} $res = db_query("DELETE FROM trove_group_link WHERE trove_cat_id='{$form_trove_cat_id}'"); if (!$res) { exit_error(_('Error In Trove Operation'), db_error()); } $res = db_query("DELETE FROM trove_cat WHERE trove_cat_id='{$form_trove_cat_id}'"); if (!$res || db_affected_rows($res) < 1) { exit_error(_('Error In Trove Operation'), db_error()); } } session_redirect("/admin/trove/trove_cat_list.php"); } /* Main Code */ $trove_cat_id = getIntFromRequest("trove_cat_id"); $res_cat = db_query("SELECT * FROM trove_cat WHERE trove_cat_id={$trove_cat_id}"); if (db_numrows($res_cat) < 1) { exit_error(_('No Such Category, That trove cat does not exist')); } $row_cat = db_fetch_array($res_cat); site_admin_header(array('title' => _('Site Admin: Trove - Edit Category'))); ?> <h3><?php echo _('Edit Trove Category'); ?> </h3> <form action="trove_cat_edit.php" method="post">
* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GForge; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ require_once '../env.inc.php'; require_once $gfwww . 'include/pre.php'; require_once $gfwww . 'admin/admin_utils.php'; if (!$sys_use_project_database) { exit_disabled(); } session_require(array('group' => '1', 'admin_flags' => 'A')); if (getStringFromRequest('submit')) { $group_id = getIntFromRequest('group_id'); $groupname = getStringFromRequest('groupname'); $dbname = getStringFromRequest('dbname'); if ($groupname) { $group =& group_get_object_by_name($groupname); if (!$group || !is_object($group)) { exit_error('Error', 'Could Not Get Group'); } elseif ($group->isError()) { exit_error('Error', $group->getErrorMessage()); } $group_id = $group->getID(); $user =& session_get_user(); if (!$user || !is_object($user)) { exit_error('Error', 'Could Not Get User'); } elseif ($user->isError()) { exit_error('Error', $u->getErrorMessage());
* GForge is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GForge; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ require_once '../../env.inc.php'; require_once $gfwww . 'include/pre.php'; require_once $gfwww . 'survey/survey_utils.php'; $is_admin_page = 'y'; $group_id = getIntFromRequest('group_id'); $survey_id = getIntFromRequest('survey_id'); $customer_id = getIntFromRequest('customer_id'); survey_header(array('title' => _('Results'))); if (!session_loggedin() || !user_ismember($group_id, 'A')) { echo "<h1>" . _('Permission denied') . "</h1>"; survey_footer(array()); exit; } ?> <form action="none"> <?php /* Select this survey from the database */ $sql = "SELECT * FROM surveys WHERE survey_id='{$survey_id}' AND group_id='{$group_id}'"; $result = db_query($sql);
* or (at your option) any later version. * * FusionForge is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ $ret = array(); $columns = $taskboard->getColumns(); $ret['message'] = ''; $release = getStringFromRequest('release', NULL); $assigned_to = getIntFromRequest('assigned_to', NULL); if (!$assigned_to) { $assigned_to = NULL; } $user_stories = $taskboard->getUserStories($release, $assigned_to); $user_stories_tracker = $taskboard->getUserStoriesTrackerID(); $phases = array(); if ($user_stories_tracker) { $phases[] = array('id' => 'user-stories', 'title' => _('User stories')); } foreach ($columns as $column) { $phases[] = array('id' => $column->getID(), 'dom_id' => $column->getDomID(), 'title' => $column->getTitle(), 'titlebackground' => $column->getTitleBackgroundColor(), 'background' => $column->getColumnBackgroundColor(), 'resolutions' => array_values($column->getResolutions())); } $ret['user_stories'] = $user_stories; $ret['phases'] = $phases; echo json_encode($ret);
