continue; } /* * There are non-compatible add-ons installed. */ return FALSE; } } return $has_addons; } /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Uninstall Hook |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (nf_is_freemius_on()) { // Override plugin's version, should be executed before Freemius init. nf_override_plugin_version(); // Init Freemius. nf_fs(); nf_fs()->add_action('after_uninstall', 'ninja_forms_uninstall'); } else { register_uninstall_hook(__FILE__, 'ninja_forms_uninstall'); } function ninja_forms_uninstall() { global $wpdb; $settings = Ninja_Forms()->get_plugin_settings(); // Bail if we haven't checked the "delete on uninstall" box. if (isset($settings['delete_on_uninstall']) && 1 == $settings['delete_on_uninstall']) { // Remove our options.
function nf_fs_downgrade() { update_option('ninja_forms_version', '2.9'); if (!nf_is_freemius_on()) { return; } if (nf_fs()->is_registered()) { // Send immediate downgrade event. nf_fs()->_run_sync_install(); } }