コード例 #1
    function emit_core()
        $ae =& $this->submitted;
                $actions = array();
                if($ae->expected_journo && $ae->article) {
           $actions[] = 'add_journo';
           $actions[] = 'replace_journo';
        $struck = false;
        if ($ae->status == 'resolved' || $ae->status == 'rejected') {
            $struck = true;

        if ($struck) {
<small>submitted <?php 
        echo pretty_date(strtotime($ae->when_submitted));
        if (!is_null($ae->submitted_by)) {
by <a href="/adm/useraccounts?person_id=<?php 
            echo $ae->submitted_by->id;
            echo $ae->submitted_by->email;
</a> (<?php 
            echo $ae->submitted_by->name;

<a href="<?php 
        echo $ae->url;
        echo $ae->url;
problem: <?php 
        echo $ae->status;

        if (!is_null($ae->article)) {
article in the database: <a href="<?php 
            echo article_adm_url($ae->article->id);
            echo $ae->article->title;
<a class="button edit" href="/adm/editarticle?id36=<?php 
            echo article_id_to_id36($ae->article->id);
            if (sizeof($ae->article->authors) > 0) {
&nbsp;&nbsp;attributed to:
                foreach ($ae->article->authors as $author) {
                    echo admJournoLink($author->ref);
&nbsp;&nbsp;raw byline: <?php 
            echo $ae->article->byline;

        if (!is_null($ae->expected_journo)) {
expected journo: <a class="journo-info" href="/adm/<?php 
            echo $ae->expected_journo->ref;
            echo $ae->expected_journo->ref;

        if (!is_null($this->scraper_output)) {
raw scraper output:
            echo admMarkupPlainText($this->scraper_output);

        if ($struck) {

        foreach ($this->allowed_actions() as $action) {
            echo $this->action_link($action);

