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Phwoolcon Payment

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Payment module for Phwoolcon

Alipay is delivered by default with this module.

1. Installation

Add this library to your project by composer:

composer require "phwoolcon/payment":"dev-master"

2. Configuration

Please create a new config file app/config/production/payment.php to
override the default settings with real Alipay profile:

return [
    'gateways' => [
        'alipay' => [
            'partner' => 'YOUR_PARTNER_ID_APPLIED_FROM_ALIPAY',
            'seller_id' => 'YOUR_SELLER_EMAIL_APPLIED_FROM_ALIPAY',
            'private_key' => '-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
            'ali_public_key' => '-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----',

3. Usage

Phwoolcon Payment implements a abstracted payment processor, all
payment procedures are invoked by Processor::run()

3.1. Start Alipay Pay Request (Mobile Web Pay)

use Phalcon\Di;
use Phwoolcon\Payment\Processor;

$di = Di::getDefault();

$tradeId = md5(microtime());
$payload = Processor::run(Payload::create([
    'gateway' => 'alipay',
    'method' => 'mobile_web',
    'action' => 'payRequest',
    'data' => [
        'trade_id' => $tradeId,
        'product_name' => 'Test product',
        'client_id' => 'test_client',
        'user_identifier' => 'Test User',
        'amount' => 1,
echo get_class($payload);       // prints Phwoolcon\Payment\Process\Payload

$result = $payload->getResult();
echo get_class($result);        // prints Phwoolcon\Payment\Process\Result

$order = $result->getOrder();
echo get_class($order);         // prints Phwoolcon\Payment\Model\Order

echo $order->getStatus();       // prints pending

$redirectUrl = $order->getPaymentGatewayUrl();
echo $redirectUrl;              // prints url like this:
                                // You can send 302 response to make browser
                                // redirecting to this url to complete a pay request

$returnUrl = $order->getOrderData('alipay_request.return_url');
echo $returnUrl;                // prints url like this:
                                // Alipay will redirect the user back to this url
                                // once the payment is complete or closed

$notifyUrl = $order->getOrderData('alipay_request.notify_url');
echo $notifyUrl;                // prints url like this:
                                // Alipay will post callback data to this url
                                // once the payment is complete or closed

3.2. Process Alipay Callback

use Phalcon\Di;
use Phwoolcon\Payment\Processor;

$di = Di::getDefault();
$payload = Processor::run(Payload::create([
    'gateway' => 'alipay',
    'method' => 'mobile_web',
    'action' => 'callback',
    'data' => $_POST,
$result = $payload->getResult();
echo $result->getResponse();    // prints success

4. How to Create Custom Payment Methods

Payment methods are defined in config file payment.php, you can add
any payment gateways/methods if necessary.

4.1. Create Payment Gateway/Method Config Structure

Edit app/config/payment.php:

return [
    'gateways' => [


        'your_gateway' => [
            'label' => 'Payment Gateway Name',
            'order_prefix' => 'SOME_PREFIX',
            'methods' => [
                'payment_method_1' => [
                    'class' => 'Fully\Qualified\Class\Name',
                    'label' => 'Payment Method Name',
                'payment_method_2' => [
                    'class' => 'Fully\Qualified\Class\Name',
                    'label' => 'Payment Method Name',
            'required_callback_parameters' => [
            'any_options' => 'value',
            'another_option' => 'value',

4.2. Fill Real World Profile

Please DO NOT fill real world profile in previous file, if you add it
to a version control software (such as git, svn), it may leak your
payment gateway account to public.

Instead, please fill them in a file in app/config/production/payment.php
and then add it to your VCS ignore list.

4.3. Create Payment Method Class

A payment method class MUST implement Phwoolcon\Payment\MethodInterface

Some common features are abstracted in Phwoolcon\Payment\MethodTrait,
you can use it in your class.

Take a quick glance at Phwoolcon\Payment\Tests\Helper\TestPaymentMethod

A payment method SHOULD implements at least two actions:
payRequest and callback

You can add any actions to your payment method, invoke them by pass
the action name to the payload of Processor::run()

Any actions SHOULD return a Phwoolcon\Payment\Process\Result, which
SHOULD contain either an Order or an error.



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