if ($type == 'package') { /* Handle insertion of a new package version */ /* See if the package exists first */ $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM snippet_package WHERE snippet_package_id='{$id}'"); if (!$result || db_numrows($result) < 1) { exit_error(_('Error - snippet_package doesn\'t exist')); } if (getStringFromRequest('post_changes')) { if (!form_key_is_valid(getStringFromRequest('form_key'))) { exit_form_double_submit(); } $snippet_package_id = getIntFromRequest('snippet_package_id'); $changes = getStringFromRequest('changes'); $version = getStringFromRequest('version'); /* Create a new snippet entry, then create a new snippet version entry */ if ($changes && $snippet_package_id) { /* create the snippet package version */ $sql = "INSERT INTO snippet_package_version " . "(snippet_package_id,changes,version,submitted_by,post_date) " . "VALUES ('{$snippet_package_id}','" . htmlspecialchars($changes) . "','" . htmlspecialchars($version) . "','" . user_getid() . "','" . time() . "')"; $result = db_query($sql); if (!$result) { //error in database $feedback .= _('ERROR DOING SNIPPET PACKAGE VERSION INSERT!'); snippet_header(array('title' => _('New snippet package')));
/** * docman_display_documents - Recursive function to show the documents inside the groups tree */ function docman_display_documents(&$nested_groups, &$document_factory, $is_editor, $stateid = 0, $from_admin = false, $parent_group = 0) { global $selected_doc_group_id; $selected_doc_group_id = getIntFromRequest('selected_doc_group_id'); if (!is_array($nested_groups["{$parent_group}"])) { return; } echo "<ul style='list-style-type: none'>"; $child_count = count($nested_groups["{$parent_group}"]); for ($i = 0; $i < $child_count; $i++) { $doc_group =& $nested_groups["{$parent_group}"][$i]; // Display group and subgroups only if it has associated documents if ($doc_group->hasDocuments($nested_groups, $document_factory, $stateid)) { // Recursive call if (($doc_group->getID() == $selected_doc_group_id || $doc_group->hasSubgroup($nested_groups, $selected_doc_group_id)) && (!$stateid || $stateid == @$selected_stateid)) { $icon = 'ofolder15.png'; } else { $icon = 'cfolder15.png'; } echo "<li>" . html_image('ic/' . $icon, "15", "13", array("border" => "0")) . " <a href='index.php?group_id=" . $doc_group->Group->getID() . "&selected_doc_group_id=" . $doc_group->getID() . "&language_id=" . @$GLOBALS['selected_language']; if ($from_admin && $stateid) { // if we're sorting by the state, pass the state as a variable echo "&selected_stateid=" . $stateid; } echo "'>" . $doc_group->getName() . "</a>"; // display link to add a document to the current group echo " <a href='" . ($from_admin ? "../" : "") . "new.php?group_id=" . $doc_group->Group->getID() . "&selected_doc_group=" . $doc_group->getID() . "'>"; echo html_image('ic/adddoc12.png', "12", "14", array("border" => "0")) . " "; echo _('[Add document here]'); echo "</a>"; if (($doc_group->getID() == $selected_doc_group_id || $doc_group->hasSubgroup($nested_groups, $selected_doc_group_id)) && (!$stateid || $stateid == @$selected_stateid)) { docman_display_documents($nested_groups, $document_factory, $is_editor, $stateid, $from_admin, $doc_group->getID()); } } // Display this group's documents if (($doc_group->hasSubgroup($nested_groups, $selected_doc_group_id) || $selected_doc_group_id == $doc_group->getID()) && (!$stateid || $stateid == $GLOBALS['selected_stateid'])) { // Retrieve all the docs from this category if ($stateid) { $document_factory->setStateID($stateid); } $document_factory->setDocGroupID($doc_group->getID()); $docs = $document_factory->getDocuments(); if (is_array($docs)) { $docs_count = count($docs); echo "<ul style='list-style-type: none'>"; for ($j = 0; $j < $docs_count; $j++) { if ($from_admin) { $link = "index.php?editdoc=1&docid=" . $docs[$j]->getID() . "&group_id=" . $docs[$j]->Group->getID(); } else { $link = $docs[$j]->isURL() ? $docs[$j]->getFileName() : "view.php/" . $docs[$j]->Group->getID() . "/" . $docs[$j]->getID() . "/" . $docs[$j]->getFileName(); } $tooltip = $docs[$j]->getFileName() . " (" . ($docs[$j]->getUpdated() ? date(_('Y-m-d H:i'), $docs[$j]->getUpdated()) : date(_('Y-m-d H:i'), $docs[$j]->getCreated())) . ") "; if ($docs[$j]->getFilesize() > 1024) { $tooltip .