function seconds_to_time($seconds) { $hours = (int) ($seconds / 3600); $minutes = (int) (($seconds - $hours * 3600) / 60); $seconds = $seconds - $minutes * 60 - $hours * 3600; return pad($hours, 2) . ":" . pad($minutes, 2) . ":" . pad($seconds, 2); }
/** * log a message to file * * @param string $level can be error, warn, info or debug * @param string $msg message * @return bool true if successful, false if not */ function log_msg($level, $msg) { global $logfile; global $loglevels; global $request_id; // open logfile if ($logfile === false) { $m = umask(0111); // having two processes appending to the same file should // work fine (at least on Linux) $logfile = @fopen(LOG_FILE, 'ab'); umask($m); } if ($logfile === false) { return false; } foreach ($loglevels as $ll) { if ($ll == $level) { fwrite($logfile, date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . tab() . pad($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 15) . tab() . sprintf('%05u', $request_id) . tab() . $level . tab() . $msg . nl()); fflush($logfile); break; } if ($ll == LOG_LEVEL) { break; } } return true; }
function printFunc($what, $dif) { $r = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . "/.."); echo pad(str_replace($r, "", $what["file"]), 25); echo pad($what["line"]); echo pad($what["function"] . "(" . implode(", ", $what["args"]) . ") "); echo pad(round($dif, 3) . "s", 5); echo "\n"; }
public static function pct($pct, $mod = 1, $pad = 8, $high = 0, $med = 0, $low = 0) { $num = round($pct * 100, 2); $prefix = ''; $suffix = ''; if ($num * $mod > $high && $high != 0) { $prefix = '<span style="background:black;color:red">'; $suffix = '</span>'; } elseif ($num * $mod > $med && $med != 0) { $prefix = '<span style="background:black;color:orange">'; $suffix = '</span>'; } else { if ($num * $mod > $low && $low != 0) { $prefix = '<span style="background:black;color:yellow">'; $suffix = '</span>'; } } return $prefix . pad(number_format($num, 2) . '%', $pad) . $suffix; }
$filedata .= $contents; $name = substr("{$path}{$obj}", 1); $files[$name] = array($offset, strlen($contents)); unset($contents); } } } add_directory($base); function pad($fp, $length, $multiple, $mod = 0) { while ($length++ % $multiple != $mod) { fwrite($fp, chr(0)); } } echo strlen($filedata) . "\n"; $out = fopen($argv[1], 'wb'); // write 8-byte magic number fwrite($out, 'THEGAME!'); fwrite($out, pack('N', count($files))); foreach ($files as $name => $file) { fwrite($out, pack('n', strlen($name))); fwrite($out, $name); fwrite($out, chr(0)); pad($out, strlen($name) + 1, 4, 2); fwrite($out, pack('N', $file[0])); fwrite($out, pack('N', $file[1])); } pad($out, ftell($out), 16); fwrite($out, $filedata); pad($out, strlen($filedata), 4);
function send_invoice(&$_employer, $_paid_postings, $_subscription_period) { if (!is_a($_employer, 'Employer')) { return false; } $today = date('Y-m-d'); $branch = $_employer->getAssociatedBranch(); $sales = 'sales.' . strtolower($branch[0]['country']) . ''; $branch[0]['address'] = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r"), "\n", $branch[0]['address']); $branch['address_lines'] = explode("\n", $branch[0]['address']); $currency = Currency::getSymbolFromCountryCode($branch[0]['country']); if ($_paid_postings > 0) { // 0. get the job postings pricing and currency $posting_rates = $GLOBALS['postings_rates']; $price = $posting_rates[$currency]; // 1. generate invoice in the system $data = array(); $data['issued_on'] = $today; $data['type'] = 'P'; $data['employer'] = $_POST['id']; $data['payable_by'] = sql_date_add($today, $_employer->getPaymentTermsInDays(), 'day'); $invoice = Invoice::create($data); if ($invoice === false) { echo 'ko'; exit; } $amount = $price * $_paid_postings; $desc = $_paid_postings . ' Job Posting(s) @ ' . $currency . ' $' . $price; $item_added = Invoice::addItem($invoice, $amount, '1', $desc); $items = array(); $items[0]['itemdesc'] = $desc; $items[0]['amount'] = number_format($amount, '2', '.', ', '); // 2. generate the invoice as PDF file $pdf = new PaidPostingsInvoice(); $pdf->AliasNbPages(); $pdf->SetAuthor('Yellow Elevator. This invoice was automatically generated. Signature is not required.'); $pdf->SetTitle($GLOBALS['COMPANYNAME'] . ' - Invoice ' . pad($invoice, 11, '0')); $pdf->SetCurrency($currency); $pdf->SetBranch($branch); $pdf->AddPage(); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 10); $pdf->SetTextColor(255, 255, 255); $pdf->SetFillColor(54, 54, 54); $pdf->Cell(60, 5, "Invoice Number", 1, 0, 'C', 1); $pdf->Cell(1); $pdf->Cell(33, 5, "Issuance Date", 1, 0, 'C', 1); $pdf->Cell(1); $pdf->Cell(33, 5, "Payable By", 1, 0, 'C', 1); $pdf->Cell(1); $pdf->Cell(0, 5, "Amount Payable (" . $currency . ")", 1, 0, 'C', 1); $pdf->Ln(6); $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0); $pdf->Cell(60, 5, pad($invoice, 11, '0'), 1, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(1); $pdf->Cell(33, 5, sql_date_format($data['issued_on']), 1, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(1); $pdf->Cell(33, 5, sql_date_format($data['payable_by']), 1, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(1); $pdf->Cell(0, 5, number_format($amount, '2', '.', ', '), 1, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Ln(6); $pdf->SetTextColor(255, 255, 255); $pdf->Cell(60, 5, "User ID", 1, 0, 'C', 1); $pdf->Cell(1); $pdf->Cell(0, 5, "Employer Name", 1, 0, 'C', 1); $pdf->Ln(6); $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0); $pdf->Cell(60, 5, $_employer->getId(), 1, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(1); $pdf->Cell(0, 5, $_employer->getName(), 1, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Ln(10); $table_header = array("No.", "Item", "Amount (" . $currency . ")"); $pdf->FancyTable($table_header, $items, number_format($amount, '2', '.', ', ')); $pdf->Ln(13); $pdf->SetFont('', 'I'); $pdf->Cell(0, 0, "This invoice was automatically generated. Signature is not required.", 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Ln(6); $pdf->Cell(0, 5, "Payment Notice", 'LTR', 0, 'C'); $pdf->Ln(); $pdf->Cell(0, 5, "- Payment shall be made payable to " . $branch[0]['branch'] . ".", 'LR', 0, 'C'); $pdf->Ln(); $pdf->Cell(0, 5, "- To facilitate the processing of the payment, please write down the invoice number(s) on your cheque(s)/payment slip(s)", 'LBR', 0, 'C'); $pdf->Ln(10); $pdf->Cell(0, 0, "E. & O. E.", 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Close(); $pdf->Output($GLOBALS['data_path'] . '/subscription_invoices/' . $invoice . '.pdf', 'F'); // 3. sends it as an email $attachment = chunk_split(base64_encode(file_get_contents($GLOBALS['data_path'] . '/subscription_invoices/' . $invoice . '.pdf'))); $subject = "Subscription Invoice " . pad($invoice, 11, '0'); $headers = 'From: <*****@*****.**>' . "\n"; $headers .= 'Bcc: ' . $sales . "\n"; $headers .= 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\n"; $headers .= 'Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="yel_mail_sep_' . $invoice . '";' . "\n\n"; $body = '--yel_mail_sep_' . $invoice . "\n"; $body .= 'Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="yel_mail_sep_alt_' . $invoice . '"' . "\n"; $body .= '--yel_mail_sep_alt_' . $invoice . "\n"; $body .= 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"' . "\n"; $body .= 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit"' . "\n"; $mail_lines = file('../private/mail/employer_posting_invoice.txt'); $message = ''; foreach ($mail_lines as $line) { $message .= $line; } $message = str_replace('%employer%', $_employer->getName(), $message); $message = str_replace('%postings%', $_POST['paid_postings'], $message); $message = str_replace('%price%', $price, $message); $message = str_replace('%currency%', $currency, $message); $message = str_replace('%amount%', number_format($amount, 2, '.', ', '), $message); $issued_date = explode('-', $data['issued_on']); $issued_timestamp = $issued_date[0] . $issued_date[1] . $issued_date[2]; $message = str_replace('%purchased_on%', date('j M', $issued_timestamp) . ', ' . $issued_date[0], $message); $body .