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=== Résumé Manager ===
Contributors: pento
Donate link:
Tags: resume, manager, list, cv, curriculum, vitae, hresume, microformat, linkedin, xing, europass, europasscv
Requires at least: 2.7
Tested up to: 2.8.6
Stable tag: trunk

A résumé management plugin for Wordpress. Supports importing from all hResume sources, such as LinkedIn and Xing.

== Description ==
A résumé management plugin for Wordpress.

Current features include:

* Support for creating résumés in multiple formats:
    * XHTML
    * Microsoft Word - DOC/DOCX
    * PDF
    * RTF
    * Plain Text - TXT
* Support for software readable formats:
    * hResume
* Support for importing from other sources:
    * Imports LinkedIn profile
    * Imports Xing profile
    * Imports any page that confirms to the hResume format
    * Easily setup to sync regularly, so your résumé is always up to date
* Conforms with the EuroPass CV format
* Templates, for simple styling of downloadable formats

While you're here, if you're looking for a Résumé management plugin, is there a possibility that your current employer will be needing a [Job Listing and Application Management Wordpress plugin]( in the near future? ;) If so, you might want to check out the [plugin I wrote]( that does just that.

Related links:

* [Plugin Homepage](
* [Support Forum](
* [Report Bugs](

== Installation ==

1. Upload the plugin to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
1. Make sure the `ldxcache` directory is writeable by the web server
1. Sign up for a [LiveDocx Account](

== Changelog ==

= 0.1.0 =
* Initial release

== Extra Information ==

This plugin wouldn't be possible without these excellent projects:

* [LiveDocx](
* [PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser](


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