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Build scripts and source code for the Osha project

Build Status


  1. Install Drush (7.0-dev):

    • Install composer (curl -sS | php) somwhere in the PATH, and rename composer.phar to composer.
    • Clone drush repo in your working directory (i.e. ~/Work) - git clone ~/Work/drush)
    • cd ~/Work/drush
    • composer install - install drush w/composer
    • sudo ln -s ~/Work/drush/drush /usr/bin/ - add to PATH
  2. Virtual host for your Drupal instance that points to the docroot/ directory from this repo

##Quick start##

  1. Copy conf/config.template.json to config.json and customize to suit your environment

        "db" : {
            "host": "database server ip or name, ex: localhost",
            "username" : "database username, ex. user1",
            "password" : "database password, ex. password1",
            "port": 3306,
            "database" : "database name, ex. osha_test",
            "root_username": "root",
            "root_password": "s3cr3t"
        "admin" : {
            "username": "admin",
            "password": "admin",
            "email": ""
        "uri": "http://you-vh.localhost",
        "solr_server": {
            "name": "Apache Solr server",
            "enabled": 1,
            "description": "",
            "scheme": "http",
            "host": "localhost",
            "port": 8080,
            "path": "/solr",
            "http_user": "",
            "http_password": "",
            "excerpt": 1,
            "retrieve_data": 1,
            "highlight_data": 1,
            "skip_schema_check": null,
            "solr_version": "",
            "http_method": "AUTO",
            "apachesolr_read_only": null,
            "apachesolr_direct_commit": 1,
            "apachesolr_soft_commit": 1
        "variables": {
            "site_mail": "",
            "site_name": "OSHA",
            "osha_data_dir": "/home/osha/data",
            "file_temporary_path": "/tmp"
  2. Copy the following code into ~/.drush/drushrc.php (create if necessary)

            $repo_dir = drush_get_option('root') ? drush_get_option('root') : getcwd();
            $success = drush_shell_exec('cd %s && git rev-parse --show-toplevel 2> ' . drush_bit_bucket(), $repo_dir);
            if ($success) {
                $output = drush_shell_exec_output();
                $repo = $output[0];
                $options['config'] = $repo . '/drush/drushrc.php';
                $options['include'] = $repo . '/drush/commands';
                $options['alias-path'] = $repo . '/drush/aliases';

3 Create file drush/aliases/aliases.local.php and define your drush local alias (see example in drush/aliases/osha.aliases.drushrc.php) Redefine your osha.staging.sync alias as you need. Default one might not be accessible to you.

4 Run ex: ./ -b -a

3 (deprecated). Run (wrapper around few drush commands)

Warning: Running on an existing instance will destroy that instance (database) loosing all customisations

Note: You have to pass --migrate to install the migrations (taxonomies)

  1. (deprecated) (Optional) To run the migration/migration tests see the documentation from osha_migration module

Updating an existing instance

To update an existing instance without reinstalling (and loosing existing content):

  • Update the code repository from Github (git pull [origin develop])
  • Run which reverts all features and updates the migrated data

Note: You have to pass --migrate to update the migrations (taxonomies)

The output of the console should look like this:

No database updates required                                                                                          [success]
'all' cache was cleared.                                                                                              [success]
Finished performing updates.                                                                                          [ok]
The following modules will be reverted: osha_taxonomies, osha
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
Reverted osha_taxonomies.field_base.                                                                                  [ok]
Reverted osha_taxonomies.field_instance.                                                                              [ok]
Reverted osha_taxonomies.taxonomy.                                                                                    [ok]
Reverted osha.language.                                                                                               [ok]
Reverted osha.variable.                                                                                               [ok]
'all' cache was cleared.                                                                                              [success]
Built!                                                                                                                [success]
Updating NACE codes taxonomy
Processed 996 (0 created, 996 updated, 0 failed, 0 ignored) in 117.9 sec (507/min) - done with 'NaceCodes'            [completed]
Updating ESENER taxonomy
Processed 147 (0 created, 147 updated, 0 failed, 0 ignored) in 9.1 sec (967/min) - done with 'EsenerTaxonomy'         [completed]
Updating Publication types taxonomy
Processed 9 (0 created, 9 updated, 0 failed, 0 ignored) in 0.6 sec (957/min) - done with 'PublicationTypesTaxonomy'   [completed]
Updating Multilingual Thesaurus taxonomy
Processed 1728 (0 created, 1728 updated, 0 failed, 0 ignored) in 185.1 sec (560/min) - done with 'ThesaurusTaxonomy'  [completed]
'all' cache was cleared.                                                                                              [success]

Running tests

You can use the script to launch the set of tests designed for the OSHA project.

Command usage:

  • ./ - Runs all tests from the OSHA group
  • ./ ClassNameTest - Runs all the test methods from the ClassNameTest test class
  • ./ ClassNameTest testName1,testName2 - Runs only the two tests from the entire class

##Repository Layout## Breakdown for what each directory/file is used for. See also readme inside directories.

  • conf
  • Project specific configuration files
  • docroot
  • Drupal root directory
  • drush
  • Contains project specific drush commands, aliases, and configurations.
  • results
  • This directory is just used to export test results to. A good example of this is when running drush test-run with the --xml option. You can export the xml to this directory for parsing by external tools.
  • scripts
  • A directory for project-specific scripts.
  • test
  • A directory for external tests. This is great for non drupal specific tests such as selenium, qunit, casperjs.
  • .gitignore
  • Contains the a list of the most common excluded files.


This repo branching model follows the article "A successful Git branching model"


  • master - The production branch, updated with each release.
  • develop - Main development branch. Tests are performed on this branch
  • release-* - Release branches

##Translation workflow##

-- edw