print "Usage: php {$argv[0]} <filename>\n"; exit(1); } array_shift($argv); define('MEDIAWIKI', 1); define('NOT_REALLY_MEDIAWIKI', 1); $IP = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../..'; require_once "{$IP}/includes/Defines.php"; require_once "{$IP}/languages/Language.php"; $files = array(); foreach ($argv as $arg) { $files = array_merge($files, glob($arg)); } foreach ($files as $filename) { print "{$filename}..."; $vars = getVars($filename); $keys = array_keys($vars); $diff = array_diff($keys, Language::$mLocalisationKeys); if ($diff) { print "\nWarning: unrecognised variable(s): " . implode(', ', $diff) . "\n"; } else { print " ok\n"; } } function getVars($filename) { require $filename; $vars = get_defined_vars(); unset($vars['filename']); return $vars; }
// printSelection(getStringFromRequest('files'),getStringFromRequest('pluginpath')); if (!getStringFromRequest('doedit')) { $filepath = $gfcgfile; $has_write = true; @($handle = fopen($filepath, 'r+')); if (!$handle) { // Open readonly but tell you can't write $handle = fopen($filepath, 'r'); $has_write = false; $feedback .= _('Could not open the file for read/write. Check the permissions for apache') . '<br />'; } if ($handle) { fclose($handle); // we had to open it in r+ because we need to check we'll be able to save it later $filedata = file_get_contents($filepath); $vars = getVars($filedata); // get the vars from $keys = array_keys($vars); sort($keys); echo '<h2>Configuration file: ' . $filepath . '</h2>'; $title_arr = array(_('Attribute'), _('On'), _('Off')); echo $HTML->listTableTop($title_arr); $j = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < count($keys); $i++) { $checkedtrue = ""; $checkedfalse = ""; $vars[$keys[$i]] == "true" ? $checkedtrue = ' checked="checked" ' : ($checkedfalse = ' checked="checked" '); echo '<tr ' . $HTML->boxGetAltRowStyle($j + 1) . '>' . '<td>' . $keys[$i] . '</td>' . '<td style="text-align:center"><input type="radio" name="attributes[' . $keys[$i] . ']" value="true" ' . $checkedtrue . '/>' . '</td>' . '<td style="text-align:center"><input type="radio" name="attributes[' . $keys[$i] . ']" value="false" ' . $checkedfalse . '/></td>' . '</tr>' . "\n"; $j++; } echo $HTML->listTableBottom();
} } else { $files = $args; } if (isset($options['o'])) { $out = fopen($options['o'], 'wb'); if (!$out) { fwrite($stderr, "Unable to open file \"{$options['o']}\" for output\n"); exit(1); } } else { $out = fopen('php://stdout', 'wb'); } $vars = array(); foreach ($files as $inputFile) { $vars = array_merge($vars, getVars($inputFile)); } fwrite($out, serialize($vars)); fclose($out); exit(0); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function getVars($_gv_filename) { require $_gv_filename; $vars = get_defined_vars(); unset($vars['_gv_filename']); # Clean up line endings if (wfIsWindows()) { $vars = unixLineEndings($vars); }
} } else { ?> <h1> <a href="<?php echo HTTP_SERVER . 'index.php?category=1&task=new'; ?> ">add new category</a> </h1> <h3> </h3> <p class="desc"> Add a new variable by clickin on above link. </p> <?php $vars = getVars(); if (mysql_num_rows($vars)) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($vars)) { $var = new Variable($row['var_id']); ?> <h1> <?php echo html_entity_decode($var->var_name); ?> </h1> <h3> <a href="<?php echo HTTP_SERVER . 'index.php?variable=1&id=' . html_entity_decode($var->var_id) . '&task=edit'; ?> ">edit</a> <a href="<?php