コード例 #1
  * Do things like register/enqueue scripts and stylesheets
  * @since 2.3
 public function __construct()
     if (!pods_tableless()) {
         add_filter('pods_admin_setup_add_create_storage', '__return_true');
         add_filter('pods_admin_setup_add_create_taxonomy_storage', '__return_true');
         add_filter('pods_admin_setup_add_extend_storage', '__return_true');
         add_filter('pods_admin_setup_add_extend_taxonomy_storage', '__return_true');
         add_filter('pods_admin_setup_add_extend_pod_type', array($this, 'add_pod_type'));
コード例 #2
ファイル: PodsUpgrade.php プロジェクト: centaurustech/chipin
 public function install($_blog_id = null)
      * @var $wpdb WPDB
     global $wpdb;
     // Switch DB table prefixes
     if (null !== $_blog_id && $_blog_id != $wpdb->blogid) {
     } else {
         $_blog_id = null;
     $pods_version = get_option('pods_version');
     do_action('pods_install', PODS_VERSION, $pods_version, $_blog_id);
     if (!pods_tableless() && false !== apply_filters('pods_install_run', null, PODS_VERSION, $pods_version, $_blog_id) && !isset($_GET['pods_bypass_install'])) {
         $sql = file_get_contents(PODS_DIR . 'sql/dump.sql');
         $sql = apply_filters('pods_install_sql', $sql, PODS_VERSION, $pods_version, $_blog_id);
         $charset_collate = 'DEFAULT CHARSET utf8';
         if (!empty($wpdb->charset)) {
             $charset_collate = "DEFAULT CHARSET {$wpdb->charset}";
         if (!empty($wpdb->collate)) {
             $charset_collate .= " COLLATE {$wpdb->collate}";
         if ('DEFAULT CHARSET utf8' != $charset_collate) {
             $sql = str_replace('DEFAULT CHARSET utf8', $charset_collate, $sql);
         $sql = explode(";\n", str_replace(array("\r", 'wp_'), array("\n", $wpdb->prefix), $sql));
         for ($i = 0, $z = count($sql); $i < $z; $i++) {
             $query = trim($sql[$i]);
             if (empty($query)) {
             pods_query($query, 'Cannot setup SQL tables');
     do_action('pods_install_post', PODS_VERSION, $pods_version, $_blog_id);
コード例 #3
global $wp_version, $wpdb;
$wp = $wp_version;
$php = phpversion();
$mysql = $wpdb->db_version();
$plugins = array();
$all_plugins = get_plugins();
foreach ($all_plugins as $plugin_file => $plugin_data) {
    if (is_plugin_active($plugin_file)) {
        $plugins[$plugin_data['Name']] = $plugin_data['Version'];
$stylesheet = get_stylesheet();
$theme = wp_get_theme($stylesheet);
$theme_name = $theme->get('Name');
$opcode_cache = array('Apc' => function_exists('apc_cache_info') ? 'Yes' : 'No', 'Memcached' => class_exists('eaccelerator_put') ? 'Yes' : 'No', 'Redis' => class_exists('xcache_set') ? 'Yes' : 'No');
$object_cache = array('Apc' => function_exists('apc_cache_info') ? 'Yes' : 'No', 'Apcu' => function_exists('apcu_cache_info') ? 'Yes' : 'No', 'Memcache' => class_exists('Memcache') ? 'Yes' : 'No', 'Memcached' => class_exists('Memcached') ? 'Yes' : 'No', 'Redis' => class_exists('Redis') ? 'Yes' : 'No');
$versions = array('WordPress Version' => $wp, 'PHP Version' => $php, 'MySQL Version' => $mysql, 'Server Software' => $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'Your User Agent' => $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Session Save Path' => session_save_path(), 'Session Save Path Exists' => file_exists(session_save_path()) ? 'Yes' : 'No', 'Session Save Path Writeable' => is_writable(session_save_path()) ? 'Yes' : 'No', 'Session Max Lifetime' => ini_get('session.gc_maxlifetime'), 'Opcode Cache' => $opcode_cache, 'Object Cache' => $object_cache, 'WPDB Prefix' => $wpdb->prefix, 'WP Multisite Mode' => is_multisite() ? 'Yes' : 'No', 'WP Memory Limit' => WP_MEMORY_LIMIT, 'Pods Network-Wide Activated' => is_plugin_active_for_network(basename(PODS_DIR) . '/init.php') ? 'Yes' : 'No', 'Pods Install Location' => PODS_DIR, 'Pods Tableless Mode Activated' => pods_tableless() ? 'Yes' : 'No', 'Pods Light Mode Activated' => defined('PODS_LIGHT') && PODS_LIGHT ? 'Yes' : 'No', 'Currently Active Theme' => $theme_name, 'Currently Active Plugins' => $plugins);
foreach ($versions as $what => $version) {
    echo '<p><strong>' . esc_html($what) . '</strong>: ';
    if (is_array($version)) {
        echo '</p><ul class="ul-disc">';
        foreach ($version as $what_v => $v) {
            echo '<li><strong>' . esc_html($what_v) . '</strong>: ' . esc_html($v) . '</li>';
        echo '</ul>';
    } else {
        echo esc_html($version) . '</p>';
コード例 #4
ファイル: PodsComponents.php プロジェクト: Ingenex/redesign
  * Add menu item
  * @param string $parent The parent slug.
