function widget($args, $instance = array()) { global $wpdb; global $likebtn_nonpost_entities; global $likebtn_bbp_post_types; $has_posts = false; $post_types_count = 0; if (is_array($args)) { extract($args); } $instance = LikeBtnLikeButtonMostLikedWidget::prepareInstance($instance); if (is_array($instance)) { extract($instance); } /*$title = ''; if (isset($instance['title'])) { $title = $instance['title']; } $show_thumbnail = ''; if (isset($instance['show_thumbnail'])) { $show_thumbnail = $instance['show_thumbnail']; } $show_excerpt = ''; if (isset($instance['show_excerpt'])) { $show_excerpt = $instance['show_excerpt']; } $show_date = ''; if (isset($instance['show_date'])) { $show_date = $instance['show_date']; } $show_likes = ''; if (isset($instance['show_likes'])) { $show_likes = $instance['show_likes']; } $show_dislikes = ''; if (isset($instance['show_dislikes'])) { $show_dislikes = $instance['show_dislikes']; } // validate parameters if ($show_thumbnail == 'true') { $show_thumbnail = '1'; } if ($show_date == 'true') { $show_date = '1'; } if ($show_likes == 'true') { $show_likes = '1'; } if ($show_dislikes == 'true') { $show_dislikes = '1'; }*/ if (empty($instance['entity_name'])) { $instance['entity_name'] = array(LIKEBTN_ENTITY_POST); } // Add bbPress $nonpost_entities = $likebtn_nonpost_entities; $nonpost_entities[] = LIKEBTN_ENTITY_BBP_POST; foreach ($instance['entity_name'] as $entity_index => $entity_name) { $instance['entity_name'][$entity_index] = str_replace("'", '', trim($entity_name)); if (!in_array($entity_name, $nonpost_entities)) { $has_posts = true; } } $query_limit = ''; if (isset($instance['number']) && (int) $instance['number'] > 0) { $query_limit = "LIMIT " . (int) $instance['number']; } // getting the most liked content $query = ''; // Posts if ($has_posts) { $query_post_types = "'" . implode("','", $instance['entity_name']) . "'"; $query_attachment = ''; if (in_array(LIKEBTN_ENTITY_ATTACHMENT, $instance['entity_name'])) { $query_attachment = " OR (p.post_type = 'attachment') "; } $query .= "\n SELECT\n p.ID as 'post_id',\n p.post_title,\n p.post_date,\n CONVERT(pm_likes.meta_value, UNSIGNED INTEGER) as 'likes',\n CONVERT(pm_dislikes.meta_value, UNSIGNED INTEGER) as 'dislikes',\n CONVERT(pm_likes_minus_dislikes.meta_value, UNSIGNED INTEGER) as 'likes_minus_dislikes',\n p.post_type,\n p.post_mime_type,\n '' as url\n FROM {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta pm_likes\n LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}posts p\n ON (p.ID = pm_likes.post_id)\n LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta pm_dislikes\n ON (pm_dislikes.post_id = pm_likes.post_id AND pm_dislikes.meta_key = '" . LIKEBTN_META_KEY_DISLIKES . "')\n LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta pm_likes_minus_dislikes\n ON (pm_likes_minus_dislikes.post_id = pm_likes.post_id AND pm_likes_minus_dislikes.meta_key = '" . LIKEBTN_META_KEY_LIKES_MINUS_DISLIKES . "')\n WHERE\n pm_likes.meta_key = '" . LIKEBTN_META_KEY_LIKES . "'\n AND ((p.post_status = 'publish'\n AND p.post_type in ({$query_post_types})) {$query_attachment})"; if (!empty($instance['time_range']) && $instance['time_range'] != 'all') { $query .= " AND post_date >= '" . $this->timeRangeToDateTime($instance['time_range']) . "'"; } $post_types_count++; } // Comments if (in_array(LIKEBTN_ENTITY_COMMENT, $instance['entity_name'])) { if ($post_types_count > 0) { $query .= " UNION "; } $query .= "\n SELECT\n p.comment_ID as 'post_id',\n p.comment_content as post_title,\n p.comment_date as 'post_date',\n CONVERT(pm_likes.meta_value, UNSIGNED INTEGER) as 'likes',\n CONVERT(pm_dislikes.meta_value, UNSIGNED INTEGER) as 'dislikes',\n CONVERT(pm_likes_minus_dislikes.meta_value, UNSIGNED INTEGER) as 'likes_minus_dislikes',\n '" . LIKEBTN_ENTITY_COMMENT . "' as post_type,\n '' as post_mime_type,\n '' as url\n FROM {$wpdb->prefix}commentmeta pm_likes\n LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}comments p\n ON (p.comment_ID = pm_likes.comment_id)\n LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}commentmeta pm_dislikes\n ON (pm_dislikes.comment_id = pm_likes.comment_id AND pm_dislikes.meta_key = '" . LIKEBTN_META_KEY_DISLIKES . "')\n LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}commentmeta pm_likes_minus_dislikes\n ON (pm_likes_minus_dislikes.comment_id = pm_likes.comment_id AND pm_likes_minus_dislikes.meta_key = '" . LIKEBTN_META_KEY_LIKES_MINUS_DISLIKES . "')\n WHERE\n pm_likes.meta_key = '" . LIKEBTN_META_KEY_LIKES . "' \n AND p.comment_approved = 1 "; if (!empty($instance['time_range']) && $instance['time_range'] != 'all') { $query .= " AND comment_date >= '" . $this->timeRangeToDateTime($instance['time_range']) . "'"; } $post_types_count++; } // Custom items if (in_array(LIKEBTN_ENTITY_CUSTOM_ITEM, $instance['entity_name'])) { if ($post_types_count > 0) { $query .= " UNION "; } $query_post_types = "'" . implode("','", $instance['entity_name']) . "'"; $query .= "\n SELECT\n p.ID as 'post_id',\n p.identifier as 'post_title',\n '' as 'post_date',\n p.likes,\n p.dislikes,\n p.likes_minus_dislikes,\n '" . LIKEBTN_ENTITY_CUSTOM_ITEM . "' as 'post_type',\n '' as 'post_mime_type',\n url\n FROM {$wpdb->prefix}" . LIKEBTN_TABLE_ITEM . " p\n WHERE\n 1 = 1 "; $post_types_count++; } // BuddyPress Member if (in_array(LIKEBTN_ENTITY_BP_MEMBER, $instance['entity_name'])) { if ($post_types_count > 0) { $query .= " UNION "; } $query .= "\n SELECT\n p.ID as 'post_id',\n p.display_name as post_title,\n p.user_registered as 'post_date',\n CONVERT(pm_likes.meta_value, UNSIGNED INTEGER) as 'likes',\n CONVERT(pm_dislikes.meta_value, UNSIGNED INTEGER) as 'dislikes',\n CONVERT(pm_likes_minus_dislikes.meta_value, UNSIGNED INTEGER) as 'likes_minus_dislikes',\n '" . LIKEBTN_ENTITY_BP_MEMBER . "' as post_type,\n '' as post_mime_type,\n '' as url\n FROM {$wpdb->prefix}bp_xprofile_meta pm_likes\n LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}users p\n ON (p.ID = pm_likes.object_id AND pm_likes.object_type = '" . LIKEBTN_BP_XPROFILE_OBJECT_TYPE . "')\n LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}bp_xprofile_meta pm_dislikes\n ON (pm_dislikes.object_id = pm_likes.object_id AND pm_dislikes.object_type = '" . LIKEBTN_BP_XPROFILE_OBJECT_TYPE . "' AND pm_dislikes.meta_key = '" . LIKEBTN_META_KEY_DISLIKES . "')\n LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}bp_xprofile_meta pm_likes_minus_dislikes\n ON (pm_likes_minus_dislikes.object_id = pm_likes.object_id AND pm_likes_minus_dislikes.object_type = '" . LIKEBTN_BP_XPROFILE_OBJECT_TYPE . "' AND pm_likes_minus_dislikes.meta_key = '" . LIKEBTN_META_KEY_LIKES_MINUS_DISLIKES . "')\n WHERE\n pm_likes.meta_key = '" . LIKEBTN_META_KEY_LIKES . "' \n AND p.user_status = 0 "; if (!empty($instance['time_range']) && $instance['time_range'] != 'all') { $query .