= $message . "\n"; $body .= '--yel_mail_sep_alt_' . $invoice . "--\n\n"; $body .= '--yel_mail_sep_' . $invoice . "\n"; $body .= 'Content-Type: application/pdf; name="yel_invoice_' . pad($invoice, 11, '0') . '.pdf"' . "\n"; $body .= 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64' . "\n"; $body .= 'Content-Disposition: attachment' . "\n"; $body .= $attachment . "\n"; $body .= '--yel_mail_sep_' . $invoice . "--\n\n"; mail($_employer->getEmailAddress(), $subject, $body, $headers); // $handle = fopen('/tmp/email_to_'. $_employer->getEmailAddress(). '.txt', 'w'); // fwrite($handle, 'Subject: '. $subject. "\n\n"); // fwrite($handle, $body); // fclose($handle); unlink($GLOBALS['data_path'] . '/subscription_invoices/' . $invoice . '.pdf'); } if ($_subscription_period > 0) { $single_subscription_prices = array('MYR' => 1000, 'SGD' => 1000); // 0. get the job postings pricing and currency $subscriptions_rates = $GLOBALS['subscriptions_rates']; $amount = $subscriptions_rates[$currency][$_subscription_period]; if ($_subscription_period == 1) { $amount = $single_subscription_prices[$currency]; } $admin_fee = 0.05 * $amount; $total = $admin_fee + $amount; // 1. generate invoice in the system $data = array(); $data['issued_on'] = $today; $data['type'] = 'J'; $data['employer'] = $_employer->getId(); $data['payable_by'] = sql_date_add($today, $_employer->getPaymentTermsInDays(), 'day'); $invoice = Invoice::create($data); if ($invoice === false) { echo 'ko'; exit; } $desc = $_subscription_period . ' month(s) of subscription'; $item_added = Invoice::addItem($invoice, $total, '1', $desc); $items = array(); $items[0]['itemdesc'] = $desc; $items[0]['amount'] = number_format($amount, '2', '.', ', '); $items[1]['itemdesc'] = 'Administration Fee'; $items[1]['amount'] = number_format($admin_fee, '2', '.', ', '); // 2. generate the PDF version to be attached to sales.xx and the employer $pdf = new SubscriptionInvoice(); $pdf->AliasNbPages(); $pdf->SetAuthor('Yellow Elevator. This invoice was automatically generated. Signature is not required.'); $pdf->SetTitle($GLOBALS['COMPANYNAME'] . ' - Invoice ' . pad($invoice, 11, '0')); $pdf->SetCurrency($currency); $pdf->SetBranch($branch); $pdf->AddPage(); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 10); $pdf->SetTextColor(255, 255, 255); $pdf->SetFillColor(54, 54, 54); $pdf->Cell(60, 5, "Invoice Number", 1, 0, 'C', 1); $pdf->Cell(1); $pdf->Cell(33, 5, "Issuance Date", 1, 0, 'C', 1); $pdf->Cell(1); $pdf->Cell(33, 5, "Payable By", 1, 0, 'C', 1); $pdf->Cell(1); $pdf->Cell(0, 5, "Amount Payable (" . $currency . ")", 1, 0, 'C', 1); $pdf->Ln(6); $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0); $pdf->Cell(60, 5, pad($invoice, 11, '0'), 1, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(1); $pdf->Cell(33, 5, sql_date_format($data['issued_on']), 1, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(1); $pdf->Cell(33, 5, sql_date_format($data['payable_by']), 1, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(1); $pdf->Cell(0, 5, number_format($total, '2', '.', ', '), 1, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Ln(6); $pdf->SetTextColor(255, 255, 255); $pdf->Cell(60, 5, "User ID", 1, 0, 'C', 1); $pdf->Cell(1); $pdf->Cell(0, 5, "Employer Name", 1, 0, 'C', 1); $pdf->Ln(6); $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0); $pdf->Cell(60, 5, $_employer->getId(), 1, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(1); $pdf->Cell(0, 5, $_employer->getName(), 1, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Ln(10); $table_header = array("No.", "Item", "Amount (" . $currency . ")"); $pdf->FancyTable($table_header, $items, number_format($total, '2', '.', ', ')); $pdf->Ln(13); $pdf->SetFont('', 'I'); $pdf->Cell(0, 0, "This invoice was automatically generated. Signature is not required.", 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Ln(6); $pdf->Cell(0, 5, "Payment Notice", 'LTR', 0, 'C'); $pdf->Ln(); $pdf->Cell(0, 5, "- Payment shall be made payable to " . $branch[0]['branch'] . ".", 'LR', 0, 'C'); $pdf->Ln(); $pdf->Cell(0, 5, "- To facilitate the processing of the payment, please write down the invoice number(s) on your cheque(s)/payment slip(s)", 'LBR', 0, 'C'); $pdf->Ln(10); $pdf->Cell(0, 0, "E. & O. E.", 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Close(); $pdf->Output($GLOBALS['data_path'] . '/subscription_invoices/' . $invoice . '.pdf', 'F'); // 3. attach it to email $attachment = chunk_split(base64_encode(file_get_contents($GLOBALS['data_path'] . '/subscription_invoices/' . $invoice . '.pdf'))); $subject = "Subscription Invoice " . pad($invoice, 11, '0'); $headers = 'From: <*****@*****.**>' . "\n"; $headers .= 'Bcc: ' . $sales . "\n"; $headers .= 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\n"; $headers .= 'Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="yel_mail_sep_' . $invoice . '";' . "\n\n"; $body = '--yel_mail_sep_' . $invoice . "\n"; $body .= 'Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="yel_mail_sep_alt_' . $invoice . '"' . "\n"; $body .= '--yel_mail_sep_alt_' . $invoice . "\n"; $body .= 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"' . "\n"; $body .= 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit"' . "\n"; $mail_lines = file('../private/mail/employer_subscription_invoice.txt'); $message = ''; foreach ($mail_lines as $line) { $message .= $line; } $message = str_replace('%employer%', $_employer->getName(), $message); $message = str_replace('%period%', $_subscription_period, $message); $message = str_replace('%currency%', $currency, $message); $message = str_replace('%amount%', number_format($total, 2, '.', ', '), $message); $issued_date = explode('-', $data['issued_on']); $issued_timestamp = $issued_date[0] . $issued_date[1] . $issued_date[2]; $message = str_replace('%purchased_on%', date('j M', $issued_timestamp) . ', ' . $issued_date[0], $message); $body .= $message . "\n"; $body .= '--yel_mail_sep_alt_' . $invoice . "--\n\n"; $body .= '--yel_mail_sep_' . $invoice . "\n"; $body .= 'Content-Type: application/pdf; name="yel_invoice_' . pad($invoice, 11, '0') . '.pdf"' . "\n"; $body .= 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64' . "\n"; $body .= 'Content-Disposition: attachment' . "\n"; $body .= $attachment . "\n"; $body .= '--yel_mail_sep_' . $invoice . "--\n\n"; mail($_employer->getEmailAddress(), $subject, $body, $headers); /*$handle = fopen('/tmp/email_to_'. $_employer->getEmailAddress(). '.txt', 'w'); fwrite($handle, 'Subject: '. $subject. "\n\n"); fwrite($handle, $body); fclose($handle);*/ unlink($GLOBALS['data_path'] . '/subscription_invoices/' . $invoice . '.pdf'); } return true; }
$pdf->SetTextColor(255, 255, 255); $pdf->SetFillColor(54, 54, 54); $pdf->Cell(60, 5, "Invoice Number", 1, 0, 'C', 1); $pdf->Cell(1); $pdf->Cell(33, 5, "Issuance Date", 1, 0, 'C', 1); $pdf->Cell(1); if (is_null($invoice[0]['paid_on']) || empty($invoice[0]['paid_on'])) { $pdf->Cell(33, 5, "Payable By", 1, 0, 'C', 1); } else { $pdf->Cell(33, 5, "Paid On", 1, 0, 'C', 1); } $pdf->Cell(1); $pdf->Cell(0, 5, "Amount Payable (" . $currency . ")", 1, 0, 'C', 1); $pdf->Ln(6); $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0); $pdf->Cell(60, 5, pad($_GET['id'], 11, '0'), 1, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(1); $pdf->Cell(33, 5, $invoice[0]['formatted_issued_on'], 1, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(1); if (is_null($invoice[0]['paid_on']) || empty($invoice[0]['paid_on'])) { $pdf->Cell(33, 5, $invoice[0]['formatted_payable_by'], 1, 0, 'C'); } else { $pdf->Cell(33, 5, $invoice[0]['formatted_paid_on'], 1, 0, 'C'); } $pdf->Cell(1); $pdf->Cell(0, 5, $amount_payable, 1, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Ln(6); $pdf->SetTextColor(255, 255, 255); $pdf->Cell(60, 5, "User ID", 1, 0, 'C', 1); $pdf->Cell(1); $pdf->Cell(0, 5, "Employer Name", 1, 0, 'C', 1);