  * @since 2.0
  * @uses add_submenu_page
 public function menu($parent)
     global $submenu;
     $custom_component_menus = array();
     foreach ($this->components as $component => $component_data) {
         $component_data['MustUse'] = apply_filters('pods_component_require_' . $component_data['ID'], $component_data['MustUse'], $component_data);
         if (empty($component_data['MustUse']) && (!isset($this->settings['components'][$component]) || 0 == $this->settings['components'][$component])) {
         if (!empty($component_data['Hide'])) {
         if (!empty($component_data['DeveloperMode']) && !pods_developer()) {
         if (empty($component_data['TablelessMode']) && pods_tableless()) {
         if (empty($component_data['MenuPage'])) {
             if (!isset($component_data['object'])) {
             } elseif (!method_exists($component_data['object'], 'admin') && !method_exists($component_data['object'], 'options')) {
         if (false === $component_data['External']) {
             $component_data['File'] = realpath($this->components_dir . $component_data['File']);
         if (!file_exists($component_data['File'])) {
             pods_message('Pods Component not found: ' . $component_data['File']);
         $capability = 'pods_component_' . str_replace('-', '_', sanitize_title($component));
         if (0 < strlen($component_data['Capability'])) {
             $capability = $component_data['Capability'];
         if (!pods_is_admin(array('pods', 'pods_components', $capability))) {
         $menu_page = 'pods-component-' . $component;
         if (!empty($component_data['MenuPage'])) {
             $custom_component_menus[$menu_page] = $component_data;
         $page = add_submenu_page($parent, strip_tags($component_data['Name']), '- ' . strip_tags($component_data['MenuName']), 'read', $menu_page, array($this, 'admin_handler'));
         if (isset($component_data['object']) && method_exists($component_data['object'], 'admin_assets')) {
             add_action('admin_print_styles-' . $page, array($component_data['object'], 'admin_assets'));
     if (!empty($custom_component_menus)) {
         foreach ($custom_component_menus as $menu_page => $component_data) {
             if (isset($submenu[$parent])) {
                 foreach ($submenu[$parent] as $sub => &$menu) {
                     if ($menu[2] == $menu_page) {
                         $menu_page = $component_data['MenuPage'];
                         /*if ( !empty( $component_data[ 'MenuAddPage' ] ) ) {
                               if ( false !== strpos( $_SERVER[ 'REQUEST_URI' ], $component_data[ 'MenuAddPage' ] ) )
                                   $menu_page = $component_data[ 'MenuAddPage' ];
                         $menu[2] = $menu_page;
                         $page = current(explode('?', $menu[2]));
                         if (isset($component_data['object']) && method_exists($component_data['object'], 'admin_assets')) {
                             add_action('admin_print_styles-' . $page, array($component_data['object'], 'admin_assets'));
コード例 #5
ファイル: general.php プロジェクト: Ingenex/redesign
 * Turn off conflicting / recursive actions for an object type that Pods hooks into
 * @param string $object_type
 * @param string $object
 * @return bool
 * @since 2.0
function pods_no_conflict_on($object_type = 'post', $object = null)
    if ('post_type' == $object_type) {
        $object_type = 'post';
    } elseif ('term' == $object_type) {
        $object_type = 'taxonomy';
    if (!empty(PodsInit::$no_conflict) && isset(PodsInit::$no_conflict[$object_type]) && !empty(PodsInit::$no_conflict[$object_type])) {
        return true;
    if (!is_object(PodsInit::$meta)) {
        return false;
    $no_conflict = array();
    // Filters = Usually get/update/delete meta functions
    // Actions = Usually insert/update/save/delete object functions
    if ('post' == $object_type) {
        $no_conflict['filter'] = array(array('get_post_metadata', array(PodsInit::$meta, 'get_post_meta'), 10, 4));
        if (!pods_tableless()) {
            $no_conflict['filter'] = array_merge($no_conflict['filter'], array(array('add_post_metadata', array(PodsInit::$meta, 'add_post_meta'), 10, 5), array('update_post_metadata', array(PodsInit::$meta, 'update_post_meta'), 10, 5), array('delete_post_metadata', array(PodsInit::$meta, 'delete_post_meta'), 10, 5)));
        $no_conflict['action'] = array(array('transition_post_status', array(PodsInit::$meta, 'save_post_detect_new'), 10, 3), array('save_post', array(PodsInit::$meta, 'save_post'), 10, 2));
    } elseif ('taxonomy' == $object_type) {
        $no_conflict['filter'] = array();
        $no_conflict['action'] = array(array('edit_term', array(PodsInit::$meta, 'save_taxonomy'), 10, 3), array('create_term', array(PodsInit::$meta, 'save_taxonomy'), 10, 3));
    } elseif ('media' == $object_type) {
        $no_conflict['filter'] = array(array('wp_update_attachment_metadata', array(PodsInit::$meta, 'save_media'), 10, 2), array('get_post_metadata', array(PodsInit::$meta, 'get_post_meta'), 10, 4));
        if (!pods_tableless()) {
            $no_conflict['filter'] = array_merge($no_conflict['filter'], array(array('add_post_metadata', array(PodsInit::$meta, 'add_post_meta'), 10, 5), array('update_post_metadata', array(PodsInit::$meta, 'update_post_meta'), 10, 5), array('delete_post_metadata', array(PodsInit::$meta, 'delete_post_meta'), 10, 5)));
        $no_conflict['action'] = array();
    } elseif ('user' == $object_type) {
        $no_conflict['filter'] = array(array('get_user_metadata', array(PodsInit::$meta, 'get_user_meta'), 10, 4));
        if (!pods_tableless()) {
            $no_conflict['filter'] = array_merge($no_conflict['filter'], array(array('add_user_metadata', array(PodsInit::$meta, 'add_user_meta'), 10, 5), array('update_user_metadata', array(PodsInit::$meta, 'update_user_meta'), 10, 5), array('delete_user_metadata', array(PodsInit::$meta, 'delete_user_meta'), 10, 5)));
        $no_conflict['action'] = array(array('profile_update', array(PodsInit::$meta, 'save_user')));
    } elseif ('comment' == $object_type) {
        $no_conflict['filter'] = array(array('get_comment_metadata', array(PodsInit::$meta, 'get_comment_meta'), 10, 4));
        if (!pods_tableless()) {
