} } require 'menu_inc.php'; $show_hidden = 2; $ignored = array(); get_show_hidden_and_ignored(); print '<a id="up" name="up"></a>'; print_pages($max_page, $page, 'contents', $cur_page); print "<p/>"; print '<div id="threads">'; $limit = strpos($agent, 'iPad') ? 7 : (strpos($agent, 'iPhone') || strpos($agent, 'like Mac OS') ? 5 : 200); $result = get_threads_ex($limit); $content = array(); $last_thread = -1; $msgs = print_threads_ex($result, $content, $last_thread, $limit); print_msgs($content, $msgs); print '</div>'; print_pages($max_page, $page, 'contents', $cur_page); print '<BR><a href="#up" target="contents">Up</a>'; print ' <a href="javascript:load_threads(document.getElementById(\'threads\'), ' . $last_thread . ',' . $limit . ');" target="contents">More</a>'; $end_timestamp = time(); $duration = $end_timestamp - $start_timestamp; print '<!-- ' . $duration . ' milliseconds -->'; // print($show_hidden . "|"); // print_r($ignored); autoload_threads($last_thread, $limit); ?> <table cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0 width="90%"> <tr> <td align="left"> <h4></h4>
<li><a <?php echo $currentSection['oportunidades']; ?> href="<?php echo get_author_posts_url($profileuser->ID); ?> /editar/oportunidades/" ><?php _e("Oportunidades", "tnb"); ?> </a></li> </ul> </nav> </header> <!-- .clearfix --> <?php print_msgs($msg); ?> <?php include "users-edit-{$section}.php"; ?> </section> <!-- #profile --> <?php get_sidebar('main-sidebar'); ?> <?php get_footer();
<?php /* * (c) 2005 peter.schaefer@gmail.com * This file is supposed to do final actions, like appending debug output to the page */ global $lang; if (@$GLOBALS['debugmsgs']) { echo "<hr>\n"; defined('DEBUG') and DEBUG and $character and $GLOBALS['debugmsgs'][] = "Location: {$character->location}"; print_msgs($GLOBALS['debugmsgs'], '', "<br>\n"); } ?>
<div id="nav-bottom" class="span-10 prepend-1"> <?php wp_nav_menu(array("theme_location" => "bottom")); ?> </div> <div class="span-13 last"> <?php theme_image("contato.png", array("id" => "contato-title")); ?> <?php global $contact_us_return; if (is_array($contact_us_return)) { echo "<div class='span-10 prepend-2'>"; print_msgs($contact_us_return, 'stay', 'scm_contact'); echo "</div>"; ?> <script> jQuery.scrollTo('#scm_contact', 800); </script> <?php } ?> <form method='POST' name='contact_us' id='contact_us_form' > <?php global $current_user; ?> <input type="hidden" name='contact_us' value='1'> <div class="span-6 prepend-2 " >
?> <div class="clear"></div> <div class="prepend-top"></div> <div class="span-14 prepend-1 right-colborder"> <div class="item green clearfix"> <div class="title pull-1 clearfix"> <div class="shadow"></div> <h1>Cadastre-se</h1> </div> </div> <?php print_msgs($msgs); ?> <?php global $atividadesEncerradas; if (!$atividadesEncerradas) { ?> <?php //the_content(); ?> <div id="formularios-de-cadastro"> <div id="abas" class="clearfix"> <div id="aba-artistas" class="title <?php echo $reg_type == 'artista' ? 'current' : '';
<?php if (@$combat_continue) { //echo "<td align=center><b>(Combat continues...)</b></td>"; $combat_continue = 0; } else { $char_first_attack = $character->dexterity + diceroll(); $opp_first_attack = $oppcharacter->dexterity + diceroll(); if ($char_first_attack <= $opp_first_attack) { jsChangeLocation("combat.php?comb_act=npc_attack&npcfirstatt"); } else { // You attack first, code echo "<td align=center>" . $lang_comb["sight_enn"] . "</td>"; } } echo "</tr>"; print_msgs(@$_SESSION['disp_msg']); unset($_SESSION['disp_msg']); ?> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <?php // // wandering mobs always check for new opponents, the arena does not. // if (defined('DEBUG') and DEBUG) { $GLOBALS['debugmsgs'][] = "\ncombatlocation=" . @$_SESSION['combatlocation']; $GLOBALS['debugmsgs'][] = "\ncharfrom=" . @$_SESSION['charfrom']; $GLOBALS['debugmsgs'][] = "\nopponent id=" . @$_SESSION['opponent_id'];
// hack to make the redirection above work (without using noheader // the call to wp_redirect generate a headers already sent warning) if (isset($_GET['noheader'])) { require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/admin-header.php'; } ?> <div class="wrap"> <h2 id="form_title"><?php echo Campaign::getStrings('NovoProjeto'); ?> </h2> <?php if (!empty($errors)) { print_msgs($errors); } ?> <form action="<?php echo admin_url(CAMPAIGN_NEW_URL) . '&noheader'; ?> " method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <table class="form-table"> <tbody> <tr class="form-field"> <th scope="row"><label for="domain">Nome do site</label></th> <td> <input type="text" value="<?php if (isset($_POST['domain'])) { echo $_POST['domain'];
function print_msgs($ar, $msgs) { $keys = array_keys($ar); print "<dl style='position:relative; left:0px'><dd>\n"; foreach ($keys as $key) { //if ($msgs[$key] != "") { print $msgs[$key]; print "<BR>\n"; //} if (sizeof($ar[$key]) > 0) { print_msgs($ar[$key], $msgs); } } print "</dd></dl>\n"; }