if (isset($_REQUEST['wiz_template']) && $_REQUEST['wiz_template'] != '') { $obPageTemplate = CPageTemplate::GetTemplate($_REQUEST['wiz_template'], array($templateID)); } //Save page settings if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST" && isset($_REQUEST["save"]) && $strWarning == "") { //Get page template content $fileContent = false; if ($obPageTemplate !== false) { $arParams = array("path" => $createNewFolder ? $io->CombinePath("/", $path, $fileName) . "/" : $path, "file" => $createNewFolder ? "index.php" : $fileName, "site" => $site); $fileContent = $obPageTemplate->GetContent($arParams); } else { $template_file = ''; if (isset($_REQUEST['page_template']) && $_REQUEST['page_template'] != '') { $template_file = $_REQUEST['page_template']; } else { $arPageTemplates = GetFileTemplates($site, array($templateID)); if (!empty($arPageTemplates) && isset($arPageTemplates[0]['file'])) { $template_file = $arPageTemplates[0]['file']; } } if ($template_file != '') { $fileContent = GetTemplateContent($template_file, $site, array($templateID)); } } if (!$fileContent) { $fileContent = '<' . '?require($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/bitrix/header.php");?' . '>' . GetMessage("PAGE_NEW_CONTENT") . '<' . '?require($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/bitrix/footer.php");?>'; } //Title $strSectionName = ""; if (strlen($pageTitle) > 0) { $fileContent = SetPrologTitle($fileContent, $pageTitle);
function GetStandardButtons() { global $USER, $APPLICATION, $DB; if (isset($_SERVER["REAL_FILE_PATH"]) && $_SERVER["REAL_FILE_PATH"] != "") { $currentDirPath = dirname($_SERVER["REAL_FILE_PATH"]); $currentFilePath = $_SERVER["REAL_FILE_PATH"]; } else { $currentDirPath = $APPLICATION->GetCurDir(); $currentFilePath = $APPLICATION->GetCurPage(true); } $encCurrentDirPath = urlencode($currentDirPath); $encCurrentFilePath = urlencode($currentFilePath); $encRequestUri = urlencode($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]); $encSiteTemplateId = urlencode(SITE_TEMPLATE_ID); $documentRoot = CSite::GetSiteDocRoot(SITE_ID); $filemanExists = IsModuleInstalled("fileman"); //create button $defaultUrl = ""; $bCanCreatePage = CTopPanel::IsCanCreatePage($currentDirPath, $documentRoot, $filemanExists); $bCanCreateSection = CTopPanel::IsCanCreateSection($currentDirPath, $documentRoot, $filemanExists); if ($bCanCreatePage || $bCanCreateSection) { require_once $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . FX_ROOT . "/modules/main/admin_tools.php"; //create page from new template $arActPageTemplates = CPageTemplate::GetList(array(SITE_TEMPLATE_ID)); //create page from old template $arPageTemplates = GetFileTemplates(SITE_ID, array(SITE_TEMPLATE_ID)); } // CREATE PAGE button and submenu $arMenu = array(); if ($bCanCreatePage) { $defaultUrl = $APPLICATION->GetPopupLink(array("URL" => "/freetrix/admin/public_file_new.php?lang=" . LANGUAGE_ID . "&site=" . SITE_ID . "&templateID=" . $encSiteTemplateId . "&path=" . $encCurrentDirPath . "&back_url=" . $encRequestUri, "PARAMS" => array("min_width" => 450, "min_height" => 250))); $arMenu[] = array("TEXT" => GetMessage("top_panel_create_page"), "TITLE" => GetMessage("top_panel_create_page_title"), "ICON" => "panel-new-file", "ACTION" => $defaultUrl, "DEFAULT" => true, "SORT" => 10, "HK_ID" => "top_panel_create_page"); //templates menu for pages $arSubmenu = array(); if (!empty($arActPageTemplates)) { foreach ($arActPageTemplates as $pageTemplate) { if ($pageTemplate['type'] == '' || $pageTemplate['type'] == 