public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $prefs = Preferences::getInstance(); if (!$prefs) { die_error('get Preferences failed', __FILE__, __LINE__); } $a_pref = $prefs->get('UserGroupDB', 'activedirectory'); if (is_array($a_pref)) { foreach ($a_pref as $k => $v) { $this->preferences[$k] = $v; } } // Generate parent (ldap) settings $this->preferences['filter'] = '(objectClass=group)'; $this->preferences['match'] = array('name' => 'name', 'description' => 'description'); $this->preferences['group_match_user'] = array('user_field', 'group_field'); $this->preferences['user_field'] = 'memberOf'; $this->preferences['user_field_type'] = 'group_dn'; $this->preferences['group_field'] = 'member'; $this->preferences['group_field_type'] = 'user_dn'; $this->preferences['ou'] = ''; if (array_key_exists('use_child_group', $this->preferences)) { if (in_array($this->preferences['use_child_group'], array(1, '1'))) { $this->preferences['user_field'] .= ':1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:'; $this->preferences['group_field'] .= ':1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:'; } } }
function __autoload($class_name) { //what about NameSpaces ? $class_files = array(); if (!class_exists($class_name)) { $class_files[] = PREMIUM_CLASSES_DIR . '/' . $class_name . '.class.php'; $class_files[] = CLASSES_DIR . '/' . $class_name . '.class.php'; $class_files[] = CLASSES_DIR . '/configelements/' . $class_name . '.class.php'; $class_files[] = CLASSES_DIR . '/events/' . $class_name . '.class.php'; $class_files[] = EVENTS_DIR . '/' . $class_name . '.class.php'; $class_files[] = CLASSES_DIR . '/tasks/' . $class_name . '.class.php'; $class_files[] = MODULES_DIR . '/' . $class_name . '.php'; $class_files[] = ABSTRACT_CLASSES_DIR . '/' . $class_name . '.class.php'; $class_files[] = ABSTRACT_CLASSES_DIR . '/liaison/' . $class_name . '.class.php'; $class_files[] = ADMIN_CLASSES_DIR . '/' . $class_name . '.class.php'; $class_files[] = MODULES_DIR . '/' . preg_replace('/_/', '/', $class_name, 1) . '.php'; foreach ($class_files as $class_file) { if (file_exists($class_file)) { require_once $class_file; return; } } if (isset($autoload_die) && $autoload_die === true) { die_error('Class \'' . $class_name . '\' not found', __FILE__, __LINE__); } } }
public function invitation() { $id = $this->input->post('id', true); if (!is_numeric($id)) { die_error($id . ' : bad identifier.'); } // ... die($id . ' not invited.'); }
public function __construct() { $prefs = Preferences::getInstance(); if (!$prefs) { die_error('get Preferences failed', __FILE__, __LINE__); } $this->config = $prefs->get('UserDB', 'ldap'); $this->cache_users = array(); }
public function __construct() { $prefs = Preferences::getInstance(); if ($prefs) { $this->config = $prefs->get('UserGroupDB', 'sql_external'); } else { die_error('USERGROUPDB::MYSQL_external::construct get Prefs failed', __FILE__, __LINE__); } }
function send_alert_mail($subject_, $message_) { $prefs = Preferences::getInstance(); if (!$prefs) { die_error('get Preferences failed', __FILE__, __LINE__); } $tos = $prefs->get('events', 'mail_to'); foreach ($tos as $to) { sendamail($to, $subject_, $message_); } }
public function __construct() { $this->cache_import = array(); $prefs = Preferences::getInstance(); if (!$prefs) { die_error('get Preferences failed', __FILE__, __LINE__); } $a_pref = $prefs->get('UserGroupDB', 'ldap'); if (is_array($a_pref)) { $this->preferences = $a_pref; } else { // ugly... $this->preferences = array(); } }
