コード例 #1
  * Checks if an activity item can be replied to.
  * This method merges functionality from {@link bp_activity_can_comment()} and
  * {@link bp_blogs_disable_activity_commenting()}. This is done because the activity
  * list table doesn't use a BuddyPress activity loop, which prevents those
  * functions from working as intended.
  * @since BuddyPress (2.0.0)
  * @param array $item An array version of the BP_Activity_Activity object.
  * @return bool
 protected function can_comment($item)
     $can_comment = true;
     if ($this->disable_blogforum_comments) {
         switch ($item['type']) {
             case 'new_blog_post':
             case 'new_blog_comment':
             case 'new_forum_topic':
             case 'new_forum_post':
                 $can_comment = false;
         // activity comments supported
     } else {
         // activity comment
         if ('activity_comment' == $item['type']) {
             // blogs
             if (bp_is_active('blogs')) {
                 // grab the parent activity entry
                 $parent_activity = new BP_Activity_Activity($item['item_id']);
                 // fetch blog post comment depth and if the blog post's comments are open
                 // check if the activity item can be replied to
                 if (false === bp_blogs_can_comment_reply(true, $item)) {
                     $can_comment = false;
             // blog post
         } elseif ('new_blog_post' == $item['type']) {
             if (bp_is_active('blogs')) {
                 bp_blogs_setup_activity_loop_globals((object) $item);
                 if (empty(buddypress()->blogs->allow_comments[$item['id']])) {
                     $can_comment = false;
      * Filters if an activity item can be commented on or not.
      * @since BuddyPress (2.0.0)
      * @param bool $can_comment Whether an activity item can be commented on or not.
     return apply_filters('bp_activity_list_table_can_comment', $can_comment);
コード例 #2
  * Checks if an activity item can be replied to.
  * This method merges functionality from {@link bp_activity_can_comment()} and
  * {@link bp_blogs_disable_activity_commenting()}. This is done because the activity
  * list table doesn't use a BuddyPress activity loop, which prevents those
  * functions from working as intended.
  * @since 2.0.0
  * @since 2.5.0 Include Post type activities types
  * @param array $item An array version of the BP_Activity_Activity object.
  * @return bool $can_comment
 protected function can_comment($item)
     $can_comment = bp_activity_type_supports($item['type'], 'comment-reply');
     if (!$this->disable_blogforum_comments && bp_is_active('blogs')) {
         $parent_activity = false;
         if (bp_activity_type_supports($item['type'], 'post-type-comment-tracking')) {
             $parent_activity = (object) $item;
         } elseif ('activity_comment' === $item['type']) {
             $parent_activity = new BP_Activity_Activity($item['item_id']);
         if (isset($parent_activity->type) && bp_activity_post_type_get_tracking_arg($parent_activity->type, 'post_type')) {
             // Fetch blog post comment depth and if the blog post's comments are open.
             $can_comment = bp_blogs_can_comment_reply(true, $item);
      * Filters if an activity item can be commented on or not.
      * @since 2.0.0
      * @since 2.5.0 Add a second parameter to include the activity item into the filter.
      * @param bool  $can_comment Whether an activity item can be commented on or not.
      * @param array $item        An array version of the BP_Activity_Activity object.
     return apply_filters('bp_activity_list_table_can_comment', $can_comment, $item);