'page') { $arSubmenu[] = array("TEXT" => "<b>" . $pageTemplate['name'] . "</b>" . ($pageTemplate['description'] != '' ? "<br>" . $pageTemplate['description'] : ""), "TITLE" => GetMessage("top_panel_template") . " " . $pageTemplate['file'], "ICON" => $pageTemplate['icon'] == '' ? "panel-new-file-template" : "", "IMAGE" => $pageTemplate['icon'] != '' ? $pageTemplate['icon'] : "", "ACTION" => str_replace("public_file_new.php?", "public_file_new.php?wiz_template=" . urlencode($pageTemplate['file']) . "&", $defaultUrl)); } } } if (!empty($arPageTemplates) && (!empty($arSubmenu) || count($arPageTemplates) > 1)) { foreach ($arPageTemplates as $pageTemplate) { $arSubmenu[] = array("TEXT" => $pageTemplate['name'], "TITLE" => GetMessage("top_panel_template") . " " . $pageTemplate['file'], "ICON" => "panel-new-file-template", "ACTION" => str_replace("public_file_new.php?", "public_file_new.php?page_template=" . urlencode($pageTemplate['file']) . "&", $defaultUrl)); } } //page from template if ($bCanCreatePage && !empty($arSubmenu)) { $arMenu[] = array("TEXT" => GetMessage("top_panel_create_from_template"), "TITLE" => GetMessage("top_panel_create_from_template_title"), "ICON" => "panel-new-file-template", "MENU" => $arSubmenu, "SORT" => 20); } } if (!empty($arMenu)) { $APPLICATION->AddPanelButton(array("HREF" => $defaultUrl == "" ? "" : "javascript:" . $defaultUrl, 'TYPE' => 'BIG', "ID" => "create", "ICON" => "bx-panel-create-page-icon", "ALT" => GetMessage("top_panel_create_title"), "TEXT" => GetMessage("top_panel_create_new"), "MAIN_SORT" => "100", "SORT" => 10, "MENU" => $arMenu, "RESORT_MENU" => true, "HK_ID" => "top_panel_create_new", "HINT" => array("TITLE" => GetMessage("top_panel_create_new_tooltip_title"), "TEXT" => GetMessage("top_panel_create_new_tooltip")), "HINT_MENU" => array("TITLE" => GetMessage("top_panel_create_new_menu_tooltip_title"), "TEXT" => GetMessage("top_panel_create_new_menu_tooltip")))); } // CREATE SECTION button and submenu $arMenu = array(); if ($bCanCreateSection) { $defaultUrl = $APPLICATION->GetPopupLink(array("URL" => "/freetrix/admin/public_file_new.php?lang=" . LANGUAGE_ID . "&site=" . SITE_ID . "&templateID=" . $encSiteTemplateId . "&newFolder=Y&path=" . $encCurrentDirPath . "&back_url=" . $encRequestUri, "PARAMS" => array("min_width" => 450, "min_height" => 250))); $arMenu[] = array("TEXT" => GetMessage("top_panel_create_folder"), "TITLE" => GetMessage("top_panel_create_folder_title"), "ICON" => "panel-new-folder", 'DEFAULT' => true, "ACTION" => $defaultUrl, "SORT" => 10, "HK_ID" => "top_panel_create_folder"); //templates menu for sections $arSectSubmenu = array(); if (!empty($arActPageTemplates)) { foreach ($arActPageTemplates as $pageTemplate) { if ($pageTemplate['type'] == '' || $pageTemplate['type'] == 'section') { $arSectSubmenu[] = array("TEXT" => "<b>" . $pageTemplate['name'] . "</b>" . ($pageTemplate['description'] != '' ? "<br>" . $pageTemplate['description'] : ""), "TITLE" => GetMessage("top_panel_template") . " " . $pageTemplate['file'], "ICON" => $pageTemplate['icon'] == '' ? "panel-new-file-template" : "", "IMAGE" => $pageTemplate['icon'] != '' ? $pageTemplate['icon'] : "", "ACTION" => str_replace("public_file_new.php?", "public_file_new.php?newFolder=Y&wiz_template=" . urlencode($pageTemplate['file']) . "&", $defaultUrl)); } } } if (!empty($arPageTemplates) && (!empty($arSectSubmenu) || count($arPageTemplates) > 1)) { if (!empty($arSectSubmenu)) { $arSectSubmenu[] = array("SEPARATOR" => true); } foreach ($arPageTemplates as $pageTemplate) { $arSectSubmenu[] = array("TEXT" => $pageTemplate['name'], "TITLE" => GetMessage("top_panel_template") . " " . $pageTemplate['file'], "ICON" => "panel-new-file-template", "ACTION" => str_replace("public_file_new.php?", "public_file_new.php?newFolder=Y&page_template=" . urlencode($pageTemplate['file']) . "&", $defaultUrl)); } } //section from template if ($bCanCreateSection && !empty($arSectSubmenu)) { $arMenu[] = array("TEXT" => GetMessage("top_panel_create_folder_template"), "TITLE" => GetMessage("top_panel_create_folder_template_title"), "ICON" => "panel-new-folder-template", "MENU" => $arSectSubmenu, "SORT" => 20); } } if (!empty($arMenu)) { $APPLICATION->AddPanelButton(array("HREF" => $defaultUrl == "" ? "" : "javascript:" . $defaultUrl, 'TYPE' => 'BIG', "ID" => "create_section", "ICON" => "bx-panel-create-section-icon", "ALT" => GetMessage("top_panel_create_title"), "TEXT" => GetMessage("top_panel_create_folder_new"), "MAIN_SORT" => "100", "SORT" => 20, "MENU" => $arMenu, "RESORT_MENU" => true, "HK_ID" => "top_panel_create_folder_new", "HINT" => array("TITLE" => GetMessage("top_panel_create_folder_new_tooltip_title"), "TEXT" => GetMessage("top_panel_create_folder_new_tooltip")), "HINT_MENU" => array("TITLE" => GetMessage("top_panel_create_folder_new_menu_tooltip_title"), "TEXT" => GetMessage("top_panel_create_folder_new_menu_tooltip")))); } // EDIT PAGE button and submenu $defaultUrl = ""; $arMenu = array(); if (CTopPanel::IsCanEditPage($currentFilePath, $documentRoot, $filemanExists)) { $defaultUrl = $APPLICATION->GetPopupLink(array("URL" => "/freetrix/admin/public_file_edit.php?lang=" . LANGUAGE_ID . "&path=" . $encCurrentFilePath . "&site=" . SITE_ID . "&back_url=" . $encRequestUri . "&templateID=" . $encSiteTemplateId, "PARAMS" => array("width" => 780, "height" => 470, "resizable" => true, "min_width" => 780, "min_height" => 400, 'dialog_type' => 'EDITOR'))); $arMenu[] = array("TEXT" => GetMessage("top_panel_edit_page"), "TITLE" => GetMessage("top_panel_edit_page_title"), "ICON" => "panel-edit-visual", "ACTION" => $defaultUrl, "DEFAULT" => true, "SORT" => 10, "HK_ID" => "top_panel_edit_page"); $arMenu[] = array("TEXT" => GetMessage("top_panel_page_prop"), "TITLE" => GetMessage("top_panel_page_prop_title"), "ICON" => "panel-file-props", "ACTION" => $APPLICATION->GetPopupLink(array("URL" => "/freetrix/admin/public_file_property.php?lang=" . LANGUAGE_ID . "&site=" . SITE_ID . "&path=" . $encCurrentFilePath . "&back_url=" . $encRequestUri, "PARAMS" => array("min_width" => 450, "min_height" => 250))), "SORT" => 20, "HK_ID" => "top_panel_page_prop"); $arMenu[] = array("SEPARATOR" => true, "SORT" => 49); $arMenu[] = array("TEXT" => GetMessage("top_panel_edit_page_html"), "TITLE" => GetMessage("top_panel_edit_page_html_title"), "ICON" => "panel-edit-text", "ACTION" => $APPLICATION->GetPopupLink(array("URL" => "/freetrix/admin/public_file_edit.php?lang=" . LANGUAGE_ID . "&noeditor=Y&path=" . $encCurrentFilePath . "&site=" . SITE_ID . "&back_url=" . $encRequestUri, "PARAMS" => array("width" => 780, "height" => 470, 'dialog_type' => 'EDITOR'))), "SORT" => 50, "HK_ID" => "top_panel_edit_page_html"); if ($USER->CanDoOperation("edit_php")) { $arMenu[] = array("TEXT" => GetMessage("top_panel_edit_page_php"), "TITLE" => GetMessage("top_panel_edit_page_php_title"), "ICON" => "panel-edit-php", "ACTION" => $APPLICATION->GetPopupLink(array("URL" => "/freetrix/admin/public_file_edit_src.php?lang=" . LANGUAGE_ID . "&path=" . $encCurrentFilePath . "&site=" . SITE_ID . "&back_url=" . $encRequestUri . "&templateID=" . $encSiteTemplateId, "PARAMS" => array("width" => 770, "height" => 470, 'dialog_type' => 'EDITOR'))), "SORT" => 60, "HK_ID" => "top_panel_edit_page_php"); } } $bNeedSep = false; if (CTopPanel::IsCanEditPermission($currentFilePath, $documentRoot, $filemanExists)) { $bNeedSep = true; //access button $arMenu[] = array("TEXT" => GetMessage("top_panel_access_page_new"), "TITLE" => GetMessage("top_panel_access_page_title"), "ICON" => "panel-file-access", "ACTION" => $APPLICATION->GetPopupLink(array("URL" => "/freetrix/admin/public_access_edit.php?lang=" . LANGUAGE_ID . "&site=" . SITE_ID . "&path=" . $encCurrentFilePath . "&back_url=" . $encRequestUri, "PARAMS" => array("min_width" => 450, "min_height" => 250))), "SORT" => 30, "HK_ID" => "top_panel_access_page_new"); } //delete button if (CTopPanel::IsCanDeletePage($currentFilePath, $documentRoot, $filemanExists)) { $bNeedSep = true; $arMenu[] = array("ID" => "delete", "ICON" => "icon-delete", "ALT" => GetMessage("top_panel_del_page"), "TEXT" => GetMessage("top_panel_del_page"), "ACTION" => $APPLICATION->GetPopupLink(array("URL" => "/freetrix/admin/public_file_delete.php?lang=" . LANGUAGE_ID . "&site=" . SITE_ID . "&path=" . $encCurrentFilePath, "PARAMS" => array("min_width" => 250, "min_height" => 180, 'height' => 180, 'width' => 440))), "SORT" => 40, "HK_ID" => "top_panel_del_page"); } if ($bNeedSep) { $arMenu[] = array("SEPARATOR" => true, "SORT" => 29); } if (!empty($arMenu)) { //check anonymous access $arOperations = CUser::GetFileOperations(array(SITE_ID, $currentFilePath), array(2)); $bAllowAnonymous = in_array("fm_view_file", $arOperations); $APPLICATION->AddPanelButton(array("HREF" => $defaultUrl == "" ? "" : "javascript:" . $defaultUrl, "TYPE" => "BIG", "ID" => "edit", "ICON" => $bAllowAnonymous ? "bx-panel-edit-page-icon" : "bx-panel-edit-secret-page-icon", "ALT" => GetMessage("top_panel_edit_title"), "TEXT" => GetMessage("top_panel_edit_new"), "MAIN_SORT" => "200", "SORT" => 10, "MENU" => $arMenu, "HK_ID" => "top_panel_edit_new", "RESORT_MENU" => true, "HINT" => array("TITLE" => GetMessage("top_panel_edit_new_tooltip_title"), "TEXT" => GetMessage("top_panel_edit_new_tooltip")), "HINT_MENU" => array("TITLE" => GetMessage("top_panel_edit_new_menu_tooltip_title"), "TEXT" => GetMessage("top_panel_edit_new_menu_tooltip")))); } // EDIT SECTION button $arMenu = array(); if (CTopPanel::IsCanEditSection($currentDirPath, $filemanExists)) { $defaultUrl = 'javascript:' . $APPLICATION->GetPopupLink(array("URL" => "/freetrix/admin/public_folder_edit.php?lang=" . LANGUAGE_ID . "&site=" . SITE_ID . "&path=" . urlencode($APPLICATION->GetCurDir()) . "&back_url=" . $encRequestUri, "PARAMS" => array("min_width" => 450, "min_height" => 250))); $arMenu[] = array("TEXT" => GetMessage("top_panel_folder_prop"), "TITLE" => GetMessage("top_panel_folder_prop_title"), "ICON" => "panel-folder-props", "DEFAULT" => true, "ACTION" => $defaultUrl, "SORT" => 10, "HK_ID" => "top_panel_folder_prop"); } if (CTopPanel::IsCanEditPermission($currentDirPath, $documentRoot, $filemanExists)) { $arMenu[] = array("TEXT" => GetMessage("top_panel_access_folder_new"), "TITLE" => GetMessage("top_panel_access_folder_title"), "ICON" => "panel-folder-access", "ACTION" => $APPLICATION->GetPopupLink(array("URL" => "/freetrix/admin/public_access_edit.php?lang=" . LANGUAGE_ID . "&site=" . SITE_ID . "&path=" . $encCurrentDirPath . "&back_url=" . $encRequestUri, "PARAMS" => array("min_width" => 450, "min_height" => 250))), "SORT" => 30, "HK_ID" => "top_panel_access_folder_new"); } if (!empty($arMenu)) { //check anonymous access $arOperations = CUser::GetFileOperations(array(SITE_ID, $currentDirPath), array(2)); $bAllowAnonymous = in_array("fm_view_listing", $arOperations); $APPLICATION->AddPanelButton(array("HREF" => $defaultUrl, "ID" => 