public function makeLDAPconfig($config_ = NULL) { if ($config_ != NULL) { $config = $config_; } else { $config = $this->config_ad; } $ldap_suffix = domain2suffix($config['domain']); if (!$ldap_suffix) { die_error('Active Directory configuration not valid (domain2suffix error)2', __FILE__, __LINE__); } $match_minimal = array('login' => 'sAMAccountName', 'displayname' => 'displayName', 'real_login' => 'sAMAccountName', 'countrycode' => 'c', 'objectclass' => 'objectClass'); $config_ldap = array('hosts' => $config['hosts'], 'suffix' => $ldap_suffix, 'login' => $config['login'] . '@' . $config['domain'], 'password' => $config['password'], 'port' => '389', 'options' => array('LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION' => '3', 'LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS' => 0), 'filter' => '(&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user))', 'match' => array_merge($match_minimal, $config['match'])); return $config_ldap; }
public static function getInstance() { if (is_null(self::$instance)) { $prefs = Preferences::getInstance(); if (!$prefs) { die_error('get Preferences failed', __FILE__, __LINE__); } $enabled_modules = $prefs->get('general', 'module_enable'); if (!in_array('SessionManagement', $enabled_modules)) { die_error('SessionManagement module must be enabled', __FILE__, __LINE__); } $SessionManagement_module_name = 'SessionManagement_' . $prefs->get('SessionManagement', 'enable'); self::$instance = new $SessionManagement_module_name(); } return self::$instance; }
public static function getInstance() { if (is_null(self::$instance)) { $prefs = Preferences::getInstance(); if (!$prefs) { die_error('get Preferences failed', __FILE__, __LINE__); } $mods_enable = $prefs->get('general', 'module_enable'); if (!in_array('UserDB', $mods_enable)) { die_error(_('UserDB module must be enabled'), __FILE__, __LINE__); } $mod_app_name = 'UserDB_' . $prefs->get('UserDB', 'enable'); self::$instance = new $mod_app_name(); } return self::$instance; }
public function getLocale() { if ($this->hasAttribute('countrycode')) { $language = $this->getAttribute('countrycode'); // only works for ISO-3166 } else { $prefs = Preferences::getInstance(); if (!$prefs) { die_error('get Preferences failed', __FILE__, __LINE__); } $default_settings = $prefs->get('general', 'session_settings_defaults'); $language = $default_settings['language']; } $locale = locale2unix($language); return $locale; }
function __autoload($class_name) { //what about NameSpaces ? $class_files = array(); if (!class_exists($class_name)) { $class_files[] = CLASSES_DIR . '/' . $class_name . '.class.php'; foreach ($class_files as $class_file) { if (file_exists($class_file)) { require_once $class_file; return; } } if (isset($autoload_die) && $autoload_die === true) { die_error('Class \'' . $class_name . '\' not found', __FILE__, __LINE__); } } }
public function __construct($id_, $name_, $description_, $url_) { Logger::debug('main', "Application_weblink::construct('{$id_}','{$name_}','{$description_}','{$url_}')"); parent::__construct($id_, $name_, $description_, 'weblink', $url_, NULL, NULL, NULL, true, $name_ . '.weblink'); // executable_path <=> url; $prefs = Preferences::getInstance(); if (!$prefs) { die_error('get Preferences failed', __FILE__, __LINE__); } $mods_enable = $prefs->get('general', 'module_enable'); if (!in_array('ApplicationDB', $mods_enable)) { die_error('Module ApplicationDB must be enabled', __FILE__, __LINE__); } $default_browser = $prefs->get('general', 'default_browser'); if (!is_array($default_browser)) { Logger::error('main', 'Application_weblink::construct failed to get default_browser preferences'); } $this->default_browser = $default_browser; }
