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Zsebtanár is a collection of interactive Maths exercises.


For Windwos

You need to have a running PHP Server to run the website and a working internet connection for best display.

  1. Download the repository.
  2. Unzip the file and copy the zsebtanar folder in your public_html folder (or htdocs, you are using Xampp).
  3. Make sure path to project folder is correct in application/config/config.php in line 28.
  4. Create user and database (e.g. through phpMyAdmin).
  5. Copy username, password and database name in application/config/database.php in lines 80-82.
  6. Copy the following URL in your browser: http://localhost/zsebtanar/action/setup.
  7. If everything is set up correctly, the website can be reached through the URL: http://localhost/zsebtanar/.

Note: If special characters don't apper properly, check the database character set. In order to use Hungarian special characters, use latin2_hungarian_ci.

For Docker

Only for development.

It tested on Ubuntu and Windows 10 with Docker 1.13

  1. Install Docker
  2. Clone project git clone
  3. step into the docker folder cd /path/to/zsebtanar/docker
  4. Run the docker container: docker-compose up
  5. Use this url http://localhost/action/setup for the DB initialization
  6. If everything is set up correctly, the website can be reached through the URL: http://localhost/.


  • The docker/Dockerfile contains environment variables and the create the database
  • You must run all docker-compose commands in the docker folder
  • Open interactive bash terminal: docker-compose exec zsebtanar /bin/bash
  • Run docker in background docker-compose up -d
  • Stop docker Ctrl+C or if you run in background docker-compose stop
  • More options docker-compoes --help

Add new exercise

In order to add new exercise, you have to do the following steps:

  1. Include exercise data in the JSON-file (or create new file if neede).
  2. Create a PHP class to generate exercise.
  3. Update database by copying the following URL in your browser: http://localhost/zsebtanar/action/setup.

STEP 1: Add exercise info to JSON-file

Exercises are stored in JSON-files public/resources folder. For better overview, each class has a separate JSON-file containing the corresponding exercises.

Note: The classes on the main page will appear in the same order as the files appears in the public/resources folder.

The hierachy for each JSON-file is the following:

  1. Class
  2. Topic
  3. Subtopic
  4. Exercise

Each of them must have a name attribute. Classes, subtopics and exercises must have an additional label attribute, which is the name of the PHP class file (avoid space and accents). Exercises can have additional attributes:

  • ex_order: order of exercise (if not set, order of exercise will be generated automatically)
  • level: how many times user has to solve exercise to complete it (default value: 3)
  • difficulty: how much time needed to solve problem (1: 1-2 mins, 2: 2-5 mins, 3:5+ mins)
  • tags: tags separated by comma (,) or semicolon (;)
  • link: you can create a link to an existing exercise by providing path to it in the following form: "Classlabel/Subtopiclabel/Exerciselabel". Note: If you create a link to an existing exercise, you don't need to do provide tags and you can skip STEP 2 as well.
  • dependencies: these are those "warm-up" exercises which are recommended to solve beforehand. For each such exercise, the following data need to be provided:
    • classLabel: class label of exercise
    • subtopicLabel: subtopic label of exercise
    • exerciseLabel: exercise label

This is a sample for data.json:

    "classes": [
            "label": "5",
            "name": "5. osztály",
            "topics": [
                    "name": "Alapok",
                    "subtopics": [
                            "name": "Számolás",
                            "label": "Counting",
                            "exercises": [
                                    "label": "count_apples",
                                    "name": "Számolás 1-től 20-ig",
                                    "tags": "alapműveletek;számolás"
                                    "label": "parity",
                                    "name": "Páros vagy páratlan?",
                                    "level": "4",
                                    "tags": "páros,páratlan"
                                    "label": "parity2",
                                    "name": "Páros vagy páratlan?",
                                    "link": "5/Counting/count_apples",
                                    "dependencies": [
                                            "classLabel": 5,
                                            "subtopicLabel": "Counting",
                                            "exerciseLabel": "count_apples"

STEP 2: Create PHP class to generate exercise

  1. Create a file ExerciseLabel.php in the /application/libraries/ClassLabel/SubtopicLabel folder where ClassLabel, SubtopicLabel and ExerciseLabel is equal to label of the class, subtopic and the exercise as appears in the JSON-file.
  2. Define function called Generate($level).
    • The input is always one parameter ($level), which is the level of exercise - this can be used to set the difficulty of the exercise.
    • Each exercise must be provided with the following return values:
      1. 'question': the main body of the exercise,
      2. 'solution': this is what the user will see if the answer is wrong.
      3. 'correct': correct answer that will be used to compare the user's answer against.
    • Each exercise can be provided with additional return values:
      1. 'type': exercise type,
      2. 'hints': explanation for exercise,
      3. 'labels': labels for input fields,
      4. 'youtube': youtube video ID.