            $no_conflict['filter'] = array_merge($no_conflict['filter'], array(array('add_comment_metadata', array(PodsInit::$meta, 'add_comment_meta'), 10, 5), array('update_comment_metadata', array(PodsInit::$meta, 'update_comment_meta'), 10, 5), array('delete_comment_metadata', array(PodsInit::$meta, 'delete_comment_meta'), 10, 5)));
        $no_conflict['action'] = array(array('pre_comment_approved', array(PodsInit::$meta, 'validate_comment'), 10, 2), array('comment_post', array(PodsInit::$meta, 'save_comment')), array('edit_comment', array(PodsInit::$meta, 'save_comment')));
    } elseif ('settings' == $object_type) {
        $no_conflict['filter'] = array();
        // @todo Better handle settings conflicts apart from each other
        /*if ( empty( $object ) ) {
              foreach ( PodsMeta::$settings as $setting_pod ) {
                  foreach ( $setting_pod[ 'fields' ] as $option ) {
                      $no_conflict[ 'filter' ][] = array( 'pre_option_' . $setting_pod[ 'name' ] . '_' . $option[ 'name' ], array( PodsInit::$meta, 'get_option' ), 10, 1 );
                      $no_conflict[ 'filter' ][] = array( 'pre_update_option_' . $setting_pod[ 'name' ] . '_' . $option[ 'name' ], array( PodsInit::$meta, 'update_option' ), 10, 2 );
          elseif ( isset( PodsMeta::$settings[ $object ] ) ) {
              foreach ( PodsMeta::$settings[ $object ][ 'fields' ] as $option ) {
                  $no_conflict[ 'filter' ][] = array( 'pre_option_' . $object . '_' . $option[ 'name' ], array( PodsInit::$meta, 'get_option' ), 10, 1 );
                  $no_conflict[ 'filter' ][] = array( 'pre_update_option_' . $object . '_' . $option[ 'name' ], array( PodsInit::$meta, 'update_option' ), 10, 2 );
    $conflicted = false;
    foreach ($no_conflict as $action_filter => $conflicts) {
        foreach ($conflicts as $k => $args) {
            if (call_user_func_array('has_' . $action_filter, array_slice($args, 0, 2))) {
                call_user_func_array('remove_' . $action_filter, array_slice($args, 0, 3));
                $conflicted = true;
            } else {
    if ($conflicted) {
        PodsInit::$no_conflict[$object_type] = $no_conflict;
        return true;
    return false;
コード例 #6
ファイル: PodsAPI.php プロジェクト: satokora/IT354Project
  * Find related items related to an item
  * @param int $field_id The Field ID
  * @param int $pod_id The Pod ID
  * @param int $id Item ID to get related IDs from
  * @param array $field Field data array
  * @param array $pod Pod data array
  * @return array|bool
  * @since 2.3
  * @uses pods_query()
 public function lookup_related_items_from($field_id, $pod_id, $id, $field = null, $pod = null)
     $related_ids = false;
     $id = (int) $id;
     $tableless_field_types = PodsForm::tableless_field_types();
     if (empty($id) || !in_array(pods_v('type', $field), $tableless_field_types)) {
         return false;
     $related_pick_limit = 0;
     if (!empty($field)) {
         $options = (array) pods_var_raw('options', $field, $field, null, true);
         $related_pick_limit = (int) pods_v('pick_limit', $options, 0);
         if ('single' == pods_var_raw('pick_format_type', $options)) {
             $related_pick_limit = 1;
     if (!pods_tableless()) {
         $field_id = (int) $field_id;
         $sister_id = (int) pods_var_raw('sister_id', $field, 0);
         $related_where = "\n                `field_id` = {$field_id}\n                AND `related_item_id` = {$id}\n            ";
         $sql = "\n                SELECT *\n                FROM `@wp_podsrel`\n                WHERE\n                    {$related_where}\n                ORDER BY `weight`\n            ";
         $relationships = pods_query($sql);
         if (!empty($relationships)) {
             $related_ids = array();
             foreach ($relationships as $relation) {
                 if ($field_id == $relation->field_id && !in_array($relation->item_id, $related_ids)) {
                     $related_ids[] = (int) $relation->item_id;
                 } elseif (0 < $sister_id && $field_id == $relation->related_field_id && !in_array($relation->related_item_id, $related_ids)) {
                     $related_ids[] = (int) $relation->related_item_id;
     } else {
         // @todo handle meta-based lookups
         return false;
         if (!is_array($pod)) {
             $pod = $this->load_pod(array('id' => $pod_id, 'table_info' => false), false);
         if (!empty($pod) && in_array($pod['type'], array('post_type', 'media', 'user', 'comment', 'settings'))) {
             $related_ids = array();
             $meta_type = $pod['type'];
             if (in_array($pod['type'], array('post_type', 'media'))) {
                 $meta_type = 'post';
             $no_conflict = pods_no_conflict_check($meta_type);
             if (!$no_conflict) {
             if ('settings' == $meta_type) {
                 $related_id = get_option('_pods_' . $pod['name'] . '_' . $field['name']);
                 if (empty($related_id)) {
                     $related_id = get_option($pod['name'] . '_' . $field['name']);
                 if (is_array($related_id) && !empty($related_id)) {
                     foreach ($related_id as $related) {
                         if (is_array($related) && !empty($related)) {
                             if (isset($related['id'])) {
                                 $related_ids[] = (int) $related['id'];
                             } else {
                                 foreach ($related as $r) {
                                     $related_ids[] = (int) $r;
                         } else {
                             $related_ids[] = (int) $related;
             } else {
                 $related_id = get_metadata($meta_type, $id, '_pods_' . $field['name'], true);
                 if (empty($related_id)) {
                     $related_id = get_metadata($meta_type, $id, $field['name']);
                 if (is_array($related_id) && !empty($related_id)) {
                     foreach ($related_id as $related) {
                         if (is_array($related) && !empty($related)) {
                             if (isset($related['id'])) {
                                 $related_ids[] = (int) $related['id'];
                             } else {
                                 foreach ($related as $r) {
                                     if (isset($related['id'])) {
                                         $related_ids[] = (int) $r['id'];
