true )) ;
     if (!$disp_conf) {
         // display some summary about the user
         $qa_content['form_profile'] = array('title' => qa_lang_html('notification/my_notification_settings'), 'tags' => 'METHOD="POST" ACTION="' . qa_self_html() . '" CLASS="social-login-settings"', 'style' => 'wide', 'buttons' => array('check_all' => array('type' => 'button', 'tags' => 'name="check_all_notf_fields" id="check_all_notf_fields" ', 'label' => qa_lang_html('notification/check_all')), 'uncheck_all' => array('type' => 'button', 'tags' => 'name="un_check_all_notf_fields" id="un_check_all_notf_fields" ', 'label' => qa_lang_html('notification/uncheck_all')), 'save' => array('tags' => 'onClick="qa_show_waiting_after(this, false);"', 'label' => qa_lang_html('notification/save_settings'))), 'fields' => array('qw_mail_when_a_post' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => qa_lang_html('notification/mail_when_a_post_lable'), 'tags' => 'NAME="qw_mail_when_a_post"', 'value' => @$preferences['qw_mail_when_a_post'] ? true : false), 'qw_mail_when_related' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => qa_lang_html('notification/mail_when_related_lable'), 'tags' => 'NAME="qw_mail_when_related"', 'value' => @$preferences['qw_mail_when_related'] ? true : false), 'qw_mail_when_c_post' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => qa_lang_html('notification/mail_when_c_post_lable'), 'tags' => 'NAME="qw_mail_when_c_post"', 'value' => @$preferences['qw_mail_when_c_post'] ? true : false), 'qw_mail_when_q_reshow' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => qa_lang_html('notification/mail_when_q_reshow_lable'), 'tags' => 'NAME="qw_mail_when_q_reshow"', 'value' => @$preferences['qw_mail_when_q_reshow'] ? true : false), 'qw_mail_when_c_reshow' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => qa_lang_html('notification/mail_when_c_reshow_lable'), 'tags' => 'NAME="qw_mail_when_c_reshow"', 'value' => @$preferences['qw_mail_when_c_reshow'] ? true : false), 'qw_mail_when_a_select' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => qa_lang_html('notification/mail_when_a_select_lable'), 'tags' => 'NAME="qw_mail_when_a_select"', 'value' => @$preferences['qw_mail_when_a_select'] ? true : false), 'qw_mail_when_q_vote_up' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => qa_lang_html('notification/mail_when_q_vote_up_lable'), 'tags' => 'NAME="qw_mail_when_q_vote_up"', 'value' => @$preferences['qw_mail_when_q_vote_up'] ? true : false), 'qw_mail_when_q_vote_down' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => qa_lang_html('notification/mail_when_q_vote_down_lable'), 'tags' => 'NAME="qw_mail_when_q_vote_down"', 'value' => @$preferences['qw_mail_when_q_vote_down'] ? true : false), 'qw_mail_when_a_vote_up' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => qa_lang_html('notification/mail_when_a_vote_up_lable'), 'tags' => 'NAME="qw_mail_when_a_vote_up"', 'value' => @$preferences['qw_mail_when_a_vote_up'] ? true : false), 'qw_mail_when_a_vote_down' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => qa_lang_html('notification/mail_when_a_vote_down_lable'), 'tags' => 'NAME="qw_mail_when_a_vote_down"', 'value' => @$preferences['qw_mail_when_a_vote_down'] ? true : false), 'qw_mail_when_q_favorite' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => qa_lang_html('notification/mail_when_q_favorite_lable'), 'tags' => 'NAME="qw_mail_when_q_favorite"', 'value' => @$preferences['qw_mail_when_q_favorite'] ? true : false), 'qw_mail_when_u_favorite' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => qa_lang_html('notification/mail_when_u_favorite_lable'), 'tags' => 'NAME="qw_mail_when_u_favorite"', 'value' => @$preferences['qw_mail_when_u_favorite'] ? true : false), 'qw_mail_when_u_message' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => qa_lang_html('notification/mail_when_u_message_lable'), 'tags' => 'NAME="qw_mail_when_u_message"', 'value' => @$preferences['qw_mail_when_u_message'] ? true : false), 'qw_mail_when_u_wall_post' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => qa_lang_html('notification/mail_when_u_wall_post_lable'), 'tags' => 'NAME="qw_mail_when_u_wall_post"', 'value' => @$preferences['qw_mail_when_u_wall_post'] ? true : false), 'qw_mail_when_u_level' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => qa_lang_html('notification/mail_when_u_level_lable'), 'tags' => 'NAME="qw_mail_when_u_level"', 'value' => @$preferences['qw_mail_when_u_level'] ? true : false), 'qw_mail_when_q_post_user_fl' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => qa_lang_html('notification/mail_when_q_post_user_fl_lable'), 'tags' => 'NAME="qw_mail_when_q_post_user_fl"', 'value' => @$preferences['qw_mail_when_q_post_user_fl'] ? true : false), 'qw_mail_when_q_post_tag_fl' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => qa_lang_html('notification/mail_when_q_post_tag_fl_lable'), 'tags' => 'NAME="qw_mail_when_q_post_tag_fl"', 'value' => @$preferences['qw_mail_when_q_post_tag_fl'] ? true : false), 'qw_mail_when_q_post_cat_fl' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => qa_lang_html('notification/mail_when_q_post_cat_fl_lable'), 'tags' => 'NAME="qw_mail_when_q_post_cat_fl"', 'value' => @$preferences['qw_mail_when_q_post_cat_fl'] ? true : false), 'qw_mail_when_q_approve' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => qa_lang_html('notification/mail_when_q_approve_lable'), 'tags' => 'NAME="qw_mail_when_q_approve"', 'value' => @$preferences['qw_mail_when_q_approve'] ? true : false), 'qw_mail_when_q_reject' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => qa_lang_html('notification/mail_when_q_reject_lable'), 'tags' => 'NAME="qw_mail_when_q_reject"', 'value' => @$preferences['qw_mail_when_q_reject'] ? true : false), 'qw_mail_when_a_approve' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => qa_lang_html('notification/mail_when_a_approve_lable'), 'tags' => 'NAME="qw_mail_when_a_approve"', 'value' => @$preferences['qw_mail_when_a_approve'] ? true : false), 'qw_mail_when_a_reject' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => qa_lang_html('notification/mail_when_a_reject_lable'), 'tags' => 'NAME="qw_mail_when_a_reject"', 'value' => @$preferences['qw_mail_when_a_reject'] ? true : false), 'qw_mail_when_c_approve' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => qa_lang_html('notification/mail_when_c_approve_lable'), 'tags' => 'NAME="qw_mail_when_c_approve"', 'value' => @$preferences['qw_mail_when_c_approve'] ? true : false), 'qw_mail_when_c_reject' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => qa_lang_html('notification/mail_when_c_reject_lable'), 'tags' => 'NAME="qw_mail_when_c_reject"', 'value' => @$preferences['qw_mail_when_c_reject'] ? true : false)), 'hidden' => array('save_notf_user_settings' => '1'));