コード例 #2
ファイル: article.php プロジェクト: bcampbell/journalisted
function article_collect($article_id, $sim_orderby = 'score', $sim_showall = 'no')
    $art = db_getRow('SELECT * FROM article WHERE id=?', $article_id);
    if (is_null($art)) {
        return null;
    $art['article_id'] = $art['id'];
    $art['id36'] = article_id_to_id36($art['id']);
    $art['blog_links'] = db_getAll("SELECT * FROM article_bloglink WHERE article_id=? ORDER BY linkcreated DESC", $article_id);
    // journos
    $sql = <<<EOT
SELECT j.prettyname, j.ref
    FROM ( journo j INNER JOIN journo_attr attr ON j.id=attr.journo_id )
    WHERE attr.article_id=? AND j.status='a';
    $art['journos'] = db_getAll($sql, $article_id);
    $art['byline'] = article_markup_byline($art['byline'], $art['journos']);
    $orginfo = db_getRow("SELECT * FROM organisation WHERE id=?", $art['srcorg']);
    $art['srcorgname'] = $orginfo['prettyname'];
    $art['sop_name'] = $orginfo['sop_name'];
    $art['sop_url'] = $orginfo['sop_url'];
    $art['srcorg_url'] = $orginfo['home_url'];
    $permalink = $art['permalink'];
    $d = new datetime($art['pubdate']);
    $art['pretty_pubdate'] = pretty_date(strtotime($art['pubdate']));
    $art['iso_pubdate'] = $d->format('c');
    $art['buzz'] = BuzzFragment($art);
    /* similar articles */
    if ($sim_orderby == 'date') {
        $ord = 'a.pubdate DESC, s.score DESC';
    } else {
        // 'score'
        $ord = 's.score DESC, a.pubdate DESC';
    $sql = <<<EOT
SELECT a.id,a.title, a.srcorg,a.byline,a.permalink,a.pubdate
    FROM article a INNER JOIN article_similar s ON s.other_id=a.id
    WHERE s.article_id=? and a.status='a'
    ORDER BY {$ord}
    /* only the first 10 by default */
    if ($sim_showall != 'yes') {
        $sql .= "   LIMIT 10";
    $sim_arts = db_getAll($sql, $article_id);
    foreach ($sim_arts as &$s) {
    $art['sim_orderby'] = $sim_orderby;
    $art['sim_showall'] = $sim_showall;
    $art['sim_arts'] = $sim_arts;
    $tags = db_getAll('SELECT tag, freq FROM article_tag WHERE article_id=? ORDER BY freq DESC', $article_id);
    $sorted_tags = array();
    foreach ($tags as $t) {
        $sorted_tags[$t['tag']] = intval($t['freq']);
    $art['tags'] = $sorted_tags;
    $art['comment_links'] = article_collect_commentlinks($article_id);
    return $art;
コード例 #3
function view()
    $art_id = null;
    if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') {
        $f = new ArticleModelForm($_POST, array(), array());
        if ($f->is_valid()) {
            $art = $f->save();
            // redirect to prevent multiple POSTs
            $url = sprintf("http://%s/adm/article/%s", $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], article_id_to_id36($art['id']));
            header("HTTP/1.1 303 See Other");
            header("Location: {$url}");
    } else {
        // handle either base-10 or base-36 article ids
        $art_id = get_http_var('id36');
        if ($art_id) {
            $art_id = article_id36_to_id($art_id);
        } else {
            $art_id = get_http_var('id');
        if ($art_id) {
            $f = ArticleModelForm::from_db($art_id);
        } else {
            $initial = array();
            if (isset($_GET['url'])) {
                $initial['permalink'] = $_GET['url'];
            if (isset($_GET['journo'])) {
                $initial['authors'] = $_GET['journo'];
            $f = new ArticleModelForm(null, null, array('initial' => $initial));
            $art_id = null;
    $v = array('form' => $f, 'art_id' => $art_id);
コード例 #4
ファイル: dummy.php プロジェクト: bcampbell/journalisted
function article_url($article_id, $sim_orderby = 'score', $sim_showall = 'no')
    $id36 = article_id_to_id36($article_id);
    $url = "/article/{$id36}";
    $extra = array();
    if (strtolower($sim_orderby) == 'date') {
        $extra[] = 'sim_orderby=date';
    if (strtolower($sim_showall) == 'yes') {
        $extra[] = 'sim_showall=yes';
    if ($extra) {
        $url = $url . "?" . implode('&', $extra);
    return $url;
コード例 #5
    $time_fields = array('pubdate', 'content_scraped');
    while ($row = db_fetch_array($r)) {
        $out = array_cherrypick($row, $fields);
        // add source publication info
        $source = array('id' => $row['srcorg'], 'shortname' => $row['shortname'], 'prettyname' => $row['prettyname'], 'home_url' => $row['home_url']);
        $out['source'] = $source;
        // sanitize the timestamps
        foreach ($time_fields as $tf) {
            $dt = new DateTime($out[$tf]);
            $out[$tf] = $dt->format('Y-m-d\\TH:i:s.uO');
        $results[] = $out;
    // go through and add in id36 and journo data to articles
    foreach ($results as &$art) {
        $art['id36'] = article_id_to_id36($art['id']);
        $sql = <<<EOT
SELECT j.prettyname, j.ref
    FROM ( journo j INNER JOIN journo_attr attr ON j.id=attr.journo_id )
    WHERE attr.article_id=? AND j.status='a';
        $journos = array();
        foreach (db_getAll($sql, $art['id']) as $j) {
            $journos[] = array('ref' => $j['ref'], 'prettyname' => $j['prettyname']);
        $art['journos'] = $journos;
} catch (Exception $e) {
    $details = $e->getMessage();
    $status = -1;
コード例 #6
ファイル: article.php プロジェクト: bcampbell/journalisted
function EmitArticle($art)
    $orgs = get_org_names();
    $orgname = $orgs[$art['srcorg']];
    $sql = <<<EOT
SELECT a.id, a.title, a.pubdate, a.srcorg, s.score
    FROM (article_similar s INNER JOIN article a ON a.id=s.other_id )
    WHERE s.article_id=?
    ORDER BY s.score DESC
    $similar_articles = db_getAll($sql, $art['id']);
    foreach ($similar_articles as &$sim) {
        $sim['srcorgname'] = $orgs[$sim['srcorg']];
    $urls = db_getAll("SELECT url FROM article_url WHERE article_id=?", $art['id']);
<table border="1">
    echo $art['title'];
</h2><a class="button edit" href="/adm/editarticle?id36=<?php 
    echo article_id_to_id36($art['id']);
">edit article</a></td></tr>
    echo $art['status'];
    echo $art['id'];
 [<a href="<?php 
    echo article_url($art['id']);
">go to article page</a>]
    echo $orgname;
 (id <?php 
    echo $art['srcorg'];
    permalink: <a href="<?php 
    echo $art['permalink'];
    echo $art['permalink'];
    srcurl: <a href="<?php 
    echo $art['srcurl'];
    echo $art['srcurl'];
    all urls <?php 
    echo sizeof($urls);
    foreach ($urls as $foo) {
        $url = $foo['url'];
        <li><a href="<?php 
        echo $url;
        echo $url;
    echo $art['pubdate'];
    echo $art['lastscraped'];
  raw byline: "<?php 
    echo $art['byline'];
  attributed to:<br/>
    echo $art['description'];
    echo $art['srcid'];
    echo $art['total_comments'];
    echo $art['total_bloglinks'];
    echo $art['needs_indexing'];
    echo $art['last_similar'];
    echo $art['last_comment_check'];

    foreach ($art['images'] as $im) {
   <a href="<?php 
        echo $im['url'];
        echo $im['url'];
   caption: <?php 
        echo h($im['caption']);
   credit: <?php 
        echo h($im['credit']);


    if (is_null($art['content'])) {
<p> -- content not scraped -- </p>
    } else {
<table border=1>
  <tr><th>displayed</th><th>source HTML</th></tr>
    <td width="50%">
        echo $art['content'];
    <td width="50%">
        $srchtml = htmlentities($art['content'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
        $srchtml = str_replace("\n", "<br>\n", $srchtml);
        print $srchtml;

<h2>similar articles</h2>
<a href="/adm/article?id=<?php 
    echo $art['id'];
&action=update_similar">Run similar-articles tool now</a> (to update the list)<br/>
  <tr><th>score</th><th>other article</th></tr>
    foreach ($similar_articles as $sim) {
        echo $sim['score'];
      <a href="/adm/article?id=<?php 
        echo $sim['id'];
        echo $sim['title'];
        echo $sim['srcorgname'];
, <?php 
        echo $sim['pubdate'];