                                     } else {
                                         $related_ids[] = (int) $r;
                         } else {
                             $related_ids[] = (int) $related;
             if (!$no_conflict) {
     if (is_array($related_ids)) {
         $related_ids = array_unique(array_filter($related_ids));
     return $related_ids;
コード例 #7
ファイル: setup-add.php プロジェクト: talentedunicorn/pods
if (!pods_tableless() && apply_filters('pods_admin_setup_add_extend_taxonomy_storage', false)) {
                                        <div class="pods-field-option pods-depends-on pods-depends-on-extend-pod-type pods-depends-on-extend-pod-type-taxonomy">
    echo PodsForm::label('extend_storage_taxonomy', __('Enable Extra Fields?', 'pods'), array(__('<h6>Storage Types</h6> Taxonomies do not support extra fields natively, but Pods can add this feature for you easily. Table based storage will operate in a way where each field you create for your content type becomes a field in a table.', 'pods'), 'http://pods.io/docs/comparisons/compare-storage-types/'));
    $data = array('none' => __('Do not enable extra fields to be added', 'pods'), 'table' => __('Enable extra fields for this Taxonomy (Table Based)', 'pods'));
    echo PodsForm::field('extend_storage_taxonomy', pods_var_raw('extend_storage_taxonomy', 'post', 'none', null, true), 'pick', array('data' => $data));

if (!pods_tableless() && apply_filters('pods_admin_setup_add_extend_storage', false)) {
                                        <div class="pods-depends-on pods-depends-on-extend-pod-type pods-depends-on-extend-pod-type-post-type pods-depends-on-extend-pod-type-media pods-depends-on-extend-pod-type-user pods-depends-on-extend-pod-type-comment">
                                            <p><a href="#pods-advanced" class="pods-advanced-toggle"><?php 
    _e('Advanced', 'pods');

                                            <div class="pods-advanced">
                                                <div class="pods-field-option">
    echo PodsForm::label('extend_storage', __('Storage Type', 'pods'), array(__('<h6>Storage Types</h6> Table based storage will operate in a way where each field you create for your content type becomes a field in a table. Meta based storage relies upon the WordPress meta storage table for all field data.', 'pods'), 'http://pods.io/docs/comparisons/compare-storage-types/'));
    $data = array('meta' => __('Meta Based (WP Default)', 'pods'), 'table' => __('Table Based', 'pods'));
    echo PodsForm::field('extend_storage', pods_var_raw('extend_storage', 'post'), 'pick', array('data' => $data));
  * Do things like register/enqueue scripts and stylesheets
  * @since 2.3
 public function __construct()
     if (!pods_tableless()) {
         add_filter('pods_admin_setup_add_create_pod_type', array($this, 'add_pod_type'));
コード例 #9
ファイル: PodsAdmin.php プロジェクト: erkmen/wpstartersetup
  * Get components administration UI
 public function admin_components()
     $components = PodsInit::$components->components;
     $view = pods_var('view', 'get', 'all', null, true);
     $recommended = array('advanced-relationships', 'advanced-content-types', 'migrate-packages', 'roles-and-capabilities', 'pages', 'table-storage', 'templates');
     foreach ($components as $component => &$component_data) {
         if (!in_array($view, array('all', 'recommended', 'dev')) && (!isset($component_data['Category']) || $view != sanitize_title($component_data['Category']))) {
         } elseif ('recommended' == $view && !in_array($component_data['ID'], $recommended)) {
         } elseif ('dev' == $view && pods_developer() && !pods_var_raw('DeveloperMode', $component_data, false)) {
         } elseif (pods_var_raw('DeveloperMode', $component_data, false) && !pods_developer()) {
         } elseif (!pods_var_raw('TablelessMode', $component_data, false) && pods_tableless()) {
         $component_data['Name'] = strip_tags($component_data['Name']);
         if (pods_var_raw('DeveloperMode', $component_data, false)) {
             $component_data['Name'] .= ' <em style="font-weight: normal; color:#333;">(Developer Preview)</em>';
         $meta = array();
         if (!empty($component_data['Version'])) {
             $meta[] = 'Version ' . $component_data['Version'];
         if (empty($component_data['Author'])) {
             $component_data['Author'] = 'Pods Framework Team';
             $component_data['AuthorURI'] = 'http://pods.io/';
         if (!empty($component_data['AuthorURI'])) {
             $component_data['Author'] = '<a href="' . $component_data['AuthorURI'] . '">' . $component_data['Author'] . '</a>';
         $meta[] = sprintf(__('by %s', 'pods'), $component_data['Author']);
         if (!empty($component_data['URI'])) {
             $meta[] = '<a href="' . $component_data['URI'] . '">' . __('Visit component site', 'pods') . '</a>';
         $component_data['Description'] = wpautop(trim(make_clickable(strip_tags($component_data['Description'], 'em,strong'))));
         if (!empty($meta)) {
             $component_data['Description'] .= '<div class="pods-component-meta" ' . (!empty($component_data['Description']) ? ' style="padding:8px 0 4px;"' : '') . '>' . implode('&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;', $meta) . '</div>';
         $component_data = array('id' => $component_data['ID'], 'name' => $component_data['Name'], 'category' => $component_data['Category'], 'version' => '', 'description' => $component_data['Description'], 'mustuse' => pods_var_raw('MustUse', $component_data, false), 'toggle' => 0);
         if (!empty($component_data['category'])) {
             $category_url = pods_var_update(array('view' => sanitize_title($component_data['category']), 'pg' => '', 'page' => $_GET['page']));
             $component_data['category'] = '<a href="' . $category_url . '">' . $component_data['category'] . '</a>';
         if (isset(PodsInit::$components->settings['components'][$component_data['id']]) && 0 != PodsInit::$components->settings['components'][$component_data['id']]) {
             $component_data['toggle'] = 1;
         } elseif ($component_data['mustuse']) {
             $component_data['toggle'] = 1;