$s_last_index = $stepcount; } } # Case Legend $def[$casecount_int] .= rrd::comment(" \\n"); $def[$casecount_int] .= rrd::comment("Case\\:\\g"); $def[$casecount_int] .= rrd::comment(" \\n"); # Case graph, Case runtime on top ########################################################### $def[$casecount_int] .= rrd::def("case{$casecount}", $VAL['RRDFILE'], $VAL['DS'], "AVERAGE"); # not used anymore; formerly used to draw grey TICK-areas if any case is unknown to hide everything. $def[$casecount_int] .= rrd::cdef("case" . $casecount . "_unknown", "case{$casecount},UN,1,0,IF"); if ($s_last_index != "") { $def[$casecount_int] .= rrd::cdef("case_diff{$casecount}", "case{$casecount},s_line_stackbase{$s_last_index},-"); # invisible line to stack upon $def[$casecount_int] .= rrd::line1("s_line_stackbase{$s_last_index}", "#00000000"); $def[$casecount_int] .= rrd::area("case_diff{$casecount}", $col_case_runtime_area, pad($casename, $label_max_length), 1); # invisible line to stack upon $def[$casecount_int] .= rrd::line1("s_line_stackbase{$s_last_index}", "#00000000"); $def[$casecount_int] .= rrd::line1("case_diff{$casecount}", $col_case_runtime_line, "", 1); } else { # no steps, no stacks $def[$casecount_int] .= rrd::area("case{$casecount}", $col_case_runtime_area, $casename); $def[$casecount_int] .= rrd::line1("case{$casecount}", $col_case_runtime_line, ""); } $def[$casecount_int] .= rrd::gprint("case{$casecount}", "LAST", "%3.2lf s LAST"); $def[$casecount_int] .= rrd::gprint("case{$casecount}", "MAX", "%3.2lf s MAX "); $def[$casecount_int] .= rrd::gprint("case{$casecount}", "AVERAGE", "%3.2lf s AVG \\j"); $def[0] .= rrd::comment(" \\n"); # Case graph, Warn/Crit LINE ########################################################## foreach ($this->DS as $k => $v) { if (preg_match('/^c_' . $casecount . '__(warning|critical)/', $v['LABEL'], $matches)) {
public function makeMonthsView(Request $request, $param1) { $arr = []; for ($i = 1; $i < 13; $i++) { $date = $param1 . '-' . pad($i, 2) . '-01'; $arr[$i]['month'] = date('F', strtotime($date)); $x = $this->dtrs->countByYearMonth($request->user(), $param1, $i); $arr[$i]['total'] = $x['total']; } return view('dtr.months')->with('months', $arr)->with('year', $param1); }
$n = 0; $skipped = array(); $errors = array(); foreach (array_reverse($posts) as $post) { $n++; $output = array(); if (empty($post['title']) || empty($post['slug'])) { $errors[] = $post; continue; } $output[] = 'title: ' . $post['title']; $output[] = 'date: ' . date($dateformat, $post['date']); $output[] = 'text: ' . "\n\n" . trim($post['text']); $output[] = 'tags: ' . $post['tags']; $output[] = 'categories: ' . $post['cats']; $name = pad($n, $len) . '-' . f::safe_name($post['slug']); $dir = $root . '/' . $name; if (is_dir($dir)) { $skipped[] = basename($dir); continue; } dir::make($dir); $content = implode("\n\n" . '----' . "\n\n", $output); $file = $dir . '/' . $template; f::write($file, $content); } putmessage('Exported ' . $n . ' articles to ' . $root . '<br /><br />'); if (!empty($errors)) { putmessage(count($errors) . ' article(s) could not be imported<br /><br />'); } if (!empty($skipped)) {
pad('delete', $r['ID']); } $refer_url = 'doc/'; } // actualiza info en theme $result = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(ID) AS num FROM docs WHERE estado = 'ok' AND pais = '" . PAIS . "'", $link); while ($r = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { mysql_query("UPDATE " . SQL . "config SET valor = '" . $r['num'] . "' WHERE dato = 'info_documentos' LIMIT 1", $link); } break; case 'editar-documento': if ($_POST['titulo'] and $_POST['cat']) { $_POST['titulo'] = strip_tags($_POST['titulo']); $result = mysql_query("SELECT ID, pais, url, acceso_escribir, acceso_cfg_escribir FROM docs WHERE ID = '" . $_POST['doc_ID'] . "' LIMIT 1", $link); while ($r = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $text = str_replace("'", "'", pad('get', $r['ID'])); // Prevent SSX basic $text = str_replace("<script", "nojs", $text); $text = str_replace("<script", "nojs", $text); if (nucleo_acceso($r['acceso_escribir'], $r['acceso_cfg_escribir']) or nucleo_acceso($vp['acceso']['control_gobierno'])) { // Impide fijar acceso que no tienes. if (!nucleo_acceso($_POST['acceso_escribir'], $_POST['acceso_cfg_escribir']) and !nucleo_acceso($vp['acceso']['control_gobierno'])) { $_POST['acceso_escribir'] = $r['acceso_escribir']; $_POST['acceso_cfg_escribir'] = $r['acceso_cfg_escribir']; } mysql_query("UPDATE docs SET cat_ID = '" . $_POST['cat'] . "', text = '" . $text . "', title = '" . $_POST['titulo'] . "', time_last = '" . $date . "', acceso_leer = '" . $_POST['acceso_leer'] . "', acceso_escribir = '" . $_POST['acceso_escribir'] . "', acceso_cfg_leer = '" . $_POST['acceso_cfg_leer'] . "', acceso_cfg_escribir = '" . $_POST['acceso_cfg_escribir'] . "', version = version + 1 WHERE ID = '" . $r['ID'] . "' LIMIT 1", $link); } redirect('http://' . strtolower($r['pais']) . '.' . DOMAIN . '/doc/' . $r['url'] . '/editar'); } } break;
public function show() { $this->begin(); $branch = $this->employee->getBranch(); $this->top('Rewards - ' . $branch[0]['country']); $this->menu_employee('rewards'); $new_rewards = $this->get_rewards(); foreach ($new_rewards as $i => $row) { $new_rewards[$i]['member'] = htmlspecialchars_decode(stripslashes($row['member'])); $new_rewards[$i]['employer'] = htmlspecialchars_decode(stripslashes($row['employer'])); $new_rewards[$i]['title'] = htmlspecialchars_decode(stripslashes($row['title'])); $new_rewards[$i]['padded_invoice'] = pad($row['invoice'], 11, '0'); $new_rewards[$i]['total_reward'] = number_format($row['total_reward'], 2, '.', ', '); $new_rewards[$i]['paid_reward'] = number_format($row['paid_reward'], 2, '.', ', '); } $paid_rewards = $this->get_rewards(true); foreach ($paid_rewards as $i => $row) { $paid_rewards[$i]['member'] = htmlspecialchars_decode(stripslashes($row['member'])); $paid_rewards[$i]['employer'] = htmlspecialchars_decode(stripslashes($row['employer'])); $paid_rewards[$i]['title'] = htmlspecialchars_decode(stripslashes($row['title'])); $paid_rewards[$i]['padded_invoice'] = pad($row['invoice'], 11, '0'); $paid_rewards[$i]['total_reward'] = number_format($row['total_reward'], 2, '.', ', '); $paid_rewards[$i]['paid_reward'] = number_format($row['paid_reward'], 2, '.', ', '); $paid_rewards[$i]['gift'] = htmlspecialchars_decode(stripslashes($row['gift'])); } ?> <!-- submenu --> <div class="menu"> <ul class="menu"> <li id="item_new_rewards" style="background-color: #CCCCCC;"><a class="menu" onClick="show_new_rewards();">New</a></li> <li id="item_paid_rewards"><a class="menu" onClick="show_paid_rewards();">Paid</a></li> </ul> </div> <!-- end submenu --> <!-- div class="banner"> An administration fee of <?php //echo $currency ?> 2.00 will be charged to the referrers for every transfer of rewards into their bank accounts. <br/><br/>Always remember to ensure that the <?php // echo $currency ?> 2.00 administration fee is taken into considration when making an online bank transaction. </div --> <div id="div_status" class="status"> <span id="span_status" class="status"></span> </div> <div id="new_rewards"> <?php if (is_null($new_rewards) || count($new_rewards) <= 0 || $new_rewards === false) { ?> <div class="empty_results">No rewards being offered at this moment.</div> <?php } else { ?> <div id="div_new_rewards"> <?php $new_rewards_table = new HTMLTable('new_rewards_table', 'new_rewards'); $new_rewards_table->set(0, 0, "<a class=\"sortable\" onClick=\"sort_by('new_rewards', 'referrals.employed_on');\">Employed On</a>", '', 'header'); $new_rewards_table->set(0, 1, "<a class=\"sortable\" onClick=\"sort_by('new_rewards', 'jobs.title');\">Job</a>", '', 'header'); $new_rewards_table->set(0, 2, "<a class=\"sortable\" onClick=\"sort_by('new_rewards', 'members.lastname');\">Referrer</a>", '', 'header'); $new_rewards_table->set(0, 3, "Receipt", '', 'header'); $new_rewards_table->set(0, 4, "Reward", '', 'header'); $new_rewards_table->set(0, 5, 'Actions', '', 'header action'); foreach ($new_rewards as $i => $new_reward) { $new_rewards_table->set($i + 1, 0, $new_reward['formatted_employed_on'], '', 'cell'); $job = htmlspecialchars_decode(stripslashes($new_reward['title'])) . '</span>' . "\n"; $job .