         if (qa_get_state() == 'settings-saved') {
             $qa_content['form_profile']['ok'] = qa_lang_html('notification/settings_saved');
     $qa_content['navigation']['sub'] = qa_account_sub_navigation();
     return $qa_content;
コード例 #16
ファイル: qa-badge-layer.php プロジェクト: architbakliwal/Q2A
 function main_parts($content)
     if (qa_opt('badge_active') && $this->template == 'user' && qa_opt('badge_admin_user_field') && (qa_get('tab') == 'badges' || qa_opt('badge_admin_user_field_no_tab')) && isset($content['raw']['userid'])) {
         $userid = $content['raw']['userid'];
         if (!qa_opt('badge_admin_user_field_no_tab')) {
             foreach ($content as $i => $v) {
                 if (strpos($i, 'form') === 0) {
         $content['form-badges-list'] = qa_badge_plugin_user_form($userid);
コード例 #17
ファイル: ask.php プロジェクト: swuit/swuit-q2a
	More about this license: http://www.question2answer.org/license.php
if (!defined('QA_VERSION')) {
    // don't allow this page to be requested directly from browser
    header('Location: ../');
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'app/format.php';
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'app/limits.php';
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'db/selects.php';
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'util/sort.php';
//	Check whether this is a follow-on question and get some info we need from the database
$in = array();
$followpostid = qa_get('follow');
$in['categoryid'] = qa_clicked('doask') ? qa_get_category_field_value('category') : qa_get('cat');
$userid = qa_get_logged_in_userid();
list($categories, $followanswer, $completetags) = qa_db_select_with_pending(qa_db_category_nav_selectspec($in['categoryid'], true), isset($followpostid) ? qa_db_full_post_selectspec($userid, $followpostid) : null, qa_db_popular_tags_selectspec(0, QA_DB_RETRIEVE_COMPLETE_TAGS));
if (!isset($categories[$in['categoryid']])) {
    $in['categoryid'] = null;
if (@$followanswer['basetype'] != 'A') {
    $followanswer = null;
//	Check for permission error
$permiterror = qa_user_maximum_permit_error('permit_post_q', QA_LIMIT_QUESTIONS);
if ($permiterror) {
    $qa_content = qa_content_prepare();
    // The 'approve', 'login', 'confirm', 'limit', 'userblock', 'ipblock' permission errors are reported to the user here
    // The other option ('level') prevents the menu option being shown, in qa_content_prepare(...)
    switch ($permiterror) {
コード例 #18
if (!defined('QA_VERSION')) {
    // don't allow this page to be requested directly from browser
    header('Location: ../');
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-db-selects.php';
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-app-format.php';
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-app-q-list.php';
//	Get list of unanswered questions, allow per-category if QA_ALLOW_UNINDEXED_QUERIES set in qa-config.php
    $categoryslugs = qa_request_parts(1);
} else {
    $categoryslugs = null;
$countslugs = @count($categoryslugs);
$by = qa_get('by');
$start = qa_get_start();
$userid = qa_get_logged_in_userid();
switch ($by) {
    case 'selected':
        $selectby = 'selchildid';
    case 'upvotes':
        $selectby = 'amaxvote';
        $selectby = 'acount';
list($questions, $categories, $categoryid) = qa_db_select_with_pending(qa_db_unanswered_qs_selectspec($userid, $selectby, $start, $categoryslugs, false, false, qa_opt_if_loaded('page_size_una_qs')), QA_ALLOW_UNINDEXED_QUERIES ? qa_db_category_nav_selectspec($categoryslugs, false, false, true) : null, $countslugs ? qa_db_slugs_to_category_id_selectspec($categoryslugs) : null);
if ($countslugs) {
コード例 #19
if (!defined('QA_VERSION')) {
    // don't allow this page to be requested directly from browser
    header('Location: ../');
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-db-selects.php';
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-app-format.php';
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-app-q-list.php';
//	Check that we're logged in
$userid = qa_get_logged_in_userid();
if (!isset($userid)) {
//	Find out which updates to show
$forfavorites = qa_get('show') != 'content';
$forcontent = qa_get('show') != 'favorites';
//	Get lists of recent updates for this user
$questions = qa_db_select_with_pending(qa_db_user_updates_selectspec($userid, $forfavorites, $forcontent));
if ($forfavorites) {
    if ($forcontent) {
        $sometitle = qa_lang_html('misc/recent_updates_title');
        $nonetitle = qa_lang_html('misc/no_recent_updates');
    } else {
        $sometitle = qa_lang_html('misc/recent_updates_favorites');
        $nonetitle = qa_lang_html('misc/no_updates_favorites');
} else {
    $sometitle = qa_lang_html('misc/recent_updates_content');
    $nonetitle = qa_lang_html('misc/no_updates_content');
//	Prepare and return content for theme
コード例 #20
//	Ensure no PHP errors are shown in the image data
@ini_set('display_errors', 0);
function qa_image_db_fail_handler()
    header('HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error');
//	Load the Q2A base file which sets up a bunch of crucial stuff
require 'qa-base.php';
//	Retrieve the scaled image from the cache if available
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-db-cache.php';
$blobid = qa_get('qa_blobid');
$size = (int) qa_get('qa_size');
$cachetype = 'i_' . $size;
$content = qa_db_cache_get($cachetype, $blobid);
// see if we've cached the scaled down version
header('Cache-Control: max-age=2592000, public');
// allows browsers and proxies to cache images too
if (isset($content)) {
    header('Content-Type: image/jpeg');
    echo $content;
} else {
    require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-app-options.php';