= floor($docs[$j]->getFilesize() / 1024) . "KB"; } else { $tooltip .= $docs[$j]->getFilesize() . "B"; } $tooltip = htmlspecialchars($tooltip); echo "<li>" . html_image('ic/docman16b.png', "20", "20", array("border" => "0")) . " " . "<a href=\"" . $link . "\" title=\"{$tooltip}\">" . $docs[$j]->getName() . "</a> - " . $tooltip . "</li>" . "(" . $docs[$j]->getFileSize() . " " . _('bytes') . ")"; //add description echo "<br /> "; echo "<i>" . $docs[$j]->getDescription() . "</i>"; } echo "</ul>"; } } } echo "</ul>\n"; }
$feedback .= $group->getErrorMessage(); } else { $gjr = new GroupJoinRequest($group, $form_userid); if (!$gjr || !is_object($gjr) || $gjr->isError()) { $feedback .= 'Error Getting GroupJoinRequest'; } else { $gjr->send_accept_mail(); $gjr->delete(true); } $feedback = _('User Added Successfully'); } } elseif (getStringFromRequest('rejectpending')) { /* reject adding user to this project */ $form_userid = getIntFromRequest('form_userid'); $gjr = new GroupJoinRequest($group, $form_userid); if (!$gjr || !is_object($gjr) || $gjr->isError()) { $feedback .= 'Error Getting GroupJoinRequest'; } else { if (!$gjr->reject()) { exit_error('Error', $gjr->getErrorMessage()); } else { $feedback .= 'Rejected'; } } } } } } $group->clearError();
* * SourceForge: Breaking Down the Barriers to Open Source Development * Copyright 1999-2001 (c) VA Linux Systems * http://sourceforge.net * * @version $Id$ * */ require_once '../env.inc.php'; require_once $gfwww . 'include/pre.php'; require_once $gfwww . 'include/graph_lib.php'; // require you to be a member of the sfstats group (group_id = 11084) session_require(array('group' => $sys_stats_group)); $group_id = getIntFromRequest('group_id'); $year = getIntFromRequest('year'); $monthly = getIntFromRequest('monthly'); if (!$group_id) { $group_id = 0; } if (!$year) { $year = gmstrftime("%Y", time()); } if ($monthly) { $sql = "SELECT month,site_page_views AS site_views,subdomain_views \n\t\tFROM stats_site_months ORDER BY month ASC"; $grouping = 'Months'; } else { $beg_year = date('Y', mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m') - 1, date('d'), date('Y'))); $beg_month = date('m', mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m') - 1, date('d'), date('Y'))); $beg_day = date('d', mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m') - 1, date('d'), date('Y'))); $sql = "SELECT month,day,site_page_views AS site_views,subdomain_views \n\t\tFROM stats_site_vw \n\t\t( month = '{$beg_year}{$beg_month}' AND day >= '{$beg_day}' ) OR ( month > '{$beg_year}{$beg_month}' )\n\t\tORDER BY month ASC, day ASC"; $grouping = 'Days';
Complete OO rewrite by Tim Perdue 12/2002 Heavy RBAC changes 3/17/2004 */ require_once '../../env.inc.php'; require_once $gfwww . 'include/pre.php'; require_once $gfwww . 'forum/include/ForumHTML.class.php'; require_once $gfcommon . 'forum/Forum.class.php'; require_once $gfwww . 'forum/admin/ForumAdmin.class.php'; require_once $gfcommon . 'forum/ForumFactory.class.php'; require_once $gfcommon . 'forum/ForumMessageFactory.class.php'; require_once $gfcommon . 'forum/ForumMessage.class.php'; require_once $gfcommon . 'include/TextSanitizer.class.php'; // to make the HTML input by the user safe to store $group_id = getIntFromRequest('group_id'); $group_forum_id = getIntFromRequest('group_forum_id'); $deleteforum = getStringFromRequest('deleteforum'); $feedback = getStringFromRequest('feedback'); global $HTML; if ($group_id) { // // Set up local objects // $g =& group_get_object($group_id); if (!$g || !is_object($g) || $g->isError()) { exit_no_group(); } $p =& $g->getPermission(session_get_user()); if (!$p || !is_object($p) || $p->isError()) { exit_permission_denied(); }
