コード例 #1
ファイル: xmlimport.php プロジェクト: helenadeus/s3db.map
 #Find the project_id in the output
 #Get the classes from the xml
 #$xml = get_object_vars($xml);
 $xmlclasses = $xml['RESOURCE'];
 #echo '<pre>';print_r($xmlclasses);
 for ($i = 0; $i < count($xmlclasses); ++$i) {
     #create the classes
     $class = get_object_vars($xmlclasses[$i]);
     $s3ql['where'] = '';
     $s3ql['insert'] = 'collection';
     $s3ql['where']['project_id'] = $project_id;
     $s3ql['where']['entity'] = urldecode($class['ENTITY']);
     $s3ql['where']['notes'] = urldecode($class['NOTES']);
     $s3ql['format'] = 'html';
     $classInserted = S3QLAction($s3ql);
     $msg = html2cell($classInserted);
     $msg = $msg[2];
     #echo $classInserted;
     #was class created? check
     #ereg('<error>([0-9]+)</error>(.*)<(message|collection_id)>(.*)</(message|collection_id)>', $classInserted, $s3qlout);
     if ($msg['error_code'] == '0') {
         $class_id = $msg['collection_id'];
         $classes[$class['ENTITY']]['class_id'] = $class_id;
         #echo '<pre>';print_r($class['RULE']);
         $classes[$class['ENTITY']]['rules'] = is_object($class['RULE']) ? array(get_object_vars($class['RULE'])) : $class['RULE'];
         $report .= '<tr><td><font color = "#FF9900">Class ' . urldecode($class['ENTITY']) . ' created</font></td></tr>';
     if ($class_id == '') {
         $report .= '<tr><td><font color = "#FFCC00">' . $msg['message'] . '</font></td></tr>';
コード例 #2
ファイル: sparql_read.php プロジェクト: helenadeus/s3db.map
function localQ($tri_s3ql)
    $query = S3QLAction($tri_s3ql);
    ##Now force the RDF output
    $format = $tri_s3ql['format'];
    $data = $query;
    $db = $tri_s3ql['db'];
    if (is_array($query[0])) {
        $cols = array_keys($query[0]);
        $letter = letter($tri_s3ql['from']);
        $z = compact('data', 'cols', 'format', 'db', 'letter');
        $answer = outputFormat($z);
    } else {
        $answer = array();
    return $answer;
コード例 #3
ファイル: callback.php プロジェクト: helenadeus/s3db.map
function get_rule_drop_down_menu($D)
    if ($rule_info == '') {
        $rule_info = s3info('rule', $rule_id, $db);
        #$rule_info = include_all_class_id(compact('rule_info', 'db', 'project_id', 'user_id'));
    #if(is_array($_SESSION[$user_id]['instances'][$rule_info['object_class_id']])) {
    #	$instances = $_SESSION[$user_id]['instances'][$class_id];
    #else {
    $s3ql = compact('db', 'user_id');
    $s3ql['select'] = '*';
    $s3ql['from'] = 'instances';
    $s3ql['where']['class_id'] = $rule_info['object_id'];
    #echo '<pre>';print_r($s3ql);exit;
    #$s3ql['where']['project_id'] = $project_id;
    #$instances = s3list($s3ql);
    $instances = S3QLAction($s3ql);
    #echo '<pre>';print_r($instances);
    #$instances = S3QLaction($s3ql);
    #$_SESSION[$user_id]['instances'][$rule_info['object_class_id']] = $instances;
    $inputBox .= '<select name="' . $select_name . '" size="1" style="background-color: lightyellow; font-size: 8pt" size="1">';
    $inputBox .= '<option value="" selected></option>';
    if (is_array($instances)) {
        foreach ($instances as $object_instance_info) {
            $inputBox .= '<option value ="' . $object_instance_info['resource_id'] . '" >' . $object_instance_info['notes'] . ' <sub>(ID#' . $object_instance_info['resource_id'] . ')</sub></option>';
    $inputBox .= '</select>';
    return $inputBox;