'edit_section', "TYPE" => "BIG", "TEXT" => GetMessage("top_panel_folder_prop_new"), "TITLE" => GetMessage("top_panel_folder_prop_title"), "ICON" => $bAllowAnonymous ? "bx-panel-edit-section-icon" : "bx-panel-edit-secret-section-icon", "MAIN_SORT" => "200", "SORT" => 20, "MENU" => $arMenu, "HK_ID" => "top_panel_folder_prop_new", "RESORT_MENU" => true, "HINT" => array("TITLE" => GetMessage("top_panel_folder_prop_new_tooltip_title"), "TEXT" => GetMessage("top_panel_folder_prop_new_tooltip")), "HINT_MENU" => array("TITLE" => GetMessage("top_panel_folder_prop_new_menu_tooltip_title"), "TEXT" => GetMessage("top_panel_folder_prop_new_menu_tooltip")))); } // STRUCTURE button and submenu if ($USER->CanDoOperation('fileman_view_file_structure') && $USER->CanDoFileOperation('fm_edit_existent_folder', array(SITE_ID, "/"))) { $defaultUrl = $APPLICATION->GetPopupLink(array("URL" => "/freetrix/admin/public_structure.php?lang=" . LANGUAGE_ID . "&site=" . SITE_ID . "&path=" . $encCurrentFilePath . "&templateID=" . $encSiteTemplateId, "PARAMS" => array("width" => 350, "height" => 470, "resize" => true))); $arMenu = array(); if ($filemanExists) { $arMenu[] = array("TEXT" => GetMessage("main_top_panel_struct"), "TITLE" => GetMessage("main_top_panel_struct_title"), "ACTION" => $defaultUrl, "DEFAULT" => true, "HK_ID" => "main_top_panel_struct"); $arMenu[] = array('SEPARATOR' => true); $arMenu[] = array("TEXT" => GetMessage("main_top_panel_struct_panel"), "TITLE" => GetMessage("main_top_panel_struct_panel_title"), "ACTION" => "jsUtils.Redirect([], '" . CUtil::JSEscape("/freetrix/admin/fileman_admin.php?lang=" . LANGUAGE_ID . "&site=" . SITE_ID . "&path=" . urlencode($APPLICATION->GetCurDir())) . "')", "HK_ID" => "main_top_panel_struct_panel"); } $APPLICATION->AddPanelButton(array("HREF" => "javascript:" . $defaultUrl, "ID" => "structure", "ICON" => "bx-panel-site-structure-icon", "ALT" => GetMessage("main_top_panel_struct_title"), "TEXT" => GetMessage("main_top_panel_structure"), "MAIN_SORT" => "300", "SORT" => 30, "MENU" => $arMenu, "HK_ID" => "main_top_panel_structure", "HINT" => array("TITLE" => GetMessage("main_top_panel_structure_tooltip_title"), "TEXT" => GetMessage("main_top_panel_structure_tooltip")))); } //cache button if ($USER->CanDoOperation("cache_control")) { //recreate cache on the current page $arMenu = array(array("TEXT" => GetMessage("top_panel_cache_page"), "TITLE" => GetMessage("top_panel_cache_page_title"), "ICON" => "panel-page-cache", "ACTION" => "BX.clearCache()", "DEFAULT" => true, "HK_ID" => "top_panel_cache_page")); if (!empty($APPLICATION->aCachedComponents)) { $arMenu[] = array("TEXT" => GetMessage("top_panel_cache_comp"), "TITLE" => GetMessage("top_panel_cache_comp_title"), "ICON" => "panel-comp-cache", "ACTION" => "jsComponentUtils.ClearCache('component_name=" . CUtil::addslashes(implode(",", $APPLICATION->aCachedComponents)) . "&site_id=" . SITE_ID . "');", "HK_ID" => "top_panel_cache_comp"); } $arMenu[] = array("SEPARATOR" => true); $sessionClearCache = isset($_SESSION["SESS_CLEAR_CACHE"]) && $_SESSION["SESS_CLEAR_CACHE"] == "Y"; $arMenu[] = array("TEXT" => GetMessage("top_panel_cache_not"), "TITLE" => GetMessage("top_panel_cache_not_title"), "CHECKED" => $sessionClearCache, "ACTION" => "jsUtils.Redirect([], '" . CUtil::addslashes($APPLICATION->GetCurPageParam("clear_cache_session=" . ($sessionClearCache ? "N" : "Y"), array("clear_cache_session"))) . "');", "HK_ID" => "top_panel_cache_not"); // $APPLICATION->AddPanelButton(array( // "HREF" => "javascript:BX.clearCache()", // "TYPE" => "BIG", // "ICON"=>"bx-panel-clear-cache-icon", // "TEXT"=> GetMessage("top_panel_cache_new"),//GetMessage("top_panel_cache"), // "ALT"=>GetMessage("top_panel_clear_cache"), // "MAIN_SORT"=>"400", // "SORT"=>10, // "MENU"=>$arMenu, // "HK_ID"=>"top_panel_clear_cache", // "HINT" => array( // "TITLE" => GetMessage("top_panel_cache_new_tooltip_title"), // "TEXT" => GetMessage("top_panel_cache_new_tooltip") // ), // "HINT_MENU" => array( // "TITLE" => GetMessage("top_panel_cache_new_menu_tooltip_title"), // "TEXT" => GetMessage("top_panel_cache_new_menu_tooltip") // ), // )); } $bHideComponentsMenu = false; if ($USER->CanDoOperation('edit_php') || !empty($APPLICATION->arPanelFutureButtons['components'])) { if (empty($APPLICATION->arPanelFutureButtons['components'])) { if ($APPLICATION->GetShowIncludeAreas() != 'Y') { $APPLICATION->AddPanelButtonMenu('components', array("TEXT" => GetMessage("top_panel_edit_mode"), "TITLE" => GetMessage("top_panel_edit_mode_title"), "ACTION" => "jsUtils.Redirect([], BX('bx-panel-toggle').href);", "HK_ID" => "top_panel_edit_mode")); } else { $bHideComponentsMenu = true; } } if ($bHideComponentsMenu) { $APPLICATION->AddPanelButton(array("ID" => "components_empty", "HREF" => "javascript:void(0)", "ICON" => "bx-panel-components-icon", "TEXT" => GetMessage("top_panel_comp"), "MAIN_SORT" => "500", "SORT" => 10, "HINT" => array("TITLE" => GetMessage("top_panel_comp_tooltip_title"), "TEXT" => GetMessage('top_panel_comp_tooltip_empty')))); } else { $APPLICATION->AddPanelButton(array("ID" => "components", "ICON" => "bx-panel-components-icon", "TEXT" => GetMessage("top_panel_comp"), "MAIN_SORT" => "500", "SORT" => 10, "HINT" => array("TITLE" => GetMessage("top_panel_comp_tooltip_title"), "TEXT" => GetMessage("top_panel_comp_tooltip")))); } } //TEMPLATE button and submenu if ($USER->CanDoOperation("edit_php") || $USER->CanDoOperation("lpa_template_edit")) { $arMenu = array(); $bUseSubmenu = false; $defaultUrl = ''; if ($USER->CanDoOperation("edit_php")) { $filePath = SITE_TEMPLATE_PATH . "/styles.css"; if (file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $filePath)) { $arMenu[] = array("TEXT" => GetMessage("top_panel_templ_site_css"), "TITLE" => GetMessage("top_panel_templ_site_css_title"), "ICON" => "panel-edit-text", "HK_ID" => "top_panel_templ_site_css", "ACTION" => $APPLICATION->GetPopupLink(array("URL" => "/freetrix/admin/public_file_edit_src.php?lang=" . LANGUAGE_ID . "&path=" . urlencode($filePath) . "&site=" . SITE_ID . "&back_url=" . $encRequestUri, "PARAMS" => array("width" => 770, 'height' => 470, 'resize' => true, 'dialog_type' => 'EDITOR')))); $bUseSubmenu = true; } $filePath = SITE_TEMPLATE_PATH . "/template_styles.css"; if (file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $filePath)) { $arMenu[] = array("TEXT" => GetMessage("top_panel_templ_templ_css"), "TITLE" => GetMessage("top_panel_templ_templ_css_title"), "ICON" => "panel-edit-text", "HK_ID" => "top_panel_templ_templ_css", "ACTION" => $APPLICATION->GetPopupLink(array("URL" => "/freetrix/admin/public_file_edit_src.php?lang=" . LANGUAGE_ID . "&path=" . urlencode($filePath) . "&site=" . SITE_ID . "&back_url=" . $encRequestUri, "PARAMS" => array("width" => 770, 'height' => 470, 'resize' => true, 'dialog_type' => 'EDITOR')))); $bUseSubmenu = true; } } $arSubMenu = array(array("TEXT" => GetMessage("top_panel_templ_edit"), "TITLE" => GetMessage("top_panel_templ_edit_title"), "ICON" => "icon-edit", "ACTION" => "jsUtils.Redirect([], '/freetrix/admin/template_edit.php?lang=" . LANGUAGE_ID . "&ID=" . $encSiteTemplateId . "')", "DEFAULT" => !