public function execute($dataContainer) { defined('_AEXEC') or die("Access denied"); require_once 'AdminHelpProcessing.php'; require_once 'AdminHelpInterface.php'; require_once PATH_ACCESS . '/GlobalSettingsManager.php'; $gbManager = new GlobalSettingsManager(); $helpInterface = new AdminHelpInterface($this->relPath); $helpProcessing = new AdminHelpProcessing($helpInterface); if ('POST' == $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) { try { switch ($_GET['action']) { case 1: //show the Help-Text try { $helptext = $gbManager->getHelpText(); } catch (MySQLVoidDataException $e) { $helptext = ' '; } $helpInterface->ShowHelp($helptext); break; case 2: //edit the Help-Text if (isset($_POST['helptext'])) { $helpProcessing->change_help($_POST['helptext']); } else { try { $helptext = $gbManager->getHelpText(); } catch (MySQLVoidDataException $e) { $helptext = ' '; } $helpInterface->EditHelp($helptext); } break; } } catch (Exception $e) { die_error($e->getMessage()); } } else { $helpInterface->IndexMenu(); } }
public function __construct($id_, $application_id, $url_prefix, $raw_configuration, $values) { Logger::debug('api', "Application_webapp_configuration::construct('{$id_}','{$application_id}','{$url_prefix}','{$raw_configuration}','{$values}')"); $prefs = Preferences::getInstance(); if (!$prefs) { die_error('get Preferences failed', __FILE__, __LINE__); } $mods_enable = $prefs->get('general', 'module_enable'); if (!in_array('ApplicationDB', $mods_enable)) { die_error('Module ApplicationDB must be enabled', __FILE__, __LINE__); } if (!in_array('WebAppConfDB', $mods_enable)) { die_error('Module WebAppConfDB must be enabled', __FILE__, __LINE__); } $this->attributes = array(); $this->attributes['id'] = $id_; $this->attributes['application_id'] = $application_id; $this->attributes['url_prefix'] = $url_prefix; $this->attributes['raw_configuration'] = $raw_configuration; $this->attributes['values'] = $values; }
public function __construct($login_, $password_, $ssl_ = true) { if (defined('DEBUG_MODE') && DEBUG_MODE === true) { ini_set('soap.wsdl_cache_enabled', 0); } $xff = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $headers = apache_request_headers(); foreach ($headers as $k => $v) { // Internet explorer send http headers in lower cases... $k = strtolower($k); if ($k == 'x-forwarded-for') { $xff = $v . ', ' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } } try { $this->service = new SoapClient(ADMIN_ROOT . '/includes/ovd-admin.wsdl', array('login' => $login_, 'password' => $password_, 'location' => ($ssl_ ? 'https' : 'http') . '://' . SESSIONMANAGER_HOST . '/ovd/service/admin', 'stream_context' => stream_context_create(array('http' => array('header' => 'X-Forwarded-For: ' . $xff))))); } catch (Exception $e) { die_error(self::format_soap_error_message($e)); throw $e; } }
public function __construct($server_) { // Logger::debug('main', 'Starting Server_Logs::__construct for \''.$server_->fqdn.'\''); if (!check_folder(SESSIONMANAGER_SPOOL . '/cache/logs')) { Logger::error('main', 'Server_Logs::__construct Unable to create global logs cache folder'); die_error(SESSIONMANAGER_SPOOL . '/cache/logs does not exist and cannot be created!', __FILE__, __LINE__); } $this->server = $server_; $this->logsdir = SESSIONMANAGER_SPOOL . '/cache/logs/' . $this->server->fqdn; if (!check_folder($this->logsdir)) { Logger::error('main', 'Server_Logs::__construct Unable to create logs cache folder for server \'' . $this->server->fqdn . '\''); die_error($this->logsdir . ' does not exist and cannot be created!', __FILE__, __LINE__); } $this->since = @file_get_contents($this->logsdir . '/since'); if (!$this->since) { $this->since = 0; } $this->last = @file_get_contents($this->logsdir . '/last'); if (!$this->last) { $this->last = 0; } }
