public static function get($app, $path, &$cache) { if (!starts_with($path, ROOT_PATH)) { err_log("ILLEGAL REQUEST: " . $path . ", " . ROOT_PATH); return null; } if (is_array($cache) && array_key_exists($path, $cache)) { return $cache[$path]; } $item = new Item($app, $path); if (is_array($cache)) { $cache[$path] = $item; } return $item; }
$_SESSION['firstname'] = $firstname; $_SESSION['country'] = $country; err_log("LOGIN OK", $username); header("Location: " . $location_url . $redirect); #header("Location:".$redirect); die; } else { if ($output == "RESET PASSWORD") { $fields = array('username' => $username, 'redirect' => $redirect); $postvars = http_build_query($fields); $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $location_url . "reset_password.php"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, count($fields)); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $postvars); $result = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); die; } else { err_log("LOGIN FAILED", $username); //POST error back to login $fields = array('error' => $output); $postvars = http_build_query($fields); $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $location_url . "login.php"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, count($fields)); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $postvars); $result = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); die; } }
if (empty($consumables_planned)) { $consumables_planned = array_key_exists("consumables_planned", $_POST) ? $_POST["consumables_planned"] : ""; } $transport_planned = array_key_exists("transport_planned", $_GET) ? $_GET["transport_planned"] : ""; if (empty($transport_planned)) { $transport_planned = array_key_exists("transport_planned", $_POST) ? $_POST["transport_planned"] : ""; } $sql = " UPDATE budget SET investments = " . (empty($investments) ? "0" : $investments) . ", personnel = " . (empty($personnel) ? "0" : $personnel) . ", services = " . (empty($services) ? "0" : $services) . ", consumables = " . (empty($consumables) ? "0" : $consumables) . ", transport = " . (empty($transport) ? "0" : $transport) . (empty($status) ? "" : ", status = " . $status) . " WHERE task_id = " . $taskid . " AND year = " . $year . " AND quarter = " . $quarter; $conn = getConnection(); $result = pg_query($conn, $sql); if ($result) { $details = "[taskid:" . $taskid . ", year:" . $year . ", quarter:" . $quarter . ", status:" . $status . ", investments:" . $investments . ", personnel:" . $personnel . ", services:" . $services . ", consumables:" . $consumables . ", transport:" . $transport . "]"; err_log("UPDATE ESTIMATES: ", $details); // this would also mean that the database trigger will have created the next quarter $nexty = $quarter == 4 ? $year + 1 : $year; $nextq = $quarter == 4 ? 1 : $quarter + 1; $sql = " UPDATE budget SET investments_planned = " . (empty($investments_planned) ? "0" : $investments_planned) . ", personnel_planned = " . (empty($personnel_planned) ? "0" : $personnel_planned) . ", services_planned = " . (empty($services_planned) ? "0" : $services_planned) . ", consumables_planned = " . (empty($consumables_planned) ? "0" : $consumables_planned) . ", transport_planned = " . (empty($transport_planned) ? "0" : $transport_planned) . (empty($status) ? "" : ", status = " . $status) . " WHERE task_id = " . $taskid . " AND year = " . $nexty . " AND quarter = " . $nextq; $result = pg_query($conn, $sql); if ($result) { echo "OK"; $details = "[taskid:" . $taskid . ", year:" . $nexty . ", quarter:" . $nextq . ", status:" . $status . ", investments_planned:" . $investments_planned . ", personnel_planned:" . $personnel_planned . ", services_planned:" . $services_planned . ", consumables_planned:" . $consumables_planned . ", transport_planned:" . $transport_planned . "]"; err_log("UPDATE PLANNED", $details); } else { echo pg_last_error($conn); err_log("UPDATE PLANNED FAILED", pg_last_error($conn)); } } else { echo pg_last_error($conn); err_log("UPDATE ESTIMATES FAILED ", pg_last_error($conn)); } pg_close($conn);