$bUseSubmenu, "HK_ID" => "top_panel_templ_edit"), array("TEXT" => GetMessage("top_panel_templ_site"), "TITLE" => GetMessage("top_panel_templ_site_title"), "ICON" => "icon-edit", "ACTION" => "jsUtils.Redirect([], '/freetrix/admin/site_edit.php?lang=" . LANGUAGE_ID . "&LID=" . SITE_ID . "')", "DEFAULT" => false, "HK_ID" => "top_panel_templ_site")); if ($bUseSubmenu) { $arMenu[] = array('SEPARATOR' => "Y"); $arMenu[] = array("TEXT" => GetMessage("top_panel_cp"), "MENU" => $arSubMenu); } else { $arMenu = $arSubMenu; $defaultUrl = "javascript:" . $arSubMenu[0]['ACTION']; } $APPLICATION->AddPanelButton(array("HREF" => $defaultUrl, "ICON" => "bx-panel-site-template-icon", "ALT" => GetMessage("top_panel_templ_title"), "TEXT" => GetMessage("top_panel_templ"), "MAIN_SORT" => "500", "SORT" => 30, "MENU" => $arMenu, "HK_ID" => "top_panel_templ", "HINT" => array("TITLE" => GetMessage("top_panel_templ_tooltip_title"), "TEXT" => GetMessage("top_panel_templ_tooltip")))); } //statistics buttons if ($USER->CanDoOperation("edit_php")) { //show debug information $sessionShowIncludeTimeExec = isset($_SESSION["SESS_SHOW_INCLUDE_TIME_EXEC"]) && $_SESSION["SESS_SHOW_INCLUDE_TIME_EXEC"] == "Y"; $sessionShowTimeExec = isset($_SESSION["SESS_SHOW_TIME_EXEC"]) && $_SESSION["SESS_SHOW_TIME_EXEC"] == "Y"; $cmd = $sessionShowIncludeTimeExec && $sessionShowTimeExec && $DB->ShowSqlStat ? "N" : "Y"; $url = $APPLICATION->GetCurPageParam("show_page_exec_time=" . $cmd . "&show_include_exec_time=" . $cmd . "&show_sql_stat=" . $cmd, array("show_page_exec_time", "show_include_exec_time", "show_sql_stat")); $arMenu = array(array("TEXT" => GetMessage("top_panel_debug_summ"), "TITLE" => GetMessage("top_panel_debug_summ_title"), "CHECKED" => $cmd == "N", "ACTION" => "jsUtils.Redirect([], '" . CUtil::addslashes($url) . "');", "DEFAULT" => true, "HK_ID" => "top_panel_debug_summ"), array("SEPARATOR" => true), array("TEXT" => GetMessage("top_panel_debug_sql"), "TITLE" => GetMessage("top_panel_debug_sql_title"), "CHECKED" => !!$DB->ShowSqlStat, "ACTION" => "jsUtils.Redirect([], '" . CUtil::addslashes($APPLICATION->GetCurPageParam("show_sql_stat=" . ($DB->ShowSqlStat ? "N" : "Y"), array("show_sql_stat"))) . "');", "HK_ID" => "top_panel_debug_sql"), array("TEXT" => GetMessage("top_panel_debug_cache"), "TITLE" => GetMessage("top_panel_debug_cache_title"), "CHECKED" => !!\Freetrix\Main\Data\Cache::getShowCacheStat(), "ACTION" => "jsUtils.Redirect([], '" . CUtil::addslashes($APPLICATION->GetCurPageParam("show_cache_stat=" . (\Freetrix\Main\Data\Cache::getShowCacheStat() ? "N" : "Y"), array("show_cache_stat"))) . "');", "HK_ID" => "top_panel_debug_cache"), array("TEXT" => GetMessage("top_panel_debug_incl"), "TITLE" => GetMessage("top_panel_debug_incl_title"), "CHECKED" => $sessionShowIncludeTimeExec, "ACTION" => "jsUtils.Redirect([], '" . CUtil::addslashes($APPLICATION->GetCurPageParam("show_include_exec_time=" . ($sessionShowIncludeTimeExec ? "N" : "Y"), array("show_include_exec_time"))) . "');", "HK_ID" => "top_panel_debug_incl"), array("TEXT" => GetMessage("top_panel_debug_time"), "TITLE" => GetMessage("top_panel_debug_time_title"), "CHECKED" => $sessionShowTimeExec, "ACTION" => "jsUtils.Redirect([], '" . CUtil::addslashes($APPLICATION->GetCurPageParam("show_page_exec_time=" . ($sessionShowTimeExec ? "N" : "Y"), array("show_page_exec_time"))) . "');", "HK_ID" => "top_panel_debug_time")); if (IsModuleInstalled("compression")) { $bShowCompressed = isset($_SESSION["SESS_COMPRESS"]) && $_SESSION["SESS_COMPRESS"] == "Y"; if (isset($_GET["compress"])) { if ($_GET["compress"] === "Y" || $_GET["compress"] === "y") { $bShowCompressed = true; } elseif ($_GET["compress"] === "N" || $_GET["compress"] === "n") { $bShowCompressed = false; } } $arMenu[] = array("SEPARATOR" => true); $arMenu[] = array("TEXT" => GetMessage("top_panel_debug_compr"), "TITLE" => GetMessage("top_panel_debug_compr_title"), "CHECKED" => !!