     $ui = array('data' => $components, 'total' => count($components), 'total_found' => count($components), 'icon' => PODS_URL . 'ui/images/icon32.png', 'items' => 'Components', 'item' => 'Component', 'fields' => array('manage' => array('name' => array('label' => __('Name', 'pods'), 'width' => '30%', 'type' => 'text', 'options' => array('text_allow_html' => true)), 'category' => array('label' => __('Category', 'pods'), 'width' => '10%', 'type' => 'text', 'options' => array('text_allow_html' => true)), 'description' => array('label' => __('Description', 'pods'), 'width' => '60%', 'type' => 'text', 'options' => array('text_allow_html' => true, 'text_allowed_html_tags' => 'strong em a ul ol li b i br div')))), 'actions_disabled' => array('duplicate', 'view', 'export', 'add', 'edit', 'delete'), 'actions_custom' => array('toggle' => array('callback' => array($this, 'admin_components_toggle'))), 'filters_enhanced' => true, 'views' => array('all' => __('All', 'pods'), 'field-types' => __('Field Types', 'pods'), 'tools' => __('Tools', 'pods'), 'integration' => __('Integration', 'pods'), 'migration' => __('Migration', 'pods'), 'advanced' => __('Advanced', 'pods')), 'view' => $view, 'heading' => array('views' => __('Category', 'pods')), 'search' => false, 'searchable' => false, 'sortable' => false, 'pagination' => false);
     if (pods_developer()) {
         $ui['views']['dev'] = __('Developer Preview', 'pods');
コード例 #10
ファイル: PodsMeta.php プロジェクト: centaurustech/chipin
  * @param $object_type
  * @param null $_null
  * @param int $object_id
  * @param string $meta_key
  * @param string $meta_value
  * @param bool $delete_all
  * @return null
 public function delete_meta($object_type, $_null = null, $object_id = 0, $meta_key = '', $meta_value = '', $delete_all = false)
     if (pods_tableless()) {
         return $_null;
     $object = $this->get_object($object_type, $object_id);
     if (empty($object_id) || empty($object) || !isset($object['fields'][$meta_key])) {
         return $_null;
     $pod = pods($object['name']);
     // @todo handle $delete_all (delete the field values from all pod items)
     if (!empty($meta_value) && in_array($object['fields'][$meta_key]['type'], PodsForm::tableless_field_types())) {
         $pod->remove_from($meta_key, $meta_value);
     } else {
         $pod->save(array($meta_key => null), null, $object_id);
     return $_null;
コード例 #11
ファイル: PodsData.php プロジェクト: Ingenex/redesign
  * Recursively join tables based on fields
  * @param array $traverse_recurse Array of traversal options
  * @return array Array of table joins
  * @since 2.0
 function traverse_recurse($traverse_recurse)
     global $wpdb;
     $defaults = array('pod' => null, 'fields' => array(), 'joined' => 't', 'depth' => 0, 'joined_id' => 'id', 'joined_index' => 'id', 'params' => new stdClass(), 'last_table_info' => array());
     $traverse_recurse = array_merge($defaults, $traverse_recurse);
     $joins = array();
     if (0 == $traverse_recurse['depth'] && !empty($traverse_recurse['pod']) && !empty($traverse_recurse['last_table_info']) && isset($traverse_recurse['last_table_info']['id'])) {
         $pod_data = $traverse_recurse['last_table_info'];
     } elseif (empty($traverse_recurse['pod'])) {
         if (!empty($traverse_recurse['params']) && !empty($traverse_recurse['params']->table) && 0 === strpos($traverse_recurse['params']->table, $wpdb->prefix)) {
             if ($wpdb->posts == $traverse_recurse['params']->table) {
                 $traverse_recurse['pod'] = 'post_type';
             } elseif ($wpdb->terms == $traverse_recurse['params']->table) {
                 $traverse_recurse['pod'] = 'taxonomy';
             } elseif ($wpdb->users == $traverse_recurse['params']->table) {
                 $traverse_recurse['pod'] = 'user';
             } elseif ($wpdb->comments == $traverse_recurse['params']->table) {
                 $traverse_recurse['pod'] = 'comment';
             } else {
                 return $joins;
             $pod_data = array();
             if (in_array($traverse_recurse['pod'], array('user', 'comment'))) {
                 $pod = $this->api->load_pod(array('name' => $traverse_recurse['pod'], 'table_info' => true));
                 if (!empty($pod) && $pod['type'] == $pod) {
                     $pod_data = $pod;
             if (empty($pod_data)) {
                 $pod_data = array('id' => 0, 'name' => '_table_' . $traverse_recurse['pod'], 'type' => $traverse_recurse['pod'], 'storage' => 'taxonomy' == $traverse_recurse['pod'] ? 'none' : 'meta', 'fields' => array(), 'object_fields' => $this->api->get_wp_object_fields($traverse_recurse['pod']));
                 $pod_data = array_merge($this->api->get_table_info($traverse_recurse['pod'], ''), $pod_data);
             $traverse_recurse['pod'] = $pod_data['name'];
         } else {
             return $joins;
     } else {
         $pod_data = $this->api->load_pod(array('name' => $traverse_recurse['pod'], 'table_info' => true), false);
         if (empty($pod_data)) {
             return $joins;
     if (isset($pod_data['object_fields'])) {
         $pod_data['fields'] = array_merge($pod_data['fields'], $pod_data['object_fields']);
     $tableless_field_types = PodsForm::tableless_field_types();
     $simple_tableless_objects = PodsForm::field_method('pick', 'simple_objects');
     $file_field_types = PodsForm::file_field_types();
     if (!isset($this->traversal[$traverse_recurse['pod']])) {
         $this->traversal[$traverse_recurse['pod']] = array();
     if ((empty($pod_data['meta_table']) || $pod_data['meta_table'] == $pod_data['table']) && (empty($traverse_recurse['fields']) || !isset($traverse_recurse['fields'][$traverse_recurse['depth']]) || empty($traverse_recurse['fields'][$traverse_recurse['depth']]))) {
         return $joins;
     $field = $traverse_recurse['fields'][$traverse_recurse['depth']];
     $ignore_aliases = array('wpml_languages', 'polylang_languages');
     $ignore_aliases = $this->do_hook('traverse_recurse_ignore_aliases', $ignore_aliases, $field, $traverse_recurse);
     if (in_array($field, $ignore_aliases)) {
         return $joins;
     $meta_data_table = false;
     if (!isset($pod_data['fields'][$field]) && 'd' == $field && isset($traverse_recurse['fields'][$traverse_recurse['depth'] - 1])) {
         $field = $traverse_recurse['fields'][$traverse_recurse['depth'] - 1];
         $field_type = 'pick';
         if (isset($traverse_recurse['last_table_info']['pod']['fields'][$field])) {
