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This library contains the core functionality of skeleton. It handles the bootstrapping and, when used in a web context, it will receive and handle the HTTP request.

The package will automatically detect "applications", which are separate parts of your project. Each application can implement its own user interface. Applications are detected based on the URL requested by the user. Usually based on the hostname, skeleton-core will search for the matching application.

For example, one could create one application for a public website while a second application can handle the administrative interface. The public application would for example listen on, while the administrative interface would listen for requests to

The request will then be finalized by the matching module in the application. By default, the module is matched by mapping the URI on the local filesystem path, but this behaviour can be altered using routes.

One special case, is handling of so-called media files. When a media file is requested, detection of which happens based on the requested file's extension, it will be served from the media/image, media/javascript or media/css in the matching application directory.


Installation via composer:

composer require tigron/skeleton-core

After installation you can start a skeleton project.

Getting ready

Skeleton core offers a Config object that is populated from a given config directory. The Config object automatically includes all php files which are stored in the config directory. Each php file should return a php array. Each key/value pair will be available in your project.

Include a config directory


PHP files stored in the config directory will be evaluated in alphabetical order. In case you have environment-specific configuration, you can create a file environment.php in your config directory which will be evaluated last.

Get a config object

$config = \Skeleton\Core\Config::get();

Skeleton needs at least these config items to operate properly:

'application_path': The root path where skeleton can find Skeleton

Your webserver should rewrite every request to a single PHP file. This file will start your skeleton project. It should include at least the following


Altough a skeleton project can have any desired directory structure, we encourage to use the following:

- app
- config
- lib
  - model
  - external
    - package
    - asset

If more skeleton packages are installed, this structure can easily be extended to support additional features (file storage/translations/migrations/...)


The application dir will automatically be scanned for Skeleton Applications. Each subdirectory will be seen as a fully independent \Skeleton\Core\Application

There are various types of applications. Skeleton-core includes the most-used:


Other applications are available via skeleton packages (eg skeleton-application-api

A Skeleton Application\Web is a common application that handles any type of web interface. It has modules/templates/events and can contain its own media. For an Application\Web to work properly, it is important to respect the correct directory structure within the application:

- app
  - your application's folder
    - config
      - application_config1.php
      - application_config2.php
    - event
    - module
    - template
    - media
      - css
      - javascript
      - image

If you want media files to be served from additional paths, for example if you have a package manager such as bower, yarn or even the fxp/composer-asset-plugin, you can specify additional paths which will be searched in addition to the default media one.

To enable media serving from an additional asset path, include the following configuration directive in your skeleton project:

'asset_paths': The asset paths where media files can be served from if
they are not found in your application.

Application configuration

Applications can have their own configuration. The application's configuration is done via configuration files placed in the config directory of your app. Similar as the global project configuration, every PHP file will be evaluated in alphabetical order and should return an array with configuration directives. If you have environment-specific configurations, they can be included in environment.php which will be evaluated last.

The following optional configurations can be set:

Configuration Description Default value Example values
hostnames (required)an array containing the hostnames to listen for. Wildcards can be used via *. [] [ ', '*' ]
base_uri Specifies the base uri for the application. If a base_uri is specified, it will be included in the reverse url generation '/' '/v1'
default_language This is the ISO 639-1 code for the default language to be used, if no more specific one can be found 'en' 'en', 'nl', any language iso2 code provided by skeleton-i18n
session_name The name given to your session 'App' any string
sticky_session_name The key in your session where sticky session information is stored 'sys_sticky_session' any string
csrf_enabled Enable CSRF false true/false
replay_enabled Prevent replay attack false true/false
hostnames Array with hostnames that should be handled by the application [] array with any hostname(s)
routes Array with route information [] See routes
module_default The default module to search for 'index'
module_404 The 404 module on fallback when no module is found '404'
sticky_pager Enable sticky pager false Only available if skeleton-pager is installed
route_resolver Closure to provide module resolving based on requested path Internal module resolver

Application namespaces

All PHP classes in your Skeleton application should be whitin your Application Namespace, which is:


For modules, the specific namespace is


For events, the specific namespace is



An array which maps routes to modules. A route definition cab be used to generate pretty URL's, or even translated versions. Usage is best described by an example.

    'web_module_index' => [


Routing to the correct application

Based on the Host-header in the request, the correct application will be started. This is where the hostnames array in the application's configuration file (shown above) will come into play.

If skeleton-core could find a matching application based on the Host-header supplied in the request, this is the application that will be started.

If your application has base_uri configured, that will be taken into account as well. For example: the application for a CMS can be distinguished by setting its base_uri to /admin.

Routing to the correct module

Requests that do not have a file extension and thus do not match a media file, will be routed to a module and a matching method. The module is determined based on the request URI, excluding all $_GET parameters. The module is a class that should be derived from \Skeleton\Core\Application\Web\Module.

This can be best explained with some examples:

requested uri classname filename
/user/management \App\APP_NAME\Module\User\Management /user/management.php
/ \App\APP_NAME\Module\Index /index.php
/user \App\APP_NAME\Module\User /user.php
/user \App\APP_NAME\Module\User\Index /user/index.php

As you can see in the last two examples, the index modules are a bit special, in that they can be used instead of the underlying one if they sit in a subfolder. The index is configurable via configuration directive module_default

Routing to the correct method

A module can contain multiple methods that can handle the request. Each of those requests have a method-name starting with 'display'. The method is defined based on the $_GET['action'] variable.

Some examples:

requested uri classname method
/user \App\APP_NAME\Module\User display()
/user?action=test \App\APP_NAME\Module\User display_test()

Bootstrapping a specific module

You can add a 'bootstrap()' method to your module to execute this part of code everytime the module is accessed.