= " AND p.user_registered >= '" . $this->timeRangeToDateTime($instance['time_range']) . "'"; } $post_types_count++; } // BuddyPress Activities if (in_array(LIKEBTN_ENTITY_BP_ACTIVITY_POST, $instance['entity_name']) || in_array(LIKEBTN_ENTITY_BP_ACTIVITY_UPDATE, $instance['entity_name']) || in_array(LIKEBTN_ENTITY_BP_ACTIVITY_COMMENT, $instance['entity_name']) || in_array(LIKEBTN_ENTITY_BP_ACTIVITY_TOPIC, $instance['entity_name'])) { if ($post_types_count > 0) { $query .= " UNION "; } $query .= "\n SELECT \n as 'post_id',\n CONCAT( IF(p.action != '', p.action, IF(p.content !='', p.content, IF(p.primary_link != '', p.primary_link, p.type))), IF(p.content != '' && p.type != 'bbp_topic_create' && p.type != 'new_blog_post', CONCAT(': ', p.content), '') ) as 'post_title',\n p.date_recorded as 'post_date',\n CONVERT(pm_likes.meta_value, UNSIGNED INTEGER) as 'likes',\n CONVERT(pm_dislikes.meta_value, UNSIGNED INTEGER) as 'dislikes',\n CONVERT(pm_likes_minus_dislikes.meta_value, UNSIGNED INTEGER) as 'likes_minus_dislikes',\n IF (p.type = 'bbp_topic_create',\n '" . LIKEBTN_ENTITY_BP_ACTIVITY_TOPIC . "',\n IF (p.type = 'new_blog_post',\n '" . LIKEBTN_ENTITY_BP_ACTIVITY_POST . "',\n '" . LIKEBTN_ENTITY_BP_ACTIVITY_UPDATE . "'\n )\n ) as post_type,\n '' as post_mime_type,\n '' as url\n FROM {$wpdb->prefix}bp_activity_meta pm_likes\n LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}bp_activity p\n ON ( = pm_likes.activity_id)\n LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}bp_activity_meta pm_dislikes\n ON (pm_dislikes.activity_id = pm_likes.activity_id AND pm_dislikes.meta_key = '" . LIKEBTN_META_KEY_DISLIKES . "')\n LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}bp_activity_meta pm_likes_minus_dislikes\n ON (pm_likes_minus_dislikes.activity_id = pm_likes.activity_id AND pm_likes_minus_dislikes.meta_key = '" . LIKEBTN_META_KEY_LIKES_MINUS_DISLIKES . "')\n WHERE\n pm_likes.meta_key = '" . LIKEBTN_META_KEY_LIKES . "' \n AND p.hide_sitewide = 0\n AND p.is_spam = 0 "; if (!empty($instance['time_range']) && $instance['time_range'] != 'all') { $query .= " AND p.user_registered >= '" . $this->timeRangeToDateTime($instance['time_range']) . "'"; } $post_types_count++; } // bbPress Post if (in_array(LIKEBTN_ENTITY_BBP_POST, $instance['entity_name'])) { if ($post_types_count > 0) { $query .= " UNION "; } $query .= "\n SELECT\n p.ID as 'post_id',\n IF (p.post_title != '', p.post_title, p.post_content) as post_title,\n p.post_date,\n CONVERT(pm_likes.meta_value, UNSIGNED INTEGER) as 'likes',\n CONVERT(pm_dislikes.meta_value, UNSIGNED INTEGER) as 'dislikes',\n CONVERT(pm_likes_minus_dislikes.meta_value, UNSIGNED INTEGER) as 'likes_minus_dislikes',\n p.post_type,\n p.post_mime_type,\n '' as url\n FROM {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta pm_likes\n LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}posts p\n ON (p.ID = pm_likes.post_id)\n LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta pm_dislikes\n ON (pm_dislikes.post_id = pm_likes.post_id AND pm_dislikes.meta_key = '" . LIKEBTN_META_KEY_DISLIKES . "')\n LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta pm_likes_minus_dislikes\n ON (pm_likes_minus_dislikes.post_id = pm_likes.post_id AND pm_likes_minus_dislikes.meta_key = '" . LIKEBTN_META_KEY_LIKES_MINUS_DISLIKES . "')\n WHERE\n pm_likes.meta_key = '" . LIKEBTN_META_KEY_LIKES . "'\n AND p.post_type in ('" . implode("', '", $likebtn_bbp_post_types) . "') \n AND p.post_status = 'publish' "; if (!empty($instance['time_range']) && $instance['time_range'] != 'all') { $query .= " AND post_date >= '" . $this->timeRangeToDateTime($instance['time_range']) . "'"; } $post_types_count++; } // bbPress User if (in_array(LIKEBTN_ENTITY_BBP_USER, $instance['entity_name'])) { if ($post_types_count > 0) { $query .= " UNION "; } $query .= "\n SELECT\n p.ID as 'post_id',\n p.display_name as post_title,\n p.user_registered as 'post_date',\n CONVERT(pm_likes.meta_value, UNSIGNED INTEGER) as 'likes',\n CONVERT(pm_dislikes.meta_value, UNSIGNED INTEGER) as 'dislikes',\n CONVERT(pm_likes_minus_dislikes.meta_value, UNSIGNED INTEGER) as 'likes_minus_dislikes',\n '" . LIKEBTN_ENTITY_BBP_USER . "' as post_type,\n '' as post_mime_type,\n '' as url\n FROM {$wpdb->prefix}usermeta pm_likes\n LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}users p\n ON (p.ID = pm_likes.user_id)\n LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}usermeta pm_dislikes\n ON (pm_dislikes.user_id = pm_likes.user_id AND pm_dislikes.meta_key = '" . LIKEBTN_META_KEY_DISLIKES . "')\n LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}usermeta pm_likes_minus_dislikes\n ON (pm_likes_minus_dislikes.user_id = pm_likes.user_id AND pm_likes_minus_dislikes.meta_key = '" . LIKEBTN_META_KEY_LIKES_MINUS_DISLIKES . "')\n WHERE\n pm_likes.meta_key = '" . LIKEBTN_META_KEY_LIKES . "' \n AND p.user_status = 0 "; if (!empty($instance['time_range']) && $instance['time_range'] != 'all') { $query .= " AND p.user_registered >= '" . $this->timeRangeToDateTime($instance['time_range']) . "'"; } $post_types_count++; } if ($post_types_count > 1) { $query = "SELECT * FROM (" . $query . ") main_query"; } $query .= "\n ORDER BY "; switch ($instance['order']) { default: case 'likes': $query .= "likes"; break; case 'dislikes': $query .= "dislikes"; break; case 'likes_minus_dislikes': $query .= "likes_minus_dislikes"; break; } $query .= " DESC"; $query .