             $field_type = $traverse_recurse['last_table_info']['pod']['fields'][$field]['type'];
         } elseif (isset($traverse_recurse['last_table_info']['pod']['object_fields'][$field])) {
             $field_type = $traverse_recurse['last_table_info']['pod']['object_fields'][$field]['type'];
         $pod_data['fields'][$field] = array('id' => 0, 'name' => $field, 'type' => $field_type, 'pick_object' => $traverse_recurse['last_table_info']['pod']['type'], 'pick_val' => $traverse_recurse['last_table_info']['pod']['name']);
         $meta_data_table = true;
     // Fallback to meta table if the pod type supports it
     if (!isset($pod_data['fields'][$field])) {
         $last = end($traverse_recurse['fields']);
         if ('post_type' == $pod_data['type'] && !isset($pod_data['object_fields'])) {
             $pod_data['object_fields'] = $this->api->get_wp_object_fields('post_type', $pod_data);
         if ('post_type' == $pod_data['type'] && isset($pod_data['object_fields'][$field]) && in_array($pod_data['object_fields'][$field]['type'], $tableless_field_types)) {
             $pod_data['fields'][$field] = $pod_data['object_fields'][$field];
         } elseif (in_array($pod_data['type'], array('post_type', 'media', 'user', 'comment')) && 'meta_value' == $last) {
             $pod_data['fields'][$field] = PodsForm::field_setup(array('name' => $field));
         } else {
             if ('post_type' == $pod_data['type']) {
                 $pod_data['object_fields'] = $this->api->get_wp_object_fields('post_type', $pod_data, true);
                 if ('post_type' == $pod_data['type'] && isset($pod_data['object_fields'][$field]) && in_array($pod_data['object_fields'][$field]['type'], $tableless_field_types)) {
                     $pod_data['fields'][$field] = $pod_data['object_fields'][$field];
                 } else {
                     return $joins;
             } else {
                 return $joins;
     $traverse = $pod_data['fields'][$field];
     if ('taxonomy' == $traverse['type']) {
         $traverse['table_info'] = $this->api->get_table_info($traverse['type'], $traverse['name']);
     } elseif (in_array($traverse['type'], $file_field_types)) {
         $traverse['table_info'] = $this->api->get_table_info('post_type', 'attachment');
     } elseif (!in_array($traverse['type'], $tableless_field_types)) {
         $traverse['table_info'] = $this->api->get_table_info($pod_data['type'], $pod_data['name'], $pod_data['name'], $pod_data);
     } elseif (empty($traverse['table_info']) || in_array($traverse['pick_object'], $simple_tableless_objects) && !empty($traverse_recurse['last_table_info'])) {
         if (in_array($traverse['pick_object'], $simple_tableless_objects) && !empty($traverse_recurse['last_table_info'])) {
             $traverse['table_info'] = $traverse_recurse['last_table_info'];
             if (!empty($traverse['table_info']['meta_table'])) {
                 $meta_data_table = true;
         } elseif (!in_array($traverse['type'], $tableless_field_types) && isset($traverse_recurse['last_table_info']) && !empty($traverse_recurse['last_table_info']) && 0 == $traverse_recurse['depth']) {
             $traverse['table_info'] = $traverse_recurse['last_table_info'];
         } else {
             $traverse['table_info'] = $this->api->get_table_info($traverse['pick_object'], $traverse['pick_val'], null, $traverse['pod'], $traverse);
     if (isset($this->traversal[$traverse_recurse['pod']][$traverse['name']])) {
         $traverse = array_merge($traverse, (array) $this->traversal[$traverse_recurse['pod']][$traverse['name']]);
     $traverse = $this->do_hook('traverse', $traverse, compact('pod', 'fields', 'joined', 'depth', 'joined_id', 'params'));
     if (empty($traverse)) {
         return $joins;
     $traverse = pods_sanitize($traverse);
     $traverse['id'] = (int) $traverse['id'];
     if (empty($traverse['id'])) {
         $traverse['id'] = $field;
     $table_info = $traverse['table_info'];
     $this->traversal[$traverse_recurse['pod']][$field] = $traverse;
     $field_joined = $field;
     if (0 < $traverse_recurse['depth'] && 't' != $traverse_recurse['joined']) {
         if ($meta_data_table && ('pick' != $traverse['type'] || !in_array(pods_var('pick_object', $traverse), $simple_tableless_objects))) {
             $field_joined = $traverse_recurse['joined'] . '_d';
         } else {
             $field_joined = $traverse_recurse['joined'] . '_' . $field;
     $rel_alias = 'rel_' . $field_joined;
     if (pods_var('search', $traverse_recurse['params'], false) && empty($traverse_recurse['params']->filters)) {
         if (0 < strlen(pods_var('filter_' . $field_joined, 'get'))) {
             $val = absint(pods_var('filter_' . $field_joined, 'get'));
             $search = "`{$field_joined}`.`{$table_info['field_id']}` = {$val}";
             if ('text' == $this->search_mode) {
                 $val = pods_var('filter_' . $field_joined, 'get');
                 $search = "`{$field_joined}`.`{$traverse['name']}` = '{$val}'";
             } elseif ('text_like' == $this->search_mode) {
                 $val = pods_sanitize(pods_sanitize_like(pods_var_raw('filter_' . $field_joined)));
                 $search = "`{$field_joined}`.`{$traverse['name']}` LIKE '%{$val}%'";
             $this->search_where[] = " {$search} ";
     $the_join = null;
     $joined_id = $table_info['field_id'];
     $joined_index = $table_info['field_index'];
     if ('taxonomy' == $traverse['type']) {
         $rel_tt_alias = 'rel_tt_' . $field_joined;
         if ($meta_data_table) {
             $the_join = "\n                    LEFT JOIN `{$table_info['pod_table']}` AS `{$field_joined}` ON\n                        `{$field_joined}`.`{$table_info['pod_field_id']}` = `{$traverse_recurse['rel_alias']}`.`{$traverse_recurse['joined_id']}`\n                ";
         } else {
             $the_join = "\n                    LEFT JOIN `{$wpdb->term_relationships}` AS `{$rel_alias}` ON\n                        `{$rel_alias}`.`object_id` = `{$traverse_recurse['joined']}`.`ID`\n\n                    LEFT JOIN `{$wpdb->term_taxonomy}` AS `{$rel_tt_alias}` ON\n                        `{$rel_tt_alias}`.`taxonomy` = '{$traverse['name']}'\n                        AND `{$rel_tt_alias}`.`term_taxonomy_id` = `{$rel_alias}`.`term_taxonomy_id`\n\n                    LEFT JOIN `{$table_info['table']}` AS `{$field_joined}` ON\n                        `{$field_joined}`.`{$table_info['field_id']}` = `{$rel_tt_alias}`.`{$table_info['field_id']}`\n                ";