} } } // // Show just one feedback entry if no errors // if (!$was_error) { $feedback = _('Updated successfully'); } include $gfwww . 'tracker/browse.php'; } } } break; case 'monitor': $artifact_id = getIntFromRequest('artifact_id'); if ($artifact_id) { $ah = new ArtifactHtml($ath, $artifact_id); if (!$ah || !is_object($ah)) { exit_error('ERROR', 'Artifact Could Not Be Created'); } else { if ($ah->isError()) { exit_error('ERROR', $ah->getErrorMessage()); } else { $ah->setMonitor(); $feedback = $ah->getErrorMessage(); include $gfwww . 'tracker/browse.php'; } } } else { $at = new ArtifactType($group, $atid);
* by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, * or (at your option) any later version. * * FusionForge is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ $ret = array('message' => '', 'action' => 'reload'); $ret['message'] = ''; $tracker_id = getIntFromRequest('tracker_id'); $user_story_id = getIntFromRequest('user_story_id', 0); $desc = getStringFromRequest('desc', ''); $title = getStringFromRequest('title', ''); $release = getStringFromRequest('release', NULL); if ($tracker_id && $desc && $title) { db_begin(); $msg = $taskboard->TrackersAdapter->createTask($tracker_id, $title, $desc, $user_story_id, $release); if ($msg) { $ret['alert'] = $msg; db_rollback(); } else { db_commit(); } } else { $ret['alert'] = _('All fields are mandatory.'); }
' . html_get_language_popup('language_id', 1) . ' </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <strong>' . _('Group that document belongs in') . ' :</strong><br />'; $dgf = new DocumentGroupFactory($g); if ($dgf->isError()) { exit_error('Error', $dgf->getErrorMessage()); } $dgh = new DocumentGroupHTML($g); if ($dgh->isError()) { exit_error('Error', $dgh->getErrorMessage()); } //display_groups_option($group_id); $selected_doc_group = getIntFromRequest('selected_doc_group'); $dgh->showSelectNestedGroups($dgf->getNested(), 'doc_group', false, $selected_doc_group); echo ' </td> </tr> </table> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="' . _('Submit Information') . ' " /> </form>'; docman_footer(array()); /* } else { docman_header(_('Document Manager: Submit New Documentation'),_('Project: %1$s')); ?> <?php echo '<form name="select_opt" action="'. getStringFromServer('PHP_SELF').'?group_id='.$group_id.'" method="post">';
* SourceForge Sitewide Statistics * * SourceForge: Breaking Down the Barriers to Open Source Development * Copyright 1999-2001 (c) VA Linux Systems * http://sourceforge.net * * @version $Id$ * */ require_once '../env.inc.php'; require_once $gfwww . 'include/pre.php'; require_once $gfwww . 'include/graph_lib.php'; // require you to be a member of the sfstats group (group_id = 11084) session_require(array('group' => $sys_stats_group)); $group_id = getIntFromRequest('group_id'); $year = getIntFromRequest('year'); if (!$group_id) { $group_id = 0; } if (!$year) { $year = gmstrftime("%Y", time()); } $sql = "SELECT month,day,new_users,new_projects FROM stats_site ORDER BY month ASC, day ASC"; $res = db_query($sql); $i = 0; while ($row = db_fetch_array($res)) { $xdata[$i] = $i; $xlabel[$i] = substr($row['month'], 4) + 1 - 1 . "/" . $row['day']; $ydata1[$i] = $row["new_users"]; $ydata2[$i] = $row["new_projects"]; ++$i;
<?php // // FORM TO ADD ELEMENTS TO EXTRA FIELD // $boxid = getIntFromRequest('boxid'); $ac = new ArtifactExtraField($ath, $boxid); if (!$ac || !is_object($ac)) { exit_error('Error', 'Unable to create ArtifactExtraField Object'); } elseif ($ac->isError()) { exit_error('Error', $ac->getErrorMessage()); } else { $efearr = $ath->getExtraFieldElements($boxid); $title = sprintf(_('Add/Update Custom Field Elements in %s'), $ath->getName()); $ath->adminHeader(array('title' => $title)); echo "<h3>" . $title . "</h3>"; echo "<br />"; $rows = count($efearr); if ($rows > 0) { $title_arr = array(); $title_arr[] = _('Elements Defined'); echo $GLOBALS['HTML']->listTableTop($title_arr); for ($i = 0; $i < $rows; $i++) { echo '<tr ' . $GLOBALS['HTML']->boxGetAltRowStyle($i) . '>' . '<td><a href="' . getStringFromServer('PHP_SELF') . '?update_opt=1&id=' . $efearr[$i]['element_id'] . '&boxid=' . $boxid . '&group_id=' . $group_id . '&atid=' . $ath->getID() . '">' . $efearr[$i]['element_name'] . ' [' . _('Edit') . ']</a></td>'; } echo $GLOBALS['HTML']->listTableBottom(); } else { echo "\n<h3>" . _('You have not defined any elements') . "</h3>"; } ?> <p>