$bShowCompressed, "ACTION" => "jsUtils.Redirect([], '" . CUtil::addslashes($APPLICATION->GetCurPageParam("compress=" . ($bShowCompressed ? "N" : "Y"), array("compress"))) . "');", "HK_ID" => "top_panel_debug_compr"); } $APPLICATION->AddPanelButton(array("HREF" => $url, "ICON" => "bx-panel-performance-icon", "TEXT" => GetMessage("top_panel_debug"), "ALT" => GetMessage("top_panel_show_debug"), "MAIN_SORT" => "500", "SORT" => 40, "MENU" => $arMenu, "HK_ID" => "top_panel_debug", "HINT" => array("TITLE" => GetMessage("top_panel_debug_tooltip_title"), "TEXT" => GetMessage("top_panel_debug_tooltip")))); } /////////////////////// SHORT URIs //////////////////////////////////////// if ($USER->CanDoOperation('manage_short_uri')) { $url = $APPLICATION->GetPopupLink(array("URL" => "/freetrix/admin/short_uri_edit.php?lang=" . LANGUAGE_ID . "&public=Y&bxpublic=Y&str_URI=" . urlencode($APPLICATION->GetCurPageParam("", array("clear_cache", "sessid", "login", "logout", "register", "forgot_password", "change_password", "confirm_registration", "confirm_code", "confirm_user_id", "freetrix_include_areas", "show_page_exec_time", "show_include_exec_time", "show_sql_stat", "show_link_stat"))) . "&site=" . SITE_ID . "&back_url=" . $encRequestUri, "PARAMS" => array("width" => 770, 'height' => 270, 'resize' => true))); $APPLICATION->AddPanelButton(array("HREF" => "javascript:" . $url, "ICON" => "bx-panel-short-url-icon", "ALT" => GetMessage("MTP_SHORT_URI_ALT"), "TEXT" => GetMessage("MTP_SHORT_URI"), "MAIN_SORT" => 1000, "HK_ID" => "MTP_SHORT_URI", "MENU" => array(array("TEXT" => GetMessage("MTP_SHORT_URI1"), "TITLE" => GetMessage("MTP_SHORT_URI_ALT1"), "ACTION" => "javascript:" . $url, "DEFAULT" => true, "HK_ID" => "MTP_SHORT_URI1"), array("TEXT" => GetMessage("MTP_SHORT_URI_LIST"), "TITLE" => GetMessage("MTP_SHORT_URI_LIST_ALT"), "ACTION" => "jsUtils.Redirect([], '" . CUtil::addslashes("/freetrix/admin/short_uri_admin.php?lang=" . LANGUAGE_ID . "") . "');", "HK_ID" => "MTP_SHORT_URI_LIST")), "MODE" => "view", "HINT" => array("TITLE" => GetMessage("MTP_SHORT_URI_HINT"), "TEXT" => GetMessage("MTP_SHORT_URI_HINT_ALT")))); } }
function GetFileTemplates($lang = LANG, $arTemplates = array()) { return GetFileTemplates($lang, $arTemplates); }
} } if (!empty($arMsg)) { $e = new CAdminException($arMsg); $GLOBALS["APPLICATION"]->ThrowException($e); return false; } return true; } /************************************************************************** GET | POST handlers ***************************************************************************/ $ID = intval($ID); $STATUS_ID = intval($STATUS_ID); $arExt = GetScriptFileExt(); $arTemplates = GetFileTemplates(); $arUploadedFiles = array(); $BODY_TYPE = $BODY_TYPE == "text" ? "text" : "html"; $FILENAME = str_replace("\\", "/", $FILENAME); $arContent = array(); $site = CWorkflow::__CheckSite($site); $DOC_ROOT = CSite::GetSiteDocRoot($site); $del_id = intval($del_id); // id of the record being deleted if ($del_id > 0 && $WORKFLOW_RIGHT > "R" && check_bitrix_sessid()) { if (CWorkflow::IsAllowEdit($del_id, $locked_by, $date_lock)) { CWorkflow::Delete($del_id); LocalRedirect("/bitrix/admin/workflow_list.php?lang=" . LANGUAGE_ID); } else { if (intval($locked_by) > 0) { $str = str_replace("#DID#", "{$del_id}", GetMessage("FLOW_DOCUMENT_LOCKED"));
public static function GetFileTemplates($lang = LANG, $arTemplates=Array()) { return GetFileTemplates($lang, $arTemplates); }