/** * Tests the logout method of the OneLogin_Saml2_Auth class * Case Logout signed. A logout Request signed in * the assertion is built and redirect executed * * @covers OneLogin_Saml2_Auth::logout * @runInSeparateProcess */ public function testLogoutSigned() { $settingsDir = TEST_ROOT . '/settings/'; include $settingsDir . 'settings1.php'; $settingsInfo['security']['logoutRequestSigned'] = true; $auth = new OneLogin_Saml2_Auth($settingsInfo); try { // The Header of the redirect produces an Exception $returnTo = 'http://example.com/returnto'; $auth->logout($returnTo); // Do not ever get here $this->assertFalse(true); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->assertContains('Cannot modify header information', $e->getMessage()); $trace = $e->getTrace(); $targetUrl = getUrlFromRedirect($trace); $parsedQuery = getParamsFromUrl($targetUrl); $sloUrl = $settingsInfo['idp']['singleLogoutService']['url']; $this->assertContains($sloUrl, $targetUrl); $this->assertArrayHasKey('SAMLRequest', $parsedQuery); $this->assertArrayHasKey('RelayState', $parsedQuery); $this->assertArrayHasKey('SigAlg', $parsedQuery); $this->assertArrayHasKey('Signature', $parsedQuery); $this->assertEquals($parsedQuery['RelayState'], $returnTo); $this->assertEquals(XMLSecurityKey::RSA_SHA1, $parsedQuery['SigAlg']); } }
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