    require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-app-blobs.php';
    require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-util-image.php';
    //	Otherwise retrieve the raw image and scale as appropriate
    $blob = qa_read_blob($blobid);
    if (isset($blob)) {
コード例 #21
 function head_title()
     // Title Customization Options
     $title = '';
     switch ($this->template) {
         case 'qa':
             $title_template = qa_opt('useo_title_qa');
             if (!empty($title_template)) {
                 $search = array('%site-title%');
                 $replace = array(qa_opt('site_title'));
                 $title = str_replace($search, $replace, $title_template);
         case 'question':
             $category_name = '';
             if (isset($this->content["categoryids"]) && !empty($this->content["categoryids"])) {
                 $category_name = $this->content["q_view"]["raw"]["categoryname"];
             if (empty($this->meta_title)) {
                 // title customization
                 $title_template = qa_opt('useo_title_qa_item');
                 if (!empty($title_template)) {
                     $search = array('%site-title%', '%question-title%', '%category-name%');
                     $replace = array(qa_opt('site_title'), @$this->content['q_view']['raw']['title'], $category_name);
                     $title = str_replace($search, $replace, $title_template);
             } else {
                 // meta editor
                 $title = $this->meta_title;
         case 'questions':
             $category_name = '';
             if (count(explode('/', $this->request)) > 1) {
                 $category_name = $this->content["q_list"]["qs"][0]["raw"]["categoryname"];
             $sort = qa_get('sort');
             if (empty($sort)) {
                 $title_template = qa_opt('useo_title_recent');
                 if (!empty($title_template)) {
                     $search = array('%site-title%', '%recent-qs-title%', '%category-name%');
                     $replace = array(qa_opt('site_title'), qa_lang_html('main/recent_qs_title'), $category_name);
                     $title = str_replace($search, $replace, $title_template);
             } elseif ($sort == 'hot') {
                 $title_template = qa_opt('useo_title_hot');
                 if (!empty($title_template)) {
                     $search = array('%site-title%', '%hot-qs-title%');
                     $replace = array(qa_opt('site_title'), qa_lang_html('main/hot_qs_title'));
                     $title = str_replace($search, $replace, $title_template);
             } elseif ($sort == 'votes') {
                 $title_template = qa_opt('useo_title_voted');
                 if (!empty($title_template)) {
                     $search = array('%site-title%', '%voted-qs-title%');
                     $replace = array(qa_opt('site_title'), qa_lang_html('main/voted_qs_title'));
                     $title = str_replace($search, $replace, $title_template);
             } elseif ($sort == 'answers') {
                 $title_template = qa_opt('useo_title_answered');
                 if (!empty($title_template)) {
                     $search = array('%site-title%', '%answered-qs-title%');
                     $replace = array(qa_opt('site_title'), qa_lang_html('main/answered_qs_title'));
                     $title = str_replace($search, $replace, $title_template);
             } elseif ($sort == 'views') {
                 $title_template = qa_opt('useo_title_viewed');
                 if (!empty($title_template)) {
                     $search = array('%site-title%', '%viewed-qs-title%');
                     $replace = array(qa_opt('site_title'), qa_lang_html('main/viewed_qs_title'));
                     $title = str_replace($search, $replace, $title_template);
         case 'unanswered':
             $sort = qa_get('by');
             $category_name = '';
             if (count(explode('/', $this->request)) > 1) {
                 $category_name = $this->content["q_list"]["qs"][0]["raw"]["categoryname"];
             if (empty($sort)) {
                 $title_template = qa_opt('useo_title_unanswered');
                 if (!empty($title_template)) {
                     $search = array('%site-title%', '%unanswered-qs-title%', '%category-name%');
                     $replace = array(qa_opt('site_title'), qa_lang_html('main/unanswered_qs_title'), $category_name);
                     $title = str_replace($search, $replace, $title_template);
             } elseif ($sort == 'selected') {
                 $title_template = qa_opt('useo_title_unselected');
                 if (!empty($title_template)) {
                     $search = array('%site-title%', '%unselected-qs-title%');
                     $replace = array(qa_opt('site_title'), qa_lang_html('main/unselected_qs_title'));
                     $title = str_replace($search, $replace, $title_template);
             } elseif ($sort == 'upvotes') {
                 $title_template = qa_opt('useo_title_unupvoted');
                 if (!empty($title_template)) {
                     $search = array('%site-title%', '%unupvoteda-qs-title%');
                     $replace = array(qa_opt('site_title'), qa_lang_html('main/unupvoteda_qs_title'));
                     $title = str_replace($search, $replace, $title_template);
         case 'activity':
             $title_template = qa_opt('useo_title_activity');
             if (!empty($title_template)) {
                 $category_name = '';
                 if (count(explode('/', $this->request)) > 1) {
                     $category_name = $this->content["q_list"]["qs"][0]["raw"]["categoryname"];
                 $search = array('%site-title%', '%recent-activity-title%', '%category-name%');
                 $replace = array(qa_opt('site_title'), qa_lang_html('main/recent_activity_title'), $category_name);
                 $title = str_replace($search, $replace, $title_template);
         case 'ask':
             $title_template = qa_opt('useo_title_ask');
             if (!empty($title_template)) {
                 $search = array('%site-title%', '%ask-title%');
                 $replace = array(qa_opt('site_title'), qa_lang_html('question/ask_title'));