= '<div class="small_contact"><span class="contact_label">Employer:</span> ' . $new_reward['employer'] . '</div>' . "\n"; $new_rewards_table->set($i + 1, 1, $job, '', 'cell'); $referrer_short_details = ''; if (substr($new_reward['member_id'], 0, 5) == 'team.' && substr($new_reward['member_id'], 7) == '') { $referrer_short_details = 'Yellow Elevator'; } else { $referrer_short_details = htmlspecialchars_decode(stripslashes($new_reward['member'])) . "\n"; $referrer_short_details .= '<div class="small_contact"><span class="contact_label">Tel.:</span> ' . $new_reward['phone_num'] . '</div>' . "\n"; $referrer_short_details .= '<div class="small_contact"><span class="contact_label">Email: </span><a href="mailto:' . $new_reward['member_id'] . '">' . $new_reward['member_id'] . '</a></div>' . "\n"; } $new_rewards_table->set($i + 1, 2, $referrer_short_details, '', 'cell'); $new_rewards_table->set($i + 1, 3, '<a class="no_link" onClick="show_invoice_page(' . $new_reward['invoice'] . ');">' . $new_reward['padded_invoice'] . '</a> <a href="invoice_pdf.php?id=' . $new_reward['invoice'] . '"><img src="../common/images/icons/pdf.gif" /></a>', '', 'cell'); $new_rewards_table->set($i + 1, 4, $new_reward['currency'] . '$ ' . $new_reward['total_reward'], '', 'cell'); $actions = '<input type="button" value="Award" onClick="show_award_popup(' . $new_reward['referral'] . ');" />'; $new_rewards_table->set($i + 1, 5, $actions, '', 'cell action'); } echo $new_rewards_table->get_html(); ?> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <div id="paid_rewards"> <?php if (is_null($paid_rewards) || count($paid_rewards) <= 0 || $paid_rewards === false) { ?> <div class="empty_results">No rewards awarded at this moment.</div> <?php } else { ?> <div id="div_paid_rewards"> <?php $paid_rewards_table = new HTMLTable('paid_rewards_table', 'paid_rewards'); $paid_rewards_table->set(0, 0, "<a class=\"sortable\" onClick=\"sort_by('paid_rewards', 'referral_rewards.paid_on');\">Awarded On</a>", '', 'header'); $paid_rewards_table->set(0, 1, "<a class=\"sortable\" onClick=\"sort_by('paid_rewards', 'jobs.title');\">Job</a>", '', 'header'); $paid_rewards_table->set(0, 2, "<a class=\"sortable\" onClick=\"sort_by('paid_rewards', 'members.lastname');\">Referrer</a>", '', 'header'); $paid_rewards_table->set(0, 3, "Receipt", '', 'header'); $paid_rewards_table->set(0, 4, "Total Reward", '', 'header'); $paid_rewards_table->set(0, 5, 'Given Reward', '', 'header'); foreach ($paid_rewards as $i => $paid_reward) { $paid_rewards_table->set($i + 1, 0, $paid_reward['formatted_paid_on'], '', 'cell'); $job = htmlspecialchars_decode(stripslashes($paid_reward['title'])) . '</span>' . "\n"; $job .= '<div class="small_contact"><span class="contact_label">Employer:</span> ' . $paid_reward['employer'] . '</div>' . "\n"; $paid_rewards_table->set($i + 1, 1, $job, '', 'cell'); $referrer_short_details = ''; if (substr($paid_reward['member_id'], 0, 5) == 'team.' && substr($paid_reward['member_id'], 7) == '') { $referrer_short_details = 'Yellow Elevator'; } else { $referrer_short_details = htmlspecialchars_decode(stripslashes($paid_reward['member'])) . "\n"; $referrer_short_details .= '<div class="small_contact"><span class="contact_label">Tel.:</span> ' . $paid_reward['phone_num'] . '</div>' . "\n"; $referrer_short_details .= '<div class="small_contact"><span class="contact_label">Email: </span><a href="mailto:' . $paid_reward['member_id'] . '">' . $paid_reward['member_id'] . '</a></div>' . "\n"; } $paid_rewards_table->set($i + 1, 2, $referrer_short_details, '', 'cell'); $paid_rewards_table->set($i + 1, 3, '<a class="no_link" onClick="show_invoice_page(' . $paid_reward['invoice'] . '">' . $paid_reward['padded_invoice'] . '</a> <a href="invoice_pdf.php?id=' . $paid_reward['invoice'] . '"><img src="../common/images/icons/pdf.gif" /></a>', '', 'cell'); $paid_rewards_table->set($i + 1, 4, $paid_reward['currency'] . '$ ' . $paid_reward['total_reward'], '', 'cell'); $rewarded = $paid_reward['currency'] . '$ ' . $paid_reward['paid_reward']; if ($paid_reward['paid_reward'] <= 0 && !is_null($paid_reward['gift'])) { $rewarded = $paid_reward['gift']; } $paid_rewards_table->set($i + 1, 5, $rewarded, '', 'cell'); } echo $paid_rewards_table->get_html(); ?> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <!-- popup windows goes here --> <div id="award_window" class="popup_window"> <div class="popup_window_title">Award</div> <form onSubmit="return false;"> <input type="hidden" id="referral_id" value="" /> <div class="award_form"> <table class="award_form"> <tr> <td class="label">Referrer:</td> <td class="field"><span id="lbl_referrer"></span></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="label">Total Reward:</td> <td class="field"> <!-- span id="lbl_reward"></span --> <span id="lbl_reward_currency"></span>$ <input type="text" id="amount" value="1.00" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="label">Award as:</td> <td class="field"> <div class="award_field"> <input type="radio" name="award_as" id="award_as_money" checked />Monetary Incentive<br/> Payment Mode: <select id="payment_mode" name="payment_mode"> <option value="IBT" selected>Bank Transfer</option> <option value="CSH">Cash</option> <option value="CHQ">Cheque</option> <option value="CDB">Bank on-behalf</option> </select><br/> Bank Account: <span id="banks_list"></span><br/> Receipt #: <input type="text" id="receipt" value="" /> </div> <br/> <div class="award_field"> <input type="radio" name="award_as" id="award_as_gift" />Gift: <input type="text" id="gift" value="" /> </div> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </form> <div class="popup_window_buttons_bar"> <input type="button" value="Confirm" onClick="close_award_popup(true);" /> <input type="button" value="Cancel" onClick="close_award_popup(false);" /> </div> </div> <?php }
function init($string) { $len = strlen($string) * 8; $hex = strhex($string); // convert ascii string to hex $bin = leftpad(hexbin($hex), $len); // convert hex string to bin $padded = pad($bin); $padded = pad($padded, 1, $len); $block = str_split($padded, 32); foreach ($block as &$b) { $b = implode('', array_reverse(str_split($b, 8))); } return $block; }
executeQuery($sql); * ** Finished */ // Phew! - finished mysql_close($link); } else { echo " FAILED\n"; $errors[] = "Database connection failed: " . @mysql_error(); } echo "\n"; // Check MailScanner settings echo "Checking MailScanner.conf settings: \n"; $check_settings = array('QuarantineWholeMessage' => 'yes', 'QuarantineWholeMessagesAsQueueFiles' => 'no', 'DetailedSpamReport' => 'yes', 'IncludeScoresInSpamAssassinReport' => 'yes', 'SpamActions' => 'store', 'HighScoringSpamActions' => 'store', 'AlwaysLookedUpLast' => '&MailWatchLogging'); foreach ($check_settings as $setting => $value) { echo pad(" - {$setting} "); if (preg_match('/' . $value . '/', get_conf_var($setting))) { echo " OK\n"; } else { echo " WARNING\n"; $errors[] = "MailScanner.conf: {$setting} != {$value} (=" . get_conf_var($setting) . ")"; } } echo "\n"; if (is_array($errors)) { echo "*** ERROR/WARNING SUMMARY ***\n"; foreach ($errors as $error) { echo $error . "\n"; } }
</tr> </table> </div> <div style="margin:5px 0;"> <input type="text" name="titulo" value="' . $r['title'] . '" size="30" maxlength="50" style="font-size:22px;" /> <button onclick="$(\'#doc_opciones\').slideToggle(\'slow\');return false;" style="font-size:16px;color:#666;">Opciones</button> <input type="submit" value="Publicar" style="font-size:22px;" /> <a href="/doc/' . $r['url'] . '">Última publicación hace <span class="timer" value="' . strtotime($r['time_last']) . '"></span></a>.</div> </form> ' . pad('print', $r['ID']); $txt_nav = array('/doc' => 'Documentos', '/doc/' . $r['url'] => $r['title'], 'Editar'); $txt_tab['/doc/' . $r['url']] = 'Ver documento'; $txt_tab['/doc/' . $r['url'] . '/editar'] = 'Editar'; } elseif ($_GET['b'] == 'presentacion') { //doc/documento-de-test/presentacion if (nucleo_acceso($r['acceso_leer'], $r['acceso_cfg_leer'])) { presentacion($r['title'], $r['text'], 'http://' . strtolower(PAIS) . '.' . DOMAIN . '/doc/' . $r['url']); } else { $txt .= '<b style="color:red;">No tienes acceso de lectura.</b>'; } } else { //doc/documento-de-test if (nucleo_acceso($r['acceso_escribir'], $r['acceso_cfg_escribir']) || nucleo_acceso($vp['acceso']['control_gobierno'])) { $boton_editar = boton('Editar', '/doc/' . $r['url'] . '/editar'); $txt_tab['/doc/' . $r['url'] . '/editar'] = 'Editar';
