コード例 #1
ファイル: fchange_pwd.php プロジェクト: jeerayuth/hosxp
//session end
//********************change pwd***************************//
if ($_POST['submit'] == "Change") {
    if (!$_POST['oldpwd'] || !$_POST['newpwd'] || !$_POST['confirm_newpwd']) {
        //input box
        echo "<center><h2><font color=red>��سҡ�͡���������ú�ء��ͧ</font></h2></center>";
    } else {
        //input box
        //check old pwd for user right
        $u_p = explode("#", empty_passweb2($ip_Log));
        //user and pass by return from function
        $ip_Log = $u_p[0];
        $p = $u_p[1];
        $u_enc = enc_create_u(trim($ip_Log));
        //user encode from login
        $p_enc = enc_create_p(trim($_POST['oldpwd']));
        //pwd encode from login
        $sum_enc = "{$u_enc}" . "{$p_enc}";
        if ($sum_enc == $p) {
            if ($_POST['newpwd'] == $_POST['confirm_newpwd']) {
コード例 #2
ファイル: result_chlogin.php プロジェクト: jeerayuth/hosxp
                       <td height="52" align="center"><span class="headtable"><img src="img_mian/menu_new/aboutas.gif" width="150" height="36" border="0" usemap="#Map"></span></td>
                   <td width="398" align="left" valign="top" class="headtable"><table width="397" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
                         <td width="10" height="24" background="img_mian/bgcolor.gif ">&nbsp;</td>
                         <td width="378" background="img_mian/bgcolor.gif ">&nbsp; <img src="img_mian/mail.gif" width="16" height="16" align="absmiddle"> <strong><font color="#000000">����</font></strong> </td>
                         <td width="10" background="img_mian/bgcolor.gif ">&nbsp;</td>
                         <td bgcolor="#CAE5F8"></td>
                         <td valign="top" bgcolor="#CAE5F8"><?php 
 //call check login for  passweb empty
 $empty_pass = empty_passweb2($ip_Log);
 if (!$empty_pass) {
     //�ѧ����˹� check passweb empty
     echo "&nbsp;<font color=red>�ѧ����˹����ʼ�ҹ����Ѻ��������ҹ Web Service</font>";
 //call check login for  passweb empty
 if (!$empty_pass and !$online) {
     //�ѧ����˹� check passweb empty
     echo "&nbsp;<font color=red>��ҹ�е�ͧ Login �������к� HoSxP ��˹����ʼ�ҹ ��Ѻ</font>";
 //call check login for  passweb empty
 if (!$empty_pass and $online) {
     //�ѧ����˹� check passweb empty
     echo "&nbsp;>>&nbsp;<font color=red><a href=set_pweb.php>��˹����ʼ�ҹ</a></font>";
 //call check login for  command_doctor