                 $title = str_replace($search, $replace, $title_template);
         case 'categories':
             $title_template = qa_opt('useo_title_categories');
             if (!empty($title_template)) {
                 $search = array('%site-title%', '%browse-categories%');
                 $replace = array(qa_opt('site_title'), qa_lang_html('misc/browse_categories'));
                 $title = str_replace($search, $replace, $title_template);
         case 'tags':
             $title_template = qa_opt('useo_title_tags');
             if (!empty($title_template)) {
                 $search = array('%site-title%', '%popular-tags%');
                 $replace = array(qa_opt('site_title'), qa_lang_html('main/popular_tags'));
                 $title = str_replace($search, $replace, $title_template);
         case 'tag':
             $title_template = qa_opt('useo_title_tag');
             if (!empty($title_template)) {
                 $req = explode('/', $this->request);
                 $tag = $req[1];
                 $search = array('%site-title%', '%questions-tagged-x%', '%current-tag%');
                 $replace = array(qa_opt('site_title'), qa_lang_html_sub('main/questions_tagged_x', qa_html($tag)), $tag);
                 $title = str_replace($search, $replace, $title_template);
         case 'search':
             $title_template = qa_opt('useo_title_search');
             if (!empty($title_template)) {
                 $term = qa_get('q');
                 $search = array('%site-title%', '%results-for-x%', '%current-term%');
                 $replace = array(qa_opt('site_title'), qa_lang_html_sub('main/results_for_x', qa_html($term)), $term);
                 $title = str_replace($search, $replace, $title_template);
         case 'users':
             $title_template = qa_opt('useo_title_users');
             if (!empty($title_template)) {
                 $search = array('%site-title%', '%highest-users%');
                 $replace = array(qa_opt('site_title'), qa_lang_html('main/highest_users'));
                 $title = str_replace($search, $replace, $title_template);
         case 'user':
             $title_template = qa_opt('useo_title_user');
             if (!empty($title_template)) {
                 $req = explode('/', $this->request);
                 $user = $req[1];
                 $search = array('%site-title%', '%user-x%', '%current-user%');
                 $replace = array(qa_opt('site_title'), qa_lang_html_sub('main/results_for_x', qa_html($user)), $user);
                 $title = str_replace($search, $replace, $title_template);
     if (empty($title)) {
     } else {
         $this->output('<title>' . $title . '</title>');
     // Page Meta Tags
     $noindex = qa_opt('useo_access_noindex');
     $nofollow = qa_opt('useo_access_nofollow');
     if ($noindex and $nofollow) {
         $this->output('<meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow" />');
     } elseif ($noindex) {
         $this->output('<meta name="robots" content="noindex" />');
     } else {
         // if page is not already noindex, check if it needs to be noindex. also add nofollow if necessary
         $status = 1;
         // content is long enough
         if ($this->template == 'question' and qa_opt('useo_access_length_enable') and (int) qa_opt('useo_access_length') > 0) {
             $status = 0;
             $minimum_words = (int) qa_opt('useo_access_length');
             $word_count = str_word_count($this->content['q_view']['raw']['title']) + str_word_count($this->content['q_view']['raw']['content']);
             if ($word_count >= $minimum_words) {
                 $status = 1;
             } else {
                 foreach ($this->content['q_view']['c_list']['cs'] as $comment) {
                     $word_count += str_word_count($comment['raw']['content']);
                 if ($word_count >= $minimum_words) {
                     $status = 1;
                 } else {
                     foreach ($this->content['a_list']['as'] as $answer) {
                         $word_count += str_word_count($answer['raw']['content']);
                     if ($word_count >= $minimum_words) {
                         $status = 1;
                     } else {
                         foreach ($this->content['a_list']['as'] as $answer) {
                             foreach ($answer['c_list']['cs'] as $comment) {
                                 $word_count += str_word_count($comment['raw']['content']);
                         if ($word_count >= $minimum_words) {
                             $status = 1;
         if ($nofollow && $status == 1) {
             $this->output('<meta name="robots" content="nofollow" />');
         } elseif ($nofollow && $status == 0) {
             $this->output('<meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow" />');
         } elseif ($status == 0) {
             $this->output('<meta name="robots" content="noindex" />');
     // Question Meta tags
     if ($this->template == 'question') {
         // setup custom meta keyword
         if (!empty($this->meta_keywords)) {
             $this->content['keywords'] = $this->meta_keywords;
         // setup custom meta description
         if (!empty($this->meta_description)) {
             $this->content['description'] = $this->meta_description;
         } elseif (qa_opt('useo_meta_desc_ans_enable')) {
             $lenght = (int) qa_opt('useo_meta_desc_length');
             if ($lenght <= 0) {
                 $lenght = 160;
             $text = '';
             if ($this->content['q_view']['raw']['acount'] > 0 and qa_opt('useo_meta_desc_ans_enable')) {
                 // get Selected Answer's content
                 if (isset($this->content["q_view"]["raw"]["selchildid"]) and qa_opt('useo_meta_desc_sel_ans_enable')) {
                     foreach ($this->content['a_list']['as'] as $answer) {
                         if ($answer['raw']['isselected']) {
                             $text = $answer['raw']['content'];
                 } else {
                     // get most voted Answer's content
                     $max_vote = 0;
                     // don't use answers with negative votes.