= " {$query_limit}"; // echo "<pre>"; // print_r($query); // exit(); $posts = $wpdb->get_results($query); $post_loop = array(); if (count($posts) > 0) { foreach ($posts as $i => $db_post) { $post = array('id' => $db_post->post_id, 'type' => $db_post->post_type, 'post_mime_type' => $db_post->post_mime_type, 'title' => '', 'link' => '', 'likes' => '', 'dislikes' => '', 'date' => '', 'excerpt' => ''); // Title $post['title'] = _likebtn_prepare_title($db_post->post_type, $db_post->post_title); // Link $post['link'] = _likebtn_get_entity_url($db_post->post_type, $db_post->post_id, $db_post->url); $post['likes'] = $db_post->likes; $post['dislikes'] = $db_post->dislikes; if ($show_date) { $post['date'] = strtotime($db_post->post_date); } if ($show_excerpt) { $post['excerpt'] = _likebtn_get_entity_excerpt($db_post->post_type, $db_post->post_id); } // For bbPress replies if (!$post['title']) { $post['title'] = _likebtn_shorten_title($post['excerpt'], LIKEBTN_WIDGET_TITLE_LENGTH); } $post_loop[$i] = $post; } } // Get and include the template we're going to use ob_start(); include $this->getTemplateHierarchy(self::TEMPLATE); $result = ob_get_contents(); ob_get_clean(); return $result; }
function likebtn_admin_statistics() { global $likebtn_nonpost_entities; global $likebtn_page_sizes; global $likebtn_post_statuses; global $wpdb; $query_parameters = array(); $likebtn_entities = _likebtn_get_entities(true); // Custom item $likebtn_entities[LIKEBTN_ENTITY_CUSTOM_ITEM] = __('Custom Item'); // get parameters $entity_name = _likebtn_statistics_entity(); // Process bulk actions //_likebtn_bulk_actions($entity_name); // Multisite - available for super admin only $blogs = array(); $blog_list = array(); $statistics_blog_id = ''; $prefix_prepared = $wpdb->prefix; if (is_multisite() && is_super_admin()) { global $blog_id; $blog_list = $wpdb->get_results("\n SELECT blog_id, domain\n FROM {$wpdb->blogs}\n WHERE site_id = '{$wpdb->siteid}'\n AND spam = '0'\n AND deleted = '0'\n AND archived = '0'\n ORDER BY blog_id\n "); // Place current blog on the first place foreach ($blog_list as $blog) { if ($blog->blog_id == $blog_id) { $blogs["{$blog->blog_id}"] = get_blog_option($blog->blog_id, 'blogname') . ' - ' . $blog->domain; break; } } foreach ($blog_list as $blog) { if ($blog->blog_id != $blog_id) { $blogs["{$blog->blog_id}"] = get_blog_option($blog->blog_id, 'blogname') . ' - ' . $blog->domain; } } // Add all $blogs['all'] = __('All Sites'); // Determine selected blog id if (isset($_GET['likebtn_blog_id'])) { if ($_GET['likebtn_blog_id'] == 'all') { $statistics_blog_id = $_GET['likebtn_blog_id']; } else { // Check if blog with ID exists foreach ($blog_list as $blog) { if ($blog->blog_id == (int) $_GET['likebtn_blog_id']) { $statistics_blog_id = (int) $_GET['likebtn_blog_id']; break; } } } } // Prepare prefix if this is not main blog if ($blog_id != 1) { $prefix_prepared = substr($wpdb->prefix, 0, strlen($wpdb->prefix) - strlen($blog_id) - 1); } } // add comment statuses $likebtn_post_statuses['0'] = __('Comment not approved', LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); $likebtn_post_statuses['1'] = __('Comment approved', LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); $sort_by = ''; if (isset($_GET['likebtn_sort_by'])) { $sort_by = $_GET['likebtn_sort_by']; } if (!$sort_by) { $sort_by = 'likes'; } elseif ($entity_name == LIKEBTN_ENTITY_CUSTOM_ITEM && $sort_by == 'post_id') { $sort_by = 'likes'; } $page_size = LIKEBTN_STATISTIC_PAGE_SIZE; if (isset($_GET['likebtn_page_size'])) { $page_size = LIKEBTN_STATISTIC_PAGE_SIZE; } $post_id = ''; if (isset($_GET['likebtn_post_id'])) { $post_id = trim(stripcslashes($_GET['likebtn_post_id'])); } $post_title = ''; if (isset($_GET['likebtn_post_title'])) { $post_title = trim(stripcslashes($_GET['likebtn_post_title'])); } $post_status = ''; if (isset($_GET['likebtn_post_status'])) { $post_status = trim($_GET['likebtn_post_status']); } // pagination require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/includes/likebtn_like_button_pagination.class.php'; $pagination_target = "admin.php?page=likebtn_statistics"; foreach ($_GET as $get_parameter => $get_value) { $pagination_target .= '&' . $get_parameter . '=' . stripcslashes($get_value); } $p = new LikeBtnLikeButtonPagination(); $p->limit($page_size); // Limit entries per page $p->target($pagination_target); //$p->currentPage(); // Gets and validates the current page $p->prevLabel(__('Previous', LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN)); $p->nextLabel(__('Next', LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN)); if (!isset($_GET['paging'])) { $p->page = 1; } else { $p->page = $_GET['paging']; } // query for limit paging $query_limit = "LIMIT " . ($p->page - 1) * $p->limit . ", " . $p->limit; // query parameters $query_where = ''; // Post type switch ($entity_name) { case LIKEBTN_ENTITY_COMMENT: case LIKEBTN_ENTITY_CUSTOM_ITEM: case LIKEBTN_ENTITY_BP_ACTIVITY_POST: case LIKEBTN_ENTITY_BP_ACTIVITY_UPDATE: case LIKEBTN_ENTITY_BP_ACTIVITY_COMMENT: case LIKEBTN_ENTITY_BP_ACTIVITY_TOPIC: case LIKEBTN_ENTITY_BP_MEMBER: case LIKEBTN_ENTITY_BBP_POST: case LIKEBTN_ENTITY_BBP_USER: break; default: $query_where .= ' AND p.post_type = %s '; $query_parameters[] = $entity_name; break; } // Post ID if ($post_id) { switch ($entity_name) { case LIKEBTN_ENTITY_BP_ACTIVITY_POST: case LIKEBTN_ENTITY_BP_ACTIVITY_UPDATE: case LIKEBTN_ENTITY_BP_ACTIVITY_COMMENT: case LIKEBTN_ENTITY_BP_ACTIVITY_TOPIC: case LIKEBTN_ENTITY_BP_MEMBER: $query_where .= ' AND = %d '; break; case LIKEBTN_ENTITY_COMMENT: $query_where .= ' AND p.comment_ID = %d '; break; default: $query_where .= ' AND p.ID = %d '; break; } $query_parameters[] = $post_id; } if ($post_title) { switch ($entity_name) { case LIKEBTN_ENTITY_BP_ACTIVITY_POST: case LIKEBTN_ENTITY_BP_ACTIVITY_UPDATE: case LIKEBTN_ENTITY_BP_ACTIVITY_COMMENT: case LIKEBTN_ENTITY_BP_ACTIVITY_TOPIC: $query_where .= ' AND LOWER(CONCAT(p.action, p.content)) LIKE "%%%s%%" '; break; case LIKEBTN_ENTITY_BP_MEMBER: $query_where .= ' AND LOWER(p.value) LIKE "%%%s%%" '; break; case LIKEBTN_ENTITY_BBP_USER: $query_where .= ' AND LOWER(CONCAT(p.user_login, p.display_name)) LIKE "%%%s%%" '; break; case LIKEBTN_ENTITY_COMMENT: $query_where .= ' AND LOWER(p.comment_content) LIKE "%%%s%%" '; break; case LIKEBTN_ENTITY_CUSTOM_ITEM: $query_where .