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For CurrencyFair:

Install using composer Run npm install and npm start from ./consumer/ to launch on localhost:3000 POST messages to your php server where the application is installed visit dashboard.php to view the messages as sent to the php server

For Places:

Sample URLs: https://localhost/places/index.php?find=bananas+in+dublin http://localhost/places/index.php?find=bananas+in+du&autocomplete

http://localhost/places/index.php?find=mangoes+in+berlin http://localhost/places/index.php?find=mango+in+be&autocomplete

To install the code drop the places directory into your webroot /var/www/ Make sure the places directory is writable for the composer installer, use chown -R owner:owner places

The code relies on the pear package HTTP_Request2. To install it locally change into the places folder and use composer.

Use the commands php composer.phar update php composer.phar install

or use pear install http_request2 to install globally

Original Request:

  1. Find businesses in an area.

Input: URL GET request of search terms Returns: name and address only as content type application/json

Given a query such as “burritos in Berlin” or “ramen in Tokyo” returns a list of establishment names and address. The response does not return additional information.

  1. Address autocompletion.

Input: URL GET request of search terms Returns: Autocomplete address only as content type application/json

Return possible address predictions for input. Example inputs include, ‘Schlesische Strasse 27C’, ‘Paris’, or ‘Gandalf’.


The implementation should be extensible to handle additional search methods however it is not necessary to implement them Should be flexible enough to support xml in the future handle connection problems to the Google Places API gracefully. Use an object oriented approach Do not use any existing PHP frameworks Do not create a web form Do not support optional Google API parameters Important Please provide some sample working url calls to your service to be run on localhost in a file called README.


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