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Stewie is a simple PHP MVC FRAMEWORK, Developed for practicing Object Oriented Designs and MVC matters!

As all frameworks are meant to help developers, Stewie is trying to achieve the same goal.


This Explains how to use routers,controllers,and views to simply run your app with stewie version 1.0


Route class has two method that could be used for routing. get method which handles GET method requests and pages and post method which handles post requests to a route.

Simply you can use Route like below to call a function if urls match :

    echo "welcome";

in case you have variable url, you can get these variable values like below :

    echo "welcome $username";

just put variable url part in a {} and add a parameter to your function.

router with controller

In case you wish to use a controller class for your application, You must know that Route method second parameter can also be a controller class name (which should be as same as controller class file exsiting in /controllers directory) Concatenated to controller method name using @ character. Here is an example :


This calls sayHello method of a controller class(&file) named HelloController in controllers directory. Note that variable username is also passed to the controller method.

Page not found error

You might want to show special page to user when page is not found like 404 error pages! you can have a controller or a function that handles it!



    echo "oops!";


Stewie uses Smarty Templae Engine as its default template engine to generate view files.

$smartStewie = new SmartStewie();

SmartStewie supports all View Related methods available in smarty template engine and is already configed.

in case you are using a controller, you can extend BaseController and you'll have template engine right ready. $this->templateEngine gives you access to template engine.

HomeController extends BaseController {
    public function view(){


There are several ways to connect to database in Smarty.

PDOWrapper for my sql

You can use PdoWrapper class to connect to a running mysql server. Just simply config db.php file (read more in CONFIG part).

You can use PdoWrapper class in your controller file to use its methods.

$db = new PdoWrapper();
$result = $db->select("test")->results();

PdoWrapper is already configed. You can read CONFIG part in this documentation to know learn how to make it work with your own mysql database. There is also a pdf file available with Stewie which explains PdoWrapper methods. Just take a look at PHP_PDO_Class_Wrapper.pdf

DB Model

As almost all mvc frameworks have, Stewie also has (at least one) Model layer named DB. There is a built-in MysqlDBHandler class which implements DBHandler. you can use this class after configing db.php file in configs directrory.

Then you can extend BaseModel to be able to use some ready methods such as insert,update,delete,etc

Here how you use it:

Model Class

class Test extends BaseModel{
    protected $table = "test";

Controller Class

HomeController extends BaseController {
    public function modelTest(){
        $db = new Test();
        $result = $db->all();


There are config files available in config folder.

main file includes base config arrays and variables that you can set according to your wish. Documentation exists in comments right above each variable. smartStewieConfig files has default defines for smarty template engine, configured by Stewie. You can change them as you wish (not recommended). db is configuration for your database. You can change your database host address, database name,username and password in db.php.

Attention be aware of debug mode/debugging in all config files. each one is doing individual job.



Stewie comes with two defualt filters. XSS which cleans htmlentites from $_POST arrays automaticly. Other filter is csrf filter which helps to prevent csrf attack in your application.

These filters only work in Route::post() method as third parameter as String. you can devide filters you cant to use with |. just remember all characters should be Uppercase with no space.


csrf : To use this filter, you can add {csrf} to your forms (which are going to post to page). This adds hidden input with csrf as name and session value. Then filter cheks this value and if it was not right values,shows a page.

filter classes implement Filter interface. You can add your own filters and implement Filter class. You can learn how to introduce your own classes/interfaces to stewie below.


There are two built-in validators available in Stewie to help you, both developed by other programmers.

Respect - validation known as class RespectValidator in stewie, is a large and remarkable validator class which comes with many rules.

Read more about it here []

usage :

$validator = new RespectValidator();

GUMP is also a handy validator class available in stewie, developed by Wixel Development Team .

Read more here []

Path Addreses

You can see available path addresses that are already defined in Stewie in core/defines/address_defines.php . you can use these paths all across your app.

Adding your own packages to Stewie (Auto include / Auto_wired)

You can introduce your class and objects to Stewie too. Simply open main.php file in config folder and write them in $stewie_user_packages array.

imagine your file in controllers directory, in new folder named "myClasses" :

class UserDefinedClass {

Add this Key and Value to $stewie_user_packages array to be able to use your class across your app without including.

$stewie_user_packages = array (
    "UserDefinedClass" => _controllers_ . "/myClasses/UserDefinedClass.php",



PHP MVC framework






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