echo "<p class=\"submenu_bar\">"; if ($user_usertype_current > 2) { echo "<a href=\"index2.php?page=tender_view&question=add&tender_id={$tender_id}\" class=\"submenu_bar\">Add Question</a>"; } if ($_GET[edit_question] == NULL) { echo "<a href=\"popup_tender.php?tender_id={$tender_id}\" class=\"submenu_bar\">Printable View</a>"; } echo "</p>"; if ($tender_instructions != NULL and $_GET[edit_question] == NULL and $_GET[edit_answer] == NULL) { echo "<h2>Submission Instructions</h2><blockquote>" . $tender_instructions . "</blockquote>"; } if ($tender_client != NULL and $_GET[edit_question] == NULL and $_GET[edit_answer] == NULL) { echo "<h2>Client</h2><blockquote>" . $tender_client . "</blockquote>"; } if ($tender_source != NULL and $_GET[edit_question] == NULL and $_GET[edit_answer] == NULL) { echo "<h2>Source of Tender</h2><blockquote>" . TextPresent($tender_source) . "</blockquote>"; } echo "<h2>Submission Deadline</h2><blockquote>" . TimeFormatDetailed($tender_date) . "</blockquote>"; echo "<h2>Responses</h2>"; echo "<table summary=\"Lists of questions and responses\">"; if ($_GET[question] == "add") { EditForm('', '', '', '', '', $tender_id); echo "</th></tr>"; } } if ($answer_response == NULL) { $answer_response = "-- Not answered --"; $bgcolor = "background-color: red"; $message = "Incomplete"; } elseif ($answer_wordcount / $answer_words < 0.75 and $answer_words > 0) { $bgcolor = "background-color: orange";
$highlight = " style=\"background-color: #{$settings_alertcolor}\" "; $highlight2 = "style=\"background-color: #{$settings_alertcolor}; text-align: right;\""; } else { $highlight = ""; $highlight2 = "style=\"text-align: right;\""; } if ($invoice_baddebt == "yes") { echo "<tr><td colspan=\"4\" {$highlight}><strong>Listed as a bad debt</strong></td></tr>"; } print "<tr>"; print "<td {$highlight} rowspan=\"{$rowspan}\" style=\"width: 25%;\"><a href=\"index2.php?page=timesheet_invoice_view&invoice_id={$invoice_id}\">" . $invoice_ref . "</a>"; if ($user_usertype_current > 3) { print " <a href=\"index2.php?page=timesheet_invoice_edit&status=edit&invoice_id={$invoice_id}\" {$confirm}><img src=\"images/button_edit.png\" alt=\"Edit Invoice\" /></a>"; } if ($invoice_notes != NULL) { echo "<br />" . TextPresent($invoice_notes); } print "</td>"; print "<td {$highlight}>" . TimeFormat($invoice_date) . "</td>"; print "<td {$highlight}>" . TimeFormat($invoice_due) . "</td>"; if ($invoice_paid > 0) { print "<td {$highlight}>" . TimeFormat($invoice_paid) . "</td>"; } else { print "<td {$highlight}></td>"; } print "</tr>"; // Output the Invoice Item details if (mysql_num_rows($result2) > 0) { while ($array2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2)) { $invoice_item_novat = $array2['invoice_item_novat']; $invoice_item_vat = $array2['invoice_item_vat'];
print " <a href=\"index2.php?page=timesheet_invoice_items_edit&invoice_item_id={$invoice_item_id}&proj_id={$proj_id}\" {$confirm}><img src=\"images/button_edit.png\" alt=\"Edit Invoice\" /></a>"; } print "</td><td style=\"text-align: right;\">" . MoneyFormat($invoice_item_novat) . "</td></tr>"; $invoice_total_all = $invoice_total_all + $invoice_item_vat; $invoice_total_sub = $invoice_total_sub + $invoice_item_novat; } print "<tr><td><u>Fees Sub Total (excl. VAT)</u></td><td style=\"text-align: right;\"><u>" . MoneyFormat($invoice_total_sub) . "</u></td></tr>"; } print "<tr><td colspan=\"2\"><strong>Expenses Details</strong></td></tr>"; // Output the Invoice Item details if (mysql_num_rows($result3) > 0) { while ($array3 = mysql_fetch_array($result3)) { $ts_expense_id = $array3['ts_expense_id']; $ts_expense_value = $array3['ts_expense_value']; $ts_expense_vat = $array3['ts_expense_vat']; $ts_expense_desc = TextPresent($array3['ts_expense_desc']); print "<tr><td><a href=\"index2.php?page=timesheet_expense_view&ts_expense_id={$ts_expense_id}\">" . $ts_expense_desc . "</a>"; if ($invoice_date > time()) { print " <a href=\"index2.php?page=timesheet_expense_edit&status=edit&ts_expense_id={$ts_expense_id}\"><img src=\"images/button_edit.png\" alt=\"Edit Expense\" /></a>"; } print "</td><td style=\"text-align: right;\">" . MoneyFormat($ts_expense_value) . "</td></tr>"; $invoice_total_all = $invoice_total_all + $ts_expense_vat; $invoice_expense_total = $invoice_expense_total + $ts_expense_value; } print "<tr><td><u>Expenses Sub Total (excl. VAT)</u></td><td style=\"text-align: right;\"><u>" . MoneyFormat($invoice_expense_total) . "</u></td></tr>"; } else { print "<tr><td>None</td><td style=\"text-align: right;\">--</td></tr>"; } $vat_total = $invoice_total_all - ($invoice_expense_total + $invoice_total_sub); print "<tr><td><u>VAT</u></td><td style=\"text-align: right; \"><u>" . MoneyFormat($vat_total) . "</u></td></tr>"; print "<tr><td><strong>INVOICE TOTAL (inc. VAT)</strong></td><td style=\"text-align: right; \"><strong>" . MoneyFormat($invoice_total_all) . "</strong></td></tr>";