} if (isset($_POST['paid_invoices'])) { $paid_on_clause = "paid_on IS NOT NULL"; } $criteria = array('columns' => "id, type, DATEDIFF(payable_by, now()) AS expired, \n DATE_FORMAT(issued_on, '%e %b, %Y') AS formatted_issued_on, \n DATE_FORMAT(payable_by, '%e %b, %Y') AS formatted_payable_by,\n DATE_FORMAT(paid_on, '%e %b, %Y') AS formatted_paid_on", 'match' => "employer = '" . $_POST['id'] . "' AND " . $paid_on_clause, 'order' => $order_by); $result = Invoice::find($criteria); if (is_null($result) || empty($result)) { echo '0'; exit; } if ($result === false) { echo 'ko'; exit; } foreach ($result as $i => $row) { $result[$i]['padded_id'] = pad($row['id'], 11, '0'); $type = 'Others'; switch ($row['type']) { case 'R': $type = 'Service Fee'; break; case 'J': $type = 'Subscription'; break; case 'P': $type = 'Job Posting'; break; } $result[$i]['type'] = $type; } $response = array('invoices' => array('invoice' => $result));
<td class="field">Payable By</td> <?php } else { ?> <td class="field">Paid On</td> <?php } ?> <td class="field">Amount Payable (<?php echo $currency; ?> )</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="value"><?php echo pad($_GET['id'], 11, '0'); ?> </td> <td class="value"><?php echo $invoice[0]['formatted_issued_on']; ?> </td> <?php if (is_null($invoice[0]['paid_on']) || empty($invoice[0]['paid_on'])) { ?> <td class="value"><?php echo $invoice[0]['formatted_payable_by']; ?> </td> <?php } else {
<div class="input-group"> <span class="input-group-btn"> <select class="btn btn-default" type="button" name="year" id="year"> @for($c=2015; $c<(now('Y')+2); $c++) <option <?php echo now('Y') == $c ? 'selected' : ''; ?> value="{{$c}}">{{$c}}</option> @endfor </select> <select class="btn btn-default" type="button" name="month" id="month"> @for($c=1; $c<13; $c++) <option <?php echo pad(now('M'), 2) == pad($c, 2) ? 'selected' : ''; ?> value="{{ pad($c,2) }}">{{ pad($c,2) }}</option> @endfor </select> <button id="attached" class="btn btn-default" type="button"> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-paperclip"></span> </button> </span> <input type="text" class="form-control" id="filename" name="filename" readonly required> </div><!-- /input-group --> </div><!-- /.col-lg-6 --> </div> <div class="row" style="margin-top: 10px;"> <div class="col-lg-12">
$order_by = $_POST['order_by']; } $now = now(); $query = "SELECT AS invoice, AS referral, \n jobs.title, AS employer, employers.contact_person, \n employers.email_addr AS employer_email, employers.phone_num, \n CONCAT(members.lastname, ', ', members.firstname) AS member, \n CONCAT(referees.lastname, ', ', referees.firstname) AS referee, \n DATE_FORMAT(referrals.employed_on, '%e %b, %Y') AS formatted_employed_on \n FROM referrals \n LEFT JOIN invoice_items ON invoice_items.item = \n LEFT JOIN invoices ON = invoice_items.invoice \n LEFT JOIN jobs ON = referrals.job \n LEFT JOIN members ON members.email_addr = referrals.member \n LEFT JOIN members AS referees ON referees.email_addr = referrals.referee \n LEFT JOIN employers ON = jobs.employer \n LEFT JOIN employees ON employers.registered_by = \n WHERE invoices.type = 'R' AND \n (invoices.paid_on IS NOT NULL AND invoices.paid_on <> '0000-00-00 00:00:00') AND \n (referrals.employed_on IS NOT NULL AND referrals.employed_on <> '0000-00-00 00:00:00') AND \n (referrals.employer_removed_on IS NULL OR referrals.employer_removed_on = '0000-00-00 00:00:00') AND \n (referrals.referee_rejected_on IS NULL OR referrals.referee_rejected_on = '0000-00-00 00:00:00') AND \n (referrals.replacement_authorized_on IS NULL OR referrals.replacement_authorized_on = '0000-00-00 00:00:00') AND \n (referrals.replaced_on IS NULL OR referrals.replaced_on = '0000-00-00 00:00:00') AND \n referrals.replaced_referral IS NULL AND \n referrals.work_commence_on <= '" . $now . "' AND \n (referrals.guarantee_expire_on > '" . $now . "' OR referrals.guarantee_expire_on IS NULL) AND \n employees.branch = " . $_SESSION['yel']['employee']['branch']['id'] . " \n GROUP BY \n ORDER BY " . $order_by; $mysqli = Database::connect(); $result = $mysqli->query($query); if (count($result) <= 0 || is_null($result)) { echo '0'; exit; } if (!$result) { echo 'ko'; exit; } foreach ($result as $i => $row) { $result[$i]['padded_invoice'] = pad($row['invoice'], 11, '0'); } $response = array('replacements' => array('replacement' => $result)); header('Content-type: text/xml'); echo $xml_dom->get_xml_from_array($response); exit; } if ($_POST['action'] == 'authorize_replacement') { $today = now(); $data = array(); $data['id'] = $_POST['id']; $data['replacement_authorized_on'] = $today; if (!Referral::update($data)) { echo 'ko'; exit; }
public function show() { $this->begin(); $branch = $this->employee->getBranch(); $this->top('Payments - ' . $branch[0]['country']); $this->menu_employee('payments'); $employers = $this->get_employers(); $receipt_employers = $this->get_employers(false); $today = now(); $invoices = $this->get_payments(); foreach ($invoices as $i => $row) { $invoices[$i]['padded_id'] = pad($row['id'], 11, '0'); $invoices[$i]['amount_payable'] = number_format($row['amount_payable'], 2, '.', ', '); $delta = sql_date_diff($today, $row['payable_by']); if ($delta > 0) { $invoices[$i]['expired'] = 'expired'; } else { if ($delta == 0) { $invoices[$i]['expired'] = 'nearly'; } else { $invoices[$i]['expired'] = 'no'; } } } $receipts = $this->get_payments(false); foreach ($receipts as $i => $row) { $receipts[$i]['padded_id'] = pad($row['id'], 11, '0'); $receipts[$i]['amount_payable'] = number_format($row['amount_payable'], 2, '.', ', '); } ?> <!-- submenu --> <div class="menu"> <ul class="menu"> <li id="item_invoices" style="background-color: #CCCCCC;"><a class="menu" onClick="show_invoices();">Invoices</a></li> <li id="item_receipts"><a class="menu" onClick="show_receipts();">Receipts</a></li> </ul> </div> <!-- end submenu --> <div id="div_status" class="status"> <span id="span_status" class="status"></span> </div> <div id="invoices"> <?php if (is_null($invoices) || count($invoices) <= 0 || $invoices === false) { ?> <div class="empty_results">No invoices issued at this moment.</div> <?php } else { ?> <div class="buttons_bar"> Employer Filter: <select id="invoices_filter" onChange="filter_invoices();"> <option value="" selected>All</option> <option value="" disabled> </option> <?php foreach ($employers as $employer) { ?> <option value="<?php echo $employer['id']; ?> "><?php echo htmlspecialchars_decode(stripslashes($employer['employer'])); ?> </option> <?php } ?> </select> </div> <div id="div_invoices"> <?php $invoices_table = new HTMLTable('invoices_table', 'invoices'); $invoices_table->set(0, 0, ' ', '', 'header expiry_status'); $invoices_table->set(0, 1, "<a class=\"sortable\" onClick=\"sort_by('invoices', 'invoices.issued_on');\">Issued On</a>", '', 'header'); $invoices_table->set(0, 2, "<a class=\"sortable\" onClick=\"sort_by('invoices', '');\">Employer</a>", '', 'header'); $invoices_table->set(0, 3, "Placement", '', 'header'); $invoices_table->set(0, 4, "<a class=\"sortable\" onClick=\"sort_by('invoices', '');\">Invoice</a>", '', 'header'); $invoices_table->set(0, 5, 'Payable By', '', 'header'); $invoices_table->set(0, 6, 'Amount Payable', '', 'header'); $invoices_table->set(0, 7, 'Actions', '', 'header action'); foreach ($invoices as $i => $invoice) { $status = ''; if ($invoice['expired'] == 'expired') { $status = '<img class="warning" src="../common/images/icons/expired.png" />'; } elseif ($invoice['expired'] == 'nearly') { $status = '<img class="warning" src="../common/images/icons/just_expired.png" />'; } $invoices_table->set($i + 1, 0, $status, '', 'cell expiry_status'); $invoices_table->set($i + 1, 1, $invoice['formatted_issued_on'], '', 'cell'); $employer_contacts = htmlspecialchars_decode(stripslashes($invoice['employer'])); $employer_contacts .