<?php include 'check_access.php'; require_once "db.php"; $taskid = array_key_exists("taskid", $_GET) ? $_GET["taskid"] : ""; if (empty($taskid)) { $taskid = array_key_exists("taskid", $_POST) ? $_POST["taskid"] : ""; } if (empty($taskid)) { echo "No Task ID Specified"; exit; } $completion = array_key_exists("completion", $_GET) ? $_GET["completion"] : ""; if (empty($completion)) { $completion = array_key_exists("completion", $_POST) ? $_POST["completion"] : ""; } $sql = " UPDATE task SET completed_percentage = " . (empty($completion) ? "0" : $completion) . " WHERE id = " . $taskid; $conn = getConnection(); $result = pg_query($conn, $sql); if ($result) { echo "OK"; $details = "[taskid:" . $taskid . ", completed_percentage:" . $completion . "]"; err_log("UPDATE TASK COMPLETION", $details); } else { echo pg_last_error($conn); err_log("UPDATE TASK COMPLETION FAILED", pg_last_error($conn)); } pg_close($conn);
$year = array_key_exists("year", $_POST) ? $_POST["year"] : ""; $quarter = array_key_exists("quarter", $_POST) ? $_POST["quarter"] : ""; $status = array_key_exists("status", $_POST) ? $_POST["status"] : ""; $investments = array_key_exists("investments", $_POST) ? $_POST["investments"] : ""; $personnel = array_key_exists("personnel", $_POST) ? $_POST["personnel"] : ""; $services = array_key_exists("services", $_POST) ? $_POST["services"] : ""; $consumables = array_key_exists("consumables", $_POST) ? $_POST["consumables"] : ""; $transport = array_key_exists("transport", $_POST) ? $_POST["transport"] : ""; $admin = array_key_exists("admin", $_POST) ? $_POST["admin"] : ""; $investments_actual = array_key_exists("investments_actual", $_POST) ? $_POST["investments_actual"] : ""; $personnel_actual = array_key_exists("personnel_actual", $_POST) ? $_POST["personnel_actual"] : ""; $services_actual = array_key_exists("services_actual", $_POST) ? $_POST["services_actual"] : ""; $consumables_actual = array_key_exists("consumables_actual", $_POST) ? $_POST["consumables_actual"] : ""; $transport_actual = array_key_exists("transport_actual", $_POST) ? $_POST["transport_actual"] : ""; $investments_planned = array_key_exists("investments_planned", $_POST) ? $_POST["investments_planned"] : ""; $personnel_planned = array_key_exists("personnel_planned", $_POST) ? $_POST["personnel_planned"] : ""; $services_planned = array_key_exists("services_planned", $_POST) ? $_POST["services_planned"] : ""; $consumables_planned = array_key_exists("consumables_planned", $_POST) ? $_POST["consumables_planned"] : ""; $transport_planned = array_key_exists("transport_planned", $_POST) ? $_POST["transport_planned"] : ""; $sql = " UPDATE budget SET investments = " . (empty($investments) ? "0" : $investments) . ", personnel = " . (empty($personnel) ? "0" : $personnel) . ", services = " . (empty($services) ? "0" : $services) . ", consumables = " . (empty($consumables) ? "0" : $consumables) . ", transport = " . (empty($transport) ? "0" : $transport) . ", admin = " . (empty($admin) ? "0" : $admin) . ", investments_actual = " . (empty($investments_actual) ? "0" : $investments_actual) . ", personnel_actual = " . (empty($personnel_actual) ? "0" : $personnel_actual) . ", services_actual = " . (empty($services_actual) ? "0" : $services_actual) . ", consumables_actual = " . (empty($consumables_actual) ? "0" : $consumables_actual) . ", transport_actual = " . (empty($transport_actual) ? "0" : $transport_actual) . ", investments_planned = " . (empty($investments_planned) ? "0" : $investments_planned) . ", personnel_planned = " . (empty($personnel_planned) ? "0" : $personnel_planned) . ", services_planned = " . (empty($services_planned) ? "0" : $services_planned) . ", consumables_planned = " . (empty($consumables_planned) ? "0" : $consumables_planned) . ", transport_planned = " . (empty($transport_planned) ? "0" : $transport_planned) . (empty($status) ? "" : ", status = " . $status) . " WHERE task_id = " . $taskid . " AND year = " . $year . " AND quarter = " . $quarter; $conn = getConnection(); $result = pg_query($conn, $sql); if ($result) { echo "OK"; $details = "[taskid:" . $taskid . ", year:" . $year . ", quarter:" . $quarter . ", status:" . $status . ", investments:" . $investments . ", personnel:" . $personnel . ", services:" . $services . ", consumables:" . $consumables . ", transport=" . $transport . ", investments_actual:" . $investments_actual . ", personnel_actual:" . $personnel_actual . ", services_actual:" . $services_actual . ", consumables_actual:" . $consumables_actual . ", transport_actual:" . $transport_actual . ", admin:" . $admin . ", investments_planned:" . $investments_planned . ", personnel_planned:" . $personnel_planned . ", services_planned:" . $services_planned . ", consumables_planned:" . $consumables_planned . ", transport_planned:" . $transport_planned . "]"; err_log("UPDATE LOADING", $details); } else { echo pg_last_error($conn); err_log("UPDATE LOADING FAILED", pg_last_error($conn)); } pg_close($conn);
} if ($password !== $password2) { echo "PASSWORDS DO NOT MATCH"; die; } $pass_hash = substr(crypt($password, '$2y$09$' . $pw_salt . '$'), 29); $sql = " UPDATE access set password = '******' " . "WHERE username = '******' RETURNING level, firstname, country"; $conn = getConnection(); $result = pg_query($conn, $sql); if ($result) { $rows = pg_affected_rows($result); $row = pg_fetch_array($result); if ($rows > 0) { echo "OK"; session_start(); session_regenerate_id(true); $_SESSION['access'] = $row["level"]; $_SESSION['username'] = $username; $_SESSION['firstname'] = $row["firstname"]; $_SESSION['country'] = $row["country"]; err_log("PASSWORD RESET FOR USER", $username); die; } else { echo "USER NOT FOUND: " . $username; err_log("PASSWORD RESET FAILED FOR " . $username, "Username Not Found"); } } else { echo pg_last_error($conn); err_log("PASSWORD RESET FAILED FOR " . $username, pg_last_error($conn)); } pg_close($conn);
if (empty($investments_budget)) { $investments_budget = array_key_exists("investments_budget", $_POST) ? $_POST["investments_budget"] : ""; } $services_budget = array_key_exists("services_budget", $_GET) ? $_GET["services_budget"] : ""; if (empty($services_budget)) { $services_budget = array_key_exists("services_budget", $_POST) ? $_POST["services_budget"] : ""; } $consumables_budget = array_key_exists("consumables_budget", $_GET) ? $_GET["consumables_budget"] : ""; if (empty($consumables_budget)) { $consumables_budget = array_key_exists("consumables_budget", $_POST) ? $_POST["consumables_budget"] : ""; } $transport_budget = array_key_exists("transport_budget", $_GET) ? $_GET["transport_budget"] : ""; if (empty($transport_budget)) { $transport_budget = array_key_exists("transport_budget", $_POST) ? $_POST["transport_budget"] : ""; } $personnel_budget = array_key_exists("personnel_budget", $_GET) ? $_GET["personnel_budget"] : ""; if (empty($personnel_budget)) { $personnel_budget = array_key_exists("personnel_budget", $_POST) ? $_POST["personnel_budget"] : ""; } $sql = " INSERT INTO task (id, description, owner, institution, country, thematic_area, currency, investments_budget, services_budget, consumables_budget, transport_budget, personnel_budget) VALUES ({$taskid}, '" . $description . "', '" . $owner . "', '" . $institution . "', '" . $country . "', '" . $thematic_area . "', '" . $currency . "', " . $investments_budget . ", " . $services_budget . ", " . $consumables_budget . ", " . $transport_budget . ", " . $personnel_budget . "); INSERT INTO budget (task_id, year, quarter, status) VALUES (" . $taskid . ", " . $firstyear . ", " . $firstquarter . ", 1)"; $conn = getConnection(); $result = pg_query($conn, $sql); if ($result) { echo "OK"; $details = "[taskid:" . $taskid . ", owner:" . $owner . ", country:" . $country . ", thematic_area:" . $thematic_area . ", currency:" . $currency . ", start:Q" . $firstquarter . ", " . $firstyear . ", description:'" . $description . "', institution:'" . $institution . "', budget: investments=" . $investments_budget . ", services=" . $services_budget . ", consumables=" . $consumables_budget . ", transport=" . $transport_budget . ", personnel=" . $personnel_budget . "]"; err_log("ADD TASK", $details); } else { echo pg_last_error($conn); err_log("ADD TASK FAILED", pg_last_error($conn)); } pg_close($conn);
