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verbier is a framework inspired by Sinatra.

[sudo] pear install pearhub/verbier (OLD VERSION)

git clone instead to the the latest build.


Every programming language ought to have at least five Sinatra inspired frameworks. The idea of Sinatra is great and it is well suited for small apps.


Utilizing the power of PHP 5.3, we can make stuff like this:

get('/posts', function($self) {
	render('posts/index', array(
		'posts' => Post::findAll()

$self is an instance of Verbier\Application

All stuff you put into $self will be available in your views from $this. In the template posts/index.phtml you can call $this->posts to grab the posts we assigned earlier.

Of course, you can use POST, PUT, DELETE as well. post(), put() and delete() are your friends.


The API consist of these methods that makes the framework awesome:

  • before() Add a filter that runs before the actions.
  • after() Add a filter that runs after the actions.
  • get() Add a handler responding to GET.
  • post() Add a handler responding to POST.
  • put() Add a handler responding to PUT.
  • delete() Add a handler responding to DELETE.
  • set() Set a setting value.
  • enable() Enable a setting.
  • disable() Disable a setting.
  • setting() Get a setting value.
  • flash() Add a flash message.
  • render() Render a template.
  • redirect() Perform a HTTP redirect.

Read full API docs

Dude, show me an app!

Ok, here you go! 30 seconds blog tutorial:


// set include paths and stuff

require 'Verbier.php';

get('/', function() {
	return render('posts/index', array(
		'post' => Post::findAll()

get('/:slug', function($self, $slug) {
	return render('posts/show', array(
		'post' => Post::findBySlug($slug)

post('/', function($self) {
	$self->post = new Post($self->request->param('post'));
	if ($self->post->save()) {
		return redirect('/', array('notice' => 'The post was created.'));
	return render('posts/new');

get('/posts/new', function() {
	return render('posts/new', array('post' => new Post()));


Setting up an app

Copy examples/skeleton and start writing your awesome app.

The public folder should be the only folder accessible from the browser and you should put run() in index.php.

All route definitions should be put in app.php. what you use templates/ and models/ for is up to you, but it should be for template files and model classes.


Configuration can be done configure(). It takes two parameters: the environment and a closure.

configure('dev', function() {

configure('prod', function() {

configure(array('prod', 'dev'), function() {
	set('root', __DIR__);

Set values with set(), enable() and disable(). Get your values through $self->settings or via setting().

Templates and Layouts

When using render(), there are two ways to pass data.

  1. Pass and associative array as the second parameter
  2. Add instance variables to Application: $self->hello = 'world'

You almost always want to include a footer and a header on the pages. This can be done via layouts. Layouts are templates that hold other templates. You can set which layout to use with layout(). Either globally or inside a handler.


get('/no-layouts', function() {
	return render('no-layouts');


Verbier allows you to register plugins to your app using the registerPlugin method. Plugins should reside in lib/Plugins. I got this idea from breeze, which is also a PHP inspired framework released a year after i started on verbier.

Application::registerPlugin('Hello', function($app) {
	$app->helper('hello', function() {
		return 'Hello World';

get('/', function() {
	return hello();



Turns out whatthejeff has released another sinatra inspired php framework: breeze. Awesome work, I have incorporated some of his ideas. Two so similar projects you may ask? Yes, I've been working on this for more than a year I and don't want to kill it because of a new kid in town.


verbier is a pretty cool sinatra inspired php framework







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