= ' AND LOWER(p.identifier) LIKE "%%%s%%" '; break; default: $query_where .= ' AND LOWER(p.post_title) LIKE "%%%s%%" '; break; } $query_parameters[] = strtolower($post_title); } if ($post_status !== '') { if ($entity_name == LIKEBTN_ENTITY_COMMENT) { $query_where .= ' AND p.comment_approved = %s '; } elseif ($entity_name != LIKEBTN_ENTITY_CUSTOM_ITEM) { $query_where .= ' AND p.post_status = %s '; } $query_parameters[] = $post_status; } // order by switch ($sort_by) { case 'dislikes': $query_orderby = 'ORDER BY ABS(dislikes) DESC'; break; case 'likes_minus_dislikes': $query_orderby = 'ORDER BY ABS(likes_minus_dislikes)*SIGN(likes_minus_dislikes) DESC'; break; case 'post_id': $query_orderby = 'ORDER BY post_id ASC'; break; case 'post_title': $query_orderby = 'ORDER BY post_title ASC'; break; case 'likes': default: $query_orderby = 'ORDER BY ABS(likes) DESC'; $sort_by = 'likes'; break; /*case 'last_updated': $query_orderby = 'ORDER BY pm_likes.meta_id DESC'; break;*/ } // For Multisite $query = ''; if ($statistics_blog_id && $statistics_blog_id != 1 && $statistics_blog_id != 'all') { $prefix = "{$prefix_prepared}{$statistics_blog_id}_"; $query = _likebtn_get_statistics_sql($entity_name, $prefix, $query_where, $query_orderby, $query_limit); $query_prepared = $wpdb->prepare($query, $query_parameters); } else { if ($statistics_blog_id == 'all') { foreach ($blog_list as $blog) { if ($blog->blog_id == 1) { $prefix = $prefix_prepared; } else { $prefix = "{$prefix_prepared}{$blog->blog_id}_"; } $query_list[] = $wpdb->prepare(_likebtn_get_statistics_sql($entity_name, $prefix, $query_where, '', '', $blog->blog_id . ' as blog_id, '), $query_parameters); } $query_prepared = ' SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * from (' . implode(' UNION ', $query_list) . ") query {$query_orderby} {$query_limit} "; } else { $query = _likebtn_get_statistics_sql($entity_name, $prefix_prepared, $query_where, $query_orderby, $query_limit); if (count($query_parameters)) { $query_prepared = $wpdb->prepare($query, $query_parameters); } else { $query_prepared = $query; } } } // echo "<pre>"; // echo $query_prepared; // echo $wpdb->prepare($query, $query_parameters); // $wpdb->show_errors(); // exit(); $statistics = $wpdb->get_results($query_prepared); $total_found = 0; if (isset($statistics[0])) { $query_found_rows = "SELECT FOUND_ROWS() as found_rows"; $found_rows = $wpdb->get_results($query_found_rows); $total_found = (int) $found_rows[0]->found_rows; $p->items($total_found); $p->calculate(); // Calculates what to show $p->parameterName('paging'); $p->adjacents(1); // No. of page away from the current page } likebtn_admin_header(); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> var likebtn_spinner_src = '<?php echo _likebtn_get_public_url() . "img/spinner.gif"; ?> '; var likebtn_msg_select_items = '<?php _e("Please select item(s)", LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); ?> '; var likebtn_msg_upgrade = '<?php _e("Upgrade your website to VIP to be able to use the feature", LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); ?> '; </script> <div> <?php if (!_likebtn_is_stat_enabled()) { ?> <div class="error"> <br/> <?php echo strtr(__('Statistics not available. Enable synchronization in order to view statistics:', LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN), array('%url_sync%' => admin_url() . 'admin.php?page=likebtn_settings')); ?> <?php echo _likebtn_enable_stats_msg(); ?> </div> <?php } else { ?> <p class="description"> ● <?php _e('Keep in mind that items appear in Statistics after receiving at least one vote.', LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); ?> <br/> ● <?php _e('Select <u>Custom item</u> content type to view votes of like buttons added using shortcode or HTML code.', LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); ?> <br/> ● <?php _e('To edit item votes click on a number of likes/dislikes in the statistics table.', LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); ?> </p> <?php } ?> <br/> <form action="" method="get" id="statistics_form"> <input type="hidden" name="page" value="likebtn_statistics" /> <?php if ($blogs) { ?> <label><?php _e('Site', LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); ?> :</label> <select name="likebtn_blog_id" > <?php foreach ($blogs as $blog_id_value => $blog_title) { ?> <option value="<?php echo $blog_id_value; ?> " <?php selected($statistics_blog_id, $blog_id_value); ?> ><?php echo $blog_title; ?> </option> <?php } ?> </select> <?php } ?> <label><?php _e('Item Type', LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); ?> :</label> <select name="likebtn_entity_name" > <?php foreach ($likebtn_entities as $entity_name_value => $entity_title) { ?> <option value="<?php echo $entity_name_value; ?> " <?php selected($entity_name, $entity_name_value); ?> ><?php _e($entity_title, LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); ?> </option> <?php } ?> </select> <label><?php _e('Order By', LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); ?> :</label> <select name="likebtn_sort_by" > <option value="likes" <?php selected('likes', $sort_by); ?> ><?php _e('Likes', LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); ?> </option> <option value="dislikes" <?php selected('dislikes', $sort_by); ?> ><?php _e('Dislikes', LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); ?> </option> <option value="likes_minus_dislikes" <?php selected('likes_minus_dislikes', $sort_by); ?> ><?php _e('Likes minus dislikes', LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); ?> </option> <option value="post_id" <?php selected('post_id', $sort_by); ?> ><?php _e('ID', LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); ?> </option> <option value="post_title" <?php selected('post_title', $sort_by); ?> ><?php _e('Title', LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); ?> </option> <?php /* <option value="last_updated" <?php selected('last_updated', $sort_by); ?> ><?php _e('Last updated', LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); ?></option> */ ?> </select> <label><?php _e('Page Size', LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); ?