* This file is part of GForge. * * GForge is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * GForge is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GForge; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ require_once $gfwww . 'include/pre.php'; $group_id = getIntFromRequest('group_id'); $sub_group_id = getIntFromRequest('sub_group_id'); session_require(array('group' => $group_id, 'admin_flags' => 'A')); //plugin webcal $params[0] = $sub_group_id; $params[1] = $group_id; plugin_hook('del_cal_link_father', $params); //del link between two projects $sql = "DELETE FROM plugin_projects_hierarchy WHERE project_id = '" . $group_id . "' AND sub_project_id = '" . $sub_group_id . "'"; //print "<br>".$sql; db_begin(); db_query($sql) or die(db_error()); db_commit(); header("Location: " . util_make_url('/project/admin/index.php?group_id=' . $sub_group_id));
Massive rewrite by Tim Perdue 7/2000 (nested/views/save) Complete OO rewrite by Tim Perdue 12/2002 */ require_once '../env.inc.php'; require_once $gfwww . 'include/pre.php'; require_once $gfwww . 'forum/include/ForumHTML.class.php'; require_once $gfwww . 'forum/include/AttachManager.class.php'; require_once $gfcommon . 'forum/Forum.class.php'; require_once $gfcommon . 'forum/ForumFactory.class.php'; require_once $gfcommon . 'forum/ForumMessageFactory.class.php'; require_once $gfcommon . 'forum/ForumMessage.class.php'; $msg_id = getIntFromRequest('msg_id'); $total_rows = getIntFromRequest('total_rows'); $ret_val = getIntFromRequest('ret_val'); if ($msg_id) { /* Figure out which group this message is in, for the sake of the admin links */ $result = db_query("SELECT forum_group_list.group_id,forum_group_list.group_forum_id\n\t\tFROM forum_group_list,forum\n\t\tWHERE forum_group_list.group_forum_id=forum.group_forum_id\n\t\tAND forum.msg_id='{$msg_id}'"); if (!$result || db_numrows($result) < 1) { /* Message not found */ exit_error(_('Message Not Found'), _('This message does not (any longer) exist')); } $group_id = db_result($result, 0, 'group_id'); $forum_id = db_result($result, 0, 'group_forum_id'); // // Set up local objects
" method="get"> <?php echo html_build_select_box_from_arrays(array_keys($cron_arr), $cron_arr, 'which', $which, true, 'Any'); ?> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="<?php echo _('Submit'); ?> "> </form> <?php $title_arr = array(_('Date'), _('Job'), _('Message')); echo $HTML->listTableTop($title_arr); $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM cron_history ' . $sql_str; $res = db_query($sql); $totalCount = db_result($res, 0, 'count'); $offset = getIntFromRequest('offset'); if ($offset > $totalCount) { $offset = 0; } $sql = 'SELECT * FROM cron_history ' . $sql_str . ' ORDER BY rundate DESC LIMIT ' . ADMIN_CRONMAN_ROWS . ' OFFSET ' . $offset; $res = db_query($sql); for ($i = 0; $i < db_numrows($res); $i++) { echo '<tr ' . $HTML->boxGetAltRowStyle($i + 1) . '> <td>' . date(_('Y-m-d H:i'), db_result($res, $i, 'rundate')) . '</td> <td>' . $cron_arr[db_result($res, $i, 'job')] . '</td> <td>' . nl2br(db_result($res, $i, 'output')) . '</td></tr>'; } echo $HTML->listTableBottom(); if ($totalCount > ADMIN_CRONMAN_ROWS) { ?> <br />