function adminAuthenticate($login_, $password_) { if (array_key_exists('no_ssl', $_SESSION)) { unset($_SESSION['no_ssl']); } try { $service = new SessionManager($login_, $password_, true); $ret = $service->test_link_connected(); } catch (Exception $e) { if ($e->faultcode == 'auth_failed') { $_SESSION['admin_error'] = _('There was an error with your authentication'); return false; } if (defined('DEBUG_MODE') && DEBUG_MODE === true) { popup_error('Unable to login the Session Manager using HTTPS method, retry with HTTP'); } try { $service = new SessionManager($login_, $password_, false); $ret = $service->test_link_connected(); } catch (Exception $e) { if ($e->faultcode == 'auth_failed') { $_SESSION['admin_error'] = _('There was an error with your authentication'); return false; } if (defined('DEBUG_MODE') && DEBUG_MODE === true) { popup_error($service->format_soap_error_message($e)); } die_error(_('Unable to initialize communication with Session Manager')); } $_SESSION['no_ssl'] = true; if (defined('DEBUG_MODE') && DEBUG_MODE === true) { popup_info('Succefully connected the Session Manager using HTTP method, will alwais use HTTP for this session'); } } $_SESSION['admin_login'] = $login_; $_SESSION['admin_password'] = $password_; $_SESSION['service'] = $service; return true; }
function sendmail($data) { // formating email $sys_name = 'Election Libre'; $sys_address = '*****@*****.**'; if (!is_array($data)) { die_error('Bad datatype.'); } if (!isset($data['subject']) or !isset($data['message']) or !isset($data['toEmail'])) { die_error('Incomplete mail information.'); } $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->load->library('email'); $CI->email->subject($data['subject']); $CI->email->message($data['message']); if (isset($data['fromEmail'])) { $reply_to = $data['fromEmail']; } else { $reply_to = $sys_address; } if (isset($data['fromName'])) { $CI->email->from($sys_address, $data['fromName']); } else { $CI->email->from($sys_address, $sys_name); } if (isset($data['fromBusiness'])) { $CI->email->reply_to($reply_to, $data['fromBusiness']); } else { $CI->email->reply_to($reply_to); } if (isset($data['toName'])) { $CI->email->to($data['toEmail'], $data['toName']); } else { $CI->email->to($data['toEmail']); } // Sending email return $CI->email->send() ? true : $CI->email->print_debugger(); }
public function csv2json() { //-- Security $this->Security_model->log('csv to json', 1); //-- Conversion $this->load->helper(array('form', 'url')); $this->load->library('upload'); if ($this->upload->do_upload('elector_list')) { $fileinfo = $this->upload->data(); } else { die_error($this->upload->display_errors()); } if ($fileinfo['file_type'] != 'text/plain') { die_error('file_type'); } if ($fileinfo['file_ext'] != '.csv') { die_error('file_extension'); } $data = array_map("str_getcsv", file($fileinfo['full_path'])); unlink($fileinfo['full_path']); if (!is_array($data)) { die_error('corrupted_data'); } if (count($data) < 1) { die_error('empty file.'); } if (count($data[0]) < 3) { die_error('missing_titles'); } if (implode($data[0]) == "prenomnomadresse email") { array_shift($data); } foreach ($data as &$d) { $d[] = filter_var($d[2], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) ? true : false; } die(json_encode($data)); }
public function usersGroups() { Logger::debug('main', 'Script::usersGroups'); $userGroupDB = UserGroupDB::getInstance(); $result = array(); // add the default user group is enable $prefs = Preferences::getInstance(); if (!$prefs) { Logger::critical('main', 'Script::usersGroups get prefs failed'); die_error('get Preferences failed', __FILE__, __LINE__); } $liaison = Abstract_Liaison::load('Scripts', $this->getAttribute('name'), NULL); if (is_null($liaison)) { Logger::error('main', 'Script::usersGroups load(' . $this->getAttribute('name') . ') is null'); return $result; } foreach ($liaison as $row) { $g = $userGroupDB->import($row->group); if (is_object($g)) { $result[] = $g; } } return $result; }