             // Override $rel_alias
             $rel_alias = $field_joined;
             $joined_id = $table_info['field_id'];
             $joined_index = $table_info['field_index'];
     } elseif (in_array($traverse['type'], $tableless_field_types) && ('pick' != $traverse['type'] || !in_array(pods_var('pick_object', $traverse), $simple_tableless_objects))) {
         if (pods_tableless()) {
             $the_join = "\n                    LEFT JOIN `{$table_info['meta_table']}` AS `{$rel_alias}` ON\n                        `{$rel_alias}`.`{$table_info['meta_field_index']}` = '{$traverse['name']}'\n                        AND `{$rel_alias}`.`{$table_info['meta_field_id']}` = `{$traverse_recurse['joined']}`.`{$traverse_recurse['joined_id']}`\n\n                    LEFT JOIN `{$table_info['meta_table']}` AS `{$field_joined}` ON\n                        `{$field_joined}`.`{$table_info['meta_field_index']}` = '{$traverse['name']}'\n                        AND `{$field_joined}`.`{$table_info['meta_field_id']}` = CONVERT( `{$rel_alias}`.`{$table_info['meta_field_value']}`, SIGNED )\n                ";
             $joined_id = $table_info['meta_field_id'];
             $joined_index = $table_info['meta_field_index'];
         } elseif ($meta_data_table) {
             $the_join = "\n                    LEFT JOIN `{$table_info['pod_table']}` AS `{$field_joined}` ON\n                        `{$field_joined}`.`{$table_info['pod_field_id']}` = `{$traverse_recurse['rel_alias']}`.`{$traverse_recurse['joined_id']}`\n                ";
         } else {
             $the_join = "\n                    LEFT JOIN `@wp_podsrel` AS `{$rel_alias}` ON\n                        `{$rel_alias}`.`field_id` = {$traverse['id']}\n                        AND `{$rel_alias}`.`item_id` = `{$traverse_recurse['joined']}`.`{$traverse_recurse['joined_id']}`\n\n                    LEFT JOIN `{$table_info['table']}` AS `{$field_joined}` ON\n                        `{$field_joined}`.`{$table_info['field_id']}` = `{$rel_alias}`.`related_item_id`\n                ";
     } elseif ('meta' == $pod_data['storage']) {
         if ($traverse_recurse['depth'] + 2 == count($traverse_recurse['fields']) && ('pick' != $traverse['type'] || !in_array(pods_var('pick_object', $traverse), $simple_tableless_objects)) && $table_info['meta_field_value'] == $traverse_recurse['fields'][$traverse_recurse['depth'] + 1]) {
             $the_join = "\n                    LEFT JOIN `{$table_info['meta_table']}` AS `{$field_joined}` ON\n                        `{$field_joined}`.`{$table_info['meta_field_index']}` = '{$traverse['name']}'\n                        AND `{$field_joined}`.`{$table_info['meta_field_id']}` = `{$traverse_recurse['joined']}`.`{$traverse_recurse['joined_id']}`\n                ";
             $table_info['recurse'] = false;
         } else {
             $the_join = "\n                    LEFT JOIN `{$table_info['meta_table']}` AS `{$field_joined}` ON\n                        `{$field_joined}`.`{$table_info['meta_field_index']}` = '{$traverse['name']}'\n                        AND `{$field_joined}`.`{$table_info['meta_field_id']}` = `{$traverse_recurse['joined']}`.`{$traverse_recurse['joined_id']}`\n                ";
             $joined_id = $table_info['meta_field_id'];
             $joined_index = $table_info['meta_field_index'];
     $traverse_recursive = array('pod' => pods_var_raw('name', pods_var_raw('pod', $table_info)), 'fields' => $traverse_recurse['fields'], 'joined' => $field_joined, 'depth' => $traverse_recurse['depth'] + 1, 'joined_id' => $joined_id, 'joined_index' => $joined_index, 'params' => $traverse_recurse['params'], 'rel_alias' => $rel_alias, 'last_table_info' => $table_info);
     $the_join = $this->do_hook('traverse_the_join', $the_join, $traverse_recurse, $traverse_recursive);
     if (empty($the_join)) {
         return $joins;
     $joins[$traverse_recurse['pod'] . '_' . $traverse_recurse['depth'] . '_' . $traverse['id']] = $the_join;
     if ($traverse_recurse['depth'] + 1 < count($traverse_recurse['fields']) && !empty($traverse_recurse['pod']) && false !== $table_info['recurse']) {
         $joins = array_merge($joins, $this->traverse_recurse($traverse_recursive));
     return $joins;
コード例 #12
ファイル: PodsInit.php プロジェクト: centaurustech/chipin
  * Delete Attachments from relationships
  * @param int $_ID
 public function delete_attachment($_ID)
     global $wpdb;
     $_ID = (int) $_ID;
     do_action('pods_delete_attachment', $_ID);
     $file_types = "'" . implode("', '", PodsForm::file_field_types()) . "'";
     if (!pods_tableless()) {
         $sql = "\n                DELETE `rel`\n                FROM `@wp_podsrel` AS `rel`\n                LEFT JOIN `{$wpdb->posts}` AS `p`\n                    ON\n                        `p`.`post_type` = '_pods_field'\n                        AND ( `p`.`ID` = `rel`.`field_id` OR `p`.`ID` = `rel`.`related_field_id` )\n                LEFT JOIN `{$wpdb->postmeta}` AS `pm`\n                    ON\n                        `pm`.`post_id` = `p`.`ID`\n                        AND `pm`.`meta_key` = 'type'\n                        AND `pm`.`meta_value` IN ( {$file_types} )\n                WHERE\n                    `p`.`ID` IS NOT NULL\n                    AND `pm`.`meta_id` IS NOT NULL\n                    AND `rel`.`item_id` = {$_ID}";
         pods_query($sql, false);
     // Post Meta
     if (!empty(PodsMeta::$post_types)) {
         $sql = "\n                DELETE `rel`\n                FROM `@wp_postmeta` AS `rel`\n                LEFT JOIN `{$wpdb->posts}` AS `p`\n                    ON\n                        `p`.`post_type` = '_pods_field'\n                LEFT JOIN `{$wpdb->postmeta}` AS `pm`\n                    ON\n                        `pm`.`post_id` = `p`.`ID`\n                        AND `pm`.`meta_key` = 'type'\n                        AND `pm`.`meta_value` IN ( {$file_types} )\n                WHERE\n                    `p`.`ID` IS NOT NULL\n                    AND `pm`.`meta_id` IS NOT NULL\n                    AND `rel`.`meta_key` = `p`.`post_name`\n                    AND `rel`.`meta_value` = '{$_ID}'";
         pods_query($sql, false);
     // User Meta
     if (!empty(PodsMeta::$user)) {