> :</label> <select name="likebtn_page_size" > <?php foreach ($likebtn_page_sizes as $page_size_value) { ?> <option value="<?php echo $page_size_value; ?> " <?php selected($page_size, $page_size_value); ?> ><?php echo $page_size_value; ?> </option> <?php } ?> </select> <br/><br/> <div class="postbox statistics_filter_container"> <?php /*<h3><?php _e('Filter', LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); ?></h3>*/ ?> <div class="inside"> <label><?php _e('ID', LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); ?> :</label> <input type="text" name="likebtn_post_id" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($post_id); ?> " size="5" /> <label><?php _e('Title'); ?> :</label> <input type="text" name="likebtn_post_title" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($post_title); ?> " size="25"/> <label><?php _e('Status', LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); ?> :</label> <select name="likebtn_post_status" > <option value=""></option> <?php foreach ($likebtn_post_statuses as $post_status_value => $post_status_title) { ?> <option value="<?php echo $post_status_value; ?> " <?php selected($post_status, $post_status_value); ?> ><?php echo _e($post_status_title); ?> </option> <?php } ?> </select> <input class="button-secondary" type="button" name="reset" value="<?php _e('Reset filter', LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); ?> " onClick="jQuery('.statistics_filter_container :input[type!=button]').val(''); jQuery('#statistics_form').submit();"/> </div> </div> <input class="button-primary" type="submit" name="show" value="<?php _e('View', LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); ?> " /> <?php _e('Items Found', LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); ?> : <strong><?php echo $total_found; ?> </strong> </form> <br/> <form method="post" action="" id="stats_actions_form"> <input type="hidden" name="bulk_action" value="" id="stats_bulk_action" /> <?php if (count($statistics) && $p->total_pages > 0) { ?> <div class="tablenav"> <input type="button" class="button-secondary likebtn_ttip" onclick="likebtnStatsBulkAction('reset', '<?php echo get_option('likebtn_plan'); ?> ', '<?php _e("The votes count can not be recovered after resetting. Are you sure you want to reset likes and dislikes for the selected item(s)?", LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); ?> ')" value="<?php _e('Reset', LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); ?> " title="<?php _e('Set to zero number of likes and dislikes for selected items', LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); ?> "> <input type="button" class="button-secondary likebtn_ttip" onclick="likebtnStatsBulkAction('delete', '<?php echo get_option('likebtn_plan'); ?> ', '<?php _e("The votes count can not be recovered after deleting. Are you sure you want to delete selected item(s) from statistics?", LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); ?> ')" value="<?php _e('Delete', LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); ?> " title="<?php _e('Delete selected items from statistics: no posts, pages, comments, etc will be deleted, just their votes will be deleted from statistics', LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); ?> "> <div class="tablenav-pages"> <?php echo $p->show(); ?> </div> </div> <?php } ?> <table class="widefat" id="statistics_container"> <thead> <tr> <th><input type="checkbox" onclick="statisticsItemsCheckbox(this)" value="all" style="margin:0"></th> <?php if ($entity_name != LIKEBTN_ENTITY_CUSTOM_ITEM) { ?> <th>ID<?php if ($sort_by == 'post_id') { ?> ↓<?php } ?> </th> <?php } ?> <?php if ($entity_name == LIKEBTN_ENTITY_BP_MEMBER || $entity_name == LIKEBTN_ENTITY_BBP_USER || $entity_name == LIKEBTN_ENTITY_USER) { ?> <th><?php _e('Avatar', LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); ?> </th> <?php } else { ?> <th><?php _e('Featured image', LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); ?> </th> <?php } ?> <th width="100%"><?php _e('Item', LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); if ($sort_by == 'post_title') { ?> ↓<?php } ?> </th> <?php if ($blogs && $statistics_blog_id == 'all') { ?> <th><?php _e('Site'); ?> </th> <?php } ?> <th><?php _e('Likes', LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); if ($sort_by == 'likes') { ?> ↓<?php } ?> </th> <th><?php _e('Dislikes', LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); if ($sort_by == 'dislikes') { ?> ↓<?php } ?> </th> <th><?php _e('Likes minus dislikes', LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); if ($sort_by == 'likes_minus_dislikes') { ?> ↓<?php } ?> </th> <th> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php foreach ($statistics as $statistics_item) { ?> <?php // URL if (!$blogs) { $post_url = _likebtn_get_entity_url($entity_name, $statistics_item->post_id, $statistics_item->url); } else { // Multisite switch ($entity_name) { case LIKEBTN_ENTITY_COMMENT: $post_url = _likebtn_get_blog_comment_link($statistics_item->blog_id, $statistics_item->post_id); break; case LIKEBTN_ENTITY_CUSTOM_ITEM: $post_url = $statistics_item->url; break; case LIKEBTN_ENTITY_BP_ACTIVITY_POST: case LIKEBTN_ENTITY_BP_ACTIVITY_UPDATE: case LIKEBTN_ENTITY_BP_ACTIVITY_COMMENT: case LIKEBTN_ENTITY_BP_ACTIVITY_TOPIC: $post_url = bp_activity_get_permalink($statistics_item->post_id); break; default: $post_url = get_blog_permalink($statistics_item->blog_id, $statistics_item->post_id); break; } } $statistics_item->post_title = _likebtn_prepare_title($entity_name, $statistics_item->post_title); $url_votes = admin_url('admin.php') . '?page=likebtn_votes&likebtn_entity_name=' . $entity_name . '&likebtn_post_id=' . $statistics_item->post_id . '&show=View'; $image = _likebtn_get_entity_image($entity_name, $statistics_item->post_id, array(32, 32)); ?> <tr id="item_<?php echo $statistics_item->post_id; ?> "> <td><input type="checkbox" class="item_checkbox" value="<?php echo $statistics_item->post_id; ?> " name="item[]" <?php if ($blogs && $statistics_item->blog_id != $blog_id) { ?> disabled="disabled"<?php } ?> ></td> <?php if ($entity_name != LIKEBTN_ENTITY_CUSTOM_ITEM) { ?