                     foreach ($this->content['a_list']['as'] as $answer) {
                         if ($answer['raw']['netvotes'] > $max_vote) {
                             $text = $answer['raw']['content'];
                             $max_vote = $answer['raw']['netvotes'];
             if (!empty($text)) {
                 $excerpt = useo_get_excerpt($text, 0, $lenght);
                 $this->content['description'] = $excerpt;
         // Meta Tags and social meta tags
         if ($this->template == 'question') {
             if (qa_opt('useo_social_enable_editor')) {
                 foreach ($this->metas as $key => $value) {
                     if (isset($this->social_metas[$key])) {
                         $this->output('<meta ' . $value['type'] . ' content="' . $this->social_metas[$key] . '" />');
                     } else {
                         $this->output('<meta ' . $value['type'] . ($value['content'] ? ' content="' . $value['content'] . '"' : '') . ' /> ');
             } elseif (qa_opt('useo_social_og_enable_auto')) {
                 foreach ($this->metas as $key => $value) {
                     $this->output('<meta ' . $value['type'] . ($value['content'] ? ' content="' . $value['content'] . '"' : '') . ' /> ');
コード例 #22
                $qa_content['error'] = strtr(qa_lang_html('admin/module_x_database_init'), array('^1' => qa_html($name), '^2' => qa_html($type), '^3' => '<a href="' . qa_path_html('install') . '">', '^4' => '</a>'));
if (qa_is_http_post() && !qa_check_form_security_code('admin/plugins', qa_post_text('qa_form_security_code'))) {
    $qa_content['error'] = qa_lang_html('misc/form_security_reload');
    $showpluginforms = false;
} else {
    $showpluginforms = true;
if (count($pluginfiles)) {
    foreach ($pluginfiles as $pluginindex => $pluginfile) {
        $plugindirectory = dirname($pluginfile) . '/';
        $hash = qa_admin_plugin_directory_hash($plugindirectory);
        $showthisform = $showpluginforms && qa_get('show') == $hash;
        $contents = file_get_contents($pluginfile);
        $metadata = qa_admin_addon_metadata($contents, array('name' => 'Plugin Name', 'uri' => 'Plugin URI', 'description' => 'Plugin Description', 'version' => 'Plugin Version', 'date' => 'Plugin Date', 'author' => 'Plugin Author', 'author_uri' => 'Plugin Author URI', 'license' => 'Plugin License', 'min_q2a' => 'Plugin Minimum Question2Answer Version', 'min_php' => 'Plugin Minimum PHP Version', 'update' => 'Plugin Update Check URI'));
        if (strlen(@$metadata['name'])) {
            $namehtml = qa_html($metadata['name']);
        } else {
            $namehtml = qa_lang_html('admin/unnamed_plugin');
        if (strlen(@$metadata['uri'])) {
            $namehtml = '<a href="' . qa_html($metadata['uri']) . '">' . $namehtml . '</a>';
        $namehtml = '<b>' . $namehtml . '</b>';
        if (strlen(@$metadata['version'])) {
            $namehtml .= ' v' . qa_html($metadata['version']);
        if (strlen(@$metadata['author'])) {
コード例 #23
    function display_duplicates(&$qa_content, $useraccount, $otherlogins)
        $userid = $useraccount['userid'];
        $disp_conf = qa_get('confirm');
        if (!empty($otherlogins)) {
            // display other logins which could be linked to this user account
            if ($disp_conf) {
                $title = '';
                $p = '<br />' . ($disp_conf == 1 ? qa_lang_html('plugin_open/other_logins_conf_text') : qa_lang_html_sub('plugin_open/link_exists', '<strong>' . ucfirst(qa_get('link')) . '</strong>'));
            } else {
                $title = '<h2>' . qa_lang_html('plugin_open/other_logins') . '</h2>';
                $p = qa_lang_html('plugin_open/other_logins_conf_text');
            $qa_content['custom_merge'] = "{$title} <p>{$p}</p>";
            $qa_content['form_merge'] = array('tags' => 'ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" METHOD="POST" ACTION="' . qa_self_html() . '" CLASS="open-login-others"', 'style' => 'wide', 'buttons' => array('save' => array('tags' => 'onClick="qa_show_waiting_after(this, false);" style="display: none"', 'note' => qa_lang_html('plugin_open/action_info_1'), 'label' => qa_lang_html('plugin_open/continue'))), 'hidden' => array('domerge' => '1', 'confirm' => $disp_conf, 'to' => qa_get('to')));
            $data = array();
            $select = '<option value="0">' . qa_lang_html('plugin_open/select_base') . '</option>' . '<option value="' . $userid . '" title="' . qa_html($useraccount['handle']) . '">' . qa_html($useraccount['handle']) . ' (' . $useraccount['points'] . ' ' . qa_lang_html('admin/points') . ' - ' . qa_lang_html('plugin_open/current_account') . ')</option>';
            foreach ($otherlogins as $i => $login) {
                $type = 'login';
                $name = qa_html($login['details']['handle']);
                $points = $login['details']['points'];
                if (count($login['logins']) == 0) {
                    // this is a regular site login, not an openid login
                    $type = 'user';
                $login_providers = $type == 'user' ? strtolower(qa_lang_html('plugin_open/password')) : '<strong>' . implode(', ', $login['logins']) . '</strong>';
                $data["f{$i}"] = array('label' => '<strong>' . $name . '</strong> (' . $points . ' ' . qa_lang_html('admin/points') . ', ' . strtolower(qa_lang_html_sub('plugin_open/login_using', '')) . $login_providers . ')', 'tags' => 'name="user_' . $login['details']['userid'] . '" value="' . $login['details']['userid'] . '" style="visibility: hidden" checked="checked" rel="' . $i . '" onchange="OP_checkClicked(this)"', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'style' => 'tall');
                $select .= '<option value="' . $login['details']['userid'] . '" title="' . $name . '">' . $name . ' (' . $points . ' ' . qa_lang_html('admin/points') . ')</option>';
            $data['space'] = array('label' => '<br>' . qa_lang_html('plugin_open/choose_action'), 'type' => 'static', 'style' => 'tall');
            $ac1html = '<div class="opacxhtml qa-form-tall-buttons" id="ac1html" style="display: none;">' . qa_lang_html('plugin_open/merge_all_first') . ' ' . qa_lang_html('plugin_open/merge_note') . '<br /><br />' . qa_lang_html('plugin_open/select_base_note') . '<br /><select name="base1" onchange="OP_baseSelected(this)">' . $select . '</select></div>';
            $ac2html = '<div class="opacxhtml qa-form-tall-buttons" id="ac2html" style="display: none;">' . qa_lang_html('plugin_open/select_merge_first') . ' ' . qa_lang_html('plugin_open/merge_note') . '<br /><br />' . qa_lang_html('plugin_open/select_base_note') . '<br /><select name="base2" onchange="OP_baseSelected(this)">' . $select . '</select></div>';
