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This is Tinderboxpushlog.

Some links:

 - official Firefox instance:
 - repository:
 - all bugs:
 - file a bug:


Clone the hg repository:
hg clone path/to/tbpl


TBPL has a client-side and a server-side component. Running only the client-side component is really simple, because you can just make it refer to the server-side component that runs on In order to do that, open js/Config.js and change the baseURL to "". Then you can open index.html and it will just work (even from the local file system).

If you want a standalone instance of TBPL with your own server-side component, the requirements for your server are a little higher. Data is stored in a MySQL database, which is accessed by both python (dataimport/ and PHP scripts. All in all, you need these things:

 - a webserver (e.g. Apache)
 - MySQL 5.1
 - PHP 5.3 with PDO
 - Python 2.6 or better with the packages mysqldb, pytz and simplejson

Then you can set everything up:

cd path/to/tbpl
# Create the folders "summaries" and "cache" in the tbpl directory and make them writable for all users:
mkdir cache summaries
chmod a+w cache summaries
# Copy the file php/config.php.example to php/config.php and follow the instructions therein to set up the needed information.

# Make sure that MySQL is running and that it is set up correctly in config.php
# and import schema.sql into your MySQL Database.

# Start the initial import (this will take a while):
python26 dataimport/ -d 5 # 5 is the number of days to go back in time

In order to keep the run data in the database up to date, the import script needs to be run periodically. You can do this with cron by editing your crontab file using the command "crontab -e" and adding this line:
*/5 * * * * python26 /path/to/tbpl/dataimport/
This will run dataimport/ every 5 minutes.

If any of this doesn't work, or if you have any other questions, pester mstange or file a TBPL bug.

Test server instance:

There is a staging installation of TBPL at which gets all of the changes pushed to the central repository every 15 minutes.  If you commit code to that repository, please use the test instance to make sure that you have not broken anything before making your changes live on  For getting access to that instance, ping philor on IRC.


Tinderboxpushlog is a tool that correlates checkins with Tinderbox or Buildbot results.






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