> <td><?php echo $statistics_item->post_id; ?> </td> <?php } ?> <td> <?php if ($image) { ?> <a href="<?php echo $post_url; ?> " target="_blank"><img src="<?php echo $image; ?> " width="32" height="32" /></a> <?php } else { ?> <?php } ?> </td> <td><a href="<?php echo $post_url; ?> " target="_blank"><?php echo htmlspecialchars($statistics_item->post_title); ?> </a></td> <?php if ($blogs && $statistics_blog_id == 'all') { ?> <td><?php echo get_blog_option($statistics_item->blog_id, 'blogname'); ?> </td> <?php } ?> <td> <?php if ($blogs && $statistics_item->blog_id != $blog_id) { ?> <?php echo $statistics_item->likes; ?> <?php } else { ?> <a href="javascript:statisticsEdit('<?php echo $entity_name; ?> ', '<?php echo $statistics_item->post_id; ?> ', 'like', '<?php echo get_option('likebtn_plan'); ?> ', '<?php _e('Enter new value:', LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); ?> ', '<?php _e('Upgrade your website plan to the ULTRA plan to use the feature', LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); ?> ', '<?php _e('Error occured. Please, try again later.', LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); ?> ');void(0);" title="<?php _e('Click to change', LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); ?> " class="item_like likebtn_ttip"><?php echo $statistics_item->likes; ?> </a> <?php } ?> </td> <td> <?php if ($blogs && $statistics_item->blog_id != $blog_id) { ?> <?php echo $statistics_item->dislikes; ?> <?php } else { ?> <a href="javascript:statisticsEdit('<?php echo $entity_name; ?> ', '<?php echo $statistics_item->post_id; ?> ', 'dislike', '<?php echo get_option('likebtn_plan'); ?> ', '<?php _e('Enter new value:', LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); ?> ', '<?php _e('Upgrade your website plan to the ULTRA plan to use the feature', LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); ?> ', '<?php _e('Error occured. Please, try again later.', LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); ?> ');void(0);" title="<?php _e('Click to change', LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); ?> " class="item_dislike likebtn_ttip"><?php echo $statistics_item->dislikes; ?> </a> <?php } ?> </td> <td><?php echo $statistics_item->likes_minus_dislikes; ?> </td> <td><a href="<?php echo $url_votes; ?> " target="_blank" class="likebtn_ttip button button-secondary likebtn-action" title="<?php _e('View votes', LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); ?> "><img src="<?php echo _likebtn_get_public_url(); ?> img/actions/votes.png" /></a></td> </tr> <?php } ?> </tbody> </table> </form> <?php if (count($statistics) && $p->total_pages > 0) { ?> <div class="tablenav"> <div class="tablenav-pages"> <?php echo $p->show(); ?> </div> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <?php _likebtn_admin_footer(); }
function likebtn_admin_votes() { global $likebtn_page_sizes; global $wpdb; wp_enqueue_script('jquery-ui-dialog'); wp_enqueue_style("wp-jquery-ui-dialog"); $query_parameters = array(); $likebtn_entities = _likebtn_get_entities(true); // Custom item $likebtn_entities[LIKEBTN_ENTITY_CUSTOM_ITEM] = __('Custom item'); // Multisite - available for super admin only $blogs = array(); $blog_list = array(); $votes_blog_id = ''; $prefix_prepared = $wpdb->prefix; if (is_multisite() && is_super_admin()) { global $blog_id; $blog_list = $wpdb->get_results("\n SELECT blog_id, domain\n FROM {$wpdb->blogs}\n WHERE site_id = '{$wpdb->siteid}'\n AND spam = '0'\n AND deleted = '0'\n AND archived = '0'\n ORDER BY blog_id\n "); // Place current blog on the first place foreach ($blog_list as $blog) { if ($blog->blog_id == $blog_id) { $blogs["{$blog->blog_id}"] = get_blog_option($blog->blog_id, 'blogname') . ' - ' . $blog->domain; break; } } foreach ($blog_list as $blog) { if ($blog->blog_id != $blog_id) { $blogs["{$blog->blog_id}"] = get_blog_option($blog->blog_id, 'blogname') . ' - ' . $blog->domain; } } // Add all $blogs['all'] = __('All Sites'); // Determine selected blog id if (isset($_GET['likebtn_blog_id'])) { if ($_GET['likebtn_blog_id'] == 'all') { $votes_blog_id = $_GET['likebtn_blog_id']; } else { // Check if blog with ID exists foreach ($blog_list as $blog) { if ($blog->blog_id == (int) $_GET['likebtn_blog_id']) { $votes_blog_id = (int) $_GET['likebtn_blog_id']; break; } } } } // Prepare prefix if this is not main blog if ($blog_id != 1) { $prefix_prepared = substr($wpdb->prefix, 0, strlen($wpdb->prefix) - strlen($blog_id) - 1); } } $entity_name = ''; if (!empty($_GET['likebtn_entity_name'])) { $entity_name = $_GET['likebtn_entity_name']; } $page_size = LIKEBTN_STATISTIC_PAGE_SIZE; if (isset($_GET['likebtn_page_size'])) { $page_size = LIKEBTN_STATISTIC_PAGE_SIZE; } $post_id = ''; if (isset($_GET['likebtn_post_id'])) { $post_id = trim(stripcslashes($_GET['likebtn_post_id'])); } $user_id = ''; if (isset($_GET['likebtn_user_id'])) { $user_id = trim(stripcslashes($_GET['likebtn_user_id'])); } $ip = ''; if (isset($_GET['likebtn_ip'])) { $ip = trim($_GET['likebtn_ip']); } $vote_type = ''; if (isset($_GET['likebtn_vote_type'])) { $vote_type = trim($_GET['likebtn_vote_type']); } // pagination require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/likebtn_like_button_pagination.class.php'; $pagination_target = "admin.php?page=likebtn_votes"; foreach ($_GET as $get_parameter => $get_value) { $pagination_target .= '&' . $get_parameter . '=' . stripcslashes($get_value); } $p = new LikeBtnLikeButtonPagination(); $p->limit($page_size); // Limit entries per page $p->target($pagination_target); //$p->currentPage(); // Gets and validates the current page $p->prevLabel(__('Previous', LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN)); $p->nextLabel(__('Next', LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN)); if (!isset($_GET['paging'])) { $p->page = 1; } else { $p->page = $_GET['paging']; } $query_select = ''; $query_join = ''; // query for limit paging $query_limit = "LIMIT " . ($p->page - 1) * $p->limit . ", " . $p->limit; // query parameters $query_where = ''; // Post type and ID if ($entity_name && $post_id && $entity_name != LIKEBTN_ENTITY_CUSTOM_ITEM) { $query_where .