Securing a specific module

You can add a 'secure(): bool' method to your module to determine if the module can be accessed with the given data.

Handling of media files

If the requested url contains an extension which matches a known media type, the requested file will be served from the media/ directory of the application.

If the requested media file could not be found, skeleton-core will search for a matching file in the folder specified by configuration directive asset_dir (if any).


The skeleton-core package can take care of automatically injecting and validating CSRF tokens for every POST request it receives. Various events have been defined, with which you can control the CSRF flow. A list of these events can be found further down.

CSRF is disabled globally by default. If you would like to enable it, simply flip the csrf_enabled flag to true, via configuration directive csrf_enabled

Once enabled, it is enabled for all your applications. If you want to disable it for specific applications only, flip the csrf_enabled flag to false in the application's configuration.

Several events are available to control the CSRF behaviour, these have been documented below.

When enabled, hidden form elements with the correct token as a value will automatically be injected into every <form>...</form> block found. This allows for it to work without needing to change your code.

If you need access to the token value and names, you can access them from the env variable which is automatically assigned to your template. The available variables are listed below:

  • env.csrf_header_token_name
  • env.csrf_post_token_name
  • env.csrf_session_token_name
  • env.csrf_token

One caveat are XMLHttpRequest calls (or AJAX). If your application is using jQuery, you can use the example below to automatically inject a header for every relevant XMLHttpRequest.

First, make the token value and names available to your view. A good place to do so, might be the document's <head>...</head> block.

<!-- CSRF token values -->
<meta name="csrf-header-token-name" content="{{ env.csrf_header_token_name }}">
<meta name="csrf-token" content="{{ env.csrf_token }}">

Next, we can make use of jQuery's $.ajaxSend(). This allows you to configure settings which will be applied for every subsequent $.ajax() call (or derivatives thereof, such as $.post()).

$(document).ajaxSend(function(e, xhr, settings) {
    if (!(/^(GET|HEAD|OPTIONS|TRACE)$/.test(settings.type)) && !this.crossDomain) {
	    xhr.setRequestHeader($('meta[name="csrf-header-token-name"]').attr('content'), $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content'));

Notice the check for the request type and cross domain requests. This avoids sending your token along with requests which don't need it.


The built-in replay detection tries to work around duplicate form submissions by users double-clicking the submit button. Often, this is not caught in the UI.

Replay detection is disabled by default, if you would like to enable it, flip the replay_enabled configuration directive to true.

You can disable replay detection for individual applications by setting the replay_enabled flag to false in their respective configuration.

When the replay detection is enabled, it will inject a hidden __replay-token element into every form element it can find. Each token will be unique. Once submited, the token is added to a list of tokens seen before. If the same token appears again within 30 seconds, the replay detection will be triggered.

If your application has defined a replay_detected event, this will be called. It is up to the application to decide what action to take. One suggestion is to redirect the user to the value HTTP referrer, if present.


Events can be created to perform a task at specific key points during the application's execution.

Events are defined in Event context classes. These classes are optional, but when they are used, they should be located in the event directory of your application. The filename should be in the form of Context_name.php, for example Application.php.

The class should extend from Skeleton\Core\Event and the classname should be within the namespace \App\APP_NAME\Event\Context, where APP_NAME is the name of your application, and Context is one of the available contexts:

  • Application
  • Media
  • Module

Example of a Module event class for an application named admin:

 * Module events for the "admin" application

namespace App\Admin\Event;

class Module extends \Skeleton\Core\Event {

     * Access denied
     * @access public
    public function access_denied() {


The different contexts and their events are described below.

Application context


The bootstrap method is called before loading the application module.

public function bootstrap(\Skeleton\Core\Web\Module $module) { }

The teardown method is called after the application's run is over.

public function teardown(\Skeleton\Core\Web\Module $module) { }


The detect method is called on every request to determine if the application should handle the request, or if it should be skipped based on, for example, the requested hostname and the request's URI.

This event should return true in order to proceed with this application.

public function detect($hostname, $request_uri): bool { }

Module context


The access_denied method is called whenever a module is requested which can not be accessed by the user. The optional secure() method in the module indicates whether the user is granted access or not.

public function access_denied(\Skeleton\Core\Web\Module $module) { }

The not_found method is called whenever a module is requested which does not exist.

public function not_found() { }

Media context


The not_found method is called whenever a media file is requested which could not be found.

public function not_found() { }

Error context

The error event context is not actually part of skeleton-core, but rather of skeleton-error.


The exception method is called whenever an exception has not been caught.

public function exception() { }

Security context


The csrf_validate_enabled method overrides the complete execution of the validation, which useful to exclude specific paths. An example implementation can be found below.

public function csrf_validate_enabled(): bool {
    $excluded_paths = [

    foreach ($excluded_paths as $excluded_path) {
        if (fnmatch ($excluded_path, $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) === true) {
            return false;

    return true;

The csrf_validate_success method allows you to override the check result after a successful validation. It expects a boolean as a return value.


The csrf_validation_failed method allows you to override the check result after a failed validation. It expects a boolean as a return value.


The csrf_generate_session_token method allows you to override the generation of the session token, and generate a custom value instead. It expects a string as a return value.


The csrf_inject method allows you to override the automatic injection of the hidden CSRF token elements in the HTML forms of the rendered template. It expects a string as a return value, containing the rendered HTML to be sent back to the client.


The csrf_validate method allows you to override the validation process of the CSRF token. It expects a boolean as a return value.


The replay_detected method allows you to catch replay detection events. For example, you could redirect the user to the value of the HTTP referrer header if it is present:

public function replay_detected() {
    if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) {
        Session::redirect($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], false);
    } else {

The session_cookie method allows you to set session cookie parameters before the session is started. Typically, this would be used to SameSite cookie attribute.