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A Symfony project created on August 22, 2015, 6:00 pm.

Installing ZeroMQ

Go to

On this page it will tell you to do the following

  1. Download and build ZeroMQ (see

  2. If step 2 goes to plan run "sudo pecl install zmq-beta" to add the zeroMQ extension to PHP (without the quotes).

  3. Add "" to your php.ini (without the quotes). Although, for me step 2 already did this

  4. Restart php-fpm

Running Vagrant

Note: after doing the below you should be able to see the site by going to in your browser.

Before you do anything, you will need to add the following line to your hosts file (on a mac this is at: /etc/hosts)

To run vagrant, use the following command: vagrant up

[Edit: I have now added a shell script that does all of the below for you. You should only need to run it after you have set up your vagrant box for the first time. The shell script is called You should run this script in the /vagrant directory on your box e.g. (1) vagrant ssh (2) cd /vagrant (3) ./ . Note: the last thing the shell script does is setup the socket server, so you will need to open a new vagrant command prompt to work with the rest of the project. If that works out and you can see the website, you can skip the below steps.]

Once the vagrant box is up and running, you will need to do the following (FIRST TIME ONLY):

  1. vagrant ssh

  2. Go to the project directory: cd /vagrant

  3. Clear symfony's cache (should only be necessary if you have been running the project on your local computer):

php app/console cache:clear --env=prod

php app/console cache:clear --env=test

php app/console cache:clear --env=dev

  1. Set up the database. Do the following to achieve this:

php app/console doctrine:database:create

php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force


Note ./ is a shell script the loads in the project default data

  1. Setup the socket server. Note that you will need to keep the vagrant window that runs the socket open as it runs in the command prompt that created it. Use another vagrant window to do anything else with the rest of the project. If you close this window the socket server will stop.

php ./socketbin/game-push-server.php

When you run the socket script it should look like the command prompt is hanging (why you need to open a new vagrant window to work on the project).

  1. You should now be able to access the site by going to: . Remmber to include port number (5000) in your url.