         $sql = "\n                DELETE `rel`\n                FROM `@wp_usermeta` AS `rel`\n                LEFT JOIN `{$wpdb->posts}` AS `p`\n                    ON\n                        `p`.`post_type` = '_pods_field'\n                LEFT JOIN `{$wpdb->postmeta}` AS `pm`\n                    ON\n                        `pm`.`post_id` = `p`.`ID`\n                        AND `pm`.`meta_key` = 'type'\n                        AND `pm`.`meta_value` IN ( {$file_types} )\n                WHERE\n                    `p`.`ID` IS NOT NULL\n                    AND `pm`.`meta_id` IS NOT NULL\n                    AND `rel`.`meta_key` = `p`.`post_name`\n                    AND `rel`.`meta_value` = '{$_ID}'";
         pods_query($sql, false);
     // Comment Meta
     if (!empty(PodsMeta::$comment)) {
         $sql = "\n                DELETE `rel`\n                FROM `@wp_commentmeta` AS `rel`\n                LEFT JOIN `{$wpdb->posts}` AS `p`\n                    ON\n                        `p`.`post_type` = '_pods_field'\n                LEFT JOIN `{$wpdb->postmeta}` AS `pm`\n                    ON\n                        `pm`.`post_id` = `p`.`ID`\n                        AND `pm`.`meta_key` = 'type'\n                        AND `pm`.`meta_value` IN ( {$file_types} )\n                WHERE\n                    `p`.`ID` IS NOT NULL\n                    AND `pm`.`meta_id` IS NOT NULL\n                    AND `rel`.`meta_key` = `p`.`post_name`\n                    AND `rel`.`meta_value` = '{$_ID}'";
         pods_query($sql, false);
コード例 #13
  * Add menu item
  * @param string $parent The parent slug.
  * @since 2.0
  * @uses add_submenu_page
 public function menu($parent)
     global $submenu;
     $custom_component_menus = array();
     $pods_component_menu_items = array();
     foreach ($this->components as $component => $component_data) {
         $component_data['MustUse'] = apply_filters('pods_component_require_' . $component_data['ID'], $component_data['MustUse'], $component_data);
         if (empty($component_data['MustUse']) && (!isset($this->settings['components'][$component]) || 0 == $this->settings['components'][$component])) {
         if (!empty($component_data['Hide'])) {
         if (!empty($component_data['DeveloperMode']) && !pods_developer()) {
         if (empty($component_data['TablelessMode']) && pods_tableless()) {
         if (empty($component_data['MenuPage'])) {
             if (!isset($component_data['object'])) {
             } elseif (!method_exists($component_data['object'], 'admin') && !method_exists($component_data['object'], 'options')) {
         if (false === $component_data['External']) {
             $component_data['File'] = realpath($this->components_dir . $component_data['File']);
         if (!file_exists($component_data['File'])) {
             pods_message('Pods Component not found: ' . $component_data['File']);
         $capability = 'pods_component_' . str_replace('-', '_', sanitize_title($component));
         if (0 < strlen($component_data['Capability'])) {
             $capability = $component_data['Capability'];
         if (!pods_is_admin(array('pods', 'pods_components', $capability))) {
         $menu_page = 'pods-component-' . $component;
         if (!empty($component_data['MenuPage'])) {
             $custom_component_menus[$menu_page] = $component_data;
         $pods_component_menu_items[$component_data['MenuName']] = array('menu_page' => $menu_page, 'page_title' => $component_data['Name'], 'capability' => 'read', 'callback' => array($this, 'admin_handler'));
         if (isset($component_data['object']) && method_exists($component_data['object'], 'admin_assets')) {
             $pods_component_menu_items[$component_data['MenuName']]['assets'] = array($component_data['object'], 'admin_assets');
      * Add or change the items in the Pods Components Submenu.
      * Can also be used to change which menu components is a submenu of or change title of menu.
      * @params array $pods_component_menu_items {
      *          An array of arguments for add_submenu_page
      *		  	@param string $parent_slug The slug name for the parent menu (or the file name of a standard WordPress admin page)
      *		  	@param string $page_title The text to be displayed in the title tags of the page when the menu is selected
      *		  	@param $menu_title The text to be used for the menu
      *		  	@param $capability The capability required for this menu to be displayed to the user.
      *		  	@param $menu_slug The slug name to refer to this menu by (should be unique for this menu)
      *		  	@param $function The function to be called to output the content for this page.
      * }
      * @returns array Array of submenu pages to be passed to add_submenu_page()
      * @since 2.4.1
     $pods_component_menu_items = apply_filters('pods_admin_components_menu', $pods_component_menu_items);
     foreach ($pods_component_menu_items as $menu_title => $menu_data) {
         if (!is_callable($menu_data['callback'])) {
         $page = add_submenu_page($parent, strip_tags($menu_data['page_title']), '- ' . strip_tags($menu_title), pods_v('capability', $menu_data, 'read', true), $menu_data['menu_page'], $menu_data['callback']);
         if (isset($menu_data['assets']) && is_callable($menu_data['assets'])) {
             add_action('admin_print_styles-' . $page, $menu_data['assets']);
     if (!empty($custom_component_menus)) {
         foreach ($custom_component_menus as $menu_page => $component_data) {
             if (isset($submenu[$parent])) {
                 foreach ($submenu[$parent] as $sub => &$menu) {
                     if ($menu[2] == $menu_page) {
                         $menu_page = $component_data['MenuPage'];
                         /*if ( !empty( $component_data[ 'MenuAddPage' ] ) ) {
                               if ( false !== strpos( $_SERVER[ 'REQUEST_URI' ], $component_data[ 'MenuAddPage' ] ) )
                                   $menu_page = $component_data[ 'MenuAddPage' ];
                         $menu[2] = $menu_page;
                         $page = current(explode('?', $menu[2]));
                         if (isset($component_data['object']) && method_exists($component_data['object'], 'admin_assets')) {
                             add_action('admin_print_styles-' . $page, array($component_data['object'], 'admin_assets'));