<h3><?php echo _('Document Manager: Administration'); ?> </h3> <p> <a href="index.php?group_id=<?php echo $group_id; ?> &addgroup=1"><?php echo _('Add/Edit Document Groups'); ?> </a> </p> <?php $selected_stateid = getIntFromRequest('selected_stateid'); if (!$d_arr || count($d_arr) < 1) { print "<p><strong>" . _('This project has no visible documents') . ".</strong></p>"; } else { // get a list of used document states $states = $df->getUsedStates(); $nested_groups =& $dgf->getNested(); echo "<ul>"; foreach ($states as $state) { echo "<li><strong>" . $state["name"] . "</strong>"; docman_display_documents($nested_groups, $df, true, $state['stateid'], true); echo "</li>"; } echo "</ul>"; } docman_footer(array());
* (at your option) any later version. * * GForge is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GForge; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ require_once '../env.inc.php'; require_once $gfwww . 'include/pre.php'; require_once $gfwww . 'export/rss_utils.inc'; $group_id = getIntFromRequest('group_id'); $limit = getIntFromRequest('limit', 10); if ($limit > 100) { $limit = 100; } $url = util_make_url('/'); if ($group_id) { $where = "group_id={$group_id} and is_public=1"; $query = "SELECT group_name FROM groups WHERE {$where}"; $res = db_query($query, 1); $row = db_fetch_array($res); $title = $row['group_name']; $link = "?group_id={$group_id}"; $description = " of " . $row['group_name']; $querywm = "SELECT users.user_name,users.realname FROM user_group,users WHERE group_id={$group_id} AND admin_flags='A' AND users.user_id=user_group.user_id ORDER BY users.add_date"; $reswm = db_query($querywm, 1); if ($rowwm = db_fetch_array($reswm)) {
* * GForge is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GForge; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ require_once '../../env.inc.php'; require_once $gfwww . 'include/pre.php'; require_once $gfwww . 'frs/include/frs_utils.php'; require_once $gfcommon . 'frs/FRSPackage.class.php'; $group_id = getIntFromRequest('group_id'); $package_id = getIntFromRequest('package_id'); if (!$group_id) { exit_no_group(); } $project =& group_get_object($group_id); if (!$project || $project->isError()) { exit_error('Error', $project->getErrorMessage()); } $perm =& $project->getPermission(session_get_user()); if (!$perm->isReleaseTechnician()) { exit_permission_denied(); } $frsp = new FRSPackage($project, $package_id); if (!$frsp || !is_object($frsp)) { exit_error('Error', 'Could Not Get FRS Package'); } elseif ($frsp->isError()) {
$feedback = _('File Released'); } } } // Edit/Delete files in a release if (getStringFromRequest('step3')) { $step3 = getStringFromRequest('step3'); $file_id = getIntFromRequest('file_id'); $processor_id = getIntFromRequest('processor_id'); $type_id = getIntFromRequest('type_id'); $new_release_id = getIntFromRequest('new_release_id'); $release_time = getStringFromRequest('release_time'); $group_id = getIntFromRequest('group_id'); $release_id = getIntFromRequest('release_id'); $package_id = getIntFromRequest('package_id'); $file_id = getIntFromRequest('file_id'); $im_sure = getStringFromRequest('im_sure'); // If the user chose to delete the file and he's sure then delete the file if ($step3 == "Delete File") { if ($im_sure) { $frsf = new FRSFile($frsr, $file_id); if (!$frsf || !is_object($frsf)) { exit_error('Error', 'Could Not Get FRSFile'); } elseif ($frsf->isError()) { exit_error('Error', $frsf->getErrorMessage()); } else { if (!$frsf->delete()) { exit_error('Error', $frsf->getErrorMessage()); } else { $feedback .= _('File Deleted'); }
* * GForge is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GForge; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 US */ require_once $gfcommon . 'tracker/ArtifactQuery.class.php'; if (!session_loggedin()) { exit_not_logged_in(); } $query_id = getIntFromRequest('query_id'); $query_action = getIntFromRequest('query_action'); if (getStringFromRequest('submit')) { // // Create a Saved Query // if ($query_action == 1) { if (!form_key_is_valid(getStringFromRequest('form_key'))) { exit_form_double_submit(); } $aq = new ArtifactQuery($ath); if (!$aq || !is_object($aq)) { exit_error('Error', $aq->getErrorMessage()); } $query_name = getStringFromRequest('query_name'); $_status = getStringFromRequest('_status'); $_assigned_to = getStringFromRequest('_assigned_to');