            $ac3html = '<div class="opacxhtml qa-form-tall-buttons" id="ac3html" style="display: none;">' . qa_lang_html('plugin_open/cancel_merge_note') . '</div>';
            if ($disp_conf == null || $disp_conf == 1) {
                $data['actions1'] = array('label' => ' &nbsp; &nbsp; <strong><a href="javascript:;" onclick="OP_actionSelected(1, \'#ac1html\')">&raquo; ' . qa_lang_html('plugin_open/merge_all') . '</a></strong>' . $ac1html, 'type' => 'static', 'style' => 'tall');
                $data['actions2'] = array('label' => ' &nbsp; &nbsp; <strong><a href="javascript:;" onclick="OP_actionSelected(2, \'#ac2html\')">&raquo; ' . qa_lang_html('plugin_open/select_merge') . '</a></strong>' . $ac2html, 'type' => 'static', 'style' => 'tall');
                if ($disp_conf == 1) {
                    $data['actions3'] = array('label' => ' &nbsp; &nbsp; <strong><a href="javascript:;" onclick="OP_actionSelected(0, \'#ac3html\')">&raquo; ' . qa_lang_html('plugin_open/cancel_merge') . '</a></strong>' . $ac3html, 'type' => 'static', 'style' => 'tall');
            } else {
                if ($disp_conf == 2) {
                    $data['actions1'] = array('label' => ' &nbsp; &nbsp; <strong><a href="javascript:;" onclick="OP_actionSelected(1, \'#ac1html\')">&raquo; ' . qa_lang_html('plugin_open/link_all') . '</a></strong>' . $ac1html, 'type' => 'static', 'style' => 'tall');
                    $data['actions3'] = array('label' => ' &nbsp; &nbsp; <strong><a href="javascript:;" onclick="OP_actionSelected(0, \'#ac3html\')">&raquo; ' . qa_lang_html('plugin_open/cancel_link') . '</a></strong>' . $ac3html, 'type' => 'static', 'style' => 'tall');
            $qa_content['form_merge']['fields'] = $data;
            $qa_content['customscript'] = '<script type="text/javascript">
				function OP_actionSelected(i, divid) {
					if(i != 2 || op_last_action == 2) {
						$(".qa-main form.open-login-others input[type=checkbox]").css("visibility", "hidden");
					if(op_last_action == i) {
						op_last_action = -1;
					op_last_action = i;
					$(".qa-main form.open-login-others>input[name=domerge]").attr("value", i);
					if(i > 0) {
						$(".qa-main form.open-login-others input[type=checkbox]").attr("checked", "checked");
						if(i == 2) {
							$(".qa-main form.open-login-others input[type=checkbox]").css("visibility", "visible");
							$(".qa-main form.open-login-others select[name=base2]").html( $(".qa-main form.open-login-others select[name=base1]").html() );
						sel = $(".qa-main form.open-login-others select[name=base" + i +"]").get(0);
						sel.selectedIndex = 0;
					} else {
						$(".qa-main form.open-login-others span.qa-form-wide-note").html("' . qa_lang_html('plugin_open/action_info_2') . '"); 
						$(".qa-main form.open-login-others input[type=submit]").show(); 
						$(".qa-main form.open-login-others input[type=submit]").attr("disabled", false);
				function OP_baseSelected(sel) {
					if(!sel || sel.selectedIndex == 0) {
						if(sel) {
							$(".qa-main form.open-login-others span.qa-form-wide-note").html("' . qa_lang_html('plugin_open/action_info_3') . '")
						} else {
							$(".qa-main form.open-login-others span.qa-form-wide-note").html("' . qa_lang_html('plugin_open/action_info_1') . '")
						$(".qa-main form.open-login-others input[type=submit]").hide()
						$(".qa-main form.open-login-others input[type=submit]").attr("disabled", "disabled")
					} else {
						if(OP_accValid()) {
							nam = $("option:selected", sel).attr("title")
							$(".qa-main form.open-login-others span.qa-form-wide-note").html("<strong>" + nam + "</strong> ' . qa_lang_html('plugin_open/action_info_4') . '")
							$(".qa-main form.open-login-others input[type=submit]").show()
							$(".qa-main form.open-login-others input[type=submit]").attr("disabled", false)
				function OP_checkClicked(check) {
					' . ($disp_conf == 2 ? '/* empty */' : '
					var rel = $(check).attr("rel")
					var id = $(check).attr("value")
					var chk = $(check).attr("checked")
					$(".qa-main form.open-login-others select[name=base2]").get(0).selectedIndex = 0
					if(chk) {
						$(".qa-main form.open-login-others select[name=base2] option[value=" + id + "]").show()
					} else {
						$(".qa-main form.open-login-others select[name=base2] option[value=" + id + "]").hide()
					OP_accValid() ') . '
				function OP_accValid() {
					if(op_last_action != 2) {
						$(".qa-main form.open-login-others input[type=checkbox]").attr("checked", "checked")
						return true
					someSel = false 
					$(".qa-main form.open-login-others input[type=checkbox]").each(function(i, o) { 
						someSel = someSel || $(o).attr("checked") == "checked"
					$(".qa-main form.open-login-others input[type=submit]").hide();
					$(".qa-main form.open-login-others input[type=submit]").attr("disabled", "disabled");
					if(!someSel) { // nothing selected
						$(".qa-main form.open-login-others span.qa-form-wide-note").html("' . qa_lang_html('plugin_open/action_info_5') . '");
						return false;
					} else {
						$(".qa-main form.open-login-others span.qa-form-wide-note").html("' . qa_lang_html('plugin_open/action_info_3') . '");
						return true;
            $qa_content['script_onloads'][] = '$(function(){ OP_baseSelected() });';
            $qa_content['script_var']['op_last_action'] = -1;
            return true;
        return false;
コード例 #24
    } else {
        $pageerror = qa_lang('users/login_limit');
} else {
    $inemailhandle = qa_get('e');
//	Prepare content for theme
$qa_content = qa_content_prepare();
$qa_content['title'] = qa_lang_html('users/login_title');
$qa_content['error'] = @$pageerror;
if (empty($inemailhandle) || isset($errors['emailhandle'])) {
    $forgotpath = qa_path('forgot');
} else {
    $forgotpath = qa_path('forgot', array('e' => $inemailhandle));
$forgothtml = '<A HREF="' . qa_html($forgotpath) . '">' . qa_lang_html('users/forgot_link') . '</A>';
