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OAuth 1 Service

This library can be added to an application that wishes to validate their clients' requests with OAuth.


Just use Composer:

"require": {
    "simgroep/oauth1-service": "1.*"

Or just clone the repository and include/autoload everything yourself. But why would you?


There is a runner.php that serves as an example of usage. In the simplest way, use it like this:

use Simgroep\Oauth1Service\Service;
use Simgroep\Oauth1Service\Request;
use Simgroep\Oauth1Service\ConsumerProvider;
use Simgroep\Oauth1Service\TokenProvider;

$os = new Service(new Request, new ConsumerProvider, new TokenProvider);
$valid = $os->isValidRequest();

if ($valid === true) {
} else {

You will need to know two things in your application: is the request valid, and who is sending the request if it's actually valid?

The first question is answered by isValidRequest(). It takes a Request object as a parameter, which can be one of several supplied classes:

  • Request: a plain class that uses $_SERVER vars to determine its values.
  • SymfonyRequest: a class that takes \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request (from Symfony2 or Silex) as a parameter and uses that to determine its values.
  • Zf1Request: a class that takes \Zend_Controller_Request_Http (from Zend Framework 1) as a parameter and uses that to determine its values.

Next, the Service takes two Token Providers. They are classes that you need to implement yourself: they determine which consumerTokens and accessTokens are valid. Implement them in any way you like; as long as the classes you create implement the TokenProviderInterface, you're fine. Its getSecret() method should be used to take the token, look it up somewhere (in a database, through some service, from an array of values, whatever you want) and return its secret.

When you don't need an accessToken to be included in the request, you can omit the TokenProvider and let the Service know that an accessToken is not required:


You can also include the TokenProvider and use this call: the token will then be optional. (The token will be validated when included, and ignored when not included.)

When the request is invalid, you can find out what is wrong by looking at getError().

When the request is valid, you can fetch the required data from getDetails(). Currently, it returns the two tokens used in the request.

There is a working example in the /examples folder.

The 'Authorization' header

The code depends on having the 'Authorization' header available in your PHP context. However, when using Apache, this header is not always available. When using mod_rewrite, the following rule can help with making sure the variable $_SERVER['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] is set:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule .* - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization}]

When mod_rewrite is not available, or your .htaccess is too restricted, you might be able to work something out using the apache_request_headers() function.