* GForge is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GForge; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ require_once '../../env.inc.php'; require_once $gfwww . 'include/pre.php'; require_once $gfwww . 'include/HTML_Graphs.php'; require_once $gfwww . 'survey/survey_utils.php'; $is_admin_page = 'y'; $group_id = getIntFromRequest('group_id'); $survey_id = getIntFromRequest('survey_id'); survey_header(array('title' => _('Survey Aggregate Results'))); if (!session_loggedin() || !user_ismember($group_id, 'A')) { echo "<h1>" . _('Permission denied') . "</h1>"; survey_footer(array()); exit; } //$result=db_query($sql); /* Select this survey from the database */ $sql = "SELECT * FROM surveys WHERE survey_id='{$survey_id}' AND group_id='{$group_id}'"; $result = db_query($sql); echo "<h2>" . db_result($result, 0, "survey_title") . "</h2><p> </p>"; /* echo "<h3><a href=\"show_results_csv.php?survey_id=$survey_id&group_id=$group_id\">.CSV File</a></h3><p>";
* SourceForge Sitewide Statistics * * SourceForge: Breaking Down the Barriers to Open Source Development * Copyright 1999-2001 (c) VA Linux Systems * http://sourceforge.net * * @version $Id$ * */ require_once '../env.inc.php'; require_once $gfwww . 'include/pre.php'; require_once $gfwww . 'stats/site_stats_utils.php'; $report = getStringFromRequest('report'); $orderby = getStringFromRequest('orderby'); $projects = getIntFromRequest('projects'); $trovecatid = getIntFromRequest('trovecatid'); // require you to be a member of the sfstats group (group_id = 11084) session_require(array('group' => $sys_stats_group)); $HTML->header(array('title' => sprintf(_('%1$s Site Statistics'), $GLOBALS['sys_name']))); ?> <div align="center"> <h3><?php echo _('Project Statistical Comparisons'); ?> </h3><br /> </div> <hr /> <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> <tr align="center">
plugin_hook('add_cal_group', $group_id); return true; } $action = getStringFromRequest('action'); if ($action == 'activate') { $group_id = getIntFromRequest('group_id'); $list_of_groups = getStringFromRequest('list_of_groups'); $groups = explode(',', $list_of_groups); array_walk($groups, 'activate_group'); //plugin webcalendar //create webcal group plugin_hook('add_cal_group', $group_id); } else { if ($action == 'delete') { $group_id = getIntFromRequest('group_id'); $response_id = getIntFromRequest('response_id'); $add_to_can = getStringFromRequest('add_to_can'); $response_text = getStringFromRequest('response_text'); $response_title = getStringFromRequest('response_title'); //plugin webcalendar //create webcal group plugin_hook('del_cal_group', $group_id); $group =& group_get_object($group_id); if (!$group || !is_object($group)) { exit_error('Error', 'Could Not Get Group'); } elseif ($group->isError()) { exit_error('Error', $group->getErrorMessage()); } if (!$group->setStatus(session_get_user(), 'D')) { exit_error(_('Error during group rejection'), $this->getErrorMessage()); }
echo time(); ?> "></script> <?php if (function_exists('html_use_jqueryui')) { html_use_jqueryui(); } else { ?> <script type="text/javascript" src="/plugins/taskboard/js/jquery-ui.js"></script> <?php } ?> <?php $techs = $group->getUsers(); $_assigned_to = getIntFromRequest('_assigned_to', '0'); // stolen code from tracker $tech_id_arr = array(); $tech_name_arr = array(); foreach ($techs as $tech) { $tech_id_arr[] = $tech->getID(); $tech_name_arr[] = $tech->getRealName(); } $tech_id_arr[] = '0'; //this will be the 'any' row $tech_name_arr[] = _('Any'); if (is_array($_assigned_to)) { $_assigned_to = ''; } $tech_box = html_build_select_box_from_arrays($tech_id_arr, $tech_name_arr, '_assigned_to', $_assigned_to, true, _('Unassigned')); // end of the stolen code