= '<div class="contacts">'; $employer_contacts .= '<span class="contact_label">Tel.:</span> ' . $invoice['phone_num'] . '<br/>'; $employer_contacts .= '<span class="contact_label">Fax.:</span> ' . $invoice['fax_num'] . '<br/>'; $employer_contacts .= '<span class="contact_label">E-mail:</span> <a href="mailto:' . $invoice['email_addr'] . '">' . $invoice['email_addr'] . '</a><br/>'; $employer_contacts .= '<span class="contact_label">Contact:</span> ' . $invoice['contact_person'] . '<br/></div>'; $invoices_table->set($i + 1, 2, $employer_contacts, '', 'cell'); $invoices_table->set($i + 1, 3, $invoice['placement'], '', 'cell'); $invoices_table->set($i + 1, 4, '<a class="no_link" onClick="show_invoice_page(' . $invoice['id'] . ');">' . $invoice['padded_id'] . '</a> <a href="invoice_pdf.php?id=' . $invoice['id'] . '"><img src="../common/images/icons/pdf.gif" /></a>', '', 'cell'); $invoices_table->set($i + 1, 5, $invoice['formatted_payable_by'], '', 'cell'); $amount = $invoice['currency'] . '$ ' . $invoice['amount_payable']; $invoices_table->set($i + 1, 6, $amount, '', 'cell'); $actions = '<input type="button" value="Paid" onClick="show_payment_popup(' . $invoice['id'] . ', \'' . $invoice['padded_id'] . '\');" /><input type="button" value="Resend" onClick="show_resend_popup(' . $invoice['id'] . ', \'' . $invoice['padded_id'] . '\');" />'; $invoices_table->set($i + 1, 7, $actions, '', 'cell action'); } echo $invoices_table->get_html(); ?> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <div id="receipts"> <?php if (is_null($receipts) || count($receipts) <= 0 || $receipts === false) { ?> <div class="empty_results">No receipts issued at this moment.</div> <?php } else { ?> <div class="buttons_bar"> Employer Filter: <select id="receipts_filter" onChange="filter_receipts();"> <option value="" selected>All</option> <option value="" disabled> </option> <?php foreach ($receipt_employers as $employer) { ?> <option value="<?php echo $employer['id']; ?> "><?php echo htmlspecialchars_decode(stripslashes($employer['employer'])); ?> </option> <?php } ?> </select> </div> <div id="div_receipts"> <?php $receipts_table = new HTMLTable('receipts_table', 'receipts'); $receipts_table->set(0, 0, "<a class=\"sortable\" onClick=\"sort_by('receipts', 'receipts.issued_on');\">Issued On</a>", '', 'header'); $receipts_table->set(0, 1, "<a class=\"sortable\" onClick=\"sort_by('receipts', '');\">Employer</a>", '', 'header'); $receipts_table->set(0, 2, 'Placement', '', 'header'); $receipts_table->set(0, 3, "<a class=\"sortable\" onClick=\"sort_by('receipts', '');\">Receipt</a>", '', 'header'); $receipts_table->set(0, 4, 'Paid On', '', 'header'); $receipts_table->set(0, 5, 'Amount Paid', '', 'header'); $receipts_table->set(0, 6, 'Payment', '', 'header payment'); foreach ($receipts as $i => $receipt) { $receipts_table->set($i + 1, 0, $receipt['formatted_issued_on'], '', 'cell'); $receipts_table->set($i + 1, 1, htmlspecialchars_decode(stripslashes($receipt['employer'])), '', 'cell'); $receipts_table->set($i + 1, 2, $receipt['placement'], '', 'cell'); $receipts_table->set($i + 1, 3, '<a class="no_link" onClick="show_receipt_page(' . $receipt['id'] . ');">' . $receipt['padded_id'] . '</a> <a href="invoice_pdf.php?id=' . $receipt['id'] . '"><img src="../common/images/icons/pdf.gif" /></a>', '', 'cell'); $receipts_table->set($i + 1, 4, $receipt['formatted_paid_on'], '', 'cell'); $amount = $receipt['currency'] . '$ ' . $receipt['amount_payable']; $receipts_table->set($i + 1, 5, $amount, '', 'cell'); $payment = 'By Cash'; if ($receipt['paid_through'] != 'CSH') { $payment = 'Bank Receipt #:<br/>' . $receipt['paid_id']; } $receipts_table->set($i + 1, 6, $payment, '', 'cell payment'); } echo $receipts_table->get_html(); ?> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <!-- popup windows goes here --> <div id="paid_window" class="popup_window"> <div class="popup_window_title">Confirm Payment</div> <form onSubmit="return false;"> <input type="hidden" id="invoice_id" value="" /> <div class="paid_form"> <table class="paid_form"> <tr> <td class="label">Invoice:</td> <td class="field"><span id="lbl_invoice"></span></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="label">Paid On:</td> <td class="field"> <?php echo generate_dropdown('day', 'day', 1, 31, '', 2, 'Day'); echo generate_month_dropdown('month', 'month', 'Month'); $today = explode('-', today()); $year = $today[0]; echo generate_dropdown('year', 'year', $year - 1, $year, '', 4, 'Year'); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="label">Payment Mode:</td> <td class="field"> <select class="field" id="payment_mode" name="payment_mode"> <option value="CSH">Cash</option> <option value="IBT">Bank Transfer</option> <option value="CHQ">Cheque</option> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="label">Bank Receipt #:</td> <td class="field"><input type="text" class="field" id="payment_number" name="payment_number" /></td> </tr> </table> </div> </form> <div class="popup_window_buttons_bar"> <input type="button" value="Cancel" onClick="close_payment_popup(false);" /> <input type="button" value="Confirm" onClick="close_payment_popup(true);" /> </div> </div> <div id="resend_window" class="popup_window"> <div class="popup_window_title">Resend Invoice <span id="lbl_resend_invoice"></span></div> <div class="employer_details"> <span style="font-weight: bold;">Employer: </span> <span id="employer_name"></span> <br/> <span style="font-weight: bold;">Contact Person: </span> <span id="contact_person"></span> </div> <form onSubmit="return false;"> <input type="hidden" id="resend_invoice_id" value="" /> <div class="resend_form"> <span style="font-weight: bold;">Recipients: </span>(separated by commas)<br/> <textarea id="recipients" class="recipients"></textarea> </div> </form> <div class="popup_window_buttons_bar"> <input type="button" value="Cancel" onClick="close_resend_popup(false);" /> <input type="button" value="Resend" onClick="close_resend_popup(true);" /> </div> </div> <?php }
$order_by = $_POST['order_by']; } $rewards = get_rewards(true, $order_by); if (count($rewards) <= 0 || is_null($rewards)) { echo '0'; exit; } if (!$rewards) { echo 'ko'; exit; } foreach ($rewards as $i => $row) { $rewards[$i]['member'] = htmlspecialchars_decode(stripslashes($row['member'])); $rewards[$i]['employer'] = htmlspecialchars_decode(stripslashes($row['employer'])); $rewards[$i]['title'] = htmlspecialchars_decode(stripslashes($row['title'])); $rewards[$i]['padded_invoice'] = pad($row['invoice'], 11, '0'); $rewards[$i]['total_reward'] = number_format($row['total_reward'], 2, '.', ', '); $rewards[$i]['paid_reward'] = number_format($row['paid_reward'], 2, '.', ', '); $rewards[$i]['gift'] = htmlspecialchars_decode(stripslashes($row['gift'])); } $response = array('rewards' => array('reward' => $rewards)); header('Content-type: text/xml'); echo $xml_dom->get_xml_from_array($response); exit; } if ($_POST['action'] == 'get_reward_details') { $criteria = array('columns' => "currencies.symbol AS currency, \n referrals.total_reward, referrals.member AS member_id, \n CONCAT(members.lastname, ', ', members.firstname) AS member", 'joins' => "jobs ON = referrals.job, \n members ON members.email_addr = referrals.member, \n employers ON = jobs.employer, \n currencies ON currencies.country_code =", 'match' => " = " . $_POST['id'], 'limit' => "1"); $referral = new Referral(); $result = $referral->find($criteria); header('Content-type: text/xml'); echo $xml_dom->get_xml_from_array(array('reward' => $result));