You can use MathJax to display formulas.

Exercise types

You can create different types of exercise:

1. Integer (default)

User has to send an integer as an answer. To use this you have to return an integer in the $correct variable.


/* Guess number */
class Guess_number {
    function Generate($level) {

        $num = rand($level, 3*$level);

        $question = 'How many is $2\cdot'.$num.'$?';
        $correct = 2*$num;
        $solution = '$'.$correct.'$'; // use MathJax for better display

        return array(
            'question'      => $question,
            'correct'       => $correct,
            'solution'      => $solution

2. Quiz

User has to choose one answer for given options. To use this you have to return the following values:

  1. $options: array containing options
  2. $correct: key of correct option


/* Define parity of number */
class Parity {
    function Generate($level) {

        $num = rand($level, 3*$level);

        $question = 'Is the following even or odd?$$'.$num.'$$';

        $options = array('even', 'odd');
        $index = $num%2;
        $solution = $options[$index];

        shuffle($options); // shuffle options
        $correct = array_search($solution, $options); // search key of correct answer

        return array(
            'question'  => $question,
            'options'   => $options,
            'correct'   => $correct,
            'solution'  => $solution

3. Multi

User has to choose one or more answer for given options. To use this you have to return the following values:

  1. $options: array containing options
  2. $correct: array of 0s and 1s (for wrong and correct options, respectively)


/* Classify square */
class Square {
    function Generate($level) {

        $question = 'What is a square?';
        $options = array('rectangle', 'parallelogram', 'circle');
        $correct = array(1, 1, 0);
        $solution = 'The square is a rectangle and a parallelogram but not a circle.';

        return array(
            'question'  => $question,
            'options'   => $options,
            'correct'   => $correct,
            'solution'  => $solution,
            'type'      => 'multi'

4. Fraction

User has to return a fraction. To use this you have to return the following values:

  1. $correct: array containing numerator and denominator


/* Define reciprocal of fraction */
class Reciprocal {
    function Generate($level) {

        $num = rand(1, $level);
        $denom = rand(1, $level);

        $question = 'What is the reciprocal of the following fraction?$$\frac{'.$num.'}{'.$denom.'}$$';
        $correct = array($denom, $num);
        $solution = '$\frac{'.$denom.'}{'.$num.'}$';

        return array(
            'question'  => $question,
            'correct'   => $correct,
            'solution'  => $solution,
            'type'      => 'fraction'

5. Array

User has to return an array of numbers. Order is important.

  1. $correct: array containing correct numbers.
  2. $labels (optional): labels for each input field


/* Define quotient and remainer */
class Division {
    function Generate($level) {

        $dividend = rand(1, $level);
        $divisor = rand(1, $level);

        $quotient = ceil($dividend/$divisor);
        $remain = $dividend % $divisor;

        $question  = 'What is the result of the following division?$$'.$dividend.':'.$divisor.'=?$$';
        $correct   = array($quotient, $remain);
        $labels    = array('quotient', 'remain');
        $solution  = 'The quotient is $'.$quotient.'$ and the remain is $'.$remain.'$';

        return array(
            'question'  => $question,
            'correct'   => $correct,
            'labels'    => $labels,
            'solution'  => $solution,
            'type'      => 'array'

6. List

User has to return an array of numbers. Order is not important.

  1. $correct: array containing correct numbers.
  2. $labels (optional): labels for each input field


/* Define quotient and remainer */
class Sqrt {
    function Generate($level) {

        $num = pow(rand(1, $level), 2);
        $sqrt = sqrt($num);

        $question  = 'What is square root of $'.$num.'$?';
        $correct   = array(-sqrt($num), sqrt($num));
        $labels    = array('$x_1$', '$x_2$');
        $solution  = '$x_1='.$sqrt.'$, and $x_2=-'.$sqrt.'$';

        return array(
            'question'  => $question,
            'correct'   => $correct,
            'labels'    => $labels,
            'solution'  => $solution,
            'type'      => 'list'

6. Custom types

In order to add a custom type:

  1. Choose name for type (e.g. custom)
  2. Create new display in application->Views->Input->Custom.php
  3. Add custom display in application->Views->Body->Exercise
  4. Define way to compare user's answer to correct solution in application->Models->Check->GenerateMessages


You can generate hints for exercises. In this case you have to return an extra variable in the end of the function, e.g.:

return array(
    'question'  => $question,
    'correct'   => $correct,
    'solution'  => $solution,
    'hints'     => $hints

The structure of the hints can be the following:

A) Single-page

In single-page mode hints will be displayed under each other. In this case the variable $hints must be an array containing the hints. E.g.:

$hints[] = 'This is hint one.';
$hints[] = 'This is hint two.';
$hints[] = 'This is hint three.';

B) Multi-page

In multi-page mode hints of the next page will replace earlier hints. In this case the variable $hints must be an array containing subarrays, where each subarray contains the hints for the given page. E.g.:

$page[] = 'This is hint 1 on page 1.';
$page[] = 'This is hint 2 on page 1.';
$page[] = 'This is hint 3 on page 1.';
$hints[] = $page;

$page = []; // empty array
$page[] = 'This is hint 1 on page 2.';
$page[] = 'This is hint 2 on page 2.';
$page[] = 'This is hint 3 on page 2.';
$hints[] = $page;

C) Details

If you want to provide details for a specific hint, you need to add an array after the hint. E.g.:

$hints[] = 'This is a hint.';
$hints[] = array('This is', 'some details', 'about the hint.');

Or if you are using multi-page hints:

$page[] = 'This is hint 1 on page 1.';
$page[] = 'This is hint 2 on page 1.';
$page[] = array('This is', 'some details', 'about the hint.');
$hints[] = $page;

$page = []; // empty array
$page[] = 'This is hint 1 on page 2.';
$page[] = 'This is hint 2 on page 2.';
$page[] = array('This is', 'some details', 'about the hint.');
$hints[] = $page;

The program will concatenate the detail elements and add a button after the hint. If the user clicks on the hint, he will see the details.

Note: Details can only be added to the last hint of a page.

Additional features

1. Using pictures

In order to include picture into exercise:

  1. Upload pictures in public->resources->exercises folder
  2. Include picture using base_url() function. E.g.:
$question = 'How many apples are there in the tree?
    <div class="text-center">
        <img class="img-question" height="200px" src="'.base_url().'resources/exercises/count_apples/tree1.png">

To generate pictures, you can use the SVG functions (see more:

2. Built in functions

You can find additional functions application/helpers folder:

  1. language_helper.php: language functions (e.g. for suffixes and prefixes),
  2. maths_helper.php: mathematical functions,
  3. draw_helper.php: graphical functions (for creating svg).

Note: The following list of functions may not be exhaustive! Please check the files for new functions.

Language functions
Name Description
Times Add suffix 'times' to number (szor/szer/ször)
Times2 Add modified suffix 'times' to number (szorosára/szeresére/szörösére)
Fraction Add modified suffix 'th' to number (od/ed/öd)
The Add article to number
Dativ Add suffix dativus to number (at/et/öt/t)
By Add suffix 'by' to number (nál/nél)
With Add suffix 'with' to number (val/vel)
To Add suffix 'to' to number (hoz/hez/höz)
In Add suffix 'in' to number (ban/ben)
On Add suffix 'on' to number (ra/re)
On2 Add suffix 'on' to number (on/en/ön)
From Add suffix 'from' to number (ból/ből)
NumText Write down number with letters
NumArray Write down number array
StringArray Write down string array
OrderText Write order of number
BigNum Format big numbers
Maths functions
Name Description
numGen Random number generator
modifySameDigits Modify same digits
shuffleAssoc Associative array shuffle
convertRoman Convert to Roman number
newNum Generate new random number based on given number
hasDigit Check if number has digit
replaceDigit Replace digit in number
gcd Get greatest common divisor of two numbers
combos Combinations with repetitions
recursiveSeries Get member of series defined by recursive formula
equationAddition Generate equation for addition
placeValues Place values
polarToCartesian Transform polar coordinates to Cartesian
divisors Define divisors of a number
binomial_coeff binomial coefficient
fact factorial
stdev standard deviation
toRad Convert deg to rad
toDeg Convert rad to deg
round1 Round number to given precision
round2 Round number to given precision and replace '.' with ','
lcm Least common multiple of numbers "a" and "b"
primefactor Prime factorization
Draw functions
Name Description
DrawLine Draw line
DrawText Draw text
DrawRectangle Draw rectangle
DrawCircle Draw circle
DrawPolygon Draw polygon
DrawPath Draw path
DrawVector Draw vector
DrawArc Draws an arc between P1, P2, P3 (P1 is the center)
DrawPieChart Pie slice between P1, P2, P3 (P1 is the center)
PerpendicularIntersect Calculates intersection between line1 containing A and B, and line2 containing C perpendicular to line1.
Triangle Calculates third point of triangle given by two points and angles
IntersectLines Calculates intersect of two lines
LinePoint Calculate point along line
Translate Translate point with length in direction
Rotate Rotate point P around center C with angle alpha
Length Length of vector


Copyright (c) 2015 Zsebtanár The exercise framework is MIT licenced. The exercises are under a Creative Commons by-nc-sa license.



Zsebtanár is an interactive Math website for Hungarian students.







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