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Razvoj web bazirane aplikacije za sms prijavu ispita

###Instructions for full setup:

Notice: Install composer and git tools

Clone this project to your path.

git clone

Notice: storage dir and .env file are not in git, so you need to create them manualy. .env contains nessesary constants with sensitive data. storage and bootstrap/cache directories should be writable by your web server.

Via composer update (will install if they are not installed) necessary packages.

composer update

Autoload full classmap files.

composer dump-autoload --optimize

Set up database. You can find database dump file in database dir, named sms_application_dump.sql.

Run propel command to generate models.

php artisan propel:model:build

In config/auth.php change driver to propel.

Autoload full classmap files again to add models.

composer dump-autoload --optimize

Clear application cache.

php artisan cache:clear

That's it, you should be ready.


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