public function show() { $this->begin(); $this->support($this->employer->getId()); $this->top('Invoices & Receipts'); $this->menu('employer', 'invoices'); $invoices = $this->get_invoices(); $receipts = $this->get_invoices(true); ?> <div id="div_status" class="status"> <span id="span_status" class="status"></span> </div> <div id="div_tabs"> <ul> <li id="li_invoices">Invoices</li> <li id="li_receipts">Receipts</li> </ul> </div> <div id="div_invoices"> <?php if (empty($invoices)) { ?> <div class="empty_results">No invoices issued at this moment.</div> <?php } else { $invoices_table = new HTMLTable('invoices_table', 'payments'); $invoices_table->set(0, 0, " ", '', 'header cell_indicator'); $invoices_table->set(0, 1, "<a class=\"sortable\" onClick=\"sort_by('invoices', 'issued_on');\">Issued On</a>", '', 'header'); $invoices_table->set(0, 2, "<a class=\"sortable\" onClick=\"sort_by('invoices', 'payable_by');\">Payable By</a>", '', 'header'); $invoices_table->set(0, 3, "<a class=\"sortable\" onClick=\"sort_by('invoices', 'type');\">Type</a>", '', 'header'); $invoices_table->set(0, 4, "<a class=\"sortable\" onClick=\"sort_by('invoices', 'id');\">Invoice</a>", '', 'header'); $invoices_table->set(0, 5, " ", '', 'header pdf_download'); foreach ($invoices as $i => $invoice) { if ($invoice['expired'] <= 0) { $invoices_table->set($i + 1, 0, '<img src="../common/images/icons/expired.png" />', '', 'cell cell_indicator'); } else { $invoices_table->set($i + 1, 0, ' ', '', 'cell cell_indicator'); } $invoices_table->set($i + 1, 1, $invoice['formatted_issued_on'], '', 'cell'); $invoices_table->set($i + 1, 2, $invoice['formatted_payable_by'], '', 'cell'); $type = 'Others'; switch ($invoice['type']) { case 'R': $type = 'Service Fee'; break; case 'J': $type = 'Subscription'; break; case 'P': $type = 'Job Posting'; break; } $invoices_table->set($i + 1, 3, $type, '', 'cell'); $invoices_table->set($i + 1, 4, '<a class="no_link" onClick="show_invoice_page(' . $invoice['id'] . ');">' . pad($invoice['id'], 11, '0') . '</a>', '', 'cell'); $invoices_table->set($i + 1, 5, '<a href="invoice_pdf.php?id=' . $invoice['id'] . '"><img src="../common/images/icons/pdf.gif"/></a>', '', 'cell pdf_download'); } echo $invoices_table->get_html(); } ?> </div> <div id="div_receipts"> </div> <?php }
function srp_test() { $test_phase = 0; //$I = "alice"; //$P = "password123"; $I = "aliceasd"; $P = "passasd98173"; if ($test_phase == 0) { $_GET = array("protocol" => "SRP-6a", "type" => "request", "phase" => 0, "I" => $I, "P" => $P, "hash" => "SHA256", "N_size" => 1024, "enc_client_state" => ""); $json0 = json_encode(srp()); echo "Rep0=", $json0, "\n\n"; $json0 = json_decode($json0, true); } else { $_GET = array("protocol" => "SRP-6a", "type" => "request", "phase" => 1, "I" => $I, "hash" => "SHA256", "N_size" => 1024, "enc_server_state" => "", "enc_client_state" => ""); echo "Req1=", json_encode($_GET), "\n\n"; $json = json_encode(srp()); echo "Rep1=", $json, "\n\n"; $json = json_decode($json, true); if (strlen($json["N_base36"]) < 100) { crit("client: N to small"); } if (strlen($json["s_hex"]) < 32) { crit("client: s_hex to small"); } $Ng_ok = false; if ($json["g_base36"] == "2" && $json["N_base36"] == "16xa82om033wnlk70asiomztdukuffhyjzvfan3p2mx73a3d7m9hws9a6bzc2ln42n93rmtrxi2p22g3xgxrvyryv9petn2256pdt281msxh9e812rhddxq4oo1f35sp7leese5d02obbwmiui7r2ddwfyqu31ctl4959pckt6lbolnlblhf4znrola2vk3wfto3e8z") { $Ng_ok = true; } if ($Ng_ok != true) { crit("client: Ng not whitelisted"); } $N_gmp = gmp_init($json["N_base36"], 36); $N_bin = gmp_bytes($N_gmp); $g_gmp = gmp_init($json["g_base36"], 36); $g_bin = gmp_bytes($g_gmp); // check if N,g are secure: large, N is prime and g is primitive root, and discrate logarithm is hard // because chacking is hard to do in real-time, they should be whitelisted $k_hex = H($N_bin . pad($g_bin)); $k_gmp = gmp_init($k_hex, 16); $s_hex = $json["s_hex"]; $s_bin = hex2bin($s_hex); // client oblicza x = H(s~H(I~P)) $x_bin = H($s_bin . H($I . ":" . $P)); $x_hex = bin2hex($x_bin); $x_gmp = gmp_init($x_hex, 16); // secret $v_gmp = gmp_powm($g_gmp, $x_gmp, $N_gmp); // secret // timing attack // client generuje randomowe a $a_bin = get_random_bytes(128); // rfc 5054: at least 256 bit $a_hex = bin2hex($a_bin); $a_gmp = gmp_init($a_hex, 16); // secret // client oblicza A=g^a, i nam wysyla $A_gmp = gmp_powm($g_gmp, $a_gmp, $N_gmp); // public // timing attack $A_hex = gmp_strval($A_gmp, 16); // debug $A_bin = gmp_bytes($A_gmp); // ponieważ dostalismy B, możemy obliczyc juz S $B_gmp = gmp_init($json["B_base36"], 36); $B_hex = gmp_strval($B_gmp, 16); // debug $B_bin = gmp_bytes($B_gmp); // klient oblicza u = H(A~B) $u_bin = H(pad($A_bin) . pad($B_bin)); $u_hex = bin2hex($u_bin); $u_gmp = gmp_init($u_hex, 16); // klient oblicza S = (B - k*g^x)^(a+u*x) //$S_gmp = gmp_powm(gmp_sub($B_gmp, gmp_mul($k_gmp, gmp_powm($g_gmp, $v_gmp, $N_gmp))), gmp_add($a_gmp, gmp_mul($u_gmp, $x_gmp)), $N_gmp); $S_gmp = gmp_powm(gmp_mod(gmp_sub($B_gmp, gmp_mod(gmp_mul($k_gmp, $v_gmp), $N_gmp)), $N_gmp), gmp_add($a_gmp, gmp_mul($u_gmp, $x_gmp)), $N_gmp); // timing attack $S_bin = gmp_bytes($S_gmp); $S_hex = gmp_strval($S_gmp, 16); // secret // klient oblicza M1 = H(A~B~S) i wysyla do serwera $M1_bin = H($A_bin . $B_bin . $S_bin); $M1_hex = bin2hex($M1_bin); $_GET = array("protocol" => "SRP-6a", "type" => "request", "phase" => 2, "A_base36" => gmp_strval($A_gmp, 36), "M1_hex" => $M1_hex, "enc_server_state" => $json["enc_server_state"], "enc_client_state" => ""); echo "Req2=", json_encode($_GET), "\n\n"; $json2 = json_encode(srp()); echo "Rep2=", $json2, "\n\n"; $json2 = json_decode($json2, true); // klient oblicza M2 = H(A~M1~S) // klient potwierdza poprawnosc otrzymanego M2 // klient oblicza K = H(S) // klient oblicza M = H( (H(N) xor H(g))~H(I)~s~A~B~K ) $M2_bin = H($A_bin . $M1_bin . $S_bin); $M2_hex = bin2hex($M2_bin); if ($M2_hex != $json2["M2_hex"]) { crit("client: M2 are different, don't trust server!"); } $K_bin = H($S_bin); $K_hex = bin2hex($K_bin); // secret $M_bin = HM((H($N_bin) ^ H($g_bin)) . H($I) . $s_bin . $A_bin . $B_bin, $K_bin); $M_hex = bin2hex($M_bin); $_GET = array("protocol" => "SRP-6a", "type" => "request", "phase" => 3, "M_hex" => $M_hex, "enc_server_state" => $json2["enc_server_state"], "enc_client_state" => ""); echo "Req3=", json_encode($_GET), "\n\n"; $json3 = json_encode(srp()); echo "Rep3=", $json3, "\n\n"; $json3 = json_decode($json3, true); $Z_bin = HM($A_bin . $M_bin, $K_bin); $Z_hex = bin2hex($Z_bin); if ($Z_hex != $json3["Z_hex"]) { crit("Z_hex different"); } echo "Logged\n"; } }
function tweetsHTML($q, $mode = "", $tabs = 4) { global $db, $home, $config; $maxTweets = 200; $s = ""; $t = str_repeat("\t", $tabs); $path = s(rtrim($config['path'], "/")); $first = 0; $last = 0; $i = 0; $tweets = array(); $array = is_array($q); $count = $array ? count($q) : $db->numRows($q); if ($count > 0) { if (!$array) { while ($tweet = $db->fetch($q)) { $tweets[] = $tweet; } } else { $tweets = $q; } foreach ($tweets as $tweet) { if ($tweet['time'] < $first || $first == 0) { $first = $tweet['time']; } if ($tweet['time'] > $last) { $last = $tweet['time']; } $s .= tweetHTML($tweet, $tabs); $i++; if ($mode == "month" && $i >= $maxTweets) { $s .= $t . "<div class=\"truncated\"><strong>There’s more tweets in this month!</strong> <span>Go up and <a href=\"#top\">select a date</a> to see more ↑</span></div>\n"; break; } if ($mode == "search" && $i >= $maxTweets) { $s .= $t . "<div class=\"truncated\"><strong>There’s even more search results!</strong> <span>Go up and <a href=\"#top\">add a couple of words</a> to your query to find the specific tweets you want ↑</span></div>\n"; break; } } if ($mode == "day") { $nextprev = ""; $half = "SELECT `tweetid`, `time`, YEAR(FROM_UNIXTIME(`time`" . DB_OFFSET . ")) as `year`, MONTH(FROM_UNIXTIME(`time`" . DB_OFFSET . ")) as `month`, DAY(FROM_UNIXTIME(`time`" . DB_OFFSET . ")) as `day` FROM `" . DTP . "tweets` WHERE `time`"; $pTQ = $db->query($half . " < '" . $db->s($first) . "' ORDER BY `time` DESC LIMIT 1"); $nTQ = $db->query($half . " > '" . $db->s($last) . "' ORDER BY `time` ASC LIMIT 1"); if ($db->numRows($pTQ) > 0) { $prevTweet = $db->fetch($pTQ); $nextprev .= "<a class=\"prev\" href=\"" . $path . "/" . s($prevTweet['year']) . "/" . s(pad($prevTweet['month'])) . "/" . s(pad($prevTweet['day'])) . "\">← <span>" . date("F jS", mktime(4, 0, 0, $prevTweet['month'], $prevTweet['day'], $prevTweet['year'])) . "</span></a> "; } if ($db->numRows($nTQ) > 0) { $nextTweet = $db->fetch($nTQ); $nextprev .= "<a class=\"next\" href=\"" . $path . "/" . s($nextTweet['year']) . "/" . s(pad($nextTweet['month'])) . "/" . s(pad($nextTweet['day'])) . "\"><span>" . date("F jS", mktime(4, 0, 0, $nextTweet['month'], $nextTweet['day'], $nextTweet['year'])) . "</span> →</a>"; } if ($nextprev) { $s .= $t . "<div class=\"nextprev\">" . trim($nextprev) . "</div>\n"; } } } else { $s = $t . "<div class=\"notweets\">No tweets here!</div>\n"; if ($home) { $s .= $t . "<p>If you have <strong>just installed</strong> Tweet Nest and this is your archive page, you need to load in your tweets before something will be displayed here. Check out the installation guide on the <a href=\"\">web site for Tweet Nest</a> for more information.</p>\n"; } } return $s; }