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GForge; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* message moderation by Daniel Perez - 2005 */ require_once '../../env.inc.php'; require_once $gfwww . 'include/pre.php'; require_once $gfwww . 'forum/include/ForumHTML.class.php'; require_once $gfwww . 'forum/admin/ForumAdmin.class.php'; require_once $gfcommon . 'forum/Forum.class.php'; require_once $gfcommon . 'forum/ForumMessage.class.php'; $msg_id = getIntFromRequest("msg_id"); $group_id = getIntFromRequest('group_id'); $forum_id = getIntFromRequest("forum_id"); global $HTML; $fa = new ForumAdmin(); if (!$forum_id || !$group_id || !$msg_id) { exit_missing_param(); } if ($fa->Authorized($group_id)) { //user authorized, continue check if ($fa->isForumAdmin($forum_id)) { //print the message forum_header(array()); $g =& $fa->GetGroupObject(); $f = new Forum($g, $forum_id); if (!$f || !is_object($f)) { exit_error(_('Error'), "Error getting new Forum"); } elseif ($f->isError()) {
echo html_image('ic/rss.png', 16, 16, array('border' => '0')); ?> </li> <li><a href="rss20_activity.php?group_id=<?php echo getIntFromRequest('group_id'); ?> "><?php print $GLOBALS['sys_name']; ?> Activity</a> (<a href="http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss">RSS 2.0</a>) <?php echo html_image('ic/rss.png', 16, 16, array('border' => '0')); ?> </li> <li><a href="rss20_newreleases.php?group_id=<?php echo getIntFromRequest('group_id'); ?> "><?php print $GLOBALS['sys_name']; ?> Developer New Project Releases</a> (<a href="http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss">RSS 2.0</a>) <?php echo html_image('ic/rss.png', 16, 16, array('border' => '0')); ?> </li> </ul> <a href="javascript:history.go(-1)">[<?php echo _('Go back'); ?> ]</a>
if (!$pg->userIsAdmin()) { exit_permission_denied(); } $pc = new ProjectCategory($pg); if (!$pc || !is_object($pc)) { exit_error('Error', 'Unable to create ProjectCategory Object'); } else { if (!$pc->create($name)) { exit_error('Error', 'Error inserting: ' . $pc->getErrorMessage()); } else { $feedback .= _('Category Inserted'); } } } else { if ($update_cat) { $id = getIntFromRequest('id'); $name = getStringFromRequest('name'); /* Update a project_category */ if (!$pg->userIsAdmin()) { exit_permission_denied(); } $pc = new ProjectCategory($pg, $id); if (!$pc || !is_object($pc)) { exit_error('Error', 'Unable to create ProjectCategory Object'); } elseif ($pc->isError()) { exit_error('Error', $pc->getErrorMessage()); } else { if (!$pc->update($name)) { exit_error('Error', 'Error updating: ' . $pc->getErrorMessage());
<td><a href="useredit.php?user_id=' . $row['user_id'] . '">' . $row['user_id'] . '</a></td> <td>' . format_name($row['user_name'], $row['status']) . '</td> <td>' . $row['realname'] . '</td> <td>' . $row['email'] . '</td> <td>' . date(_('Y-m-d H:i'), $row['add_date']) . '</td> <td style="text-align:center">' . format_name($row['status'] . '/' . $row['unix_status'], $row['status']) . '</td> </tr> '; } echo $GLOBALS['HTML']->listTableBottom(); } } // end if ($usersearch) if (getStringFromRequest('groupsearch')) { $status = getStringFromRequest('status'); $is_public = getIntFromRequest('is_public', -1); $crit_desc = getStringFromRequest('crit_desc'); $crit_sql = ''; if ($status) { $crit_sql .= " AND status='{$status}'"; $crit_desc .= " status={$status}"; } if ($is_public !== -1) { $crit_sql .= " AND is_public='{$is_public}'"; $crit_desc .= " is_public={$is_public}"; } $sql = "\n\t\tSELECT DISTINCT *\n\t\tFROM groups WHERE ("; if (is_numeric($search)) { $sql .= "group_id = '{$search}' OR "; } if ($sys_database_type == "mysql") {