$status = array_key_exists("status", $_POST) ? $_POST["status"] : ""; } $received = array_key_exists("received", $_GET) ? $_GET["received"] : ""; if (empty($received)) { $received = array_key_exists("received", $_POST) ? $_POST["received"] : ""; } $received_date = array_key_exists("received_date", $_GET) ? $_GET["received_date"] : ""; if (empty($received_date)) { $received_date = array_key_exists("received_date", $_POST) ? $_POST["received_date"] : ""; } $xrate = array_key_exists("xrate", $_GET) ? $_GET["xrate"] : ""; if (empty($xrate)) { $xrate = array_key_exists("xrate", $_POST) ? $_POST["xrate"] : ""; } if ($received < 0) { echo "Received amount cannot be negative"; err_log("UPDATE RECEIPTS FAILED", "Attempting to add negative receipt of " . $received . " to task " . $taskid); return; } $sql = " UPDATE budget SET received = " . $received . ", received_date = '" . $received_date . "' " . ", xrate = " . $xrate . (empty($status) ? "" : ", status = " . $status) . " WHERE task_id = " . $taskid . " AND year = " . $year . " AND quarter = " . $quarter; $conn = getConnection(); $result = pg_query($conn, $sql); if ($result) { echo "OK"; $details = "[taskid:" . $taskid . ", year:" . $year . ", quarter:" . $quarter . ", received:" . $received . ", received_date:" . $received_date . ", xrate:" . $xrate . ", status:" . $status . "]"; err_log("UPDATE RECEIPTS", $details); } else { echo pg_last_error($conn); err_log("UPDATE RECEIPTS FAILED", pg_last_error($conn)); } pg_close($conn);
die; } } $username = array_key_exists("username", $_GET) ? $_GET["username"] : ""; if (empty($username)) { $username = array_key_exists("username", $_POST) ? $_POST["username"] : ""; if (empty($username)) { echo "Please enter a username"; die; } } $country = array_key_exists("country", $_GET) ? $_GET["country"] : ""; if (empty($country)) { $country = array_key_exists("country", $_POST) ? $_POST["country"] : ""; } $level = array_key_exists("level", $_GET) ? $_GET["level"] : ""; if (empty($level)) { $level = array_key_exists("level", $_POST) ? $_POST["level"] : ""; } $sql = " INSERT INTO access (username, password, level, country, firstname, lastname) VALUES ('" . $username . "', '', " . $level . ", '" . $country . "', '" . $firstname . "', '" . $lastname . "' )"; $conn = getConnection(); $result = pg_query($conn, $sql); if ($result) { echo "OK"; $details = "[username:"******", password:"******", level:" . $level . ", country:" . $country . ", firstname:" . $firstname . ", lastname:" . $lastname . "]"; err_log("ADD USER", $details); } else { echo pg_last_error($conn); err_log("ADD USER FAILED", pg_last_error($conn)); } pg_close($conn);
} $prev_unused = array_key_exists("prev_unused", $_GET) ? $_GET["prev_unused"] : ""; if (empty($prev_unused)) { $prev_unused = array_key_exists("prev_unused", $_POST) ? $_POST["prev_unused"] : ""; } $prev_xrate = array_key_exists("prev_xrate", $_GET) ? $_GET["prev_xrate"] : ""; if (empty($prev_xrate)) { $prev_xrate = array_key_exists("prev_xrate", $_POST) ? $_POST["prev_xrate"] : ""; } $admin = array_key_exists("admin", $_GET) ? $_GET["admin"] : ""; if (empty($admin)) { $admin = array_key_exists("admin", $_POST) ? $_POST["admin"] : ""; } $sql = " UPDATE budget SET investments_actual = " . (empty($investments) ? "0" : $investments) . ", personnel_actual = " . (empty($personnel) ? "0" : $personnel) . ", services_actual = " . (empty($services) ? "0" : $services) . ", consumables_actual = " . (empty($consumables) ? "0" : $consumables) . ", transport_actual = " . (empty($transport) ? "0" : $transport) . ", admin = " . (empty($admin) ? "0" : $admin) . (empty($status) ? "" : ", status = " . $status) . " WHERE task_id = " . $taskid . " AND year = " . $year . " AND quarter = " . $quarter; //if ($status == 3) { //THIS IS NOW TAKEN CARE OF BY THE DATABASE TRIGGER ON BUDGET UPDATE //$next_quarter = $quarter >= 4 ? 