コード例 #1
echo dbFlexigrid(function ($limit, $sortname, $sortorder) {
    global $db_query_info;
    $db_query_info = array();
    $db_query_info['type'] = 'profiling';
    if (!userIsAdmin()) {
        return "Error";
    global $wpdb;
    $L = getSoft($_POST, 'frequency', '');
    if (!is_numeric($L) || $L <= 0) {
        $L = 10;
    $A = getSoft($_POST, 'activity', '');
    if ($A == 'all' || $A == '') {
        $where = "";
    } else {
        if ($A == 'noDatabases') {
            $where = "WHERE activity NOT LIKE 'database%'";
        } else {
            if ($A == 'databases') {
                $where = "WHERE activity LIKE 'database%'";
            } else {
                $where = $wpdb->prepare("WHERE activity LIKE %s", $A);
    $sortString = trim($sortname) == "" ? "" : " {$sortname} {$sortorder} ";
    $count = $wpdb->get_var("\nSELECT count(distinct activity, substring(start, 1, {$L}))\nFROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "pb_profiling\n{$where}");
    $query = "\nSELECT substring(start, 1, {$L}) as period, count(1), sum(duration), activity\nFROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "pb_profiling\n{$where}\nGROUP BY activity, period\nORDER BY {$sortString} period DESC\n{$limit}";
    $id = 0;
    $flexirows = array();
    foreach ($wpdb->get_results($query, ARRAY_A) as $r) {
        $cell = array();
        foreach ($r as $i => $v) {
            $cell[$i] = $v;
        $flexirows[] = array('id' => $r['period'] . $r['activity'], 'cell' => $cell);
    return array('total' => $count, 'rows' => $flexirows);
コード例 #2
    $prep = "\nSELECT userid, ID, beginstamp, usercode, userinput, result, problem\nFROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "pb_submissions \nWHERE {$whereStudent} AND {$whereProblem}\nORDER BY {$sortString} ID DESC " . $limit;
    $flexirows = array();
    foreach ($wpdb->get_results($prep, ARRAY_A) as $r) {
        $cell = array();
        if ($u == "all") {
            $cell[__t('userid')] = str_replace(' ', "<br>", userString($r['userid'], true));
        $p = $r['problem'];
        if (array_key_exists($p, $problemTable)) {
            $cell[__t('problem')] = '<a class="open-same-window" href="' . $problemTable[$p]->url . '">' . $problemTable[$p]->publicname . '</a>';
        } else {
            $cell[__t('problem')] = $p;
        $cell[__t('user code')] = preBox($r['usercode'], -1, -1);
        $cell[__t('user input')] = $r['userinput'] == NULL ? '<i>' . __t('n/a') . '</i>' : preBox($r['userinput'], -1, 100000);
        if ($p != 'visualizer' && $p != 'visualizer-iframe') {
            $cell[__t('result')] = getSoft($resultdesc, $r['result'], '???');
        } else {
            $cell[__t('result')] = '<i>n/a</i>';
        $cell[__t('time &amp; ID')] = str_replace(' ', '<br/>', $r['beginstamp']) . '<br/>#' . $r['ID'];
        $flexirows[] = array('id' => $r['ID'], 'cell' => $cell);
    return array('total' => $count, 'rows' => $flexirows);
// only do this if calld directly
if (strpos($_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"], '/db-entire-history.php') != FALSE) {
    require_once "db-include.php";
    echo dbFlexigrid('dbEntireHistory');
// paranoid against newline error
コード例 #3
    $table_name = $wpdb->prefix . "pb_mail";
    $knownFields = array(__t("from") => "ufrom", __t("to") => "uto", __t("when") => "time", __t("message") => "body", __t("problem") => "problem", __t("replied?") => "unanswered");
    $sortString = array_key_exists($sortname, $knownFields) ? $knownFields[$sortname] . " " . $sortorder . ", " : "";
    $count = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(1) from {$table_name} {$where}");
    $prep = "SELECT * from {$table_name} {$where} ORDER BY {$sortString} ID DESC" . $limit;
    //   pyboxlog($prep);
    $flexirows = array();
    foreach ($wpdb->get_results($prep, ARRAY_A) as $r) {
        $cell = array();
        $cell[__t('from')] = nicefiedUsername($r['ufrom']);
        $cell[__t('to')] = nicefiedUsername($r['uto']);
        $url = cscurl('mail') . "?who=" . $r['ustudent'] . "&what=" . $r['problem'] . "&which=" . $r['ID'] . "#m";
        $cell[__t('when')] = str_replace(' ', '<br>', $r['time']);