$qa_content['form'] = array('tags' => 'METHOD="POST" ACTION="' . qa_self_html() . '"', 'style' => 'tall', 'ok' => $passwordsent ? qa_lang_html('users/password_sent') : null, 'fields' => array('email_handle' => array('label' => qa_opt('allow_login_email_only') ? qa_lang_html('users/email_label') : qa_lang_html('users/email_handle_label'), 'tags' => 'NAME="emailhandle" ID="emailhandle"', 'value' => qa_html(@$inemailhandle), 'error' => qa_html(@$errors['emailhandle'])), 'password' => array('type' => 'password', 'label' => qa_lang_html('users/password_label'), 'tags' => 'NAME="password" ID="password"', 'value' => qa_html(@$inpassword), 'error' => empty($errors['password']) ? '' : qa_html(@$errors['password']) . ' - ' . $forgothtml, 'note' => $passwordsent ? qa_lang_html('users/password_sent') : $forgothtml), 'remember' => array('type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => qa_lang_html('users/remember_label'), 'tags' => 'NAME="remember"', 'value' => @$inremember ? true : false)), 'buttons' => array('login' => array('label' => qa_lang_html('users/login_button'))), 'hidden' => array('dologin' => '1'));
$loginmodules = qa_load_modules_with('login', 'login_html');
foreach ($loginmodules as $module) {
    $module->login_html(qa_opt('site_url') . qa_get('to'), 'login');
    $html = ob_get_clean();
    if (strlen($html)) {
        @($qa_content['custom'] .= '<BR>' . $html . '<BR>');
$qa_content['focusid'] = isset($inemailhandle) && !isset($errors['emailhandle']) ? 'password' : 'emailhandle';
return $qa_content;
	Omit PHP closing tag to help avoid accidental output
コード例 #25
        $navcategoryhtml = '';
        foreach ($categories as $category) {
            if (!isset($category['parentid'])) {
                $navcategoryhtml .= '<a href="' . qa_path_html('admin/categories', array('edit' => $category['categoryid'])) . '">' . qa_html($category['title']) . '</a> - ' . qa_lang_html_sub('main/x_questions', $category['qcount']) . '<br/>';
        $qa_content['form']['fields']['nav'] = array('label' => qa_lang_html('admin/top_level_categories'), 'type' => 'static', 'value' => $navcategoryhtml);
        $qa_content['form']['fields']['allow_no_category'] = array('label' => qa_lang_html('options/allow_no_category'), 'tags' => 'name="option_allow_no_category"', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'value' => qa_opt('allow_no_category'));
        if (!qa_opt('allow_no_category')) {
            $nocatcount = qa_db_count_categoryid_qs(null);
            if ($nocatcount) {
                $qa_content['form']['fields']['allow_no_category']['error'] = strtr(qa_lang_html('admin/category_none_error'), array('^q' => number_format($nocatcount), '^1' => '<a href="' . qa_path_html(qa_request(), array('missing' => 1)) . '">', '^2' => '</a>'));
        $qa_content['form']['fields']['allow_no_sub_category'] = array('label' => qa_lang_html('options/allow_no_sub_category'), 'tags' => 'name="option_allow_no_sub_category"', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'value' => qa_opt('allow_no_sub_category'));
    } else {
if (qa_get('recalc')) {
    $qa_content['form']['ok'] = '<span id="recalc_ok">' . qa_lang_html('admin/recalc_categories') . '</span>';
    $qa_content['form']['hidden']['code_recalc'] = qa_get_form_security_code('admin/recalc');
    $qa_content['script_rel'][] = 'qa-content/qa-admin.js?' . QA_VERSION;
    $qa_content['script_var']['qa_warning_recalc'] = qa_lang('admin/stop_recalc_warning');
    $qa_content['script_onloads'][] = array("qa_recalc_click('dorecalccategories', document.getElementById('dosaveoptions'), null, 'recalc_ok');");
$qa_content['navigation']['sub'] = qa_admin_sub_navigation();
return $qa_content;
	Omit PHP closing tag to help avoid accidental output
コード例 #26
    $gotcount = count($results);
    $results = array_slice($results, 0, $pagesize);
    //	Retrieve extra information on users
    $fullquestions = array();
    foreach ($results as $result) {
        if (isset($result['question'])) {
            $fullquestions[] = $result['question'];
    $usershtml = qa_userids_handles_html($fullquestions);
    //	Report the search event
    qa_report_event('search', $userid, qa_get_logged_in_handle(), qa_cookie_get(), array('query' => $inquery, 'start' => $start));
//	Prepare content for theme
$qa_content = qa_content_prepare(true);
if (strlen(qa_get('q'))) {
    $qa_content['search']['value'] = qa_html($inquery);
    if (count($results)) {
        $qa_content['title'] = qa_lang_html_sub('main/results_for_x', qa_html($inquery));
    } else {
        $qa_content['title'] = qa_lang_html_sub('main/no_results_for_x', qa_html($inquery));
    $qa_content['q_list']['form'] = array('tags' => 'method="post" action="' . qa_self_html() . '"', 'hidden' => array('code' => qa_get_form_security_code('vote')));
    $qa_content['q_list']['qs'] = array();
    $qdefaults = qa_post_html_defaults('Q');
    foreach ($results as $result) {
        if (!isset($result['question'])) {
            // if we have any non-question results, display with less statistics
            $qdefaults['voteview'] = false;
            $qdefaults['answersview'] = false;
            $qdefaults['viewsview'] = false;
コード例 #27
ファイル: addon.php プロジェクト: rahularyan/dude-theme
    public function messagelist()
        $offset = (int) qa_get('offset');
        $offset = isset($offset) ? $offset * 15 : 0;
        require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-db-users.php';
        // Get Events
        $message_events = array('u_message', 'u_wall_post');
        $events = "'" . implode("','", $message_events) . "'";
        $userid = qa_get_logged_in_userid();
        $eventslist = qa_db_read_all_assoc(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT id, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(datetime) AS datetime, userid, postid, effecteduserid, event, params, `read` FROM ^ra_userevent WHERE effecteduserid=# AND `read` = 0 AND event IN (' . $events . ') ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 15 OFFSET #', $userid, $offset));
        if (count($eventslist) > 0) {
            $event = array();
            $userids = array();
            foreach ($eventslist as $event) {
                $userids[$event['userid']] = $event['userid'];
                $userids[$event['effecteduserid']] = $event['effecteduserid'];
            if (QA_FINAL_EXTERNAL_USERS) {
                $handles = qa_get_public_from_userids($userids);
            } else {
                $handles = qa_db_user_get_userid_handles($userids);
            // get event's: time, type, parameters
            // get post id of questions
            foreach ($eventslist as $event) {
                $title = '';
                $link = '';
                $handle = $handles[$event['userid']];
                $reciever_handle = $handles[$event['effecteduserid']];
                $reciever_link = qa_path('user/' . $reciever_handle);
                $datetime = $event['datetime'];
                $event['date'] = qa_html(qa_time_to_string(qa_opt('db_time') - $datetime));