= ' AND v.identifier = %s '; $query_parameters[] = $entity_name . '_' . $post_id; } elseif ($entity_name == LIKEBTN_ENTITY_CUSTOM_ITEM && $post_id) { $query_where .= ' AND i.ID is not NULL AND v.identifier = %s '; $query_parameters[] = $post_id; } elseif ($entity_name == LIKEBTN_ENTITY_CUSTOM_ITEM) { $query_where .= ' AND i.ID is not NULL '; } elseif ($entity_name) { $query_where .= ' AND v.identifier LIKE "' . esc_sql($entity_name) . '_%%" '; } elseif ($post_id) { $query_where .= ' AND v.identifier LIKE "%%_%d" '; $query_parameters[] = $post_id; } // Order by $query_orderby = ' ORDER BY created_at DESC '; // User ID if ($user_id) { $query_where .= ' AND v.user_id = %d '; $query_parameters[] = $user_id; } // IP if ($ip) { $query_where .= ' AND v.ip = %s '; $query_parameters[] = $ip; } // Vote type if ($vote_type) { $query_where .= ' AND v.type = %d '; $query_parameters[] = $vote_type; } // For Multisite $query = ''; if ($votes_blog_id && $votes_blog_id != 1 && $votes_blog_id != 'all') { $prefix = "{$prefix_prepared}{$votes_blog_id}_"; $query = _likebtn_get_votes_sql($prefix, $query_where, $query_orderby, $query_limit, 'SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS ' . $query_select, $query_join); $query_prepared = $wpdb->prepare($query, $query_parameters); } else { if ($votes_blog_id == 'all') { foreach ($blog_list as $blog) { if ($blog->blog_id == 1) { $prefix = $prefix_prepared; } else { $prefix = "{$prefix_prepared}{$blog->blog_id}_"; } $query_list[] = $wpdb->prepare(_likebtn_get_votes_sql($prefix, $query_where, '', '', $blog->blog_id . ' as blog_id, ' . $query_select, $query_join), $query_parameters); } $query_prepared = ' SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * from (' . implode(' UNION ', $query_list) . ") query {$query_orderby} {$query_limit} "; } else { $query = _likebtn_get_votes_sql($prefix_prepared, $query_where, $query_orderby, $query_limit, 'SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS ' . $query_select, $query_join); if (count($query_parameters)) { $query_prepared = $wpdb->prepare($query, $query_parameters); } else { $query_prepared = $query; } } } // echo "<pre>"; // echo $query; // echo $query_prepared; // echo $wpdb->prepare($query, $query_parameters); // $wpdb->show_errors(); // exit(); $votes = $wpdb->get_results($query_prepared); $total_found = 0; if (isset($votes[0])) { $query_found_rows = "SELECT FOUND_ROWS() as found_rows"; $found_rows = $wpdb->get_results($query_found_rows); $total_found = (int) $found_rows[0]->found_rows; $p->items($total_found); $p->calculate(); // Calculates what to show $p->parameterName('paging'); $p->adjacents(1); // No. of page away from the current page } else { $votes = array(); } $loader = _likebtn_get_public_url() . 'img/ajax_loader_hor.gif'; likebtn_admin_header(); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> var likebtn_msg_ip_info = '<?php _e("IP Info", LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); ?> '; </script> <div> <a href="javascript:jQuery('#likebtn_no_vts').toggle();void(0);"><?php _e('Do not see votes?', LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); ?> </a> <div id="likebtn_no_vts"> <p class="description"> ● <?php _e('Votes for Custom items appear in the list after synchronization.', LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); ?> </p> </div> <br/><br/> <form action="" method="get" id="votes_form" autocomplete="off"> <input type="hidden" name="page" value="likebtn_votes" /> <div class="postbox statistics_filter_container"> <div class="inside"> <label><?php _e('Item Type', LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); ?> :</label> <select name="likebtn_entity_name" > <option value="">-- <?php _e('Any', LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); ?> --</option> <?php foreach ($likebtn_entities as $entity_name_value => $entity_title) { ?> <option value="<?php echo $entity_name_value; ?> " <?php selected($entity_name, $entity_name_value); ?> ><?php _e($entity_title, LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); ?> </option> <?php } ?> </select> <label><?php _e('Item ID', LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); ?> :</label> <input type="text" name="likebtn_post_id" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($post_id); ?> " size="10" /> <br/><br/> <label><?php _e('User ID', LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); ?> :</label> <input type="text" name="likebtn_user_id" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($user_id); ?> " size="10" /> <label><?php _e('IP'); ?> :</label> <input type="text" name="likebtn_ip" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($ip); ?> " size="20"/> <label><?php _e('Vote Type', LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); ?> :</label> <select name="likebtn_vote_type" > <option value="">-- <?php _e('Likes & Dislikes', LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); ?> --</option> <option value="1" <?php selected((int) $vote_type, 1); ?> ><?php _e('Likes', LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); ?> </option> <option value="-1" <?php selected((int) $vote_type, -1); ?> ><?php _e('Dislikes', LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); ?> </option> </select> <input class="button-secondary" type="button" name="reset" value="<?php _e('Reset filter', LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); ?> " onClick="jQuery('.statistics_filter_container :input[type!=button]').val(''); jQuery('#votes_form').submit();"/> </div> </div> <?php if ($blogs) { ?> <label><?php _e('Site', LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); ?> :</label> <select name="likebtn_blog_id" > <?php foreach ($blogs as $blog_id_value => $blog_title) { ?> <option value="<?php echo $blog_id_value; ?> " <?php selected($votes_blog_id, $blog_id_value); ?> ><?php echo $blog_title; ?> </option> <?php } ?> </select> <?php } ?> <label><?php _e('Page Size', LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); ?> :</label> <select name="likebtn_page_size" > <?php foreach ($likebtn_page_sizes as $page_size_value) { ?> <option value="<?php echo $page_size_value; ?> " <?php selected($page_size, $page_size_value); ?