1 : $quarter + 1; //$next_year = $quarter >= 4 ? $year + 1 : $year; //$sql .= "; INSERT INTO budget (task_id, year, quarter, prev_unused, prev_xrate, status) ". //" VALUES (".$taskid.", ".$next_year.", ".$next_quarter.", ".$prev_unused.", ".$prev_xrate.", 1)"; //} $conn = getConnection(); $result = pg_query($conn, $sql); if ($result) { echo "OK"; $details = "[taskid:" . $taskid . ", year:" . $year . ", quarter:" . $quarter . ", status:" . $status . ", investments:" . $investments . ", personnel:" . $personnel . ", services:" . $services . ", consumables:" . $consumables . ", transport:" . $transport . ", admin:" . $admin . "]"; err_log("UPDATE ACTUALS", $details); } else { echo pg_last_error($conn); err_log("UPDATE ACTUALS FAILED", pg_last_error($conn)); } pg_close($conn);
if (empty($consumables_budget)) { $consumables_budget = array_key_exists("consumables_budget", $_POST) ? $_POST["consumables_budget"] : ""; } $transport_budget = array_key_exists("transport_budget", $_GET) ? $_GET["transport_budget"] : ""; if (empty($transport_budget)) { $transport_budget = array_key_exists("transport_budget", $_POST) ? $_POST["transport_budget"] : ""; } $personnel_budget = array_key_exists("personnel_budget", $_GET) ? $_GET["personnel_budget"] : ""; if (empty($personnel_budget)) { $personnel_budget = array_key_exists("personnel_budget", $_POST) ? $_POST["personnel_budget"] : ""; } $year_budget = array_key_exists("year_budget", $_GET) ? $_GET["year_budget"] : ""; if (empty($year_budget)) { $year_budget = array_key_exists("year_budget", $_POST) ? $_POST["year_budget"] : ""; } $kfw_phase_budget = array_key_exists("kfw_phase_budget", $_GET) ? $_GET["kfw_phase_budget"] : ""; if (empty($kfw_phase_budget)) { $kfw_phase_budget = array_key_exists("kfw_phase_budget", $_POST) ? $_POST["kfw_phase_budget"] : ""; } $sql = " UPDATE task SET investments_budget = " . (empty($investments_budget) ? "0" : $investments_budget) . ", personnel_budget = " . (empty($personnel_budget) ? "0" : $personnel_budget) . ", services_budget = " . (empty($services_budget) ? "0" : $services_budget) . ", consumables_budget = " . (empty($consumables_budget) ? "0" : $consumables_budget) . ", transport_budget = " . (empty($transport_budget) ? "0" : $transport_budget) . ", year_budget = " . (empty($year_budget) ? "0" : $year_budget) . ", kfw_phase_budget = " . (empty($kfw_phase_budget) ? "0" : $kfw_phase_budget) . " WHERE id = " . $taskid; $conn = getConnection(); $result = pg_query($conn, $sql); if ($result) { echo "OK"; $details = "[taskid:" . $taskid . ", investments_budget:" . $investments_budget . ", personnel_budget:" . $personnel_budget . ", services_budget:" . $services_budget . ", consumables_budget:" . $consumables_budget . ", transport_budget:" . $transport_budget . ", year_budget:" . $year_budget . ", kfw_phase_budget:" . $kfw_phase_budget . "]"; err_log("UPDATE TASK FIGURES", $details); } else { echo pg_last_error($conn); err_log("UPDATE TASK FIGURES FAILED", pg_last_error($conn)); } pg_close($conn);
<?php require_once "db.php"; session_start(); $key = $_POST['key']; $value = $_POST['value']; $acceptable_keys = array('taskid', 'year', 'quarter', 'reload'); if (isset($_SESSION)) { if (in_array($key, $acceptable_keys)) { $_SESSION[$key] = $value; //err_log("Setting ".$key." to ".$value); } else { err_log("WARNING - attempt to change session variable: " . $key); } } $output['taskid'] = isset($_SESSION['taskid']) ? $_SESSION['taskid'] : '?'; $output['year'] = isset($_SESSION['year']) ? $_SESSION['year'] : '?'; $output['quarter'] = isset($_SESSION['quarter']) ? $_SESSION['quarter'] : '?'; echo json_encode($output);