$cmd_clear = "zmprov sm {$zimbra_account} emptyFolder '/{$zimbra_folder}'"; $cmd_fill = "curl -Ss -k -u '{$zimbra_username}:{$zimbra_password}' -T /tmp/SugarCRMContacts.csv '{$zimbra_url}/zimbra/home/" . urlencode("{$zimbra_account}") . '/' . urlencode("{$zimbra_folder}") . "?fmt=csv'"; if ($DEBUG) { echo "===== DEBUG MODE IS ON - not changing data, just printing out the commands =====\n"; echo "=> {$msg_clear}: {$cmd_clear}\n"; echo "=> {$msg_fill}: {$cmd_fill}\n"; } else { echo "=> {$msg_clear}\n"; exec($cmd_clear, $output, $ret); if ($ret) { die_error("Command failed: {$cmd_clear}\n" . print_r($output, true) . "\nexitcode {$ret}"); } echo "=> {$msg_fill}\n"; // curl is pretty lame. it might exit(0) even though the server gave http 400, luckily we can parse the output exec($cmd_fill, $output); $output = implode($output, "\n"); if (stripos($output, 'error') !== false) { die_error($output); } } echo "=> Done!\n"; } catch (SoapFault $soapFault) { die_error("Second connection" . var_export($soapFault, true)); } function my_replace($data) { $data = str_replace("&", "&", $data); $data = str_replace("'", "'", $data); return $data; } unset($soapClient);
public function isDefault() { $prefs = Preferences::getInstance(); if (!$prefs) { Logger::critical('main', 'USERSGROUP::isDefault get prefs failed'); die_error('get Preferences failed', __FILE__, __LINE__); } $user_default_group = $prefs->get('general', 'user_default_group'); return $user_default_group === $this->getUniqueID(); }
require_once '../config.php'; $errorRedir = ROOT; $successRedir = ROOT; $db = db_connect(); $loggedIn = check_login($db); if (!$loggedIn) { $db->close(); header('Location: login.php'); exit; } //Authenticated, so now check params if (!isset($_POST['id']) || !$_POST['id'] || count(trim($_POST['id'])) < 1) { die_error($errorRedir, 'Missing controller ID.'); } $id = trim($_POST['id']); if (!isset($_POST['field']) || !$_POST['field'] || count($_POST['field']) < 1) { die_error($errorRedir, 'Missing settings field.'); } $field = trim($_POST['field']); if (!isset($_POST['value']) || count($_POST['value']) < 1) { die_error($errorRedir, 'Missing settings value.'); } $value = trim($_POST['value']); //Params looks good, so lets attempt the update in one go because f**k it $update_sql = sprintf("UPDATE `settings` SET `%s` = '%s' WHERE `id` = %d ", $db->real_escape_string($field), $db->real_escape_string($value), $db->real_escape_string($id)); if (!$db->query($update_sql)) { $error = $db->error; $db->close(); echo sprintf('Error updating field: %s', $error); } die_success($successRedir);
$pin = gs_user_pin_get($user); # use default fax TSI if not provided in http request # if ($tsi == '') { $fax_tsis_global = explode(',', gs_get_conf('GS_FAX_TSI')); if (array_key_exists(0, $fax_tsis_global) && $fax_tsis_global[0] != '') { $tsi = $fax_tsis_global[0]; } else { $tsi = '0'; } } # if no local file is specified check if ist's provided in http request # if ($local_file == '' && is_array($_FILES) && array_key_exists('file', $_FILES) && $_FILES['file']['error'] == 0 && $_FILES['file']['size'] > 0) { $local_file = $_FILES['file']['tmp_name']; } # invoke function from the fax library # if ($local_file != '') { $local_file = gs_get_conf('GS_FAX_INIT_DOCDIR', '') . '/' . preg_replace('/\\.\\./', '', $local_file); if (file_exists($local_file)) { $fax_job_id = fax_send($user_id, $user, $to, $tsi, $local_file, $email, $resolution, $pin); } } # result # if (isset($fax_job_id) && $fax_job_id >= 1) { die_ok('Fax job sent with id: ' . $fax_job_id); } else { die_error('Fax job not accepted'); }