$body .= 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit"' . "\n"; $mail_lines = file('../private/mail/employer_general_invoice.txt'); $message = ''; foreach ($mail_lines as $line) { $message .= $line; } $message = str_replace('%employer%', $employer->getName(), $message); $message = str_replace('%invoice%', pad($invoice[0]['id'], 11, '0'), $message); $message = str_replace('%currency%', $currency, $message); $message = str_replace('%amount%', $amount_payable, $message); $message = str_replace('%issued_on%', sql_date_format($invoice[0]['issued_on']), $message); $message = str_replace('%payable_by%', sql_date_format($invoice[0]['payable_by']), $message); $body .= $message . "\n"; $body .= '--yel_mail_sep_alt_' . $invoice[0]['id'] . "--\n\n"; $body .= '--yel_mail_sep_' . $invoice[0]['id'] . "\n"; $body .= 'Content-Type: application/pdf; name="yel_invoice_' . pad($invoice[0]['id'], 11, '0') . '.pdf"' . "\n"; $body .= 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64' . "\n"; $body .= 'Content-Disposition: attachment' . "\n"; $body .= $attachment . "\n"; $body .= '--yel_mail_sep_' . $invoice[0]['id'] . "--\n\n"; mail($recipients, $subject, $body, $headers); /*$handle = fopen('/tmp/email_to_'. $recipients. '.txt', 'w'); fwrite($handle, 'Subject: '. $subject. "\n\n"); fwrite($handle, $body); fclose($handle);*/ @unlink($GLOBALS['data_path'] . '/general_invoices/' . $invoice[0]['id'] . '.pdf'); echo 'ok'; exit; } if ($_POST['action'] == 'get_employers') { $criteria = array('columns' => "DISTINCT,", 'joins' => "employers ON = invoices.employer");
$result = $mysqli->query($query); if (count($result) <= 0 || is_null($result)) { echo '0'; exit; } if (!$result) { echo 'ko'; exit; } $i = 0; $rewards = array(); foreach ($result as $row) { $paid = ReferralReward::get_sum_paid_of_referral($row['referral']); if ($paid[0]['amount'] <= 0 || is_null($paid)) { //$row['member'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($row['member']); $row['padded_invoice'] = pad($row['invoice'], 11, '0'); $row['total_token_reward'] = number_format($row['total_token_reward'], 2, '.', ', '); $rewards[$i] = $row; $i++; } } if (count($rewards) <= 0 || is_null($rewards)) { echo '0'; exit; } $response = array('rewards' => array('reward' => $rewards)); header('Content-type: text/xml'); echo $xml_dom->get_xml_from_array($response); exit; } if ($_POST['action'] == 'get_fully_paid') {
$body .= '--yel_mail_sep_alt_' . $filename . "\n"; $body .= 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"' . "\n"; $body .= 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit"' . "\n"; $mail_lines = file('../private/mail/employer_credit_note.txt'); $message = ''; foreach ($mail_lines as $line) { $message .= $line; } $message = str_replace('%company%', $employer->get_name(), $message); $message = str_replace('%previous_invoice%', pad($previous_invoice, 11, '0'), $message); $message = str_replace('%new_invoice%', pad($invoice, 11, '0'), $message); $message = str_replace('%job_title%', $job_title, $message); $body .= $message . "\n"; $body .= '--yel_mail_sep_alt_' . $filename . "--\n\n"; $body .= '--yel_mail_sep_' . $filename . "\n"; $body .= 'Content-Type: application/pdf; name="yel_credit_note_' . pad($invoice, 11, '0') . '.pdf"' . "\n"; $body .= 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64' . "\n"; $body .= 'Content-Disposition: attachment' . "\n"; $body .= $attachment . "\n"; $body .= '--yel_mail_sep_' . $filename . "--\n\n"; mail($employer->get_email_address(), $subject, $body, $headers); unlink($GLOBALS['data_path'] . '/credit_notes/' . $filename . '.pdf'); } } // 2.4 If it is a replacement, update both referrals to disable future replacements. if ($is_replacement) { $queries = "UPDATE referrals SET \n replaced_on = '" . now() . "', \n replaced_referral = " . $_POST['id'] . " \n WHERE id = " . $previous_referral . "; \n UPDATE referrals SET \n guarantee_expire_on = '" . $today . "', \n replacement_authorized_on = NULL, \n replaced_on = '" . now() . "', \n replaced_referral = " . $_POST['id'] . " \n WHERE id = " . $_POST['id']; if (!$mysqli->transact($queries)) { echo 'ko'; exit; }
static function sort($flip = true) { $visible = get('visible'); $invisible = get('invisible'); $errors = array(); if (empty($visible) && empty($invisible)) { return array('status' => 'error', 'msg' => l::get('pages.errors.nosort')); } if (!empty($visible)) { $cnt = count($visible); $len = str::length($cnt); $num = 0; if ($len <= 1) { $len = 2; } if ($flip) { $visible = array_reverse($visible); } foreach ($visible as $uid) { $num++; $sort = self::changeNum($uid, pad($num, $len)); if (error($sort)) { $errors[] = $sort; } } } if (!empty($invisible)) { foreach ($invisible as $uid) { $sort = self::removeNum($uid); if (error($sort)) { $errors[] = $sort; } } } if (!empty($errors)) { return array('status' => 'error', 'msg' => l::get('pages.errors.sort'), 'error' => $errors); } self::killCache(); return array('status' => 'success', 'msg' => l::get('pages.sorted')); }
function get_nomor_renbut($tanggal) { $sql = "select substr(kode,10,4) as kode from rencana_kebutuhan where kode != '' and tanggal_renbut like '" . $tanggal . "%' order by kode desc limit 1"; $row = $this->db->query($sql)->row(); //echo $sql; if (!isset($row->kode)) { $nomor = 0; } else { $nomor = $row->kode; } return 'RBT' . str_replace('-', '', $tanggal) . pad($nomor + 1, 4); }
/** * This function adds the answer fields to the form * and the radio buttons to select the correct answer * * @param int $num The index of the answer * * @return string: Input fields and radio buttons for the answers to be entered */ function addAnswer($num) { global $questionID; global $question; $returnString = '<td>'; $returnString = $returnString . '<input type="text" name="answers[]"'; if (isset($_POST['answers']) && isset($_POST['questionErrors'])) { $answers = $_POST['answers']; $i = $num - 1; if (!empty($answers[$i])) { $returnString = $returnString . ' value="'; $returnString = $returnString . htmlspecialchars($answers[$i]) . '"'; } } if ($questionID) { $key = 'answer' . $num; $returnString = $returnString . 'value="'; foreach ($question as $q) { $returnString = $returnString . $q[$key]; $returnString = $returnString . '"'; } } $returnString = $returnString . '/>'; $returnString = $returnString . pad(); $returnString = $returnString . '</td>'; $returnString = $returnString . '<td>'; $returnString = $returnString . '<input type="radio"'; $returnString = $returnString . 'name="isCorrect"'; $returnString = $returnString . 'value="' . $num . '"'; if ($questionID) { foreach ($question as $q) { $correctAnswer = $q['correctAnswer']; if ($num == $correctAnswer) { $returnString = $returnString . 'checked'; } } } $returnString = $returnString . '/>'; $returnString = $returnString . '</td>'; return $returnString; }