        if ($what == '') {
            $cell[__t('problem')] = $r['problem'];
        if ($unans == '') {
            $cell[__t('replied?')] = $r['unanswered'] == 1 ? __t('no') : __t('yes');
        $cell[__t('message')] = "<a href='{$url}'>" . preBox($r['body']) . "</a>";
        $flexirows[] = array('id' => $r['ID'], 'cell' => $cell);
    return array('total' => $count, 'rows' => $flexirows);
// only do this if calld directly
if (strpos($_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"], '/db-mail.php') != FALSE) {
    require_once "db-include.php";
    echo dbFlexigrid('dbMail');
// paranoid against newline error
コード例 #4
    if ($count == 0) {
        return sprintf(__t('We do not have record of any submissions from user %1$s for problem %2$s.'), $uname . ' (#' . $uid . ')', $problemname);
    $knownFields = array(__t("time &amp; ID") => "beginstamp", __t("user code") => "usercode", __t("user input") => "userinput", __t("result") => "result");
    if (array_key_exists($sortname, $knownFields)) {
        $sortString = $knownFields[$sortname] . " " . $sortorder . ", ";
    } else {
        $sortString = "";
    $prep = $wpdb->prepare("SELECT ID, beginstamp, usercode, userinput, result from {$table_name}\nWHERE userid = %d AND problem = %s ORDER BY {$sortString} ID DESC" . $limit, $uid, $problemname);
    $flexirows = array();
    foreach ($wpdb->get_results($prep, ARRAY_A) as $r) {
        $cell = array();
        $cell[__t('user code')] = preBox($r['usercode'], -1, -1);
        if ($showInputColumn) {
            $cell[__t('user input')] = $r['userinput'] === NULL ? '<i>' . __t('n/a') . '</i>' : preBox($r['userinput'], -1, 100000);
        if ($problemname != "visualizer") {
            $cell[__t('result')] = getSoft($resultdesc, $r['result'], $r['result']);
        $cell[__t('time &amp; ID')] = str_replace(' ', '<br/>', $r['beginstamp']) . '<br/>#' . $r['ID'];
        $flexirows[] = array('id' => $r['ID'], 'cell' => $cell);
    return array('total' => $count, 'rows' => $flexirows);
// only do this if calld directly
if (strpos($_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"], '/db-problem-history.php') != FALSE) {
    require_once "db-include.php";
    echo dbFlexigrid('dbProblemHistory');
// paranoid against newline error
コード例 #5
    $complete_table = $wpdb->prefix . "pb_completed";
    $count = $wpdb->get_var(userIsAdmin() ? "SELECT count(1) FROM {$user_table}" : $wpdb->prepare("SELECT count(1) FROM {$usermeta_table} WHERE meta_key=%s AND meta_value=%s", 'pbguru', $ulogin));
    $students = $wpdb->get_results(userIsAdmin() ? "SELECT ID FROM {$user_table} {$limit}" : $wpdb->prepare("SELECT user_id AS ID FROM {$usermeta_table} WHERE meta_key=%s AND meta_value=%s {$limit}", 'pbguru', $ulogin));
    // no sorting allowed due to weird nature of query
    $flexirows = array();
    foreach ($students as $r) {
        $sid = $r->ID;
        $sdata = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT usercode, beginstamp FROM {$submit_table} \n                        WHERE userid={$sid} and problem='%s' and result='Y'\n                        ORDER BY beginstamp DESC limit 1", $problemslug));
        $s = get_userdata($sid);
        $cell = array();
        $cell['ID'] = $sid;
        $cell['info'] = userString($sid);
        if ($sdata != null) {
            $cell[__t('latest correct')] = prebox($sdata->usercode);
            $cell[__t('last time')] = $sdata->beginstamp;
            $cell[__t('first time')] = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT time FROM {$complete_table} WHERE userid={$sid} and problem='%s'", $problemslug));
        } else {
            $cell[__t('latest correct')] = '<i>n/a</i>';
            $cell[__t('last time')] = '<i>n/a</i>';
            $cell[__t('first time')] = '<i>n/a</i>';
        $flexirows[] = array('id' => $sid, 'cell' => $cell);
    return array('total' => $count, 'rows' => $flexirows);
// only do this if calld directly
if (strpos($_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"], '/db-problem-summary.php') != FALSE) {
    require_once "db-include.php";
    echo dbFlexigrid('dbProblemSummary');
// paranoid against newline error