                $event['params'] = json_decode($event['params'], true);
                $message = substr($event['params']['message'], 0, 30) . '..';
                $id = ' data-id="' . $event['id'] . '"';
                $read = $event['read'] ? ' read' : ' unread';
                $url_param = array('ra_notification' => $event['id']);
                $user_link = qa_path_html('user/' . $handle, $url_param);
                switch ($event['event']) {
                    case 'u_message':
                        // related question to an answer
                        echo '<div class="event-content clearfix' . $read . '"' . $id . '>
								<div class="avatar"><a href="' . $user_link . '">' . ra_get_avatar($handle, 32, true) . '</a></div>
								<div class="event-right">
									<a href="' . qa_path_html('message/' . $handle, $url_param, QW_BASE_URL) . '">
										<div class="head">
											<strong class="user">' . $handle . '</strong>
											<span class="what">' . qa_lang_html('dude/sent_you_a_private_message') . '</span>
											<span class="message">' . $message . '</span>
										<div class="footer">
											<span class="event-icon icon-email"></span>
											<span class="date">' . qa_lang_sub('dude/x_ago', $event['date']) . '</span>
                    case 'u_wall_post':
                        // user's question had been answered
                        $url = qa_path_html('user/' . $reciever_handle . '/wall', $url_param, QW_BASE_URL);
                        echo '<div class="event-content clearfix' . $read . '"' . $id . '>
								<div class="avatar"><a href="' . $user_link . '">' . ra_get_avatar($handle, 32, true) . '</a></div>
								<div class="event-right">
									<a href="' . $url . '">
										<div class="head">
											<strong class="user">' . $handle . '</strong>
											<span class="what">' . qa_lang_html('dude/posted_on_your_wall') . '</span>
											<span class="message">' . $message . '</span>
										<div class="footer">
											<span class="event-icon icon-pin"></span>
											<span class="date">' . qa_lang_sub('dude/x_ago', $event['date']) . '</span>
        } else {
            echo '<div class="no-more-activity">' . qa_lang_html('dude/no_more_messages') . '</div>';
コード例 #28
 $leveloptions = array();
 $catleveloptions = array('' => qa_lang_html('users/category_level_none'));
 foreach ($showlevels as $showlevel) {
     if ($showlevel <= $maxlevelassign) {
         $leveloptions[$showlevel] = qa_html(qa_user_level_string($showlevel));
         if ($showlevel > QA_USER_LEVEL_BASIC) {
             $catleveloptions[$showlevel] = $leveloptions[$showlevel];
 $qa_content['form_profile']['fields']['level']['options'] = $leveloptions;
 //	Category-specific levels
 if (qa_using_categories()) {
     $catleveladd = qa_get('catleveladd') ? true : false;
     if (!$catleveladd && !count($userlevels)) {
         $qa_content['form_profile']['fields']['level']['suffix'] = strtr(qa_lang_html('users/category_level_add'), array('^1' => '<a href="' . qa_path_html(qa_request(), array('state' => 'edit', 'catleveladd' => 1)) . '">', '^2' => '</a>'));
     } else {
         $qa_content['form_profile']['fields']['level']['suffix'] = qa_lang_html('users/level_in_general');
     if ($catleveladd || count($userlevels)) {
         $userlevels[] = array('entitytype' => QA_ENTITY_CATEGORY);
     $index = 0;
     foreach ($userlevels as $userlevel) {
         if ($userlevel['entitytype'] == QA_ENTITY_CATEGORY) {
             $id = 'ls_' . +$index;
             $qa_content['form_profile']['fields']['uc_' . $index . '_level'] = array('label' => qa_lang_html('users/category_level_label'), 'type' => 'select', 'tags' => 'name="uc_' . $index . '_level" id="' . qa_html($id) . '" onchange="this.qa_prev=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;"', 'options' => $catleveloptions, 'value' => isset($userlevel['level']) ? qa_html(qa_user_level_string($userlevel['level'])) : '', 'suffix' => qa_lang_html('users/category_level_in'));
             $qa_content['form_profile']['fields']['uc_' . $index . '_cat'] = array();
コード例 #29
if (!defined('QA_VERSION')) {
    // don't allow this page to be requested directly from browser
    header('Location: ../');
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-app-format.php';
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-app-limits.php';
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-db-selects.php';
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-util-sort.php';
//	Check whether this is a follow-on question and get some info we need from the database
$in = array();
$followpostid = qa_get('follow');
$in['categoryid'] = qa_get_category_field_value('category');
if (!isset($in['categoryid'])) {
    $in['categoryid'] = qa_get('cat');
$userid = qa_get_logged_in_userid();
list($categories, $followanswer, $completetags) = qa_db_select_with_pending(qa_db_category_nav_selectspec($in['categoryid'], true), isset($followpostid) ? qa_db_full_post_selectspec($userid, $followpostid) : null, qa_db_popular_tags_selectspec(0, QA_DB_RETRIEVE_COMPLETE_TAGS));
if (!isset($categories[$in['categoryid']])) {
    $in['categoryid'] = null;
if (@$followanswer['basetype'] != 'A') {
    $followanswer = null;
//	Check for permission error
$permiterror = qa_user_maximum_permit_error('permit_post_q', QA_LIMIT_QUESTIONS);
if ($permiterror) {
    $qa_content = qa_content_prepare();
    // The 'approve', 'login', 'confirm', 'limit', 'userblock', 'ipblock' permission errors are reported to the user here
    // The other option ('level') prevents the menu option being shown, in qa_content_prepare(...)
コード例 #30
ファイル: qa-blob.php プロジェクト: ronkeizer/question2answer
	More about this license: http://www.question2answer.org/license.php
//	Ensure no PHP errors are shown in the blob response
@ini_set('display_errors', 0);
function qa_blob_db_fail_handler()
    header('HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error');
//	Load the Q2A base file which sets up a bunch of crucial stuff
require 'qa-base.php';
//	Output the blob in question
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'app/blobs.php';
$blob = qa_read_blob(qa_get('qa_blobid'));
if (isset($blob)) {
    header('Cache-Control: max-age=2592000, public');
    // allows browsers and proxies to cache the blob
    switch ($blob['format']) {
        case 'jpeg':
        case 'jpg':
            header('Content-Type: image/jpeg');
        case 'gif':
            header('Content-Type: image/gif');
        case 'png':
            header('Content-Type: image/png');
        case 'swf':