> ><?php echo $page_size_value; ?> </option> <?php } ?> </select><br/><br/> <input class="button-primary" type="submit" name="show" value="<?php _e('View', LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); ?> " /> <?php _e('Votes Found', LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); ?> : <strong><?php echo $total_found; ?> </strong> </form> <br/> <form method="post" action="" id="votes_actions_form"> <input type="hidden" name="bulk_action" value="" id="stats_bulk_action" /> <?php if (count($votes) && $p->lastpage > 1) { ?> <div class="tablenav"> <div class="tablenav-pages"> <?php echo $p->show(); ?> </div> </div> <?php } ?> <table class="widefat" id="votes_container"> <thead> <tr> <?php /*<th><input type="checkbox" onclick="statisticsItemsCheckbox(this)" value="all" style="margin:0"></th>*/ ?> <?php if ($blogs && $votes_blog_id == 'all') { ?> <th><?php _e('Site'); ?> </th> <?php } ?> <th colspan="2"><?php _e('User', LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); ?> </th> <th>IP</th> <th><?php _e('Date', LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); ?> </th> <th><?php _e('Type', LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); ?> </th> <th><?php _e('Item', LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); ?> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php foreach ($votes as $votes_item) { ?> <?php $entity_info = _likebtn_parse_identifier($votes_item->identifier); $avatar_url = ''; if ($votes_item->user_id) { $avatar_url = _likebtn_get_avatar_url($votes_item->user_id); } $user_url = ''; if ($votes_item->user_id) { $user_url = _likebtn_get_entity_url(LIKEBTN_ENTITY_USER, $votes_item->user_id); } $item_title = ''; $item_url = ''; if ($votes_item->item_id) { $item_title = $votes_item->identifier; $item_url = $votes_item->url; $entity_type_name = __('Custom Item', LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); } else { if ($entity_info['entity_name'] && $entity_info['entity_id']) { $item_title = _likebtn_get_entity_title($entity_info['entity_name'], $entity_info['entity_id']); $item_title = _likebtn_prepare_title($entity_info['entity_name'], $item_title); $item_url = _likebtn_get_entity_url($entity_info['entity_name'], $entity_info['entity_id'], '', $votes_blog_id); } $entity_type_name = _likebtn_get_entity_name_title($entity_info['entity_name']); } if ((int) $votes_item->type == 1) { $entity_vote_type = 'like'; } else { $entity_vote_type = 'dislike'; } ?> <tr id="vote_<?php echo $votes_item->id; ?> "> <?php /*<td><input type="checkbox" class="item_checkbox" value="<?php echo $votes_item->post_id; 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function _likebtn_bp_activity_add($entity_name, $entity_id, $voter_id, $vote_type, $hide_sitewide, $snippet, $snippet_html) { if (!$voter_id) { return false; } if ($vote_type == LIKEBTN_VOTE_LIKE) { $type_name = __('liked', LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); } else { $type_name = __('disliked', LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); } $primary_link = _likebtn_get_entity_url($entity_name, $entity_id); $pattern = __('<a href="%user_url%" title="%user_name%">%user_name%</a> %type_name% %entity_name%, <a href="%entity_url%">%entity_title%</a>', LIKEBTN_I18N_DOMAIN); $title = _likebtn_get_entity_title($entity_name, $entity_id); $action = strtr($pattern, array('%user_url%' => _likebtn_get_entity_url(LIKEBTN_ENTITY_BP_MEMBER, $voter_id), '%user_name%' => bp_core_get_user_displayname($voter_id), '%type_name%' => $type_name, '%entity_url%' => _likebtn_get_entity_url($entity_name, $entity_id), '%entity_name%' => mb_strtolower(_likebtn_get_entity_name_title($entity_name, true)), '%entity_title%' => $title)); // Add snippet $content = "<!--{$entity_name}_{$entity_id}-->"; if ($snippet == '1') { $image_thumbnail = _likebtn_get_entity_image($entity_name, $entity_id, 'thumbnail'); $excerpt = _likebtn_get_entity_excerpt($entity_name, $entity_id); if (!$snippet_html) { $snippet_html = LIKEBTN_BP_SNIPPET_TPL; } $snippet_html = strtr($snippet_html, array('%image_thumbnail%' => $image_thumbnail, '%title%' => $title, '%excerpt%' => $excerpt)); $content .= $snippet_html; // ob_start(); // include(_likebtn_get_template_path(LIKEBTN_TEMPLATE_ACTIVITY_SNIPPET)); // $content .= ob_get_contents(); // ob_get_clean(); } $component = LIKEBTN_BP_COMPONENT_NAME; $item_id = $entity_id; // Determine hide_sitewide $private_group_activity = false; $group_id = 0; // Set hide_sitewide to true: // - BuddyPress forum // - Activity update in private group if ($entity_name == LIKEBTN_ENTITY_BBP_POST) { $group_post_id = (int) get_post_meta($entity_id, '_bbp_forum_id', true); if ($group_post_id) { $group_id_array = get_post_meta($group_post_id, '_bbp_group_ids', true); if ($group_id_array && isset($group_id_array[0])) { $group_id = (int) $group_id_array[0]; //$group = groups_get_group( array( 'group_id' => $group_id ) ); //$group_permalink = trailingslash*t( bp_get_root_domain() . '/' . bp_get_groups_root_slug() . '/' . $group->slug . '/' ) ); $group_post = get_post($group_post_id); if ($group_post && !empty($group_post->post_status) && $group_post->post_status == 'private') { $private_group_activity = true; } } } } if (in_array($entity_name, array(LIKEBTN_ENTITY_BP_ACTIVITY_POST, LIKEBTN_ENTITY_BP_ACTIVITY_UPDATE, LIKEBTN_ENTITY_BP_ACTIVITY_COMMENT, LIKEBTN_ENTITY_BP_ACTIVITY_TOPIC))) { $get_activity = bp_activity_get_specific(array('activity_ids' => $entity_id)); if (!empty($get_activity['activities']) && !empty($get_activity['activities'][0])) { $activity = $get_activity['activities'][0]; if ($activity->component == 'groups' && isset($activity->item_id) && (int) $activity->hide_sitewide == 1) { $private_group_activity = true; $group_id = $activity->item_id; } } } if ($private_group_activity && $group_id) { $hide_sitewide = 1; $component = 'groups'; $item_id = $group_id; } bp_activity_add(array('user_id' => $voter_id, 'item_id' => $item_id, 'secondary_item_id' => $vote_type, 'primary_link' => $primary_link, 'action' => $action, 'content' => $content, 'component' => $component, 'type' => LIKEBTN_BP_ACTIVITY_TYPE, 'hide_sitewide' => (int) $hide_sitewide)); }