public function save() { // Security stuffs $this->Security_model->log('election creation', 3); // None of these fields must be empty. If it occurs, there is an IHM problem and the procedure // should be aborted. $profile = array('election' => array('admin_name' => '', 'admin_surname' => '', 'admin_email' => '', 'admin_password' => '', 'business' => '', 'winners' => '', 'title' => '', 'page' => '', 'start' => '', 'end' => ''), 'candidates' => array(), 'electors' => array()); // No need to specify 'true' in the second argument as it is also configured in the config file, // but as it is a very important verification, it's better to force it here... $data = $this->input->post(null, true); $keys = array_keys($profile['election']); foreach ($data as $key => $value) { if ($key == 'start' or $key == 'end') { //$dt = DateTime::createFromFormat( 'd/m/Y', $value ); $dt = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y/m/d H:i', $value); if ($dt) { $profile['election'][$key] = $dt->format(DateTime::ISO8601); } else { die('Date error.'); } } elseif ($key == 'page') { $profile['election']['page'] = $value; // the same as below, without strip_tags() } elseif (in_array($key, $keys)) { $profile['election'][$key] = strip_tags($value); } elseif (substr($key, 0, 9) == 'candidate') { $profile['candidates'][] = strip_tags($value); } elseif (in_array(substr($key, 0, 4), array('name', 'surn', 'emai'))) { $col = preg_replace('/[0-9]/s', '', $key); $row = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/s', '', $key); $profile['electors'][$row][$col] = strip_tags($value); } elseif (substr($key, 0, 5) == 'valid') { // We have to ignore explicitly this field, otherwise we trigger // an 'unexpected data' error (see bellow) } else { die_error('unexpected data.'); } } // Adding public user ID // // $key_list is used to prevent the generation of two identical keys. // $key_list = array(); foreach ($profile['electors'] as &$e) { $key = random_key(); while (in_array($key, $key_list)) { $key = random_key(); } $key_list[] = $key; $e['public_id'] = $key; } // post treatment validation foreach ($profile as $value) { if ($value == '' or is_array($value) && count($value) == 0) { die_error('missing data.'); } } // generate a password for the admin // It will be sent to the admin with its confirmation mail. // In the database, only the md5 is saved for security reasons. $password = random_key(); $profile['election']['admin_password'] = md5($password); // Ok, so let's record it $this->load->model('Election_model'); $this->load->model('Candidate_model'); $this->load->model('Elector_model'); $fk = $this->Election_model->save($profile['election']); $this->Candidate_model->save($profile['candidates'], $fk); $this->Elector_model->save($profile['electors'], $fk); // warn the admin $this->lang->load('el_mail'); $response = sendmail(array('subject' => 'Congratulations ! Elections are on rails now', 'message' => $this->load->view('email/creation', array('data' => $profile['election'], 'password' => $password), true), 'toName' => $profile['election']['admin_name'] . ' ' . $profile['election']['admin_surname'], 'toEmail' => $profile['election']['admin_email'])); if ($response !== true) { die_error($response); } // warn the electors foreach ($profile['electors'] as $elector) { $mail = array('subject' => $profile['election']['title'], 'message' => $this->load->view('email/invitation', array('message' => $profile['election']['page'], 'public_id' => $elector['public_id'], 'start' => $profile['election']['start'], 'end' => $profile['election']['end']), true), 'fromName' => 'Election Libre', 'fromEmail' => $profile['election']['admin_email'], 'fromBusiness' => $profile['election']['business'], 'toName' => $elector['name'] . ' ' . $elector['surname'], 'toEmail' => $elector['email']); $response = sendmail($mail); if ($response !== true) { die_error($response); } } die(lang('manage_success')); }
* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. **/ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/includes/'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/includes/page_template.php'; if (!checkAuthorization('viewConfiguration')) { redirect('index.php'); } page_header(); $prefs = Preferences::getInstance(); if (!$prefs) { die_error('get Preferences failed', __FILE__, __LINE__); } ?> <table style="width: 100%;" border="0" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="5"> <tr> <td style="padding: 20px; vertical-align: top;"> <div class="container rounded" style="background: #eee; width: 98%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"> <div> <h2><?php echo _('Last save'); ?> </h2> <?php if (file_exists(SESSIONMANAGER_CONFFILE_SERIALIZED)) {
} catch (Exception $e) { } $prefs->initialize(); require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/includes/page_template.php'; page_header(); // printing of preferences if ($can_manage_configuration) { echo '<form method="post" action="configuration.php">'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="setup" value="setup" />'; } print_prefs5($prefs, 'general', 'sql'); if ($can_manage_configuration) { echo '<input type="submit" id="submit" name="submit" value="' . _('Save') . '" />'; echo '</form>'; } page_footer(); } else { try { $prefs = new Preferences_admin(); } catch (Exception $e) { } if (is_object($prefs)) { require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/includes/page_template.php'; page_header(); print_prefs($prefs, $can_manage_configuration); page_footer(); } else { die_error(_('Preferences not loaded'), __FILE__, __LINE__); } } }
* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. **/ //if (stristr($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'], 'application/xhtml+xml')) // header('Content-Type: application/xhtml+xml; charset=utf-8'); //else header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/'; $folders = array('reporting', 'tmp', 'cache'); foreach ($folders as $folder) { $buf = strtoupper($folder) . '_DIR'; define($buf, SESSIONMANAGER_SPOOL . '/' . $folder); if (!check_folder(constant($buf))) { Logger::critical('main', constant($buf) . ' does not exist and cannot be created!'); die_error(constant($buf) . ' does not exist and cannot be created!', __FILE__, __LINE__); } } $prefs = Preferences::getInstance(); if (is_object($prefs)) { define('HAS_PREFERENCES', true); $sql_conf = $prefs->get('general', 'sql'); if (is_array($sql_conf)) { define('SERVERS_HISTORY_TABLE', $sql_conf['prefix'] . 'servers_history'); define('SESSIONS_HISTORY_TABLE', $sql_conf['prefix'] . 'sessions_history'); SQL::newInstance($sql_conf); } }
/** * Change Settings for Solis * Enter description here ... */ function ChangeSettings($soli_price) { require_once PATH_ACCESS . '/GlobalSettingsManager.php'; require_once PATH_ACCESS . '/PriceClassManager.php'; $gbManager = new GlobalSettingsManager(); $pcManager = new PriceClassManager(); die_error(SOLI_ERR_INP_PRICE); if ($soli_price !== NULL) { try { try { //inputcheck inputcheck($_POST['soli_price'], 'credits'); } catch (Exception $e) { die_error(SOLI_ERR_INP_PRICE); $this->soliInterface->dieError($this->msg['SOLI_ERR_INP_PRICE']); } $gbManager->changeSoliPrice($_POST['soli_price']); } catch (Exception $e) { die_error(SOLI_ERR_CHANGE_PRICE . ':' . $e->getMessage()); $this->soliInterface->dieError($this->msg['SOLI_ERR_CHANGE_PRICE '] . ':' . $e->getMessage()); } $this->soliInterface->dieMsg($this->msg['SOLI_FIN_CHANGE']); } else { try { $soli_price = $gbManager->getSoliPrice(); $priceclasses = $pcManager->getTableData(); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->soliInterface->dieError($this->msg['SOLI_ERR_PRICE']); } $this->soliInterface->ChangeSettings($soli_price, $priceclasses); } }